
Jean Davy

Jean Davy (15 October 1911 – 5 February 2001) was a French film, stage voice actor. He was a Sociétaire of the Comédie-Française. In the premiere production of Antigone in Paris, 1944, Davy created the role of Créon. He was a French voice of Charlton Heston (The Ten Commandments, The Three Musketeers, The Four Musketeers...), Errol Flynn, Orson Welles and Robert Taylor. Source: Article "Jean Davy" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Born : 15th-Oct-1911

Movie Credits

Let’s Go Up the Champs-Élysées

The history of one of France's most famous streets is retold, featuring multiple performances from Guitry himself.
Released : 2nd-Dec-1938

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In Praise of Love

Someone we hear talking - but whom we do not see - speaks of a project which describes the four key moments of love: meeting, physical passion, arguments/separation and making up. This project is to be told through three couples: young, adult and old. We do not know if the project is for a play, a film, a novel or an opera. The author of the project is always accompanied by a kind of servant. Meanwhile, two years earlier, an American civil servant meets with an elderly French couple who had fought in the Resistance during World War II, brokering a deal with a Hollywood director to buy the rights to tell their story. The members of the old couple's family discuss heatedly questions of nation, memory and history.
Released : 16th-May-2001

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St. Val's Mystery

Désiré Le Sec has just won the "amateur policeman contest" and he is so glad he 's telling all the people around.He is an insure agent ,and his boss,his uncle,is annoyed :a man took out a big life insurance and died soon afterward.
Released : 19th-Sep-1945

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Keep It Quiet

A businessman convicted of a white-collar crime becomes a changed person upon his release from prison.
Released : 20th-Oct-1999

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The Sinners

Au Royaume des Cieux takes place in in a dreadful girls' reformatory. A couple of lovers will try to escape from this living hell.
Released : 30th-Sep-1949

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Alone in the Night

A series of crimes is being perpetrated around a famous singer. Strangely, during each of the crimes, the artist's voice is heard humming his favorite song. Suspicions lead to a chase through a nocturnal Paris, ending in a disused theater where the assassin has lured his final victim.
Released : 21st-Nov-1945

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A Jekyll-and-Hyde colonel toughens up a 17-year-old aristocrat for the Spanish Civil War.
Released : 15th-Nov-1995

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First in Line

A screen adaptation of the well-known novel by Roger Frison-Roche about the harsh lives of mountain guides and their families in the French Alps, near Chamonix and the French/Swiss/Italian borders... Like his father, Zian Servettaz is a dedicated mountain man. His Italian-born wife Bianca does not adjust well to his mountain village in France, and to the ever life-threatening dangers presented by his mountain guiding and climbing. She briefly returns to Italy and to her family. However, after Zian's insistence and trip to Italy, she returns to mountain life in the French Alps. Once back there, events will unfold, changing their lives as well as those of other mountain people forever.
Released : 23rd-Feb-1944

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Flight Into Darkness

During the First World War, before joining a squadron at the front in 1918, Herbillon (Jean-Pierre Aumont) has a liaison with Helene (Annabella), a married woman. The young man discovers that his mistress is none other than the wife of Maury (Charles Vanel), an aviator friend.
Released : 22nd-Oct-1935

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L'Herbe rouge

Telefilm directed by Pierre Kast broadcast in 1985, based on the eponymous novel by Boris Vian.
Released : 11th-Sep-1985

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The evolution of Picasso's painting up to his “pink phase.”
Released : 1st-Nov-1954

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Les Jeunes Filles

French TV movie.
Released : 9th-Nov-1979

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Special Mission

The exploits of Chief Police Inspector Chabrier, first before the invasion of France in May 1940 as he fights against spies preparing the coming the Germans, particularly Emmy de Welder, the alleged manager of the Rouen hospital. Later, Chabrier and his men go underground and resist the occupiers whatever the price to pay. When the Liberation comes Chabrier resumes his activities at the French National Police.
Released : 8th-Mar-1946

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Carnival of Sinners

A struggling artist buys a talisman that gives him love, fame and wealth. The talisman is a severed left hand, and it works perfectly, in fact, magically. But of course there is nothing free in this world, and after one year the devil comes and asks for his due.
Released : 21st-Mar-1943

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A specialist in the fight against cancer, a young doctor finds himself suffering from a terrible illness.
Released : 22nd-Oct-1947

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Criminal Brigade

After the discovery of two murders, Commissioner Chabrier, of the French secret services, is investigating the disappearance of plans affecting the national defense of the country robbed by a gang of international spies.
Released : 5th-Sep-1947

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Un jour comme les autres

A short love story between a young girl and a worker in the shoe industry. Social differences will be the undoing of this union.
Released : 1st-Jan-1958

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Dom Juan

Released : 21st-Sep-1985

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The Elegant Criminal

On 9 January 1836, Pierre Lacenaire goes to the guillotine, a murderer and a thief. He gives Allard, a police inspector, his life story, written while awaiting execution. He also asks Allard to care for Hermine, a lass to whom he has been guardian for more than ten years. In flashbacks, from the prison as Lacenaire writes, from Allard's study as he and Hermine read, and from other readers' memory after the book is published, we see Lacenaire's childhood as he stands up to bullies, including priests, his youthful thieving, his first murder, his brief army career, his seduction of a princess, and his affair with Avril, a young man who dies beside him.
Released : 19th-Dec-1990

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Directed by Jean Mailland (as Jean Michaud-Mailland) .
Released : 28th-Jan-1966

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Drôles de phénomènes

Since the day their mother Aline remarried, Patrice and Eric, a joyful pair of twins, have been very happy. Indeed, François Chantour, their stepfather, is very kind and behaves like a big brother to them. Even if they are not very rich, the four of them live a cheerful life in their charming house. The trouble is that, in Lyon, the family on the boys'father's side are worried, especially the twins' grandmother, who fears Patrice and Eric are given a bad education. She therefore brings them to her big house in the hope of their improving their manners. A very unfortunate decision indeed.
Released : 4th-Mar-1959

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The Story of Dr. Louise

The struggle of a female doctor against superstition and healers.
Released : 12th-Dec-1949

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The Naked Woman

Having become famous, a painter marries his model whom he soon brings to despair by deceiving her.
Released : 2nd-Sep-1949

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The Adventures of a Blue Fly

This film was produced as an extension of a research film on the metamorphosis of the fly. It successively shows the hatching of the eggs, the nutrition and growth of the larvae, swarming and underground penetration, the formation of the pupa, metamorphosis and organization of the adult insect.
Released : 1st-Jan-1954

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A Star to the Sun

Martine, who has become a major star of the song in Paris, wants to return to visit her hometown. Confronted with Merlerault, a very haughty and noble character who wants to teach her how to live, she succumbs after a time of anger, to the charms of the gentleman. They get married but she forgot to tell her husband that her father is in fact the most famous poacher in the area.
Released : 24th-Feb-1943

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Vienna, 1906. A passionate love story develops between Franz Lobheiner and the young Christine. Lobheiner is, however, currently seeing the married Baroness von Eggersdorf. Upon learning of his wife's infidelity, the Baron von Eggersdorf provokes a duel with Lobheiner. But the former is no longer a real threat to the Baron. Lobheiner is now passionately in love with Christine. How will this love quartet end?
Released : 19th-Dec-1958

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Rudolf, the only heir to Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary, is trapped in a loveless marriage to a Belgian princess. As he seeks to flee his stifling environment, he meets the beautiful Maria, and the two enter into a scandalous affair. Despite the interference of the Emperor, the couple refuse to give each other up.
Released : 31st-Jan-1936

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Le Dernier Été

The story of Georges Mandel, an anti-Nazi French parliamentarian who refused to abdicate to the Vichy regime.
Released : 14th-May-1997

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On the shores of Aulis, the Greeks prepare to attack Troy. But their ships are unable to set sail because the gods are holding back the winds necessary for departure. Agamemnon consults the oracle. The solution is tragic. To appease the goddess Artemis, whom he had offended, he must sacrifice his own daughter.
Released : 23rd-Jul-1968

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Town trollop Safia, much against her better judgment, falls in love with Matteo, a beggar and mystic in the native quarter of Sirocco. She flees to France, first as the mistress and then wife of a wealthy archaeologist, and bears him Matteo's child, whom he believes to be his own. Complications arise years later when Matteo finds Safia, and a ring of blackmailers uncover her past and exposes her to her husband.
Released : 22nd-Sep-1938

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L'homme qui joue avec le feu

A do gooder hopes to cure potential romantic partners of what he considers the disease of love, by putting them up in a property and having them watched over.Things do not turn out according to his plan.
Released : 5th-Aug-1942

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Mlle. Desiree

Julie and Désirée Clary are courted by the brothers Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte. Joseph marries Julie and Napoleon is affianced to Désirée. When Napoleon breaks the engagement and marries Joséphine de Beauharnais, Désirée becomes involved with General Bernadotte.
Released : 3rd-Jul-1941

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My Love is Near You

An opera singer is stricken with amnesia and, on the evening of a premiere (in his stage costume which is that of a tramp), he goes to wander with real tramps.
Released : 29th-Sep-1943

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A ruined banker is abandoned by his mistress. He commits suicide after entrusting a prostitute with twenty-thousand francs. The money changes hands. A crook is arrested in the house of an an actress he had fooled. In a luxury hotel, a typist kills her lover's wife. The trial of the murderer is followed by the bankruptcy of another financier and the money finally returns to the mistress of a suicide in the restaurant in which she had first appeared.
Released : 10th-Feb-1945

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The Last Judgment

In Central Europe, resistance to the Germans in growing. But the partisan leader is denounced and killed. His daughter and the son of the traitor love each other. Condemned by his comrades, the informer commits suicide in front of the young couple.
Released : 8th-Dec-1945

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La Grande Maguet

The orphan Catherine Maguet, nicknamed "La grande Maguet", was taken in by a young and good chatelaine, Suzanne de Norvaisis. Edmond, the husband of the latter, during a trip abroad, falls madly in love with another and will go, to conquer this one, to poison his wife. Imprisoned then released, the lord will finally marry the one for whom he has become a criminal. But the great Maguet will avenge her beloved murdered benefactress...
Released : 22nd-Oct-1947

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Judicial Error

After a banker is driven to suicide by his wife's reckless spending, an innocent cashier is wrongly implicated in a crime.
Released : 7th-Apr-1948

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Une mort sans importance

A man who has made a pact with death must designate the member of a family who must die the next day. After many hesitations, he will sacrifice the innocent young girl so that she does not know the infamy of her family.
Released : 12th-May-1948

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The Execrable Fate of Guillemette Babin

Being born a witch's daughter did not bode well for your future in the Middle Ages. Guillaumette tries to stay on the straight and narrow with a little help from a priest she visits.
Released : 14th-Oct-1948

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La louve

A chronicler gets himself hired as a gamekeeper in Monsieur De Saint-Ricquier's mansion where he lives with his stepdaughter, Henriette, everybody considers insane .
Released : 13th-Jul-1949

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Cartouche, King of Paris

The romantic life of the head of a bandit gang, wanted by the police. Cartouche gets away with being deported to Louisiana after unmasking a plot by a Duke against the throne.
Released : 2nd-Aug-1950

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Lost Souvenirs

Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Released : 11th-Nov-1950

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The Real Guilty

Inspector Dumont and his deputy Inspector Queneau investigate the murder of a young woman. They learn that the victim was pregnant before her death and that she was the mistress of Mario, a shady playboy who had dumped her while she was with child. A doctor is first suspected but is he the real culprit?
Released : 4th-Jul-1951

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The Iron Mask

The story of the Three Musketeers, D'Artagnan, and the imprisonment in an iron mask of the identical twin of the King of France, Louis XIV.
Released : 26th-Oct-1962

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The March to Glory

A tribute to Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (1889-1952) who commanded the French First Army which he led from Provence to the Rhine and the Danube. Later, from 1950 to 1951, he became the high commissioner and the commander-in-chief of Indochina where he once again proved heroic by defeating General Giap three times on the run. But cancer forced him to return to Paris where he died some time later. De Lattre de Tassigny was posthumously made Maréchal de France.
Released : 13th-Sep-1954

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The Last Season

Years ago, Jean Marsan had aspirations to be a scholar. He also had a very serious romance going on. His thick-headed, uncomprehending family soon put an end to both of those unacceptable behaviors, and he spent the rest of his youth tending cows on the family farm. Now he is old, his idiot family members have died, and he's about to sell the farm (now his) to a developer. However, there are still cows to take care of until the sale goes through, and he's not as agile as he used to be. When a young local fellow offers to help him with his farm chores, he grudgingly accepts and their initially antagonistic relationship deepens over the summer. The director of this film grew up in the French Alps on a farm similar to this one and has taken care that the details of farm management are accurately and precisely depicted. Of particular interest to cheese connoisseurs is the footage of the two men making a delicious but probably unhygienic local cheese.
Released : 8th-Jan-1992

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Clock Head

One night in Paris all the clocks and watches of the whole world stopped except that of a small professor.
Released : 11th-Apr-1970

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Vaines recherches

An anonymous phone call puts Commissioner Schneider's entire career and personal life in question. While his couple suffers from his impossible schedules, he finds himself running after a provocative murderer who announces his crimes over the phone. Very quickly, a doubt comes over him: could the culprit be closer to him than he thought?
Released : 15th-Nov-1987

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The Devil in the Box

Alain Brissot, an executive in a major company, was made redundant following a redundancy plan, but decided to put up a fight by continuing to occupy his office against all odds... He soon went on hunger strike, and, after many ups and downs, ended up taking back the job of his former manager, who had himself been ousted following the failure of a lucrative contract with an African country.
Released : 19th-Apr-1977

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The Conspiracy

Paris 1960. DeGaulle determines to end a bitter war in Algeria by granting its independence. Millions oppose him, including a group of DeGaulle's disenchanted Arm Officers. In a desperate attempt to save the colony for France, they plan a daring jailbreak of their imprisoned leader. A network of snitches inform a tenacious detective leading to an explosive three-way cat-and-mouse game among the rebels, the Gaullist politicos and the police.
Released : 1st-May-1973

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TV Credits


Antonin Berg -
Released : 4th-Jan-1985

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Self -
Released : 16th-Jan-1982

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Ces grappes de ma vigne

Trousselier -
Released : 21st-Nov-1975

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