
David Sharpe

Born : 2nd-Feb-1910

Movie Credits

Susanna Pass

The bad guys dynamite a fish hatchery. They're trying to put the hatchery out of business so they can get possession of oil underneath the lake. Roy is a game warden investigating the dynamiting.
Released : 29th-Apr-1949

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Ghost Town

An old miner is ambushed by outlaws trying to steal the $10,000 he is carrying to start up a new mine. A passing cowboy comes to the miner's aid, but winds up getting blamed for the attack.
Released : 15th-Feb-1936

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Roaring Roads

Young David Morton, heir to millions, has been over-zealously restrained from normal youthful activities by his two old-maid Aunts, Harriet and Agatha. In an outburst from his confinement, he meets lovely Gertrude, and promises to race her injured-brothers car in the Big Race. Between the gangsters trying to win the race by disabling him, and his bungling bodyguards trying to bring him home safely, David has a battle to win the race and Gertrude's heart.
Released : 12th-Apr-1935

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Gun Grit

Big city gangster muscle in on ranch territory with a cattle protection racket. Out to stop them is federal agent Jack Perrin.
Released : 27th-May-1936

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Trail Riders

In the 18th entry of Monogram's 24 "Range Buster" films, the bank of Gila Springs is robbed by Ace Alton and his gang, and Sheriff Frank Hammond, son of Marshal Jim Hammond, is killed. The Marshal sends for the Range Busters, Dusty King, Davy Sharpe and Alibi Terhune, to come and restore order to the town. Ed Cole, head of the local vigilantes, and secretly the head of the outlaws, promptly orders the trio out of town. They visit an old friend, Rancher Mike Rand and his daughter Mary. Mary's brother Jeff has unwittingly become a gang member, and carries out Cole's orders by taking a shot at Davy, but the latter makes him a prisoner during a subsequent fight in the town café. Jeff confesses to Cole's involvement, and the Range Busters, with the help of town banker Harrison, set a trap for Cole and his outlaw vigilantes.
Released : 4th-Dec-1942

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The Idaho Kid

Idaho, returning to the area he left as a boy, gets in the middle of a range feud. He takes the side of Endicott. On the other side is Hollister who is unaware that Idaho is his long lost son.
Released : 5th-Aug-1936

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Daredevils of the Red Circle

Escaped Prisoner 39013 impersonates the rich and influential Horace Granville, allowing him to create a variety of disasters. Fortunately, he is thwarted repeatedly by three daring circus daredevils.
Released : 10th-Jun-1939

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The Law Commands

Night riders are terrorizing homesteaders, and the town doctor tries to keep the locals from forming a vigilante group. After more towns people are killed, however, the rest of the town makes the doctor the town sheriff and tells him to clean up the gang.
Released : 7th-May-1937

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Where Trails Divide

Tom Allen comes to Rawhide to open a law office. But he becomes the Sheriff instead and goes after Wilson and his outlaw gang hoping his brother Billy is not one of them.
Released : 13th-Oct-1937

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Young Dynamite

A young, newly-appointed rookie state trooper, John Shields, is celebrating with his sister Jane, his younger brother Freddie and Tom Marlin, Jane's fiancé and also a trooper, when they hear over the radio that two bandits have just killed a lawyer and his watchman. John and Tom set out in their patrol cars in hopes of capturing the killers, followed by Freddie who hopes some day to qualify as a trooper. Freddie encounters the two two bandits, Spike Doland and Butch and manages to get away with the bag of gold they had stolen. While chasing Freddie they are recognized by John who they kill when he tries to arrest them. Freddie then takes matters into his own hands in seeking to capture the killers of his brother.
Released : 15th-Dec-1937

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Dick Tracy Returns

Dick Tracy battles spies and saboteurs in his efforts to bring to justice the Stark gang, a criminal family led by the vicious Pa Stark.
Released : 19th-Aug-1938

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Two Minutes to Play

Martin Granville Jr., a star track-and-field athlete, has intentions of going to Claxton College, but changes his mind when he meets Pat Meredith, a co-ed at a rival college, changes his mind team and goes to college there, just as his father Martin Granville Sr., an alum of the school, had wished. But his father has ordered him not to play football. "Dad" Granville, has offered a $100,000 endowment to his old school, not knowing his son has joined the football team, but is going to withdraw it if his son plays in the Big Game against Claxton.
Released : 2nd-Nov-1936

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The girls camp out in the woods for a publicity stunt.
Released : 24th-Apr-1936

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Top Flat

When Patsy criticises her poetry, Thelma ups and leaves for a better standard of living.
Released : 21st-Dec-1935

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Let's Do Things

Zasu & Thelma go out with two idiots to a nightclub.
Released : 6th-Jun-1931

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An All American Toothache

Thelma volunteers Patsy as a subject for her friend who is in dental school and needs somebody to practice on.
Released : 25th-Jan-1936

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The Phantom Creeps

A mad scientist attempts to rule the world by creating various elaborate inventions.
Released : 7th-Jan-1939

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The Lone Ranger Rides Again

Homesteaders are moving into the valley settled many years ago by rancher Craig Dolan. He wants to keep them out by legal means but his nephew Bart brings in outlaws to drive them out. The Lone Ranger is on hand to help the homesteaders battle Bart's men as he overcomes traps, ambushes, burning buildings and other obstacles in his attempt to bring peace to the valley.
Released : 25th-Feb-1939

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Love Fever

An actress is rehearsing a death scene in her apartment, but her neighbors all think it's the real thing.
Released : 11th-Apr-1931

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Buck Rogers

Buck Rogers and Buddy Wade are in the middle of a trans-polar dirigible flight when they are caught in a blizzard and crash. Buddy then releases a special gas to keep them in suspended animation until a rescue party can arrive. However, an avalanche covers the craft and the two are in suspended animation for 500 years. When they are found, they awake to find out that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Along with Lieutenant Wilma Deering, Buck and Buddy join in the fight to overthrow Kane and with the help of Prince Tallen of Saturn and his forces, they eventually do and Earth is free of Kane's grip.
Released : 10th-Apr-1939

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The Night Riders

Talbot uses a phony land grant to rule thirteen million acres, taxing everyone heavily and evicting those who won't pay. The Three Mesquiteers becomes mysterious "night riders" to fight this evil.
Released : 12th-Apr-1939

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Doctor's Orders

Alabam is lovesick. He tells Mickey how he can't get close to the girl of his dreams; he's overheard by Dave, a smooth operator, who insists that Alabam leave everything to him. He contrives to have Alabam and Mickey wreck Alabam's car in the girl's front yard, then he arrives, posing as a doctor, asking the residents of the house if they'll let the injured boy come inside while the doctor examines him. Meanwhile, Mickey gets a look at the girl's cousin and feigns injury so that now both lads are in beds upstairs while Dave, the doctor, conjures foul-tasting treatments. The fly in the ointment is the girl's crusty uncle, who may stand between the lads and their true loves.
Released : 12th-Sep-1930

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Bigger and Better

On the train trip home from school, all the kids except Dave talk about taking a vacation trip to Lake Arrowhead; Dave wants a summer job. Alabam suggests that his uncle might hire Dave at a department store. The uncle likes Dave's attitude and tells Alabam and Mickey they should work there too. Reluctantly, Alabam takes a sales assignment in ladies' accessories, where he's charming but clueless. Mickey, lazy and on the take, sees the store detective helping himself to a chocolate bar, so he wants that job. Dave learns the hard way that the customer is always right, Mickey puts the cuffs on the wrong customer, and Lake Arrowhead looks very far away.
Released : 24th-Oct-1930

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Ladies Last

The boys boycott the girls when they insist that the boys wear tuxedos to a big dance.
Released : 6th-Dec-1930

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Man-Made Monster

Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.
Released : 28th-Mar-1941

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Danger Ahead

The Royal Mounties are called in when one of the armored cars owned by Maxwell, containing a gold shipment, disappears with driver George Hill suspected of trying to get away with the gold. Actually, Maxwell and two henchmen had poured acid on the brake lines, causing the car to crash. Genevieve, daughter of the Mountie chief, suspects Maxwell and Thomas Hatch, president of the bank shipping the gold, but she quickly becomes more trouble than help to Sergeant Renfrew in charge of the investigation. Renfrew and Constable Kelly drive the next shipment but Maxwell plans to make them crash the same way as Hill did. Renfrew steers the vehicle into a hillside and this gives him an idea of what happened to the other car.
Released : 22nd-Jan-1940

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The Good Humor Man

Biff Jones is a driver/salesman for the Good Humor ice-cream company. He hopes to marry his girl Margie, who works as a secretary for Stuart Nagel, an insurance investigator. Margie won't marry Biff, though, because she is the sole support of her kid brother, Johnny. Biff gets involved with Bonnie, a young woman he tries to rescue from gangsters. But Biff's attempts to help her only get him accused of murder. When the police refuse to believe his story, it's up to Biff and Johnny to prove Biff's innocence and solve the crime.
Released : 24th-Mar-1950

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Bells of San Angelo

Gridley is mining silver from an old Mexican mine and bringing it into the USA thru a passage into his worthless mine. Border guard Rogers suspects Gridley and finally finds the secret entrance to the Mexican mine. He sends Lee Madison for help only to have her captured by Gridley. Trigger brings help that takes care of Gridley's men and now Roy has to rescue Madison.
Released : 15th-Apr-1947

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Two Fisted Justice

Wells Fargo hires three cowboys to clean up a lawless town.
Released : 8th-Jan-1943

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Texas to Bataan

As war looms in the Pacific, even cowboys are called on to fight the enemy. Horses are desperately needed by U.S forces stationed in the Philippines, and the Range Busters - Crash Corrigan, Alibi Terhune, and their newest partner, Davy Sharpe - are hired to accompany a herd to the islands. But first they must battle Axis spies right in Texas, as they foil a plot to steal the very horses destined for shipment.
Released : 16th-Oct-1942

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Thunder Over the Prairie

An evil land baron uses the local Indians as laborers and then finds legal methods to cheat them of their pay. The reservation physician Steve Monroe does his best to thwart the villain by peaceable methods.
Released : 29th-Jul-1941

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Silver Stallion

The Kid and his pals are horse thieves wanted by the law. As he takes a horse from Jan Walton she makes him promise to bring it back.
Released : 27th-May-1941

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Wyoming Outlaw

Will Parker has been destroyed by a local politician and now must steal to feed his family. He steals a steer from the Three Mesquiteers.
Released : 27th-Jun-1939

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Three Texas Steers

Nancy Evans, lovely circus owner, has a ranch that she's never visited, but for sentimental reasons won't sell to Mike Abbott. Her partners, secretly in league with Abbott, sabotage the circus to force Nancy to sell the ranch; instead, she goes there to live. Will her neighbors, the Three Mesquiteers, be a match for the secret swindlers? And what's so valuable about that run-down ranch anyway?
Released : 12th-May-1939

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Doomed at Sundown

Young Dave Austin hunts down the varmint who murdered his father in this B Western. Austin tracks killer Jim Hatfield to his hideout, a Mexican cantina where Hatfield and his ruthless gang terrorize the locals. After being deputized, the courageous Austin allows himself to be captured by the gang and devises an ingenious plan to turn the bad guys against one another.
Released : 6th-Jul-1937

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Social Error

A wild college student gets in fights, steals cars, is caught by the police and finally expelled from college. Later on, though, he comes to the aid of a kidnapped heiress.
Released : 30th-Apr-1935

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The Thief of Bagdad

A recalcitrant thief vies with a duplicitous Mongol ruler for the hand of a beautiful princess.
Released : 18th-Mar-1924

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Santa Fe Rides

The Transcontinental Broadcasting Company sends a sound truck and equipment to a ranch to obtain an audition from "Santa Fe" Evans and his musical cowboys (Oscar Gahan, Lloyd Perryman, Robert "Curley" Hoag, Rudy Sooter and Sherry Tansey.) Carver, arch enemy of Evans and a rival for the love of Carol Sheldon, fails in an attempt to spoil the audition. Carver frames Mr. Sheldon and Carol's brother Buddy on a charge, by Al Jensen, of receiving cattle stolen from him by Evans. Carver blames Evans for all of the Sheldon's troubles and, what with one thing or another, it looks like Evans and his cowhands will miss the big broadcast.
Released : 25th-Feb-1937

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The college aerial club is at the airfield to inaugurate a new glider. Alabam gets a lot of teasing for being a "land lizard," never wanting to fly. Mary takes him aside to boost his spirits and offers to take his photo if he'll sit on a glider parked nearby. Dave is ready to take the club's glider up, but Mickey hooks the wrong rope to his car and pulls Alabam into the air. He hasn't a clue what to do; below, Mickey and Dave try to shout instructions while the glider's owner gives chase. What goes up . . .
Released : 9th-May-1931

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Blood and Thunder

Mickey overhears the gang rehearsing a play and thinks it's real.
Released : 17th-Jan-1931

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Call a Cop!

The boyfriends rush into action when the girlfriends think there's a burglar in the house.
Released : 29th-Aug-1931

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High Gear

The gang is out for a drive on a Sunday afternoon. When it starts to rain, they take shelter in an abandoned building. Unbeknownst to them, it is actually a gangster's hideout.
Released : 28th-Feb-1931

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The Veils of Bagdad

Antar is sent by Suleiman, head of the Ottoman Empire, to Bagdad to prevent Hammam, Pasha of Bagdad, from purchasing the services of local leader Mustapha to unite the hill tribes and overthrow the emperor. The intrigue mounts as Antar falls in love with dancer Selima, who tries to avenge her father's death against Hammam's right-hand-man Kasseim, whose wife Rosanna has fallen in love with Antar!
Released : 6th-Oct-1953

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Melody of the Plains

The fourth of 12 singing Westerns starring the "Silvery-Voiced Baritone," Fred Scott, Melody of the Plains begins peacefully enough with Scott, as cowboy Steve Condon, warbling Don Swander and June Hershey's "Albuquerque." The story quickly takes a rather grim turn when one of Steve's colleagues is shot and killed after selling out to a gang of rustlers. Mistakenly believing he fired the deadly shot, a dejected Steve, along with sidekick Fuzzy, goes to work for Bud's father, a rancher nearly forced into bankruptcy by a crooked land developer.
Released : 1st-Apr-1937

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Junior G-Men

A gang of urban street kids and a club of suburban would-be federal agents, at first rivals, join forces to rescue the father of one of the kids, the inventor of a super-explosive and its remote detonator, from the clutches of a band of foreign subversives call the "Flaming Torch Gang". A 12-episode movie serial with the chapters: •1. Enemies Within •2. The Blast of Doom •3. Human Dynamite •4. Blazing Danger •5. Trapped By Traitors •6. Traitors' Treachery •7. Flaming Death •8. Hurled Through Space •9. The Plunge of Peril •10.The Toll of Treason •11.Descending Doom •12.The Power of Patriotism
Released : 1st-Nov-1940

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Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.

Dick Tracy goes up against a villain known as The Ghost, who can turn himself invisible.
Released : 27th-Dec-1941

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Cowboys from Texas

Cowboys from Texas is a 1939 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.Texas has opened up land for homesteaders. Clay Allison wants their land and has his men led by Plummer try to start a range war between them and the ranchers. With each side suspecting the other of their problems, the Mesquiteers realize someone else is responsible. Stony suspects Plummer and fakes leaving the Mesquiteers to join Plummer's gang hoping to find out who it is.
Released : 29th-Nov-1939

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Masked Emotions

Released : 22nd-Jun-1929

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California Passage

A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
Released : 15th-Dec-1950

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The Trespasser

Stevie Carson, a newspaper reporter, and Danny Butler, the "morgue" manager on the same newspaper, set out to track down the killer of a colleague, a book-reviewer who was involved with a group of rare book forgers and whose sister has been convinced her editor-fiance, Bill Monroe, killed him.
Released : 3rd-Jul-1947

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The Girl from San Lorenzo

Cisco and Pancho set out to clear their names in a series of stage robberies committed by two thugs who are impersonating them.
Released : 24th-Feb-1950

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TV Credits

The Cisco Kid

Bill Shannon, Rita's Brother - The Cisco Kid is a half-hour American Western television series starring Duncan Renaldo in the title role, The Cisco Kid, and Leo Carrillo as the jovial sidekick, Pancho. Cisco and Pancho were technically desperados, wanted for unspecified crimes, but instead viewed by the poor as Robin Hood figures who assisted the downtrodden when law enforcement officers proved corrupt or unwilling to help. It was also the first television series to be filmed in color, although few viewers saw it in color until the 1960s.
Released : 5th-Sep-1950

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