
Max Linder

Although all too frequently neglected by fans of silent comedy, Max Linder is in many ways as important a figure as Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton, or Harold Lloyd, not least because he predated (and influenced) them all by several years, and was largely responsible for the creation of the classic style of silent slapstick comedy. He started out as an actor in the French theatre, but after making his screen debut in 1905 he quickly became an enormously famous and successful film comedian on both sides of the Atlantic, thanks to his character "Max", a top-hatted dandy. By 1912, he was the highest-paid film star in the world, with an unprecedented salary of one million francs. He began to direct films in 1911 and showed equal facility behind the camera, but his career suffered an almost terminal blow when he was called up to fight in World War I. He was gassed, and the illness that resulted would blight his career. Although offered a contract in America, recurring ill-health meant that his US films had little of the sparkle of his early French work, and a brief attempt to revive his career by making films for the recently-formed United Artists (one of whose founders, of course, was Chaplin) in the early 1920s came to little, although these later films are now regarded as classics. He returned to France and killed himself in a suicide pact with his wife in 1925. Born : 16th-Dec-1883

Movie Credits

Une ruse de mari

A short movie.
Released : 16th-Jan-1911

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Au music-hall (At the Music Hall)

A series of comic mishaps in house boxes at a music hall.
Released : 1st-Jan-1907

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Released : 1st-Dec-1912

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Max Wishes He Hadn't

In consequence of a first kiss, poor Max finds himself claimed as a property of a persistent damsel. Even his approaching marriage does not deter the lady, who leads him a merry dance.
Released : 14th-Apr-1914

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Seven Years Bad Luck

After breaking a mirror in his home, superstitious Max tries to avoid situations which could bring bad luck, but in doing so causes himself the worst luck imaginable.
Released : 6th-Feb-1921

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Le serment d'un prince

A young prince secretly married to a gypsy girl is forced to disclose the fact when his father desires him to marry a wealthy girl. Cast out by his parents he is forced to earn his own living, and commencing in the streets as an acrobat he eventually becomes the star turn in a prominent vaudeville house. His father one night sees his son's performance and pleased with his success agrees to a reconciliation with him, his wife and little child. Max Linder plays the chief part in the film and his cleverness on the trapeze shows him in a new light
Released : 1st-Jan-1910

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Champion de boxe

Released : 10th-Jan-1911

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Max Wants a Divorce

Max is forced to choose between losing his newly wedded wife and a fortune. He hits upon a brilliant scheme: He will give his wife grounds for a divorce, secure the money and then make his ex-wife Mrs. Linder again. He goes through any amount of trouble in helping her to get the necessary evidence, only to find that it is all a mistake on the part of a stupid lawyer - the money and the wife are both to be his.
Released : 26th-Mar-1917

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Max in a Taxi

A wealthy alcoholic is disowned by his father for his drunken behavior. Now penniless, he takes a job as a taxi driver, despite not knowing how to drive.
Released : 23rd-Apr-1917

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Max Speaks English

"Scene, a first-class railway carriage. Max and delightful girl alone. "May I smoke?" breaks the ice, and then Max brings all the arts of fascination to bear on the lady, who is by no means shy. Max calls next day. Her father is in the enamel bath and geyser line. Max is making love; a customer enters. Girlie hides Max in portable shower bath. Enter father, who is a good salesman. He turns on the shower - and Max. What a delightful comedian Linder is." (The Bioscope, Nov. 22, 1917)
Released : 6th-Mar-1914

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Max and His Mother-in-Law

Max and his young bride attempt to enjoy an Alpine honeymoon, despite the presence of her mother.
Released : 28th-Apr-1911

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Max and His Dog Dick

When Max, a newly married man, suspects that his wife may be cheating on him, he gives his faithful dog Dick orders to keep on eye on her when he's not at home.
Released : 9th-Feb-1912

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Max Takes Tonics

Max visits a doctor who prescribes a tonic (Bordeaux of Cinchona) for him to drink every morning. Upon returning home, Max sees a large glass which was left by his wife and labeled "Souvenir de Bordeaux". He consumes it its entirety after assuming that it was his medicine. Immediately Max feels much better. Hilarity ensues as Max goes about the day in a completely drunken state.
Released : 15th-Dec-1911

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La Petite Rosse

Max Linder is an ardent suitor for the hand of a somewhat rampageous young lady. The gentle Max suffers sadly from her rough treatment, but at length he extracts the promise that she will marry him when he has learned to juggle with three balls.
Released : 22nd-Oct-1909

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Max the Heartbreaker

The story is about Max who in holiday in Switzerland meets two young American girls. They're friends, the first one is blond, the other one is brunette. He falls in love with the two of them and decide to declare his flame first to the brunette then to the blond. When they realize the game Max is playing, they decide to play also. It is a delicate comedy between the three characters realized all in outsides (certainly around the Leman's lake)with a very good direction and very pretty images. The two unknown actress are also very charming. One of the best of Max Linder.
Released : 4th-May-1917

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The Three Must-Get-Theres

In this movie, Max Linder parodies the famous novel "The Three Musketeers".
Released : 22nd-Aug-1922

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First Night Out

A young student goes to his father and asks for money. When this isn't enough he goes to his mother who gives him more. Happy, he meets his friends who are at a cafe with two young women. They eat and drink and the waiter comes with the bill and demands the student pay it. A fight ensues and he is brought back to his parents house in a carriage. His parents wake up and rush to their son who can't furnish an explanation.
Released : 5th-Aug-1905

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The False Max Linder

Auguste is cured! The doctor at the asylum said so. Delighted, his mother gives him a few coins so he can go out for a little entertainment. Auguste settles in a cinema to admire the great Max Linder. Enthused by the film, he goes off with the movie poster to make himself a suit like the star's. With a false visiting card, he goes to an agent, who sends him to the Comica film company. But the charming man is going to make a terrible mistake on his way… This comedy brings together two French silent film stars: Max Linder and Romeo Bosetti.
Released : 29th-Sep-1914

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A Farmhouse Romance

Max is informed by his rich uncle that he's tired of supporting him. Instead, he has a farmer friend and he wants Max to marry one of the farmer's daughters. However, the farmer decides that his oldest is for Max and has the youngest dress up like a maid. However, Max finds himself drawn to this 'maid' and although he wants to follow his uncle's advice, his heart is leading him to who he thinks is a common working girl. It all culminates in a cute final scene.
Released : 15th-Aug-1912

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Max's Hat

Max has been invited to meet with his in-laws and must dress formally, but each hat he attempts to wear for the occasion gets destroyed.
Released : 24th-Oct-1913

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Max Takes a Picture

Max attempts to take a photo of a woman in a bathing suit, waiting while she swims around. He's waiting for her to emerge so he can snap the photo, but she fools him by diving beneath the sea and running ashore some distance away so he doesn't see her. He then goes to great lengths to rescue her from the deep while she hides and laughs.
Released : 12th-Jan-1913

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Max Fears the Dogs

Max, who fears dogs, is chased by them through the city, over walls, and even up a chimney and onto a roof.
Released : 8th-May-1912

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Max Wants to Grow

Commonly confused with Max ne se mariera pas
Released : 6th-Dec-1912

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Max Juggles for Love

Max wants to marry a lady. Inexplicably she insists she won't marry him until he learns to juggle! Perhaps she was just trying to blow him off--but you are left wondering WHY! Max goes home and tries to learn but is pretty hopeless. So, he gets a brainstorm that he hopes might work...
Released : 8th-May-1912

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Max: Boxer By Love

Max officiates between two brawny boxers, then steps in against the cocky larger man, the acclaimed French stage director Maurice Tourneur. To gain an advantage, the tiny Max summons in the gorgeous young model, Hope Hampton, as a more suitable referee, hoping she will overlook Max's big bag of tricks.
Released : 24th-Oct-1912

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Max's First Job

Recommended by a friend of the Ambigu Theatre, Max is summoned to Joinville studios. His first role is that of a husband who comes home late.
Released : 1st-Oct-1910

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Max Gets Stuck Up

The film begins with Max being invited to dinner with his fiancée and future in-laws. To be polite, he stops on the way at a bakery to bring along a small gift for the in-laws. Unfortunately, he steps on some flypaper and has a devil of a time getting it off himself. When he arrives at the dinner, he's quite sticky and this causes LOTS of problems--which would have all been alleviated had he told them of his flypaper predicament. The title of the print gives the wrong date and title. Although there may well have been an earlier version with a similar plot (a number of films, which Max Linder made between 1905 and 1908, are still unidentified) it is quite clear that this particular one was made in 1910.
Released : 31st-Dec-1910

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The Dentures

Mother in law gets a new set of dentures. Despite being initially happy, the family soon discovers the teeth have a life of their own and jump from their owner's mouth and bite everyone who comes near--from ladies to gentlemen to policemen.
Released : 16th-Nov-1909

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Romeo Turns Bandit

Based on characters from Shakespeare's play: When Juliet's father refuses to let Romeo see her, Romeo resorts to extreme measures.
Released : 16th-May-1909

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Max and the Lady Doctor

Max visits a lady doctor for a chest cold and is alternately anxious and nervous and excited, in a romantic and sexual way, depicted by his clever pantomime.
Released : 10th-Jul-1914

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Love's Surprises

A man, his wife and their two sons are having a meal. One of the sons leaves the room pretending to be ill and collects a bunch of flowers form a cupboard and goes out. The other son takes a bunch of flowers from under his bed and he too leaves, followed by their father, also carrying flowers. The two sons and their father call on the same young women one after the other; as each arrives, the previous suitor is hidden in a piece of furniture: the father under a chair cover, one son in a cupboard and the other in a piano. A girlfriend of the young woman visits and the two play pranks on the hiding men by playing the piano and sitting on the chair cover. The three men emerge and the father chases his two sons outside until they remind him of his own folly; he gives his sons some money and urges them to keep silent.
Released : 16th-Oct-1909

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Max Plays the Part

Max sees himself as a great dramatic actor but his friends all think he's talentless. So, he invites them to come see him in a play. Unfortunately, lots of things go wrong with Max's props during the production. And, following his big dramatic suicide scene, he finds that his friends have all decided to play a trick on him--though Max has the last laugh.
Released : 1st-Jul-1914

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Max and the Donkey

Max Linder strays further from his usual haunts of situational comedy, far into straight slapstick as he gets into a dispute over the woman he is courting with a pantomime donkey -- although whether the donkey wants the girl or Max i something I can not quite make out.
Released : 4th-Jul-1912

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An Agitated Night

It is Max's wedding night, married to the beautiful Stacia Napierkowska. He and his bride are sleeping..... and a flea keeps disturbing him.
Released : 24th-May-1912

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The Romance of Max

The story is simple: Max and a pretty young lady, whom he has never met before, arrive at the same time at a luxury hotel on the Riviera, each for a little vacation by themselves. They are placed in adjoining hotel suites. Both Max and the pretty lady place their shoes outside their hotel room doors to be cleaned by staff, and the shoes fall in love.
Released : 17th-Oct-1912

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Max and the Statue

Max starts out at a costume store to get a costume for a party. He sees a suit of armor and purchases it. He wears it to the party and gets kind of drunk and passes out. In the meantime, a museum has a suit of armor ready for a new display. It is to be dedicated and some such. It comes up missing, so Max, passed out and still in his armor is put on display.
Released : 20th-Dec-1912

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Max Sets the Fashion

Max, awakening on his wedding morning, discovers that it is close on the hour when he should be at the church. He dresses hastily, and in struggling with a refractory collar, allows his boots to be burnt by the fire. There is no time to change them, and he hastens off to the bride's house. On the way his soles part company with their uppers, and poor Max enters into negotiations with a passing labourer for the purchase of his footgear.
Released : 5th-Jan-1912

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His First Cigar

The film is quite sophisticated for it's time with a relatively large number of scene changes as we follow Max's misadventures. It also features a close-up shot to show his reactions to the effects of the cigar he is smoking.
Released : 18th-Jan-1908

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In a Difficult Position

Max, a young man about town, splits his trousers while getting ready to go out one night. After applying some rather risky repairs without taking the trousers off, he gingerly heads off to a dinner party. Of course, disaster strikes almost as soon as he arrives, and he spends the rest of the film frantically attempting to hide the gaping tear in his trousers from the other guests.
Released : 15th-Feb-1908

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Harlequin's Story

Polichinelle the servant (called Harlequin in the English language version) rescues his girlfriend from a gang of decadent aristocrats, who have transformed her into a mechanical doll.
Released : 20th-Jun-1907

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Joined Lips

The setting is a postoffice. A well-to-do lady has brought her maid to lick the stamps. A man, the maid's love interest, is taken by the sight and, as soon as he can, attempts to kiss her. Unfortunately the lovers forgot about the sticky residue…
Released : 11th-Jan-1907

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Max Sets the Style

Max is late for his own wedding, and, worse yet, has no shoes.
Released : 5th-Mar-1914

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Max in Monaco

The extremely ludicrous adventures of an intoxicated man aboard a yacht.
Released : 7th-Jan-1915

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Max Takes a Bath

On doctor's orders Max buys a new bathtub, but Max struggles to fill it, and when he does, he can't bathe in peace!
Released : 1st-Feb-1911

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Max Learns to Skate

Max causes havoc when he joins other skaters on a frozen lake.
Released : 9th-May-1907

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Be My Wife

Max is determined to woo Mary, despite her Aunt Agatha's disapproval. Then, Max and Mary become embroiled in the world of Madam Coralie, a prominent dressmaker-bootlegger.
Released : 1st-Apr-1921

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Au Secours !

Max accepts a wager that he cannot remain in a haunted castle for one hour (11 PM to midnight) without crying for help. As soon as he arrives he encounters strange and nightmarish visions, but he is nevertheless on the verge of winning the bet when a phone-call brings startling news.
Released : 17th-Jun-1924

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Max and Jane Want to Do Theater

Max is a stage struck youth, and because of a deep-seated desire to go on the stage, refuses to consent to a marriage his father has planned for him. The girl, whom Max has never met, is also stage struck, and entertains no wish of marrying him, though her mother is anxious to see her make the alliance. The parents finally manage to bring the young people together, and they, in turn, exert all their skill in an attempt to disgust each other. An accidental meeting between the two when they are off guard causes them to change their minds.
Released : 11th-Dec-1911

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Max: Jockey for Love

Max meets the Countess Duvienne in a very distressing moment, for she has just learned that her jockey will be unable to ride her horse, the favorite for the owner's stakes. In that irresistible way of his, Max volunteers to ride in the jockey's stead, the countess thanks him but cannot accept his offer, because of his excessive weight. The gallant Max, nothing daunted, decides to reduce. After running a mile with a forty-pound dumbbell, he looks like a wet rag, but goes gamely to a Turkish bath. This treatment brings Max down to weight, and mounted on the countess' horse. Max fights every stride of the tight race, hut wins, not only the race, but the countess as well.
Released : 21st-Mar-1913

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The Barometer of Fidelity

This Max Linder short opens with him and his girl blissfully rowing in a canoe before skipping ahead two years later.
Released : 4th-Nov-1909

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Max Embarrassed

In this one, [Max] is on vacation and wooing a young lady, but she and her cousin decide to play a trick on him, by getting him inside a barrel, and then tossing it into the ocean.
Released : 12th-Nov-1910

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TV Credits

Encyclopédie audiovisuelle du cinéma

Self (archive footage) - Produced for television by Claude-Jean Philippe, the « Encyclopédie audiovisuelle du cinéma », recounts the history of French cinema from its birth to the beginning of the 1960s. With commentary read by Jean Rochefort.
Released : 24th-Sep-1978

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