
Georgi Zhzhyonov

Born : 8th-Mar-1915

Movie Credits

Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women

A groups of astronauts crash-land on Venus and find themselves on the wrong side of a group of Venusian women when they kill a monster that is worshipped by them.
Released : 1st-Oct-1968

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The Hot Snow

In November, 1942, near the Volga, Stanlingrad is under siege of Commander Friederich Paulus and his 330,000 men. The Russian high command unleashes an operation to protect the Mishkova River to avoid that about four hundred tanks join Paulus' army. The Soviet artillery soldiers protect their position with their lives in a bloodshed with few survivors.
Released : 6th-Jun-1972

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Tracer Element

KGB agents are organizing the disinformation campaign for a western spy.
Released : 6th-Dec-1972

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Planet of Storms

Soviet cosmonauts land on the planet Venus and find it teeming with life, some of it dangerous.
Released : 13th-Apr-1962

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Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet

In 2020, after the colonization of the moon, the spaceships Vega, Sirius and Capella are launched from Lunar Station 7. They are to explore Venus under the command of Professor Hartman, but an asteroid collides and explodes Capella. The leader ship Vega stays orbiting and sends the astronauts Kern and Sherman with the robot John to the surface of Venus, but they have problems with communication with Dr. Marsha Evans in Vega. The Sirius lands in Venus and Commander Brendan Lockhart, Andre Ferneau and Hans Walter explore the planet and are attacked by prehistoric animals. They use a vehicle to seek Kern and Sherman while collecting samples from the planet. Meanwhile John helps the two cosmonauts to survive in the hostile land.
Released : 1st-Aug-1965

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Air Crew

Story of the lives of three Soviet pilots who are united by disaster in a small town in the mountains.
Released : 14th-Jan-1980

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The End of Eternity

Directed by Andrei Yermash, and written by Isaac Asimov, Budimir Metalnikov, and Andrei Yermash, «Konets vechnosti» is a 1987 Science Fiction film, starring Oleg Vavilov, Vera Sotnikova, Georgi Zhzhyonov, Sergei Yursky, Gediminas Girdvainis and Boris Ivanov.
Released : 18th-Jun-1987

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Beware of the Car!

An insurance agent who moonlights as a carthief steals cars various crooks and never from the common people. He sells the stolen cars and gives the money to charity. His best friend, a cop, is assigned to bring in this modern robin hood.
Released : 22nd-May-1966

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The Poseidon Rushes to Help

О юных выпускниках мореходного училища и их первом выходе в море. О трудном жизненном экзамене на профессиональную и человеческую прочность, который пришлось выдержать как команде траулера «Кайра», потерпевшего бедствие во время шторма, так и коллективу спасателя «Посейдон» под командованием капитана Чигринова, где проходил свою службу герой фильма Славка Чигринов, сумевший во время опасности проявить находчивость, мужество, отвагу.
Released : 6th-Jun-1977

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The Secret Agent's Blunder

In the spring of 1961, KGB officers received information that an experienced intelligence officer Mikhail Zarokov, son of the Russian emigrant Count Tulyev, with extensive international experience and knowledge in various operations was abandoned on the territory of the Soviet Union. He is sent to Russia to carry out a very difficult and risky task, which is directly related to the nuclear industrial complex and transfer the collected information abroad...
Released : 7th-Oct-1968

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The Secret Agent's Destiny

After Tulyev's arrest, Soviet counterintelligence continues the radio game with the enemy, sending encryptions signed "Nadezhda" to the Western intelligence center. KGB officer Sinitsyn, friendly towards Tulyev, tries to persuade him to take his side — he arranges a meeting to a scout with Mariya and her son, whom he has never seen before. In addition, Mikhail learns that his father didn't die of his own death, but was most likely killed. Meanwhile, a young Soviet scientist Borkov, who spoke at an international conference about his innovative work, finds himself in the spotlight of the Western security services.
Released : 10th-Aug-1970

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The Secret Agent's Return

After returning from the USSR, Tulyev was subjected to rigorous verification of his former "owners". He continues his work in Western intelligence, but already as a Soviet intelligence officer through the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In a new capacity, he establishes the whereabouts of Hitler’s criminal Hoffmann, who was once sentenced to death, and helps the authorities arrest him. However, as a result of the conflict within NATO intelligence, Charlie Brighton, Hoffman's assistant, begins to hunt for him. At the same time, Tulyev manages to establish the identity of the murderer of his father, Karl Brockmann, with whom they crossed in the service of mercenaries somewhere in hot countries. He wants revenge, but, by an evil irony of fate, he must help prepare Brockmann for being cast as a spy in the Soviet Union.
Released : 17th-Dec-1982

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The Secret Agent’s End

Operation "Resident", which lasted 15 years, is coming to an end. But the indestructible agent of "Nadezhda" has one important mission left. Agent Carl Brockmann, who intends to steal the work of Academician Nikolai Nesterov in the defense sector, has been abandoned in the USSR. KGB leadership asks Mikhail Tulyev to return to the Soviet Union to find the spy. Meanwhile, Brockmann recruits former fascist collaborator Mikhail Kutepov for involvement in a dangerous operation.
Released : 12th-May-1986

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A Little Crane

Based on the novel of Mikhail Alekseyev "Bread — as a Noun." About the fate of a Russian woman who endured all the hardships of war and post-war life. After the war, those few who survived at the front returned to their native village. But Marfa's husband, whom she had been waiting for for so many years, would never return. Marfa, a beautiful and proud woman, remains true to her only love...
Released : 7th-Apr-1969

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The Cure Against Fear

A police detective is trying to find a murderer who uses a new recently developed drug for his crimes.
Released : 6th-Nov-1978

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The Road to 'Saturn'

A first part of story about a Soviet spies trying to infiltrate German Intelligence center "Saturn" during and after the WWII.
Released : 9th-May-1967

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The End of 'Saturn'

A second part of story about a Soviet spies trying to infiltrate German Intelligence center "Saturn" during and after the WWII.
Released : 10th-May-1967

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The Battle after the Victory

A third part of story about a Soviet spies trying to infiltrate German Intelligence center "Saturn" during and after the WWII.
Released : 21st-Aug-1972

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Road to Life

Young hobos are taken to a new camp to become good Soviet citizens. This camp works without any guards, and it works well. But crooks kill one of the young people when they try to damage the newly built railroad to the camp.
Released : 12th-Mar-1931

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Spring on the Oder

A war drama set in Germany at the end od WWII.
Released : 1st-Dec-1967

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The Big Ore

A story of Victor, a young man who is working in a big mine as driver.
Released : 14th-Dec-1964

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The Third Flare

A story about one of the hard days of WWII based on the novel by Vasiliy Bykov.
Released : 16th-Sep-1963

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Choice of Purpose

A story of the creation of the atomic bomb in America, Germany and the USSR.
Released : 1st-Jan-1975

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This film is based on the book about Vasili Ivanovich Chapaev (1887 - 1919) who was in real life the Commander of the 25th Division of the Red Army. Chapaev is an uneducated peasant and a decorated hero in the World War I and later in the Russian Civil War, that followed the Russian revolution. This man of action is fighting on the side of the poor people. His troops consist of peasants, just like him. Unable to write, he can brilliantly demonstrate various battle tactics by moving potatoes on the table. He is street smart. He never lost a battle against the experienced Generals of the Tzar's Army.
Released : 7th-Nov-1934

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The Night Guest

Released : 11th-Nov-1958

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What Taiga Was Silent About

Ad ventures of a few brave boys deep in Russian taiga.
Released : 1st-Dec-1965

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The Alteration Is Correct

After release from jail Andrey tries to start a new honest life but not everything is going as planned.
Released : 19th-Dec-1959

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The Gates to Heaven

The tank corps of General Shubnikov in the spring of 1945 was already on the outskirts of Berlin. The stray rear did not ensure the regularity of the fuel supply. Colonel Lebedenko was commissioned to organize a base of fuel and lubricants in Himmelsfort, where a small group of Soviet soldiers had to enter into an unequal battle with the remnants of an enemy tank regiment, trying to break through the city.
Released : 1st-Feb-1984

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Иван Великий

Released : 1st-Jan-1997

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Going to Search

A talented scientist Andrei Gusarov has been through difficult times - from the thirties in the Stalin's USSR and all the way to the launch of first Soviet satellite.
Released : 14th-Nov-1966

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Личное счастье

Released : 20th-Sep-1977

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Crown Prince of the Republic

After news of the future birth of a child, Sergei split from his wife, Natasha, and settled in the company of young architects, who occupied a room in a big house. As a result of a chain of unforeseen events, brought by one of the tenants found a child, Sergei finds a newborn son. Friends are doing everything possible to find a lost mother, but Sergei does not disclose their affiliation and tries to give the baby the wrong hands.
Released : 12th-Dec-1934

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Released : 1st-Jan-1978

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Ostrov Volchiy

The year is 1962. Returning after an important mission, the polar aviation pilot Tagilov saves a young woman, Tatyana, who is stranded on a chipped ice floe. She is a doctor.
Released : 13th-Jul-1970

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Released : 28th-Oct-1967

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You Will Gain In Battle

Set in the Soviet Union in the 70's. The plot is based on real industrial conflicts in the life of the country's largest metallurgical plant, where there are many acute problems. Modernization of Soviet metallurgical industry causes a clash between old style Communist bosses and the new generation of engineers and managers.
Released : 12th-May-1975

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Looking for My Fate

There were three sisters — Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov. Vera, having survived unhappy love, goes to the monastery, where she gives birth to a child. The child dies, Vera commits suicide. Lyuba and grandmother attend church and maintain relations with priest Aleksandr. To Nadezhda that condemns their religiosity, it seems that Lyuba is in love with father Aleksandr. She comes home to him and demands that he stop dating Lyuba. However, it turns out that Aleksandr is in love with Nadezhda. Knowing him better, she reciprocates him, facing a difficult choice, Aleksandr breaks with religion.
Released : 8th-Sep-1975

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Invisible Traveller

At the heart of the picture is a common legend about the last days of Emperor Alexander the First Blessed.
Released : 24th-Dec-1998

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Now Judge...

Released : 10th-Sep-1967

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The End of the Lyubavines

Based on the novel by Vasiliy Shukshin "The Lyubavines". In the winter of 1922, the Rodionovs, Vasiliy Platonovich and his nephew Kuzma, came to the remote Siberian village of Baklan, disguised as teachers sent from the district center to organize and build a school. In fact, this is an old Bolshevik and a young worker, authorized by the GPU, and their main task is to find out the whereabouts of a large and very dangerous gang, led by a former Kolchak officer, who instills fear in local residents.
Released : 27th-Mar-1972

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Someone Else's

Released : 1st-Jan-1978

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The Ocean

Three classmates of the naval school met many years later in the Northern Fleet. Their fates were different. One of them became the commander of a cruiser, while the other two had complex personal problems. In these circumstances, everyone behaves differently, sometimes not opening up from the best side.
Released : 22nd-Jul-1974

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The City of Brides

The film is based on a conflict between the director of a textile mill and the chief engineer, who regards the initiative of the director for automation of the enterprise as a projection project. However, thanks to young specialists, the director achieves the implementation of his plans by solving the demographic problem of the textile town and providing men with jobs.
Released : 5th-Oct-1985

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Screen adaptation of the novel by Yuri Bondarev. The demobilized Sergei Vokhmintsev returns to Moscow and enters the institute. Suddenly, according to the neighbor’s slanderous denunciation, his father is arrested — and Sergei, as the son of an “enemy of the people," is expelled from the party and institute. The guy goes to Kazakhstan, works at a construction site. He has many loyal friends and believes in justice...
Released : 25th-Jan-1964

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Last Bread

After going through all the details of the old combine with his own hands, the pioneer virgin landowner granddad Yakushenko met his last great suffering - harvesting bread - in the most dignified manner. Aleksei, Irina and Dmitriy decide to help granddad — and went in the evening to look for spare parts for his combine in neighbouring farms...
Released : 19th-Aug-1963

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Other People's Relatives

The young machine operator Fyodor Soloveikov marries Stesha from a neighboring village and moves to live with her parents in a house. Young and energetic, he suffocates in the petty bourgeois world of the family, living away from collective farm life. Quarrels arise between young people, where old men pour oil of discord. Not receiving proper support from his wife, Fyodor leaves home.
Released : 16th-Jan-1956

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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