
Yoko Asagami

Yoko Asagami (麻上 洋子 Asagami Yōko, born July 10, 1952 in Otaru, Hokkaido) is a Japanese voice actress who is represented by Aksent. She is most known for the roles of Yuki Mori (Space Battleship Yamato) and Saeko Nogami (City Hunter). Her married name is Yōko Ōkubo (大久保 洋子 Ōkubo Yōko).[citation needed] In 1992, she began to study traditional Japanese storytelling kōdan under the master Teisui Ichiryūsai (一龍斎 貞水 Ichiryūsai Teisui). By 2004 she had risen to become a star kōdanshi. When she performs as a storyteller, she goes by the art-name Harumi Ichiryūsai (一龍斎 春水 Ichiryūsai Harumi). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Born : 10th-Jul-1952

Movie Credits

Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01

Ace female test pilot Kusomoto Elle humiliates macho tank driver Lt. Kilgore in the first demonstration of the advanced personal battle tank, the MADOX. Kilgore vows revenge, and gets his chance when the army rather carelessly loses the prototype in Tokyo. The MADOX is found by engineering student Sujimoto Kouji, who doesn't take the time to completely read the manual and ends up zooming around Tokyo trapped in a machine he doesn't quite know how to operate. Guess who gets the job of stopping the now mobile missing MADOX? Poor Kouji. If he's late for his date, it's over between him and his girlfriend. His current attire redefines the term "over-dressed." And to top it all off, Kilgore wants to make him late- as in "the late Kouji!"
Released : 16th-Dec-1987

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Galaxy Express 999: The Movie

In the future, one can achieve immortality by obtaining a mechanized body. Orphaned, young Tetsuro hitches a ride on the space train Galaxy Express 999 in the hope of obtaining a cyborg body to avenge his mother's death. Along the way, he meets Maetel, who is the spitting image of his dead mother.
Released : 4th-Aug-1979

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City Hunter Special: The Secret Service

City Hunter, the globally adored hero, becomes embroiled in an adventure that takes him deep into the political intrigue of a Third World country and into the pain and anguish of one man's tortured past. James McGuire's life is so dangerous he has to hire bodyguards for his Secret Service agents. It doesn't help that his chief agent is actually his long-lost daughter. Luckily for him, City Hunter and Kaori are behind on the rent and need the work. But a dark secret from McGuire's past threatens to destroy him and his lonely daughter Anna. Will he live to rescue his country? Will his resentful daughter learn to love him again? Will City Hunter finally get some action?
Released : 5th-Jan-1996

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City Hunter: .357 Magnum

A beautiful pianist comes to Tokyo for a charity concert - and City Hunter is there. But music isn't his forte. He wants lessons in the language of love. Desperation is the word as bodies start dropping. A foreign dignitary is assassinated in cold blood. Secret agents scour the streets for a missing microchip. And diplomatic infighting swirls around the upcoming concert until Nina the pianist and her grandfather Klaus are kidnapped. A maelstrom of exploding grenades, the rumble of Falcon's jeep, and the tinkling of the ivories all set the stage for City Hunter: . 357 Magnum. The show must go on!
Released : 17th-Jun-1989

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Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato

The Yamato and her crew face the onslaught of the Comet Empire, a civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy who seek to conquer Earth, led by Prince Zordar. They have harnessed a comet and is using its terrible power to unleash destruction upon its rivals and inferiors... which are in fact everyone. The Space Battleship Yamato heads back into action. But this time, it shall not return, and much of the Yamato crew have signed on for their last voyage.
Released : 14th-Jul-1978

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Space Battleship Yamato

When vile aliens known as the Gamilons wreak nuclear havoc on Earth, a group of survivors refit the Japanese battleship Yamato for intergalactic travel and set off on a mission to retrieve a neutralizer that will eradicate the radiation from Earth's atmosphere.
Released : 6th-Aug-1977

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Space Runaway Ideon: Contact

A movie recap of the Space Runaway Ideon TV Series. Humanity's pursuit of knowledge leads them to the planet Solo, where they find mysterious remains of a long dead alien civilization, including the 3 part super robot 'Ideon', and a powerful warship. Using these, the Earthlings sent to investigate the ruins defend themselves in their constant conflicts against powerful aliens called the Buff Clan, who are in pursuit of 'Id', the mysterious energy that powers the Ideon.
Released : 10th-Jul-1982

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Space Battleship Yamato - Final Chapter

The Galman Empire is destroyed but the planet Galmania is not, by a chance collision of galaxies. The Bolar Federation worlds including Planet Bolar are destroyed. The Yamato, back under the command of Captain Okita, encounters the planet Denguil too late to save its humanoid civilization from being flooded by the water planet Aquarius. The surviving Denguil, a warrior race who believe only the strong should survive, plan to use Aquarius to flood Earth and destroy humanity, in order to create a new home for their race.
Released : 19th-Mar-1983

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Space Battleship Yamato: The New Voyage

Time to ease up ... not! Although the Yamato's crew has witnessed the end of the long, hard-fought Comet Empire War, a peaceful future will have to wait. While Dessler gathers together the shattered remnants of his Gamilus Empire, new forces are at work in the universe that could augur in another conflict. Seems the Black Star Empire has invaded Dessler's homeworld and is decimating it, all the while gathering power for its war machine.
Released : 10th-Sep-1979

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Swan Lake

The hero, Prince Siegfried, is out riding one day with his friends when he spies amidst swans on a lake a particularly eye-catching one with a crown on its head, the familiar Princess ...
Released : 13th-Mar-1981

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Phoenix: Karma Chapter

The story of two men - sculptor genius Akanemaru, and former bandit Gao. Discover how the lives of the two men cross repeatedly throughout their lives, how they struggle with their own fate, and how they are forced to compete with each other for a great honour, when karma is the only prize.
Released : 20th-Dec-1986

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Adieu Galaxy Express 999

Two years after the events of Galaxy Express 999, Earth has become a battlefield, and Tetsuro is summoned to board the Three-Nine once more. In this, the shattering, full-length theatrical conclusion to Leiji Matsumoto's epic story, all questions will be answered and all mysteries will be revealed as Tetsuro embarks on a journey which will reveal a secret so awful, even Maetel herself can hardly bear to speak of it.
Released : 1st-Aug-1981

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City Hunter Special: Goodbye My Sweetheart

A mysterious soldier known only as Professor takes his revenge on the government that betrayed him - and Tokyo is brought to its knees! Unless the government pays the Professor an impossible ransom, downtown Tokyo will be completely destroyed, and the Professor's beautiful sister will be the first to go! Only City Hunter, expert detective and shameless ladies' man, can keep Tokyo from being blown sky high!The bullets fly furiously, and the women have never been tempting as City Hunter takes it to the edge in this action-packed animated feature. Explosive action will rock your senses as you witness City Hunter's greatest challenge ever!
Released : 1st-Apr-1997

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Galaxy Express 999: Claire of Glass

While travelling on the Galaxy Express with Maetel, Tetsuro befriends Claire who was forced by her mother to exchange her organic body for crystal glass. When danger threatens Tetsuro, Claire tries to help him.
Released : 14th-Mar-1980

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City Hunter: Bay City Wars

Rival private eyes Ryo Saeba and Umibozu must find a way into a high-tech luxury hotel to rescue their friends who are being held hostage and stop a mad South American dictator's plans to use the hotel's supercomputer to unleash a nuclear holocaust. Highly reminiscent of Die Hard, right down to a scene where Ryu bunjee-jumps off of the roof of the hotel skyscraper with a fire hose. Written by Christopher E. Meadows
Released : 24th-Aug-1990

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City Hunter: Million Dollar Conspiracy

Beautiful American Emily O'Hara offers the City Hunter (Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura) one million dollars to protect her from a man named Douglas. Ryo & Kaori take the job, but things are not quite what they seem. The real target just might be Ryo, but it's unclear who wants Saeba dead.
Released : 24th-Aug-1990

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City Hunter: Shinjuku Private Eyes

Ryo Saeba works the streets of Tokyo as the City Hunter. He's a "sweeper" and with his sidekick Kaori Makimura, he keeps the city clean. People hire the City Hunter to solve their dangerous problems, which he does with a Colt Python. When Ryo's not working on a case, he's working on getting the ladies, and Kaori must keep him in check with her trusty 10 kg hammer.
Released : 8th-Feb-2019

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Saving Our Fragile Earth: Unico Special Chapter

This is the fourth original animated piece for the Tezuka Osamu Animation theatre that takes up Tezuka Osamu's message of "Saving our Fragile Earth" as its theme, and together with Unico's adventures commemorates the theatre's first anniversary. Unico, a unicorn's child, has dropped down from heaven. During his journey on the north wind, he meets Tsubasa, a tree boy who can speak. The Earth has become totally ruined to the extent that no creature can live there, because humans have drained it of all resources and destroyed the environment. Unico and Tsubasa go on a journey to find a way to make the Earth inhabitable again. They finally meet the Sphinx and the "time fairy" at the end of their hard journey. They decide to go back to the past and prevent humans from taking the wrong path. However, they can stay in the past for only five minutes. Will they be able to alter the future of the Earth in such short time? Their adventures to restore the Earth begin...
Released : 20th-Jul-2000

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Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend

Legend has it that the human race is not the only dominant civilization living on Earth. Two other races exist in this world: the Makai (a demon race) and the Jujinkai (a half-man, half-beast race). Once every 3,000 years, a supreme being known as the "Choujin" (Overfiend) will emerge and bring balance to all three realms on Earth. In present-day Japan, after 300 years of endless searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin inside high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo. But now, Amano, along with his sister Megumi and their sidekick Kuroko must protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe that Nagumo is not the Choujin, but an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth. Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend was originally released as a 3 episode OVA series from January 21, 1987 to April 10, 1989 but was later re-release as a compilation film on March 18, 1989.
Released : 18th-Mar-1989

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Arei's Mirror ~ Way to Virgin Space

Meguru and Mayu are two future-wanderers hoping to find the mythical Mirror of Arei that is said to allow all who glimpse it to pass beyond the edge if the universe. Highjacked by renegade android Zero, the trio joins forces when they realise that they are all searching for the same thing.
Released : 16th-Mar-1985

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Okko's Inn

12-year-old Oriko Seki, who lost her parents in a car accident, ended up living in her grandmother's Onsen Ryokan "Haru no Ya." With the ghost "Uribou" cohabitating with her and all the other odds, she ended up training to be a young female innkeeper. At first, she didn't like the training, but gradually felt her admiration for her title and began to train seriously. Thus, the growth of the young warrior Oriko begins.
Released : 12th-Sep-2018

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The Legend of Marine Snow

This little-known and poorly documented Leiji Matsumoto TV movie, tells the story of the revolution of the people of the ocean which are being invaded by the humans from the surface.
Released : 12th-Aug-1980

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Sherlock Hound: Mrs. Hudson Is Taken Hostage / The White Cliffs of Dover

In Baker City, London, the city of fog, the famous trademark Detective Holmes has a pipe as its trademark. Together with his assistant Watson, he uses his clear mind to solve difficult cases.
Released : 2nd-Aug-1986

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Mr. Pen Pen

Pen-Pen, the hat-and-tie-wearing prince of Penguin Land, turns up unexpectedly on little Mika's doorstep. and invites himself and his zany friends to stay.
Released : 31st-Mar-1986

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City Hunter the Movie: Angel Dust

Together with his partner Kaori Makimura, the kid sister of his late best friend, Ryo Saeba, fights the evil haunting the city.
Released : 8th-Sep-2023

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Space Runaway Ideon: Be Invoked

The epic conclusion to the Ideon saga, featuring what was meant to be the final 5 episodes of the TV series. The Solo Ship and its crew continue their intense battle with the Buff Clan leading to a final battle that will determine the fate of all life in the universe. This movie was the second part of a double feature along with "The Ideon: A Contact".
Released : 10th-Jul-1982

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City Hunter Special: The Death of Vicious Criminal Saeba Ryo

City Hunter, Saeba Ryo, after months of idleness, finally scores a client and it is none other than the beautiful Mega City TV newscaster, Sayaka, who fears for her life. What's more, the enemy are her employers who are ready to resort to any means necessary to kill her. Ryo takes on the might of a TV station in a bid to save Sayaka, but finds that all is not what it seems...
Released : 22nd-Apr-1999

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DNA Sights 999.9

After a meteor hits Earth, traitor forces have (for all intents and purposes) taken over, and the people are suffering. In the chaos, a boy named Tetsuro Daiba, who had lost his parents in the meteor hit, is paid a visit by Mello, a mysterious woman appearing in a bright light. When Daiba comes to, he finds itself in a spaceship infirmary under observation. Stealing a fighter that he didn't know how to pilot (until he tried it), he breaks out, flying like a total pro.
Released : 1st-Jan-1998

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The Galaxy Railways: A Letter from the Abandoned Planet

In the distant future, the planets are now connected with a massive galactic railway system. The Galaxy Express 999 has crash landed on a mysterious planet. On board are The Conductor, Killian, Maetel, and Tetsuro, a ten year-old street urchin with a heart of gold. Now it’s up to the SDF Sirius Platoon to rescue them before the Herise Time Mystery—a rift in the deep axis of time and space—repeats.
Released : 30th-Dec-2006

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Sherlock Hound: The Movie

A collection of two theatrical rereleases from 1984 and 1986, each containing two episodes from the Sherlock Hound TV series
Released : 22nd-Mar-2024

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TV Credits

メーテルリンクの青い鳥 チルチルミチルの冒険旅行

Spirit of the Water - Set in a German-speaking country in the seventies, brother and sister Tyltyl and Mytyl live with their parents, a dog and a cat. When their mother becomes seriously ill on Christmas Day, Tyltyl and Mytyl receive the visit of Berylune fairy. It entrusts them with the task of finding the “blue bird”, the bearer of happiness, making them able to heal the mother. With their dog Tyrol, cat Shanet, and a range of spirits, they set out on a journey to find the “blue bird” and maybe learn happiness along the way.
Released : 9th-Jan-1980

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森の陽気な小人たち ベルフィーとリルビット

Belfy - The Littl' Bits is a Japanese anime television series with 26 episodes, produced in 1980 by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan. First shown on TV Tokyo, its Saban-produced English translation was featured on the children's television station Nick Jr. from 1991 to 1995 alongside other children's anime series such as Adventures of the Little Koala, Maya the Bee, Noozles, The Mysterious Cities of Gold. Due to their similar size and naming scheme, an analogy is often drawn between the Littl' Bits and the Smurfs.
Released : 7th-Jan-1980

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Yuki Mori - Space Battleship Yamato is a Japanese science fiction anime series featuring an eponymous spacecraft. It is also known to English-speaking audiences as Space Cruiser Yamato; an English-dubbed and heavily edited version of the series was broadcast on North American and Australian television as Star Blazers. The first two seasons of this version were broadcast in Greece in 1981-82 as Διαστημόπλοιο Αργώ. An Italian-language version was also broadcast under the name Star Blazers in Italy, and a Portuguese-language version was successfully shown in Brazil under the title Patrulha Estelar and Viaje a la Ultima Galaxia or Astronave Intrepido in Spain and Latin America. It is a seminal series in the history of anime, marking a turn towards more complex serious works and influencing works such as Mobile Suit Gundam and Neon Genesis Evangelion; Hideaki Anno has ranked Yamato his favorite anime and credited it with sparking his interest in anime. Yamato was the first anime series or movie to win the Seiun Award, a feat not repeated until the 1985 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.
Released : 6th-Oct-1974

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Machiko Valencia - Galaxy Cyclone Braiger is an anime series aired from 1981 to 1982 in Japan. There were 39 episodes aired. Other loosely translated names include "Braiger", "Bryger", "Brygar", "Galactic Whirlwind Bryger", "Galactic Cyclone Buraiger", "Cosmo Runner". It is the first series from the J9 Series.
Released : 6th-Oct-1981

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Ai Tachibana - Dinosaur War Izenborg was a Japanese television program produced by Tsuburaya Productions that aired from 1977 to 1978 on Tokyo 12 Channel. It combined Tsuburaya's trademark suitmation tokusatsu techniques with Japanese Animation, so this program can be categorized anime or Daikaiju tokusatsu. The show runs for about 39 episodes.
Released : 7th-Oct-1977

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Michelle - La Seine no Hoshi is an anime series by Sunrise, which premiered in Japan on Fuji TV from April 4, 1975 and finished its run on December 26, 1975, spanning a total of 39 episodes. The title translates to English as "Star of the Seine" or "The Seine's Stars." It is based on Alain Delon's 1963 movie La Tulipe noire. It was created by Mitsuru Kaneko, and was directed by Masaaki Ōsumi and Yoshiyuki Tomino. It was written by Sōji Yoshikawa, while the character designer was Akio Sugino. The music for the series was composed by Shunsuke Kikuchi.
Released : 4th-Apr-1975

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新竹取物語 1000年女王

Selene - Queen Millennia is a manga series by Leiji Matsumoto which was serialized from 28 January 1980 through 11 May 1983 in both the Sankei Shimbun and Nishinippon Sports newspapers. The manga series was adapted into a 42-episode anime TV series by Toei Dōga and broadcast on the Fuji TV network from 16 April 1981 through 25 March 1982. An anime film was released on 13 March 1982 shortly before the TV series ended. The anime series was combined by Harmony Gold and Carl Macek with episodes from the 1978 Matsumoto series, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, and shown from 1985 to 1986 in the United States as the 65-episode Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years. The series was broadcast in Germany on Tele 5 during 1992 and on Mangas in France in 2004.
Released : 16th-Apr-1981

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Pakkun - Paul is a young boy whose friend Nina is kidnapped by Belt Satan, the demonic ruler of another world. He daringly goes on a mission to rescue his friend. Pakkun, a plush doll with magic powers, aids him as they plunge into Belt Satan's dimension of living toys. Paul's journey is beset by many difficulties, but he also encounters a variety of delightful wonders.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1976

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Kanna Yûki (voice) - A science fiction anime series about flying trains set in the far reaches of space.
Released : 4th-Oct-2003

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Mrs. Hudson (voice) - Loosely based on the "Sherlock Holmes" series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Hound turns all the classic characters into dogs. The canine Sherlock Holmes, his assistant Watson, and housemaid Mrs. Hudson work together to solve mysteries. The culprit is usually Professor Moriarty and his gang, who use all kinds of wacky contraptions to steal what they want.
Released : 6th-Nov-1984

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フルフル - The series explored the adventures of Kum-Kum, a naughty boy in primeval times, and his friends as they grow up, often playing antics that surprise the occasional visitor to their village, and which almost always end up with Kum-Kum being grounded by his stern father, Paru Paru.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1975

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BLUE DROP ~天使達の戯曲~

- Mari Wakatake has been living with her Grandmother for the past 5 years after a tragedy caused the loss of her home, friends and family, as well as her memories. Fearing for her future, her Grandmother admits her into Kaihou Academy, for her to make friends, instead of home studying. Although reluctant to go, she does and meets Hagino Sekonji. At first appearance, this girl appears like a normal student but inside her lies a deep secret that relates to the tragedy of 5 years ago.
Released : 2nd-Oct-2007

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Nell Trent (voice) - Nell is a young girl living with her grandfather, Mr Trent, the owner of a shop in London. As he couldn't payback a loan he made, he has to flee with Nell. They decide to search for Nell's mother, who is living somewhere in Great Britain...
Released : 25th-Oct-1979

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Chiiko - Majokko Tickle is a 1970s magical girl manga and anime by Go Nagai. Unlike Nagai's earlier Cutie Honey, Majokko Tickle is closer to the more traditional mold of magical girl anime such as Mahoutsukai Sally, and is probably more suitable for young children than most of Nagai's other works.
Released : 6th-Mar-1978

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- A young Taiwanese assassin codenamed "Glass Heart" committed suicide by jumping off a building, and her heart was pierced by metal fence. Miraculously, her life was saved by heart transplantation. During her recovery she began to experience strange dreams, which lead her to Japan looking for the donor of her heart, who happens to be Kaori Makimura, former partner of City Hunter Ryo Saeba. The author mentioned in the first tankoubon volume that Angel Heart only shares the same characters of City Hunter but not its continuation. The events are all parallel universe, therefore it has nothing to do with City Hunter.
Released : 3rd-Oct-2005

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わが青春のアルカディア・無限軌道 SSX

Kei Yûki (voice) - Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX is an animated television series created by Leiji Matsumoto. It's the sequel to the 1982 animated film Arcadia of My Youth. However, like many of the stories set in the Leijiverse, the continuity of the series does not necessarily agree with other Harlock series or films.
Released : 13th-Oct-1982

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Haruru Ajiba (voice) - Space Runaway Ideon is a 1980 anime television series produced by Sunrise.
Released : 8th-May-1980

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Lydia Cooley - Thirty-three years ago, an alien force known as the "JAM" invaded Earth through a dimensional portal over Antarctica. Earth’s forces managed to drive the JAM away to a distant planet designated as "Fairy." While the majority of Earth’s population is unaware of the JAM’s presence, the war continues on Fairy, where Rei Fukai is an SAF (Special Air Force) pilot assigned to pilot "Yukikaze"—an advanced reconnaissance fighter plane equipped with a near-sentient A.I. that detects the presence of the JAM within its path.
Released : 25th-Aug-2002

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Phantom (voice) - MegaTokyo 2027: Relentless technological development has resulted in the creation of Boomers. These are artificially intelligent androids with the potential to free mankind from physical labor; but anything that can be used can also be misused.
Released : 25th-May-1990

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Mineko Seki (voice) -
Released : 8th-Apr-2018

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タイムボカンシリーズ ゼンダマン

Amattan - Dr Monja is a scientist, who is curious about the nature of the legendary "Elixir of Life" which grants the user eternal lifetimes and forever youth. He built a device called the "Time Tunnel" in order to let a team of youngsters to start a quest down the timeline and various spaces to find an exact answer. The Akudama Trio, however, is also seemingly after exactly the same thing. Who will get it first?
Released : 3rd-Feb-1979

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魔法の妖精 ペルシャ

Princess Fairy - 11-year old Persia is an energetic, loyal and happy young girl who has grown up alongside the animals on the Serengeti plains of Africa. Twins Riki and Gaku Muroi and their grandfather, Gōken, bring Persia to Japan with them in Minato-machi, where she lives with a couple who own a grocery store. During an incident during the return flight to Japan, Persia finds herself in the "Lovely Dream", the land where dreams are born and grow. The Fairy Queen appears before Persia in the form of a butterfly, and explains that the Lovely Dream is in danger, requesting Persia's help. She gives Persia a magical golden headband with a star which reacts to the word "Papurikko". With it, Persia can conjure a magic baton which bridges her world and Lovely Dream, as well as transform into an older self by saying "Perukko Raburin Kurukuru Rinkuru". She is sent with three kappa back into the regular world with the mission of collecting love energy to thaw the frozen Lovely Dream.
Released : 6th-Jul-1984

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Helen - Angie is a young girl, who on a one fine day finds herself on the traces of an evil robber. Being the very sharp and smart girl she is, she prevents a conspiracy against the Queen of England. She then finds a great interest in investigations, and as soon as something appears suspicious to her, she investigates it without any hesitation. She comes to the assistance of Scotland Yard and aids in the arrest of many gangsters and other pickpockets. Angie often teams-up with the “not-very-helpful” chief of the police force and his handsome assistant, Michael—who Angie admires—and her best friend friend Franck, to solve the hardest criminal cases.
Released : 13th-Dec-1977

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Anna (voice) - The Earth had become a wasteland of deserts as the survivors work to rebuild communities. Daigo Otaki is a young orphan raised by his uncle. Becoming an adult, Daigo discovers that Victor City was in fact planned by his father who was a genius scientist. Daigo's sister Saori had been managing it. She pleaded with Daigo to take on the inheritance that Daigo's father left him, a super robot system known as Gordian. Daigo would join the Mechacon mechanic combat 18th regiment unit, an organization of law enforcers that defend Victor City against attacks from the Madokuta organization.
Released : 7th-Oct-1979

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Akemi Itou - Legend has it that the human race is not the only dominant civilization living on Earth. Two other races exist in this world: the Makai (a demon race) and the Juujinkai (a half-man, half-beast race). Once every 3,000 years, a supreme being known as the “Choujin” (Overfiend) will emerge and bring balance to all three realms on Earth. In present-day Japan, after 300 years of endless searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin inside high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo. But now, Amano, along with his sister Megumi and their sidekick Kuroko, must protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe that Nagumo is not the Choujin, but an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth.
Released : 21st-Jan-1987

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Akemi Ito - Legend has it that the human race is not the only dominant civilization living on Earth. Two other races exist in this world: the Makai (a demon race) and the Juujinkai (a half-man, half-beast race). Once every 3,000 years, a supreme being known as the “Choujin” (Overfiend) will emerge and bring balance to all three realms on Earth. In present-day Japan, after 300 years of endless searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin inside high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo. But now, Amano, along with his sister Megumi and their sidekick Kuroko, must protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe that Nagumo is not the Choujin, but an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth.
Released : 21st-Jan-1987

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Grandmother (voice) - A series of animated shorts based on the Pokémon franchise, with each episode telling a different story ranging from silly to heartwarming and presented with a unique art style.
Released : 5th-Jun-2020

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Saeko Nogami (voice) - Ryo Saeba works the streets of Tokyo as the City Hunter. He's a "sweeper" and with his sidekick Kaori Makimura, he keeps the city clean. People hire the City Hunter to solve their dangerous problems, which he does with a Colt Python. When Ryo's not working on a case, he's working on getting the ladies, and Kaori must keep him in check with her trusty 10 kg hammer.
Released : 6th-Apr-1987

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(voice) - When Hikaru Hoshina transforms into Cure Star, she embarks on an outer space adventure to find the rest of the Star Twinkle Cures and save the universe!
Released : 3rd-Feb-2019

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リサ -
Released : 1st-Oct-1973

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ブロッカー軍団IV マシーンブラスター

北条ユカ - Blocker Gundan 4 Machine Blaster is an anime series aired from 1976 to 1977 in Japan. There are 38 episodes aired at 25 minutes each. It is also known as "Blocker Army IV Machine Blaster", "Blocker Corps IV", "Blocker Army IV", "Blocker Corps", "Machine Blaster" and in Italian version as "Astrorobot Contatto Ypsilon".
Released : 5th-Jul-1976

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エンジェルお町 - The J9 Series are a series of anime originally created by Kokusai Eigasha.
Released : 6th-Oct-1981

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Asagami Youko - The J9 Series are a series of anime originally created by Kokusai Eigasha.
Released : 6th-Oct-1981

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バーディー - The J9 Series are a series of anime originally created by Kokusai Eigasha.
Released : 6th-Oct-1981

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おねがい! サミアどん

アン・ホプキンス - Please! Psammea-don is a Japanese anime that was broadcast from 2 April 1985 to 4 February 1986 with a total of 78 episodes produced. This anime is based on the 1902 novel Five Children and It by English author Edith Nesbit. The anime differs from the novel in revolving around four children rather than five. Three of the children are siblings while the fourth is their friend and neighbor. The four children encounter the Psammead who, in the anime, is depicted as being yellow with a blue hat, and more of a grumpy and lazy being than mischievous. In Latin America, the series was known as Samed, el duende mágico and in France and Quebec as Sablotin. In the Arab world, it was known as Moghamarat Samid.
Released : 2nd-Apr-1985

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Layla Mineri - The story is set 600 years after the destruction of Jupiter where the solar system was in a state of peace under the Bakufu government. However, the lawlessness of this new solar system prompts a man named Dan Condor to organize a new J9 team to fight against injustice. Equipped with Cosmobikes, they merge into a super robot named Baxingar.
Released : 6th-Jul-1982

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Miu (voice) - The Lolita Anime series was created by a studio called Wonder Kids. It contains many notable firsts, as the first erotic original video animation, depicting hentai scenes which include yuri, BDSM and lolicon characters. It ran from February 1984 to May 1985 and consisted of six episodes. An alternative name for this anime is Wonder Magazine Series and it was on a manga by Fumio Nakajima, which was serialized in the lolicon magazine Lemon People.
Released : 21st-Feb-1984

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ハートカクテル カラフル

- "Heart Cocktail Colorful is based on Seizou Watase's Heart Cocktail manga, which Watase wrote in the 1980s and has 11 volumes. The full color manga told love stories set in urban environments. The new manga will continue to tell love stories, but will take place in the present day. Some of the stories will include a love story with an age difference, a love story between two people who cannot meet due to the pandemic, and the love of a single mother."
Released : 3rd-Oct-1986

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Keiko - A spiritual battle is being waged within the capital of Tokyo during the turn of the 20th century. In 1908, Japan is undergoing an enormous process of industrial renovation due the influence of radical western ideals. Technology and politics shift the country's emphasis more and more away from the traditions of the past, with Tokyo being the main center of this radical movement. At the same time, Yasumasa Hirai, an Onmyoji of the Tsuchimikado Family, has been called from Kyoto to Tokyo in order to participate in a secret meeting concerning plans to turn Tokyo into the most commercial and blessed city in all of Japan. Opposing Hirai is Yasunori Kato, an evil Onmyoji whose only desire is the complete destruction of Tokyo. Yasumasa Hirai and Kato Yasunori meet and fight for the future of Tokyo and the Japanese Empire.
Released : 27th-Sep-1991

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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