
Anatoly Slivnikov

Born : 14th-Feb-1950

Movie Credits

Midnight in Saint Petersburg

Harry Palmer heads a private investigation business based in Moscow. His associates are Nikolai "Nick" Petrov, ex-CIA agent Craig, and ex-KGB Colonel Gradsky. They take on the job of finding 1000 grams of weapons-grade plutonium stolen from the Russian government, though they do not know the identity of their client.
Released : 17th-Oct-1996

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My Friend Ivan Lapshin

Russian provincial town in the middle of the 1930s Stalin's Great Purge. Ivan Lapshin, the head of the local police, does what he has to do. And he does it well.
Released : 3rd-Dec-1984

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The Stray White and the Speckled

In a poor provincial town, the ragamuffin boys are frenziedly drilled for combat, and at nights the local elite, gathered in a pool room, boasts of fictitious biographies, while bands of boys amuse themselves with bloody fights on trashy vacant plots… One of the most vivid staples of the postwar childhood were pigeons. They could be bought, sold or stolen. One day a beautiful white dove appeared over the town. Risking his life, Ivan caught the White. And immediately became the target of the "pigeon" mafia…
Released : 30th-Oct-1986

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Malish - karate fan in late Soviets try hard to beat his way to the top.
Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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The Left-Hander

When the British, wanting to surprise the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, presented a clockwork miracle flea, they did not know into the hands of which craftsman it would fall on Russian soil.
Released : 16th-Mar-1986

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Морской волк

Released : 25th-Jun-1991

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Varenyi's Last Job

After four years, a young freight forwarder Sizuhin suddenly learns that under the guise of shipments of baby food his firm is involved in drug smuggling. Deciding to understand this case, he begins to fight the mafia and seeks help from a professional thief named "Varyoniy".
Released : 6th-Jun-1994

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Evil Spirit

Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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Released : 7th-Jun-2004

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Heart of a Dog

Old Prof. Preobrazhensky and his young colleague Dr. Bormental inserted the human's hypophysis into a dog's brain. A couple of weeks later, the dog became "human looking". The main question is "Is anybody who is looking like a man, A REAL MAN?"
Released : 11th-Nov-1988

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The Siege of Venice

Venice, eighteenth century. The young Rosanna, widowed on her wedding day, discovers that she is the sole heir to an enormous patrimony, becoming in this way the most coveted party of the Serenissima.
Released : 14th-Nov-1991

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Whit Monday

Ivan Khristoforov discovers the strange property of foreseeing explosions. Trying to understand the reason and meaning of this unusual ability, he turns to family history. The attention of the secret public service doesn't bode well for Khristoforov. The imaginary journey of the hero in his past, bearing the imprint of a children's worldview, and the present, at times just like a dream.
Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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Come and See

The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family's wishes. There he meets a girl, Glasha, who accompanies him back to his village. On returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope.
Released : 17th-Oct-1985

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Secret of Treasures

A girl named Mary Morsten comes to Sherlock Holmes, who asks him and the doctor to help solve the annual receipt of one pearl by her parcel and in the search for her father, who disappeared many years ago. Holmes and Watson do not refuse her help and find out that Miss Mary is the heiress of a huge fortune — the treasures of Agra, which are also claimed by the sons of Major Sholto and Jonathan Small — an escaped convict with a wooden prosthesis instead of a leg, whom the elder Morsten and Sholto deceived (while Sholto also deceived Morsten).
Released : 25th-Jun-1983

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Viva Castro!

Young Kolya is in love with his singing teacher, but his life isn't easy. His father skips town after stealing some coins from a museum and his mother is sent to a labor camp as punishment. When the father returns a year later, Kolya becomes involved with the pretty young woman hired to nurse him.
Released : 30th-May-1994

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ASSA is set in Crimea during the winter in the mid eighties. A young musician (Bananan) falls for mobster's (Krymov) young mistress (Alika). The parallel story line involves an 18th century assassination plot.
Released : 1st-Nov-1987

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House Under the Starry Skies

Old scientist Bashkirtsev is very surprised to discover the possible contacts with other world...
Released : 7th-Jan-1991

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Comedy of the Strict Regime

The action is set in 1970 as the Soviet Union (and the entire progressive world) are preparing to celebrate Lenin's centenary. Not to be outdone, the camp commander decides to have the prisoners put on a play about Lenin's life. However, the ensuing preparations turn everything upside down and seem to offer a God-given chance to plot an escape.
Released : 7th-Nov-1992

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A Tale of The Brave Khochbar

End of XVII century, Dagestan. A young outlaw named Khochbar accompanies the daughter of the nutsal of Khunzakh Khanate, Saadat, who was married for political reasons to the son of the Shamkhal of Tarki. During the long road, the young princess develops feelings towards Khochbar...
Released : 24th-Jun-1987

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Window to Paris

Nikolai (played by Sergei Dontsov) has been fired from his job as a music teacher and has to live in the gym until he finds a place to stay. Finally, he gets a communal room in the apartment of Gorokhov (Victor Mikhalkov). The room's previous inhabitant, an old lady, has died a year ago, and yet her cat, Maxi, is still in the locked room, healthy and fat. Soon, Nikolai and his neighbours discover the mystery: there is a window to Paris in the room. That's when the comedy begins - will the Russians be able to cope with the temptation to profit from the discovery?
Released : 1st-Oct-1993

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Believe It or Not

Musical comedy based on the story of V.Shishkov "Divers", as well as Russian legends, songs, fairy tales and ditties. A scattering of mischievous jokes, short scenes, aphorisms, silly songs, jokes, ditties, jokes - this is the wealth of funny folklore and became the basis of the film, united by three main characters: a nedotep, an eccentric village inventor Bobyl and a brave Soldier.
Released : 6th-Dec-1983

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Feats of Herkules

Animated actors and vases tell stories from Greek mythology. Part of a 100-film international project on the theme of world culture. (Robert Donn)
Released : 17th-Feb-2000

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Released : 5th-Dec-1983

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The Romanovs: A Crowned Family

The story of the last year and a half of Tsar Nicholas II and his family from the February Revolution of 1917 to their execution in July 1918.
Released : 19th-Jul-2000

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Hello, I'm Your Aunt!

A funny comedy based on famous Brandon Thomas' play "Charley's Aunt".
Released : 26th-Dec-1975

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Pamiętnik znaleziony w garbie

A story about the life of a woman, two men of her life and her son, Janek Garbus, seen through the eyes of the latter - "conceived by an NKVD uncle on the night after the Soviet army entered".
Released : 27th-Apr-1994

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I Saw You First

A fourth-grader is looking for her father with the help of a friend.
Released : 21st-Jun-1998

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How to Become a Star

An entertaining show featuring various artists. A wise parrot teaches Maxim Leonidov - the leader of 'Secret', a very popular group at the time - how to become a star.
Released : 25th-Mar-1986

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Anna Pavlova

The young talented girl Anya, dreaming of a ballet, enters the choreographic school. Due to poor health, learning for her becomes unbearably difficult, but dreams of a ballerina career make her stubbornly deal with adversity. Anna’s performance and determination does not go unnoticed by the celebrated choreographer Marius Petipa, who helps to stage Pavlova's examination performance. Such a gift becomes a starting point for Ani in the world of big ballet, her fast-paced career, position in high society and world fame make her forget about close friends and especially her faithful Michel Fokine, who invested a lot of energy in the formation of a ballerina.
Released : 1st-Aug-1983

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Into an era seething with war and revolution, a man comes with an incredible power to heal a nation...or destroy it. Based on the true story of one of the most powerful and mysterious figures in Russian history.
Released : 23rd-Mar-1996

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The Wilderness

An adaptation of Jesus' life, the film mixes real and imaginary characters, biblical and historical references, to present two worlds condemned to coexist.
Released : 1st-Jan-1991

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Tragic circumstances brought the Spirit, a former "Afghan", to a prison cell, where he found himself alone with the German baron Maximilian von Stoltz. The spirit once lived by the sea, in a house where there were a woman and a child. Served as a paratrooper in Afghanistan. Unknown paths led him into the criminal world, he has 11 murders to his name, the prospect of capital punishment.
Released : 1st-Jan-1999

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Without Family

A story about an orphan boy, abandoned by his family. He was raised by his kind adopted mother, and was sold by his adopted father in hardship to a traveling man who eventually, became his teacher and a father-figure. With his teacher, he learned to play music and perform on the street with 3 intelligent dogs and a monkey. He traveled through the towns of France, and through life twist and turn, eventually, lead to the ultimate search for his real family.
Released : 6th-Jun-1984

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The Blonde Around the Corner

An unemployed astrophysicist finds a job of a docker at a grocery store, where he falls in love with a street-wise saleswoman in the produce department. But the groom runs away at the wedding reception.
Released : 6th-Jun-1983

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Hard to Be a God

Another planet in the period of medieval times. An employee of the institute of experimental history from Earth, who is send under the name of noble don Rumata of Estor as a spy with a mission to contact the local resident of the institute, arrives in the city of Arkanar. But the resident perishes under an unlucky attempt to make a palace coup, and Rumata have to take his place as the resident. Soon he meets all the horrors of the medieval society - a peasant war, palace coups, mass executions. To continue to be an indifferent watcher of all these horrors turns out to be simply impossible...
Released : 25th-Jan-1990

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A restaurant is fire-bombed, a TV journalist and a member of a local mafia are murdered, and a valuable statuette is stolen. Yevgeni Grushko is Head of the Mafia Investigations Division of the local police force, facing new challenges as the internicine gang rivalries escalate towards war on the streets.
Released : 24th-Mar-1994

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra

Holmes and Dr. Watson help a young lady who is receiving anonymous letters 10 years after her father passed away under shady circumstances. They find themselves in an enigma involving a treasure, murder and a love interest for Watson.
Released : 1st-Jan-1983

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Emergency Incident of a District Scale

A few weeks from the life of a Komsomol leaders in Soviet Union.
Released : 6th-Jun-1988

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A Golden Ring, a Bouquet of Scarlet Roses

The eldest son, who left for St. Petersburg, where he works as a detective, comes to the family of a crooked merchant and shopkeeper Grigory Tsybukin. Parents decide to marry him - his son is already 28 years old. They find a poor, but beautiful, clean and modest girl who meekly marries an already worn-out and balding man from the city, decently "laying by the collar". There is a merry wedding, and the husband leaves, leaving another worker in the family...
Released : 13th-Apr-1994

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Exceptions Without Rules

An almanac of short feature films based on stories by Mikhail Mishin from the collection of short stories "Pause in a Major".
Released : 3rd-May-1986

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TV Credits

Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона

Мак-Мурдо - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson is a series of five films produced by Lenfilm for the Soviet Central Television, split into eleven episodes, starring Vasily Livanov as Sherlock Holmes and Vitaly Solomin as Dr. Watson. They were directed by Igor Maslennikov and filmed in Russia (the then Soviet Union) between 1979 and 1986, and the series was one of the most successful in the history of Russian television.
Released : 22nd-Mar-1980

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Жизнь Клима Самгина

Stoker -
Released : 28th-Mar-1988

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Воспоминания о Шерлоке Холмсе

MacMurdo - Detective television series based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Five films about Sherlock Holmes, shot by Igor Maslennikov earlier, were remounted in 2000, a connecting story about Conan Doyle's literary secretary, Mr. Wood, who is preparing an anniversary collection of stories about Holmes for the beginning of the coming XX century. Sir Arthur receives huge mail every day, addressed not to him, but to Sherlock Holmes. And then one day a letter arrives with a plea for help, and Doyle begins an investigation...
Released : 3rd-Apr-2000

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Зал ожидания

Vasiliy Sinitsyn - podpolkovnik - A 'runaway' homeless man, once a renowned athlete, finds himself marooned in the small, snow-covered town of Zarechensk. Victor lands a job at an orphanage, where he soon meets a young teacher who becomes both a compassionate friend and the love of his life. However, fate doesn't play out simply as good or bad; it unfolds in a way that makes the hero realize one cannot run away from oneself. Consequently, it is in Zarechensk that a train carrying a film crew from the capital, on their way back to Moscow, is compelled to delay their journey for a few days. Remarkably, Zarechensk becomes the place where a director finally discovers the perfect actress for his leading role and encounters a man who has fled from her love. Meanwhile, a producer makes the ultimate decision to select this town as the filming location for her upcoming movie.
Released : 16th-Mar-1998

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Санчо с ранчо

милиционер/шахтёр - The parody series "Sancho from the Ranch" was part of the St. Petersburg television program "Chameleon", curated by the famous director Yuri Mamin. The idea of this parody was that the supposedly Mexican TV series "Sancho from the Ranch" was seen by viewers in two guises at once: on the screen and behind the screen. On the screen there are heartbreaking incidents in sunny Mexico, and off the screen an ordinary Russian family is watching them with excitement – grandmother and grandfather, father and mother, daughter and son. The trick is that they also appear in exotic Mexican roles, and seem to be watching themselves.
Released : 12th-Feb-1997

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Русские страшилки

Mayskiy - poet - The heroes of the series are employees of a very modest St. Petersburg newspaper "Russian Horror Stories", who write about various anomalies and miracles.
Released : 5th-Nov-2001

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Шукшинские рассказы

отдыхающий - Each of the short stories is based on either one or several stories by a wonderful Russian writer. The heroes are ordinary people “of the people”, contemporaries of Shukshin, all of whose life’s ups and downs are inextricably linked with their country - the Soviet Union of the 60s-70s. The main thing that unites both the works themselves and the films made is a whole gallery of the brightest images and characters, a story about such different destinies and differently meaningful lives, a story in the center of which is invariably Man, with his love, quests, weaknesses and victories.
Released : 5th-Feb-2002

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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