
True Boardman

True Boardman was an American actor. He died of the Spanish flu in 1918. Born : 21st-Apr-1882

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The Tomboy on Bar Z

A romantic Western in which John saves his beloved Mary when she is about to marry a criminal.
Released : 21st-Oct-1912

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Broncho Billy and the Greaser

Broncho Billy comes between a Mexican thug and the young woman he is disturbing. The Mexican plots revenge for the insult and captures Billy, who has rescued a lost old man. The young woman discovers Billy being held prisoner and rides for help. The townsmen gallop toward Billy's rescue.
Released : 9th-Oct-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Claim Jumpers

Broncho Billy, a prospector, makes a rich strike, but while he is examining the rock he is being watched by three claim jumpers. The minute he leaves the spot the jumpers gather up some samples of the ore, and after replacing Broncho's sign with one of their own, start for the claim agent's office.
Released : 9th-Jan-1915

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Broncho Billy and the Sisters

Broncho Billy becomes engaged to Mae, whose sister, Marguerite, is a cripple. Her parents are unable to stand the expense of an operation which will cure her, so she starts in to save the necessary $100. Slowly the money accumulates. Meanwhile Broncho Billy is caught making moonshine whiskey in Gulch Canyon.
Released : 16th-Jan-1915

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Broncho Billy and the Sheriff's Office

Broncho Billy is requested to resign his office as sheriff. John Jenkin's son is appointed his successor. The new sheriff is given a severe fright a few days later when the bad man of the town enters his office and threatens to shoot him. After this episode he sends in his resignation not having the nerve to serve as sheriff.
Released : 26th-Dec-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Escaped Bandit

A desperate bandit has escaped and finding no one about Broncho's cabin, takes refuge in the attic.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1915

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Greed for Gold

Greed for gold, this is what has dragged many a man downward. Skinflint, a miser, not satisfied with the gold he boards, tries to make a practice of selling whiskey to the Indians, taking from them practically all the gold they possess for just a few glasses of the fire water. Skinflint might have succeeded had it not been for Bill Riley, a prospector, who quickly takes the bottle of intoxicating liquor from the Indian and smashes it on a nearby rock. Skinflint becomes enraged and determines to get even.
Released : 30th-Oct-1913

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Broncho Billy and the Outlaw's Mother

Broncho Billy and the Outlaw's Mother
Released : 11th-Jan-1913

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Broncho Billy's Christmas Deed

A poor man, the father of a young child, wants his offspring to have a Christmas such as every child is deserving of. He is penniless. For the love of his child he commits burglary.
Released : 20th-Dec-1913

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Broncho Billy and the Bad Man

To err is human, but in the end, goodness of heart will prevail and the one who has committed an offense against man-made laws may come out of the mire and develop into a law abiding and god-fearing citizen. Broncho Billy, from being one of the most desperate characters in the west, is reformed through the kind treatment accorded him at the hands of the sheriff and his wife, and is made deputy.
Released : 24th-Jan-1914

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Alkali Ike's Pants

Coyote Simpson and "Alkali" Ike both love the buxom Sophie, pride of Buckskin, Ariz. Coyote has a long curling mustache that is his one pride and joy, but Sophie objects to it when he kisses her and orders him to trim it down.
Released : 21st-Sep-1912

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Broncho Billy Reforms

Broncho Billy and his pals plot to rob the general store. Broncho Billy is elected to go into the store and engage the proprietor in conversation while the others enter the rear door and rob the till.
Released : 13th-Sep-1913

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Broncho Billy's Squareness

Earl Briggs, a ranchman, and Carl Underwood, a sheriff, are in love with Grace Woodward. Earl is the favored suitor and in time Grace becomes engaged to hire. Sometime later the stage is held up by Broncho Billy, a notorious outlaw. A fierce battle ensues in the woods between the posse and the bandit, in which Broncho Billy is wounded
Released : 6th-Dec-1913

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An Indian Sunbeam

The accidental overturning of their "prairie schooner" kills a settler and his wife and leaves their little baby girl, Sunbeam, alone in the world. Discovered by Big Wolf, an Indian brave from a nearby tribe, Sunbeam is adopted and brought up as one of their number.
Released : 28th-Sep-1912

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Alkali Ike Stung!

This time Alkali Ike is dissatisfied with his boarding house and, when the buxom Sophie, a two-hundred-pound widow arrives in town, buys out Tony's place and nails up cards announcing that it will be opened on the following Tuesday as a first-class boarding house, Alkali is the first to see it, rushes back and begins to lay plans for switching at once.
Released : 8th-Oct-1912

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Broncho Billy's Mexican Wife

Broncho marries a Mexican girl at the earnest entreaty of her dying father. Later a Mexican singer wins her love and, to get Broncho out of the way, she has him arrested and jailed on the charge of having assaulted her. In a frenzy of rage, Broncho secures the sheriff's revolver, escapes from jail and tracks the pair at his shack.
Released : 30th-Nov-1912

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Western Girls

Netty Parker and her sister, Mildred, two brave western girls, are instrumental in capturing two notorious outlaws in the cleverest of ways. Returning from town early one evening, they discover two bandits who have held up the afternoon stage, laughing over the division of the loot.
Released : 3rd-Dec-1912

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The Reward for Broncho Billy

After holding up a stage-coach, Broncho Billy disappears into the woods on horseback. The driver of the coach unhitches one of the horses and rides to the nearest town, notifies the sheriff, who goes in pursuit with the posse.
Released : 28th-Dec-1912

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Broncho Billy's Brother

Broncho Billy's brother, Dick, is madly in love with Nellie Parsons. Jack Dupont, a mining engineer from the east sees pretty Miss Parsons and becomes infatuated with her. Not waiting for an introduction, Dupont follows and introduces himself. A few days later, Dupont proposes and is accepted. Nellie returns the engagement ring to Dick.
Released : 18th-Jan-1913

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Broncho Billy's Gun Play

The sheriff of Sioux County, Arizona, is notified to locate the bandits' rendezvous. Carl Waters, the sheriff, scouts the country and finally locates them. Returning to the town saloon and dance hall Waters, who is smitten with the fair Caroline Heston, proposes to her. She promises to give her answer the following day.
Released : 25th-Jan-1913

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The Ranch Feud

Desperate tactics are usually used in a feud. Broncho Billy's father determined to soothe his passion with revenge, starts out after John Mackley. Broncho Billy persuades his father to keep cool. Mackley, however, gets his revenge by shooting his daughter's sweetheart, Broncho Billy. On his knees Broncho Billy crawls to his home, where his father takes him in
Released : 14th-Jun-1913

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The Tenderfoot Sheriff

Snake, a notorious outlaw, robs the general store. True Boardman, the sheriff, and a posse starts out after him. Snake riddles the sheriff's hat with bullets and the sheriff and posse run under cover. Boardman resigns. The village trustees appoint a new sheriff. Snake writes a note saying he will be in Kelly's saloon that night.
Released : 2nd-Aug-1913

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The Struggle

Dr. Sharp and his wife, Gretchen, live happily together in a little western town until the advent of the doctor's brother, Fred, who comes from the east to spend his vacation near his brother. He meets the doctor's wife and immediately falls in love, but visits her only when he knows his brother is away. The doctor learning of Fred's visits, shoots him. He repents, however, when he sees his brother's serious condition and does all he can to restore him.
Released : 4th-Oct-1913

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The Rustler's Step-Daughter

The sheriff of Mendocino County receives a letter from Bill Kato, proprietor of a ranch, stating that he is tired of losing his cattle and that if he can't find time to do something in the matter, he will have to see the higher authorities. The sheriff at once starts out on the trail of the rustlers.
Released : 6th-Nov-1913

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The Cowboy Samaritan

John Landers is sent to the drug store by his bedridden wife for some medicine. The druggist refuses him credit. Returning home his wife presents him with a letter from her brother in which he enclosed a check for fifty dollars. Landers is induced by Whiskey Bill Tate to gamble his money, which he does and loses.
Released : 20th-Nov-1913

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The Three Gamblers

Herbert Corrington, a would-be gambler and agent for an express company, not satisfied with the necessities of life, tries his luck at roulette, appropriating the express company's money. Robert, the son, is fast traveling in the footsteps of his father. The Sheriff in the next county is sent for a large package of money in Corrington's possession to be delivered to the Blue Ledge Mine for the payroll. Corrington gambles a thousand dollars of this money and loses. Broncho Billy, a professional gambler, loans Corrington the money necessary to replace the funds he had maliciously taken. Corrington gives the gambler a note payable in thirty days or his home as collateral in case of default.
Released : 12th-Dec-1913

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The Naming of the Rawhide Queen

Prospectors discover gold on the outskirts of Rawhide, a small town in the far west. Reuben Glen, a prospector, living in the next county, becomes discouraged and determines to try his luck elsewhere. When he arrives at Rawhide he is gently but firmly requested to remove himself immediately from the vicinity.
Released : 27th-Nov-1913

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The Trail of the Snake Band

"Chuck" Peters, a gambler, is in love with Nell Braley, the daughter of the town saloon keeper. Nell, however, loves Bob Coleman, a cattleman. The express messenger is held up in the woods and the bandit escapes, leaving a snake hatband as a clue. Coleman inherits money, and as he is riding to the next town, finds the hatband and buckles it around his sombrero.
Released : 18th-Dec-1913

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Through Trackless Sands

While on the way to visit her mother, Mrs. Bailey stops to feed the horses. She discovers that the oats had leaked out of the bag and she is compelled to ask assistance of a party camping nearby. During her absence from the buggy, her young daughter strays off into the woods and falls over a high cliff.
Released : 1st-Jan-1914

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A Night on the Road

A knight of the grip has many inconveniences to contend with, and not only that, but often his very life is in danger. Such is the case with John Duncan, a traveling man, who was obliged to remain overnight at a small inn located in the far west. The hotel-keeper, an unscrupulous Italian, with the help of two ruffians, schemes to steal Duncan's money and do away with him.
Released : 22nd-Jan-1914

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Nearly Married

Russell Shirley calls on Harriet Gorman, to whom he is engaged, and they happily plan for their wedding, which is to take place in a few days. On the night of the wedding the guests are assembled and the minister is half through with the ceremony, when Russell suddenly discovers that the ring with which to seal the marriage is not on his person and is nowhere to be found.
Released : 28th-Jan-1914

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Broncho Billy Rewarded

Broncho Billy, the town good-for-nothing, makes his headquarters at the saloon, where he makes a few cents each day by sweeping out the place. One morning the hotel proprietor, the general store keeper and the chairman of the town board, upon going to their places of business, find that they have been robbed.
Released : 17th-Oct-1914

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The Calling of Jim Barton

A mother's heart always goes out to her wayward son. Jim Barton caused his mother constant worry, and one night his father caught him in the act of tampering with the family strong box. Jim is severely admonished and that night runs away, leaving a note to his mother to the effect that he will never return. The parents are broken-hearted, but are consoled by their other son, who is a good, honest lad.
Released : 14th-Feb-1914

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A Gamblers' Way

Jim Kane, a gambler, prevails upon Grace Carew to marry him. Grace is undecided whom she loves the best, John Hunter, a ranchman, or Kane, but finally decides to marry Kane. Some time later, we see Kane abusing his wife, neglecting her and always in a state of intoxication. Hunter has always been a friend of the family and it was nothing unusual to see him in their home, but Kane, entering the house one evening under the influence of liquor, misinterprets the meaning of Hunter's presence there, and upbraids his wife, slapping her in the face. Hunter is furious, but controls himself.
Released : 5th-Feb-1914

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Broncho Billy's Scheme

Colonel Emmett's daughter is captured by an outlaw who blindfolds her just before taking her to his hut, so, in case she escaped, she would be unable to lead anybody to his rendezvous. She is told by one of his accomplices that he intends forcing her into marriage, so she feigns illness. While the outlaw goes for a doctor, she writes a note saying that she is not ill, and is being held for ransom. The outlaw arrives with Broncho Billy, the doctor, whom he has also blindfolded. The girl slips him the note and he pretends to be attending her. Before being blindfolded again for the return journey he fills his pocket with white pills, which he drops at intervals, marking the trail.
Released : 21st-Nov-1914

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Broncho Billy's Decision

The division superintendent of the Montana Idaho R.R. finds it necessary to buy the property of an old settler in order to clear the right of way. The old man, with his daughter, has occupied the same cabin for years, and refuses to sell his holdings. The superintendent wires the general manager, who sends Broncho Billy, his assistant, with orders to get possession of the land at any cost. Broncho offers the old man an enormous amount, but is flatly refused. The daughter then leads Broncho into the yard, where he is shown the grave in which her mother has been laid to rest several years before. This is their reason for refusing to sell.
Released : 14th-Nov-1914

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Broncho Billy's Close Call

Broncho Billy, an express messenger, saved the life of Geraldine Burke, a school teacher. They learned to love each other and later married. One day, the village gossip informed some of the cowpunchers about town that Geraldine was entertaining a gentleman in her home. Broncho Billy was soon given the news and determined to settle with the critter immediately
Released : 2nd-May-1914

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Broncho Billy's Sermon

Broncho Billy is a typical bad man. The story opens with him shooting up a small town in the west, and scaring the inhabitants nearly to death. The sheriff with his deputies order him out of the country. Sunday morning, the congregation is in church singing. Boardman, another bad man, and his protégés, break up the meeting. The preacher is ousted.
Released : 9th-May-1914

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Broncho Billy's Duty

Broncho Billy, a doctor and minister in the far west, is overwhelmed with grief one evening when he returns to his home to find a note from his wife stating that she could not bear the loneliness any longer and had gone to town with the man she loved. A few years later she is forced to her bed where she finally dies of a broken heart. Broncho had been told of her condition and hastens to her in time to kiss and forgive her. The negligent husband returns and Broncho Billy forgetting himself, is about to slay the man, when he suddenly remembers the note his wife had left for him, with these words, "Never forget your duty to your God."
Released : 6th-Jun-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Mine Shark

William Young and his daughter, Mildred, settle in the west, with the intention of investing their money in a mine. True Boardman, a mine shark, knowing that Young will be easy money, salts the mine and sells it to them.
Released : 13th-Jun-1914

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Broncho Billy's Jealousy

Broncho Billy had promised Marguerite that he would never drink again. She agreed to marry him. That afternoon, one of the village gossips sees Marguerite with Boy Turner, a surveyor, and hastens to inform Broncho of it. Marguerite's sweetheart threatens to kill the surveyor, but finally suggests a duel to be fought ten minutes later. Marguerite hears of it, hastens to the minister's home, where she gets him and takes him to Kelly's saloon.
Released : 27th-Jun-1914

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Broncho Billy and the Sheriff

Broncho Billy, a cowpuncher, is elected to the office of deputy. The sheriff is in love with Gertrude Scott and fears that his deputy is smitten with her. An outlaw has been terrorizing the town and the sheriff determines to capture him. He meets the outlaw in the woods, gives him money and promises him his release the following day if he will give himself up.
Released : 11th-Jul-1914

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Sophie Pulls a Good One

Sophie, a dentist, recognizes a patient as the bandit who previously robbed her during a stagecoach holdup.
Released : 4th-Jun-1914

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The Wooing of Sophie

Slippery Slim secures a marriage license in the hope of marrying Sophie.
Released : 18th-Jun-1914

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Sophie Finds a Hero

Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete get into a duel over Sophie.
Released : 25th-Jun-1914

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Sophie Gets Stung

Five of Snakeville's leading citizens are all determined to marry Sophie.
Released : 2nd-Jul-1914

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Snakeville's Reform Wave

Slippery Slim and his wife, Sophie, drive to town. While Sophie does her shopping Slim sneaks over to the saloon to get a few drinks. Here he meets Mustang, so the two drink together. Slim has promised his wife that he will not take a drink as long as he wears a certain ring on his finger, so takes off the ring before each drink.
Released : 26th-Nov-1914

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The Tell-Tale Hand

Tim Cantle, an evil-looking fellow, is drinking at a bar. The saloonkeeper's daughter enters, and Tim, slightly tipsy, tries to kiss her. She struggles to escape him. Broncho Billy enters and draws his gun. Tim flees. Tim gets his horse and rides away. As he approaches a house on a hill nearby, he sees Annie Fargo run out of her home, her father cursing her. Tim seizes and kisses her. She strikes him in the face and screams. Her father then comes out and drives Tim away. He sends Annie back into the house, following her with his gun. Tim swears vengeance.
Released : 19th-Nov-1914

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Broncho Billy's Double Escape

Broncho Billy, an outlaw, while being pursued by the sheriff of Bear County, crosses the line into Gulch County. Later he is captured by the Gulch County authorities, who wire to the neighboring sheriff's office to send a man to bring the prisoner back. A deputy sheriff is sent and that night they stop at a small hotel. Broncho and the deputy become quite friendly and Broncho induces him to remove his handcuffs. While Broncho Billy sleeps the deputy steals downstairs and enters a card game. He loses heavily. He returns to the room and tells Broncho of his loss. They then both turn in for the night. While the deputy sleeps, Broncho slips his gun from his pocket, goes downstairs and holds up the gamblers. Without waking his guardian, he places the loot on the table, then writes a note, telling the deputy that he has gone to the boundary and will be waiting for him there.
Released : 28th-Nov-1914

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Broncho Billy's Fatal Joke

Billy plays a prank on an old miner and causes the poor old man to have a heart attack.
Released : 7th-Aug-1914

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When Love and Honor Called

Broncho Billy is sent on a secret mission to a small Arizona town. There he meets a beautiful girl, Elizabeth Barton, who is betrothed to a handsome daredevil, Juan Martin, of the Bar-O Ranch. Broncho is given a job by the foreman, George Chisholm. At a dance Martin and another cow-puncher quarrel. Martin draws his gun but Broncho Billy interferes. Martin is enraged and attempts to shoot Broncho. He takes the gun from him, takes the cartridges out and hands it back. Martin plots with the cook and other members of the outfit to poison the coffee of the foreman and steal the cattle. He hopes to throw the blame for the murder and theft on Broncho Billy.
Released : 18th-Jan-1915

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