
Nikolay Smorchkov

Born : 9th-Aug-1930

Movie Credits

The Cranes Are Flying

Veronika and Boris come together in Moscow shortly before World War II. Walking along the river, they watch cranes fly overhead, and promise to rendezvous before Boris leaves to fight. Boris misses the meeting and is off to the front lines, while Veronika waits patiently, sending letters faithfully. After her house is bombed, Veronika moves in with Boris' family, into the company of a cousin with his own intentions.
Released : 12th-Oct-1957

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The Little Runaway

During a Soviet circus tour in Japan, a small street musician, Ken, meets a clown, Yuri Nikulin. Upon learning that his sick father is being treated in the Soviet Union, Ken sets off in search of him. The friendship of the great clown and the boy continues in Moscow.
Released : 24th-Dec-1966

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Gavroche learns that his father, who was exiled to hard labor, dies. Hatred of the tyrant-king leads the boy to the barricades of Montmartre.
Released : 25th-Jul-1937

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Polar Fox Napoleon III

A young arctic fox Napoleon III, having escaped from animal farm, ended up in the village of Kovylkino. Following him, hunters, trappers, animal farm workers, a police detachment and correspondents came into the village. Thanks to the six-year-old preschooler Serpokrylov, everything ended well, and the people who took part in the pursuit of the young arctic fox returned to their business, having managed to tell about their dreams and about themselves.
Released : 27th-Aug-1979

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Jamal's Tree

Story of Jamal, a Turkmen woman who is left to tend to the farm when her husband goes off to fight in WW2.
Released : 2nd-May-1981

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Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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The Secret of the Notebook

Released : 21st-Dec-1981

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In Square 45

An air base for forest protection is located not far from the border. A team of parachute firefighters takes off to extinguish the fire. Newcomer Valentin Volgin shows indecisiveness during his first flight and is late with his jump. Painfully experiencing his first failure, he avoids the gaze of the pretty instructor Irina Aleeva, who witnessed his unsuccessful jump. And then the team receives the task of providing assistance to the border guards, and Valentin, after a tense chase through the burning forest, overtakes and detains the saboteur.
Released : 6th-Jun-1955

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Hard Happiness

A young Gipsy boy is growing up in a Russian village during the Civil War.
Released : 27th-Oct-1958

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My Friends

Released : 7th-Oct-1974

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Agricultural machinery design engineer Mikhail Shcherbakov goes to the countryside instead of taking a vacation. The tractor designed by him does not work in one of the collective farms. Circumstances force him to stay much longer than he expected. Here he meets Klava, who works in the apiary. And far from being on official business, the engineer remains on the collective farm.
Released : 4th-Jun-1962

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The saleswoman of the village store Pasha Nikitina generously distributed all the money from the proceeds to the villagers in debt, when they were left without a salary through the fault of the Chairman. The audit appeared suddenly — and Pasha began to demand money back. Not having received debts, the heroine turned for help to her brother, who immediately responded to her misfortune: he sent money and came himself…
Released : 1st-Sep-1987

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Story of an Unknown Actor

The of an actor in a provincial theatre.
Released : 1st-Jan-1976

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Only Three Nights

The love story in the remote village. Lyuba has a child, Nikolai has a wife. Nikolay, having become a projectionist, now, once a week, brings cinema to the village of Babino, where Lyuba lives. Once they loved each other, but Nikolai, unexpectedly for everyone, married another and since then tried not to be in this village. And now feelings have surged again, and both are unable to resist this love.
Released : 1st-Jan-1969

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The Limit of Possible

Released : 12th-Nov-1984

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A Ring from Amsterdam

A young sailor suddenly gets involved into a spy game between KGB and CIA.
Released : 11th-Apr-1982

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Five Days, Five Nights

Five Days, Five Nights (Fünf Tage, Fünf Nächte) takes place in Dresden in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. While Dresden is in ruins, over two thousand paintings by artists including Rembrandt, Raphael, Rubens, Giorgione, and Vermeer have disappeared from the city’s Old Masters Picture Gallery. Red Army captain Leonov and his soldiers have been ordered to recover the lost paintings. During the next five days, Dresden’s residents join the search for the collection. A secret Nazi document offers a first lead…
Released : 27th-Feb-1961

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Love in Russian 2

Released : 18th-Nov-1996

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Love in Russian

A handful of farmers protect their farm from bandits.
Released : 20th-Mar-1995

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The Secret of Beauty

Released : 18th-Jul-1955

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The Country Doctor

A young woman is going to the village to start working as doctor.
Released : 12th-Jan-1952

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The Siberian Woman

Released : 5th-Mar-1973

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Three Soviet prisoners of war escape from a fascist concentration camp at the end of the war. One of the guards helps them and runs with them. Many years later, this former German henchman meets one of the escapees and comes up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe destruction of all the fugitives with whom he once escaped from a concentration camp; they abandoned him wounded during the escape. He begins to put his cruel plan into action, deciding to take revenge and thereby getting rid of witnesses to his crimes in the concentration camp...
Released : 26th-Aug-1974

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You're Happy, Zhenka!

Zhenya is divorced a long time ago, raising her five-year-old son alone, working in a clinic, and part-time as an ambulance worker. She is an optimist and doesn’t complain about life, which is why her colleagues call her happy. Zhenya's unexpected meeting with a new doctor can probably change her life a lot.
Released : 29th-Oct-1984

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Storm on the Land

A story about a group of children and their life set at the small Russian seashore town in the year of 1913.
Released : 5th-Feb-1976

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Youth Street

Released : 8th-Jul-1958

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Through Icy Haze

After the events of 1905, the proletariat slowly retreated with battle. The Lenin headquarters of the leadership of the revolution was moved to Finland. There Lenin and Krupskaya live illegally in safe houses. Vladimir Ilyich works on his articles, occasionally his associates visit him, sometimes he goes to the city for meetings with his party comrades — Gorky, Kalinin, Krasin, and others. By all possible means, Lenin directs the activities of the Bolsheviks in Russia...
Released : 6th-Nov-1965

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Front Without Flanks

A first episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazi occupation of Russia during WWII. The film is set in August of 1941, when the Nazi forces invaded and occupied the European part of Russia. Major Mlynsky is in charge of the special group of partisans. His group is absorbing other small groups of Russian soldiers, who managed to survive from the attacks of the overwhelming Nazi forces. The Nazi Armies are advancing to Moscow. Major Mlynsky is organizing the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazis, behind the enemy lines.
Released : 20th-Dec-1974

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The Legend of Till

Based on the novel by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their Adventures Heroical, Joyous and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere." First part: "The Ashes of Claes". XVI century. The freedom-loving and cheerful people of the Netherlands under the rule of the Spanish king: persecution, torture, bonfires of the Inquisition, encouraging scammers. The fearless Thyl Uhlenshpiegel and his faithful girlfriend Nele have to go through many trials. Second part: "Viva Beggars!". The people of the Netherlands, tormented by cruel royal decrees, taxes, heresy, torture and executions, began a war of liberation against Spanish rule. Many feats will be performed by the national hero Tilbert (Thyl) Ulenspiegel and his friend Lamme Gudzak before peace returns to their homeland.
Released : 3rd-Apr-1977

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The Secret Agent's Blunder

In the spring of 1961, KGB officers received information that an experienced intelligence officer Mikhail Zarokov, son of the Russian emigrant Count Tulyev, with extensive international experience and knowledge in various operations was abandoned on the territory of the Soviet Union. He is sent to Russia to carry out a very difficult and risky task, which is directly related to the nuclear industrial complex and transfer the collected information abroad...
Released : 7th-Oct-1968

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I'm Staying with You

The last years of writer Arkady Gaidar's life.
Released : 31st-Dec-1981

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Incorrigible Liar

Alexei Ivanovich Tyutyurin, a very kind and gentle man by nature, has been working as a hairdresser for twenty years. When the opportunity arises to upgrade to the head of the hall, he is faced with a problem — in the team he has a reputation as a constantly late person and an incorrigible liar. But Alexei doesn't deceive anyone — he really gets into unusual situations on the way to work. No one believes in these fables until amazing visitors begin to come to the hairdresser.
Released : 24th-May-1973

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Not Under the Jurisdiction

In a training flight, the Il-28 plane crashes. Shooter-radio operator Sorokin without an order leaves the plane, lands first and writes a denunciation to the pilot Yegorov. Yegorov has to leave military service, his beloved girlfriend Nadya is leaving him. Sixteen years have passed since then. Nadya is married to the slanderer Sorokin and brings up a son with him who doesn't know who his real father is. One day, the whole family ends up on an airplane controlled by Yegorov. Clarification of relations leads to a belated triumph of truth, which affects all heroes: one destroys, the other exalts, in the third instills hope...
Released : 25th-Aug-1969

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You to Me, Me to You

Ivan Sergeevich Kashkin — the bath attendant of the most prestigious metropolitan bath. It’s not easy to get to him: reputable diplomats, well-known footballers, and the heads of the ministry are seeking the honor to steam. But Kashkin himself does not need to achieve anything, everything is at his service — from black caviar to tickets to the conservatory. And the hero’s cloudless life would have flowed, but then his twin brother Sergei fell ill and asked Ivan to replace him in his equally strange work.
Released : 31st-May-1979

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The Judgment

Three of them hunted a bear, but a man was accidentally killed instead. The investigation must determine which of the hunters is responsible for this death. However, there is also a judgment of conscience — the most difficult judgment, because a compromise with one's own conscience never leads to good...
Released : 11th-Jul-1962

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The End of the Lyubavines

Based on the novel by Vasiliy Shukshin "The Lyubavines". In the winter of 1922, the Rodionovs, Vasiliy Platonovich and his nephew Kuzma, came to the remote Siberian village of Baklan, disguised as teachers sent from the district center to organize and build a school. In fact, this is an old Bolshevik and a young worker, authorized by the GPU, and their main task is to find out the whereabouts of a large and very dangerous gang, led by a former Kolchak officer, who instills fear in local residents.
Released : 27th-Mar-1972

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Wild Honey

1943 year. On the instructions of the military newspaper, the photojournalist Varvara Knyazhich goes to the front line to take some pictures of the knocked-down powerful German tank "Tiger". In a combat situation, she has to face a difficult relationship between officers and subordinates. During the execution of a journalistic assignment, Varya is literally two steps from death. But it is here that she is destined to find her love...
Released : 10th-Jul-1967

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It Began This Way...

A Moscow group of Komsomol members arrives on the virgin lands, in the Kazakh steppes, and immediately faces bureaucracy and carelessness. Someone flees the state farm for more reliable earnings, and someone simply does not want to work. But a new energetic director appears — and real life begins...
Released : 25th-Dec-1956

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Good Morning

Released : 26th-May-1955

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Once Upon a Time in the Provinces

Sex, alcohol and violence define the people of a city in defeat in this downbeat drama from writer and director Katya Shagalova. As a teenager, Nastia (Yulia Peresild) was the star of a popular television series, but now her career is in decline and her father, an officer in the Russian army, has kicked her out of the house.
Released : 25th-Sep-2008

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9-year-old boy complains about his hard life in a letter to his grandfather.
Released : 12th-Feb-1960

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We Love You

Released : 12th-Oct-1962

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Antikiller 2: Antiterror

Colonel Fox is in charge of a counter terrorism group that will now have the complicated mission to help the police to prevent a dangerous Chechen terrorist organization that wants to free its leader at any cost, even if it has to destroy the whole place.
Released : 12th-Dec-2003

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During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20 years, Platon finds himself the richest man in Russia, having sacrificed his friends to get to the top. But with this cynical rise, comes a brutal fall.
Released : 6th-Jun-2002

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Sofia Petrovna

Sofya Petrovna, a typist from a publishing house in Leningrad, has her only son repressed. In her publishing house, managers and ordinary employees were repressed. And Sofya Petrovna begins walking around the offices, trying to explain that a mistake has occurred.
Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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A modern adaptation of a famous classis Ivan Turgenev novel.
Released : 6th-Jun-1998

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Don't Wake a Sleeping Dog

After coming out of jail a sneak thief "Chibis" plans a big afaire.
Released : 5th-Jul-1991

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Space Dogs

Belka, the amazing flying dog is unexpectedly hurdled into the streets of Moscow when the rocket she is in malfunctions during one of her circus routines. Fortunately the crash leads her to meet a streetwise dog named Strelka and her irredeemable rat friend Venya. Together with other amusing friends found along the way, the three find themselves in a space program-training center where they get sent away in a rocket, leaving planet Earth...
Released : 18th-Mar-2010

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Executor of the Sentence

В основу сюжета фильма положены реальные события. Бывший "афганец" Юрий Кирсанов жил без особых проблем: отдельная квартира, любимая и любящая жена, замечательный сын. Но вот однажды он становится свидетелем накала митинговых страстей, где погибает его друг. А затем Юрий узнает, что его жена и сын вследствие оплошности врачей заразились СПИДом. Решение к Юрию приходит мгновенно...
Released : 6th-Jun-1992

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TV Credits

Приключения cолдата Ивана Чонкина

Шапкин - From a simple misunderstanding, a kind, funny story has grown about charming village people, about ridiculous situations in which they periodically find themselves.
Released : 23rd-Dec-2007

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Сегодня вечером

Self -
Released : 1st-Sep-2012

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Semyon - sotrudnik rybnadzora -
Released : 26th-Aug-1974

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Шукшинские рассказы

мастер - Each of the short stories is based on either one or several stories by a wonderful Russian writer. The heroes are ordinary people “of the people”, contemporaries of Shukshin, all of whose life’s ups and downs are inextricably linked with their country - the Soviet Union of the 60s-70s. The main thing that unites both the works themselves and the films made is a whole gallery of the brightest images and characters, a story about such different destinies and differently meaningful lives, a story in the center of which is invariably Man, with his love, quests, weaknesses and victories.
Released : 5th-Feb-2002

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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