
Yuriy Nifontov

Born : 4th-Sep-1957

Movie Credits

Last Summer

Pavlik is six years old. He spends a happy and carefree summer at the dacha with his parents, but he gradually begins to notice strangeness in the behavior of adults.
Released : 11th-Aug-2017

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The Piggy Bank

A musical screen comedy based on the French play La Cagnotte (The Piggy Bank in English) by Eugène Marin Labiche. A group of provincial Bourgeois decide to spend savings they accumulated for a year of playing cards together on a memorable deed. After humorous strategizing and alliance forming, Leonida, the unmarried sister and Blanche, the engaged daughter, of Monsieur Champbourcy, entice the group to spend the money on what they imagine a luxurious journey to a capital city. A very memorable event indeed it was.
Released : 1st-Jan-1980

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К своим!..

Released : 10th-May-1983

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The Ark

In one of the seaside towns lives an amazing man Nikolai with his family. He is famous throughout the district, and if something happens to one of the residents, they immediately turn to him as the highest judge and reliable intercessor. For this, he was nicknamed Noah, and his hotel was called the ark. Nikolai's wife Anna is his faithful friend, she fully shares his point of view on the world and tries to help him in everything.
Released : 17th-Aug-2017

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Khrustalyov, My Car!

Military doctor General Klenski is arrested in Stalin's Russia in 1953 during an anti-Semitic political campaign accused of being a participant in so-called "doctors' plot".
Released : 13th-Jan-1999

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One Love of My Soul

Released : 1st-Jan-2007

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A pretty, young girl from a coal-mining town comes to Moscow with dreams of becoming a supermodel in this satirical look at the fashion industry.
Released : 3rd-Jun-2007

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With Shared Love

The Russian Kostya and the Bulgarian Petko work at two different sites of a gas pipeline spanning the whole length of the Soviet Union. Just of a few kilometers and there will be ribbon cutting, awards and bonuses. However, it is a fertile Russian land. The two brigadier friends go around all instances, they ask and plea. For "rebelling activities", the brigadiers are criticized. A new inquiry is submitted to Moscow. The reply is slow. Then the workers decide to change the terrain on their responsibility. The last welding is complete. The managers come, so does decision for a change in the design.
Released : 1st-Feb-1980

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Graveyard Shift

A maniac terrorizes a town during rainy nights. And exactly on one rainy night a student has a night shift in a 24-hour shop. And exactly on this night the owner of the shop goes to play in a casino, his wife wants to be entertained, a detective is awaiting for a crime to be committed and certainly... the maniac begins hunting.
Released : 20th-Jan-2005

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The Event

In the center of the painting is the story of the artist Troshcheikin, his wife Lyuba, her mother and sister. They live abroad, in a provincial small town populated by compatriots. The unexpected return to the city of a certain Barbashin turns the life of the family upside down. Five years ago, in a fit of jealousy, this man shot at Troshcheikin and his wife, wounded them and, after going to prison for six years, promised to return and finish what he started…
Released : 21st-Jun-2009

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Hard to Be a God

A group of scientists is sent to the planet Arkanar to help the local civilization, which is in the Medieval phase of its own history, to find the right path to progress. Their task is a difficult one: they cannot interfere violently and in no case can they kill. The scientist Rumata tries to save the local intellectuals from their punishment and cannot avoid taking a position.
Released : 27th-Feb-2013

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Hi, Kinder!

A seventeen-year-old nurse lives in a small provincial town, who is raised by a strict surgeon grandmother. One night, Lerka runs away from home and goes to Moscow in search of her mother. From that moment on, adventures begin in her life. The adventures are funny on the one hand, and instructive on the other. Arriving in Moscow, Lerka finds a very strange baby in her mother's house. It turns out that Mom was taken to the hospital, and six-year-old Deniska is none other than little Lerkin's brother. Deniska is a very unusual kid, smart beyond his years, but he doesn't talk at all. Two weeks spent in the capital, a difficult relationship with his brother, meeting new people completely change Lerkin's life.
Released : 24th-Oct-2009

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The Spacewalker

March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. What both superpowers aim for in this race, is to be the first to have a man walk in outer space. To accomplish that, no price is too high and no risk is too great. Now it’s up to the unlikely duo of a seasoned war veteran and a hot-headed test-pilot to fulfill this mission. Two men in a tiny spaceship, without proper testing, facing the complete unknown. They were supposed to do what no man has done before—and no man imagined what would happen next.
Released : 6th-Apr-2017

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Detective story set up in the time and place of young Pushkin, at Tsarskosel'sky Liceum.
Released : 27th-Dec-2007

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Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor

During the Civil War in Russia a group of White Guard officers is trying to rescue the family of the tsar Nicholas II captured by Bolsheviks. The officers face betrayal and fight a Red Army detachment sent to eliminate them. It is the Red Army commander against the head of the White Guard group. The only thing that matters is who will be the first to reach the tsar placed under arrest in Yekaterinburg...
Released : 17th-Apr-2008

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Listening to SIlence

A young woman (Nastya) arrives in Moscow to study at the Conservatory and thinks her sister (Alya) will help her with a place to stay. Her sister, however, can only offer her to live in the hospital, where her son is waiting for a kidney transplant. Meanwhile, the only source of money for them is a rich family, more exactly Dmitri, a football related "businessman", for whom Alya has been working as a cleaning lady. Then comes the romance between Nastya and Dmitri, but...
Released : 15th-Aug-2007

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Super-Mother-in-Law For Loser

Леонид - злоумышленник средней руки. Он ищет потерянный шифр от банковского сейфа. Если он не вызволит запертые бриллианты, то его, скорее всего, убьют бандиты посерьезнее. Спортивный репортер Сергей случайно похитивший этот шифр, тоже очень хочет выбраться невредимым из чужой гангстерской истории. Но шансов мало... Незнакомых мужчин объединяет не только желание еще пожить но и общая знакомая. С девушкой Леной Сергей встречался раньше, сейчас она невеста Леонида. О темных делах жениха Лена не догадывается, ей нравится только, что через полгода после расставания с неудачником Сергеем, у нее появился серьезный и успешный поклонник. В течении фильма Сергей пытается раскрыть Лене глаза на ее нового ухажера. Лена будет разбираться кого же из двух странноватых кавалеров она все-таки любит.
Released : 6th-Jun-2003

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I Planned to Escape

Oleg learns the intricacies of working in a bank, and here he meets the manager Veta. They begin a romance that will change the lives of both. Veta dreams of being close to Oleg, but for this he needs to divorce Katya...
Released : 19th-May-2004

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Cultural Comedy

Cynical Perm official Viktor Letaev oversees road construction and is used to always getting his way. He knows and loves his job, but is not interested in anything else. His credo: "I was chopping firewood, I was not up to these Chekhov's with Parsnips, because everyone needs firewood, and you can't warm a house with art." But the cynical worldview changes when culture and art become a new vector of development in the region. Now, in order to sit in the official's chair, he will have to study the cultural heritage of the Perm Region. To help himself, he takes lessons from Marina Nikolaevna, an art history teacher. Will she succeed in ennobling an uncultured official?
Released : 11th-Jul-2024

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TV Credits


- Moscow. 60s. Young lawyer starts working in one of the most pow- erful legal services in USSR called Filial No 1. She needs to prove that her presence there is not accidental.
Released : 23rd-Mar-2020

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Тонкие материи

Нагорный -
Released : 7th-Sep-2020

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'Pock-marked' - Pavel and Natalya did not know each other, although they had been successfully working in the same field for a long time. They worked only with the richest clients and served them in the first place. Both were top class frauds. And while their paths did not cross, they lived quite happily. But everything changed when their next clients turned out to be husband and wife, and the unlucky thief Marina took away the million at stake right from under the noses of the professionals, without realizing what she had gotten herself into.
Released : 29th-May-2006

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Gromov-Fadeyev - Ivan Ivanovich Zhurov — unlucky, but very experienced detective. He travels everywhere on his old "Pobeda", one brings up a daughter, loves to drink and has very troubled amur relations with his colleague. All this does not prevent him from masterfully disclosing the most complex and tangled loud criminal cases, for which, besides him, no one more risks to take.
Released : 9th-Nov-2009

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Parfeniy Martynovich Pyzhov - The main character, an official of the 14th grade, Erast Petrovich Fandorin, serves as a clerk in the Detective Department and secretly dreams of becoming a detective. By the will of circumstances, he finds himself involved in the investigation of a mysterious suicide.
Released : 10th-Mar-2002

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Последняя минута

Released : 16th-Jan-2011

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Русские горки

Released : 20th-Sep-2021

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Дело о «Мёртвых душах»

- A young official named Schiller goes to the city of N. conduct an investigation. An ordinary, at first glance, case turns out to be a serious test for the investigator. From the first minutes of the young man's appearance in the city, mysterious incidents begin to haunt him.
Released : 4th-Sep-2005

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- The action takes place from April to December 1986. The Ukrainian department of the KGB of the USSR becomes aware of the interest shown by foreign intelligence services in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. To establish the whereabouts of an experienced CIA officer, Albert Lenz, who is suspected of espionage, on the territory of Pripyat, Lieutenant Colonel of military counterintelligence Andrey Nikolaev arrives in the city.
Released : 30th-Mar-2022

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Гардемарины, вперёд!

Shalimov - pomoshchnik sledovatelya - Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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Вольф Мессинг: Видевший сквозь время

Карл Абель, врач - In the country of materialists, Messing is listed as a hypnotist and magician, he is both an experimenter and a test subject, and unofficially becomes Stalin’s own astrologer. He survived two dictators and remained here as an “unusual magician,” a strange predictor whose predictions invariably came true. Wolf Messing kept secrets that there was no one to share with him, secrets that died with him. But the greatest secret was himself, the genius and charlatan Wolf Messing.
Released : 15th-Nov-2009

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Следователь Тихонов

Yakov Moiseevich -
Released : 11th-Apr-2016

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МосГаз. Дело № 2: Палач

- Events take place on the outskirts of Moscow in 1965. In the center - the story of the exposure of a woman executioner who, during the war, at the behest of the Germans, shot prisoners, partisans, and civilians. This is actually a separate civil war of the fanatic with their people. During the war, she was barely 20 years old, and on her account there were already fifteen hundred murders. She shot her victims with a machine gun, hiding behind a toy bunny mask. Then she drank a bottle of moonshine and then appeared the next morning without a mask and lived an ordinary life, the same as everyone else ... Therefore, after the war, it was very difficult to figure out the killer. This case was assigned to the chief investigator. His suspicions fall on one or the other woman ...
Released : 11th-Jan-2015

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Released : 7th-Sep-2023

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Не дождётесь

- A young fraudster Vitalik gets to work in a nursing home to hide from his pursuers. He treats his job only as a way to ride out the storm and earn extra money from the elderly. Soon Vitalik realizes that the residents of the nursing home are real old robbers with incredible destinies. Gradually, he changes his attitude towards these people. From perceiving them as "obsolete material", he gets into their views on life, experiences, understands that in their hearts they continue to be young, just like him. Now he wants to be needed and change his life, although it will cost him dearly.
Released : 1st-Oct-2023

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ФК Родина

- The provincial football team Rodina loses funding at the height of the season and crashes out of the championship because its owner, the mayor of the city, decides to sell the club. For the sake of salvation, the guys make a deal with a local authority and agree to transport contraband to China. But everything does not go according to plan, and the players become debtors of authority, hide from the Chinese mafia, and the team captain suddenly becomes the owner of the club.
Released : 12th-Oct-2023

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- The plot centers on a mining family. The time of events falls on the difficult 90s. The heroes get into a difficult life and try to find the strength to endure the trials.
Released : 16th-Nov-2023

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Замыслил я побег

- Oleg learns the intricacies of working in a bank, and here he meets the manager Veta. They begin a romance that will change the lives of both. Veta dreams of being close to Oleg, but for this he needs to divorce Katya...
Released : 21st-Oct-2003

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Начальник разведки

Иван Карлович -
Released : 18th-Apr-2022

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Karasev -
Released : 2nd-Dec-2017

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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