
Ivan Ryzhov

Born : 25th-Jan-1913

Movie Credits

Heads and Tails

To earn money for married life, a young engaged man takes a job as an engineer on a privately operated oil drilling rig in the far North of Russia. A friend's letter brings the sad news that his fiancée has already married someone else and in desperation he quits his job and flies back to Moscow. There all his vast efforts to win her back seem in vain...
Released : 1st-Jan-1995

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Hopelessly Lost

Soviet adventure comedy film based on Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Released : 27th-Aug-1973

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The Red Snowball Tree

A thief named Egor, having served a term in prison, goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and a beloved woman, he decides to break with his criminal past and start a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.
Released : 25th-Mar-1974

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Masha, an adventurous five years old girl tries to find what to do while her preschool is closed for quarantine.
Released : 22nd-Aug-1983

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Dumas in the Caucasus

One day, Alexander Dumas the Father decided to visit the Caucasus. Many adventures awaited him there. A cheerful fantasy about the stay of the great French romantic in the Caucasus. Extraordinary adventures, love, friendship, and loyalty help the hero, who enters into a fight with the cruel and treacherous Circassian prince Vakhvari.
Released : 6th-Jun-1979

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Wagtail's Army Fighting Again

A kids from "Armiya Tryasoguzki" are fighting "whites" again.
Released : 23rd-Dec-1968

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Crime and Punishment

Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-law student, kills an old pawnbroker and her sister, perhaps for money, perhaps to prove a theory about being above the law. He comes to police attention through normal procedures (he was the victim's client), but his outbursts make him the prime suspect of the clever Porfiry. Meanwhile, life swirls around Raskolnikov: his mother and sister come to the city followed by two older men seeking his sister's hand; he meets a drunken clerk who is then killed in a traffic accident, and he falls in love with the man's daughter, Sonia, a young prostitute. She urges him to confess, promising to follow him to Siberia. Will he accept responsibility?
Released : 28th-Sep-1970

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Otstavnoy Kozy Barabanshchik

Уж пятый десяток пошел герою картины, а он все еще продолжает искать свое место в жизни и этой самой жизни смысл. Перепробовав с десяток профессий, работает сантехником — и считает, что тоже временно. Жена в сердцах называет его «отставной козы барабанщиком».Горожанин Гаврюшко Чупрун после очередной ссоры с женой решил начать "новую" жизнь. Взяв у соседа форму и выдав себя за капитана дальнего плавания, уехал в село, где родился и вырос. Но очень скоро истина стала для всех очевидной - и приехавшей жене пришлось спасать Гаврилу от позора.
Released : 6th-Jun-1981

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There Is Such a Lad

A story about Pashka, a really decent, honest guy, even though he lies a lot, who is looking for happiness and love.
Released : 4th-Jan-1966

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The Long Recess

A young teacher goes to a school for adults. He is younger than many of his students and some of them are starting to miss school.
Released : 6th-Jun-1972

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Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Wedding

Peter the Great takes a Russian man of African heritage - Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal - under his wing as the tsar builds his grand navy. After having a disastrous affair in France, Ibrahim vows to never fall in love again, until he sees the daughter of a wealthy boyar. Peter the Great insists the two be married, but Ibrahim goes against the tsar's wishes, refusing to force her to marry him since she doesn't consent. When another man tries to marry her, however, Ibrahim's loyalties and generous nature are put to the test.
Released : 6th-Jun-1976

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Kashchey the Immortal

A beautiful maiden, Marya Morevna, gives her prospective husband, the mighty warrior Nikita Kozhemyaka, three riddles to solve before she'll marry him. Before he can tell her the answers, the Russian land is invaded by the armies of Kashchei the Immortal, in whose footsteps death and destruction follow. Marya is abducted by Kashchei, and Nikita finds his home in ashes. Nikita meets a kindly wizard who gives him a cap of darkness. With it, the hero will find a way to save his bride and rout Kashchei.
Released : 15th-Jan-1944

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Days of the Turbins

Masterfully done re-telling of Bulgakov's brilliant play (itself a version of the novel, "White Guard"), "Days of the Turbins".
Released : 1st-Nov-1976

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A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev, traveling with his wife to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
Released : 2nd-Apr-1972

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Holy Moly!

Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Georgy Burkov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Galina Polskikh in a sad comedy by Sergey Nikonenko based on Vasily Shukshin’s short stories “Touches on the Portrait”, “The Stubborn One”, “The Strong Go Further”. Nikolai Knyazev works in a TV repair shop. God has blessed him with golden hands and heart, yet the majority of his fellow-town folk think he’s a bit nutty. And for a good reason: he’s constructing a perpetual motion machine, for years has been writing a philosophical treatise, dreaming of world fame and looking down on the other inhabitants of this sinful earth. But no matter how hard he is looking, he can’t see where his happiness (that is, post-office employee Lyuba) lies…
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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Rainbow Formula

The young scientist Vladimir Bantikov creates his double - the robot Yasha. But Yasha quickly learns and starts living his own life.
Released : 3rd-Mar-1966

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Ivan and Marya

Between the king and the soldier Ivan a serious dispute occurs. A seasoned soldier, of course, takes precedence over the quarrelsome sovereign. But until then happen in the Kingdom a lot of unusual and fun…
Released : 28th-Jul-1975

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Three Days in Moscow

A romantic comedy about young provincial policeman Ivan Fedotov's advenures in Moscow.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1975

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Romance for Lovers

Sergei and Tanya are in love with each other. Sergei is drafted into the marine corps and Tania waits for his return. Sergei's division is abandoned in favor of helping local residents in distress. During the operation, his armored personnel gets carried into the sea. His relatives receive a notice of his death. Tanya's loving childhood friend, a hockey player, helps her to cope with misfortune and she marries him. But it turned out that Sergei did not perish. He, together with a wounded friend he saved, are found on a deserted island after a long winter. Back home, Sergei learns that Tanya has married another. Unable to accept the loss of his beloved, Sergei dies; but this death is a symbolic and emotional one, not physical. Sergei continues to live a normal life without shock and strong distress, meets another girl, marries her, has a child. In the finale there is a spiritual rebirth of the hero.
Released : 10th-Nov-1974

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Where Are You, Bagira?

A family movie about a friendship between girl and dog.
Released : 11th-Oct-1977

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The plot begins in the Soviet Union showing first efforts to establish the Czechoslovak legion in 1942. The film also shows the assassination of Heydrich and the subsequent annihilation of Lidice. The main topis of the film is battles with German troops for Sokolovo.
Released : 9th-May-1975

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Ogaryova Street, Number 6

Detective Kostenko is traveling between Moscow and Sukhumi trying to find the responsible for double homicide.
Released : 1st-Dec-1980

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The Boy from the Schooner 'Columbus'

Two teenagers Marco and Lyuda are helping border guards to catch a spy.
Released : 7th-May-1964

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Air Crew

Story of the lives of three Soviet pilots who are united by disaster in a small town in the mountains.
Released : 14th-Jan-1980

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Story is set in deep Russia, on a wild river in woods called "Ugrum-reka" - the Moody river. Son of a dishonest trader, Prohor Gromov wants to become his own man. He takes his fathers order and goes trough the woods to deliver the furs to the byer in the nearest town. He tries to take the shorter way and get`s lost. At the highest point of this, his fathers servant, Abdulla, who is sent with him to guard him almost shoots him driven by hunger, but comes to the senses and saves his life by continuing to go on.
Released : 14th-Apr-1969

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Comrade Nikanorova Awaits You

Fate has repeatedly deceived Katya Nikanorova — however, she is still destined to wait for a meeting with her happiness. However, far from immediately she was able to discern her prince in the closed, sometimes ridiculous and ridiculous, nondescript veterinarian Dyozhkin. And he saw a kind and sensitive woman in the keen and stormy Katerina. But before this happens, the heroes of the melodrama will survive many curious situations...
Released : 15th-Jan-1979

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Return of Budulai

A continuation of a saga about Budulai started in "Gypsy" (1979).
Released : 25th-Mar-1986

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Easy Steps

A fairytale about the town of Nemukhin and it's citizens.
Released : 18th-Jun-1989

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The Coin

The collection of TV series based on Albert Maltsa’s stories. Action happens at the time of the Great depression.
Released : 25th-Nov-1962

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The Green Flame

Released : 28th-Jun-1964

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Chapay's Eaglets

Adventures of a group of children during Civil War in Russia.
Released : 17th-Dec-1968

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Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin

Set in a small Ukrainian village during the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941 Private Chonkin, not overly endowed with intelligence, is left to guard a downed military aircraft. The authorities appear to have forgotten about him so this leaves him free to work his chams on the village postmistress, Njura, untill the local militia are tipped off.
Released : 20th-Oct-1994

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Was There Karotin?

The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.
Released : 25th-May-1990

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Everything Begins with Hitting the Road

On the eve of departure to the Siberian shock construction site, the famous builder and installer Stepan Bobkov throws his wife. However, on the train he meets Annushka, a young concrete worker who also travels to Siberia on a Komsomol ticket. Sympathy arises between the heroes, which is also reinforced by the coincidence of the so-called “production interests”.
Released : 1st-Jan-1959

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Rasplyuev's Days of Fun

A clerk fakes his own death in order to get a big fortune.
Released : 19th-Sep-1966

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On the outskirts of the provincial town, Yevdokim and Yevdokiya live, raising foster children. Yevdokim works at a factory, Yevdokiya is a housewife. The family seems to be safe and happy: the only trouble is that Yevdokiya cannot forget the love of her youth. This Yevdokim cannot stand and offers Yevdokiya freedom, while he will remain with the children. But all these contradictions are drowned in mutual love for children and for each other.
Released : 3rd-Apr-1961

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The Maiden's Spring

The Maiden Spring choreographic ensemble goes on tour in the Volga cities. In love with the soloist of the ensemble Galina, the optician Volodya could not be among the passengers of the ship on which the artists sailed: on the occasion of the special flight, tickets for the ship were not sold. And then Volodya gets a job as an assistant cook in the galley (the only vacant place on the ship). A lot of adventures have befallen the new nutrition worker. The galley’s female team received him with pleasure, and the beautiful Nastya even fell in love with the young man a little, causing Gali’s jealousy ...
Released : 14th-May-1960

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Story of a Real Man

Alexey Meresyev was a fighter pilot during the war. One day he was shot down by Nazis, and because of his wounds both of his legs had to be cut off up to his knees. Because of his spirit and courage, Alexey was able to overcome his disability. He learned not only to walk on his artificial limps, but even dance and fly the plane again. Based on a real-life story.
Released : 21st-Oct-1948

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A criminal drama based on the story of the same name by Pavel Nilin. The first years of Soviet power in East Siberia. Malyshev,deputy chief of Criminal Investigation Department, a Komsomol member, wins over to the Soviet power a former field-hand and now a bandit Lazar Baukin, and the latter tells him about Vorontsov, the gang leader. Malyshev guarantees Baukin’s freedom. However the chief arrests him in order to reap laurels of catching the gang leader. Malyshev is in despair - he has brought under execution the man who has fully trusted him. The situation gets worse due to his personal drama and Malyshev commits suicide.
Released : 6th-Aug-1959

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True Friends

Story about 3 childhood friends who found each other later in life and decided to rafting on one of the Moscovian rivers.
Released : 20th-Apr-1954

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The Frigid Sea

Several commercial fishermen were attacked by sea pirates and were forced to spend more than one year on a desert island. Many considered them dead - but almost all of them managed to survive ...
Released : 1st-Jan-1954

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The Inspector-General

Khlestakov is a young flamboyant crook, who is broke. He finds himself in a small Russian town, where local authorities are waiting for an undercover inspector from the capital St. Petersburg. Khlestakov is mistaken for an undercover inspector, and uses the situation for taking bribes from the local governor and flirting with both his wife and daughter. Khlestakov abuses the corruption and hypocrisy of the local authorities until, at the end, the real inspector shows up...
Released : 1st-Dec-1952

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It Happened at the Police Station

A story about police detectives working on reuniting children and parents who got separated by WWII. Based on Izrail Metter stories.
Released : 6th-Jun-1963

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The District Secretary

A story about a Secretary of the Communist Party District Committee who is leading partisans in their fight with the Nazis during WWII.
Released : 30th-Nov-1942

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The Village Teacher

A life-long story of a romantic school teacher who left imperial St. Petersburg for teaching country children. Driven by noble intentions to enlighten people and examples by 1880s revolutionary "People's Will" member teachers, a young woman spent her life in a village and evidenced the changes a Russian village has undergone from pre-revolutionary tsarist times to late 1940s.
Released : 6th-Jun-1947

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Tale of the Siberian Land

His right hand having been wounded during the war, concert pianist Andrei Balashov is unable to perform his art. As a result, the young man feels so depressed that he considers his life wasted. One day, he decides to leave the capital and flee from the woman he loves, Natasha, a rising singing star. Andrei takes refuge in Siberia, his native land. Once there, he gets a job in a sawmill, where he entertains his fellow-workers playing the accordion during leisure hours. Some time later, Natasha and her company are expected in America where they are to do a tour. But an airplane breakdown forces the pilot to land next to the village in which Andrei lives and works...
Released : 9th-Sep-1947

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Incident in the Taiga

Young scientist is going to taiga for his experiments but meets poachers on the way.
Released : 19th-Dec-1953

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We from the Urals

A story about two teenagers and their life during WWII in Urals district of Russia.
Released : 30th-Dec-1943

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Precious Gift

The inveterate fisherman Karp Trofimovich has his birthday during competition of fishermen so his nephew clings a huge pike to the uncle's hook .
Released : 1st-Nov-1956

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They Conquer the Skies

The end of the 1940s. Test pilot Aleksei Kolchin was commissioned for the first time to fly the first Soviet jet fighter. The tests are successful, but it is necessary to improve the aircraft. When performing a test flight, Kolchin dies, his last words are recorded on tape. Having studied them, Kolchin's friend Sergei Sharov makes a new attempt and completes the test of the aircraft.
Released : 26th-Aug-1963

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Trust Me, People

A criminal tries to regain the trust of fellow citizens after the release from prison.
Released : 25th-Jan-1964

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TV Credits


- Fitil is a popular Soviet/Russian television satirical/comedy short film series which ran for about 500 episodes. Some of the episodes were aimed at children, and were called Фитилёк, Fitilyok, Little Fuse. Each issue contained from the few short segments: documentary, fictional and animated ones. Directed by various artists, including Leonid Gaidai who presented his famous trio of Nikulin, Vitsin and Morgunov into the cast. It was called in USSR as "the anecdotes from the Soviet government".
Released : 4th-Jun-1962

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отец Ипат - Story is set in deep Russia, on a wild river in woods called "Ugrum-reka" - the Moody river. Son of a dishonest trader, Prohor Gromov wants to become his own man. He takes his fathers order and goes trough the woods to deliver the furs to the byer in the nearest town. He tries to take the shorter way and get`s lost. At the highest point of this, his fathers servant, Abdulla, who is sent with him to guard him almost shoots him driven by hunger, but comes to the senses and saves his life by continuing to go on.
Released : 5th-May-1969

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Чтобы помнили

Narrator -
Released : 9th-Dec-1993

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Долгая дорога в дюнах

Mitriy Akimych -
Released : 2nd-Jun-1982

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Большая перемена

начальник отделения милиции -
Released : 29th-Apr-1973

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Стрепетов - директор конезавода -
Released : 18th-Aug-1980

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Возвращение Будулая

Стрепетов - директор конезавода -
Released : 25th-Mar-1986

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For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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