
Marguerite Pierry

Born : 26th-Dec-1887

Movie Credits

The Virtuous Scoundrel

La Vie d'un honnête homme English: The Virtuous Scoundrel, is a French comedy drama film from 1953, directed by Sacha Guitry, written by Sacha Guitry, starring Michel Simon and Louis de Funès.
Released : 18th-Feb-1953

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The Private Life of an Actor

Biography of Lucien Guitry, stage comedian, by his son, movie director, and a poetic reflection on the passionate love of both men for their chosen art forms.
Released : 26th-Feb-1948

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Adhémar or the Toy of Destiny

Is it because his father was a groom that Adhémar Pomme has a long horse head and a horse- toothed smile? Maybe but the fact is that his head has invariably caused laughter whatever the circumstances, which is the tragedy of his life. After having worked as an undertaker, a theater prompter, a casino bouncer, and so on, and failing at each job, he applies out of desperation to an institution where those rejected for physical reasons can hide and live together. But Adhémar immediately starts... laughing at them and gets kicked out as a result! In the end though, he finds his way as a circus artist.
Released : 14th-Sep-1951

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Two Doves

A man remarried his wife's sister whom he believes died in a fire. The alleged deceased reappears and sows trouble and discord in the new household.
Released : 27th-Jul-1949

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Dr. Knock

Saint-Maurice, an ordinary peaceful village, lived healthily so much so that the local doctor's practice was scant. But that was before Dr. Parpalaid retired and was replaced by a charlatan by the name of Knock. A real genius this one, for he soon managed to persuade everyone that they were ill. And not only didn't they resent him but they even loved their physician, who made a fortune and brought prosperity to the village by turning it into a big hospital.
Released : 21st-Mar-1951

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Baby's Laxative

A little boy won't go to the bathroom, which leads to all sorts of complications for his parents and their friends.
Released : 21st-Jun-1931

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Nana or Nanà is a French-Italian film by Christian-Jaque starring Charles Boyer. It is an adaptation of Émile Zola's novel Nana.
Released : 26th-Jul-1955

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My Last Mistress

A renowned sculptor aged about fifty years, François Bressolles falls for the young Catherine Collet whom he convinces without difficulty to pose for him. Complications ensue when he starts to go blind.
Released : 24th-Nov-1943

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Street Singer

A father allows himself to be accused of the murder of a blackmailer to save his son who is the real murderer. But he is forced to confess, and commits suicide in his cell.
Released : 28th-Oct-1938

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Whirlwind of Paris

A gang of broke student musicians travel to Paris to take exams. But very quickly, the lack of money pushes young people to pass themselves off as professionals during the performance. They will then win the victory!
Released : 15th-Dec-1939

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After losing her only child and falling for another man, a wife no longer loves her husband, but he thinks if he takes her back to some of the places they enjoyed in earlier years, it might rekindle their doomed marriage.
Released : 13th-Apr-1948

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Miss Bonaparte

Cora Pearl, a demi-mondaine under the Second Empire, falls in love with a legitimist while she is the mistress of Jérôme Bonaparte, the cousin of Napoleon III.
Released : 16th-Jan-1942

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J'y suis... j'y reste

Just as she is about to marry Jules, Nénette realizes that an adventuress has borrowed her identity in order to marry Hubert de Mont-Vermeil. But at the same time, a cardinal arrives, and the truth must be kept from him. Nénette passes for Hubert's wife, and the cardinal spends his time reconciling the pseudo-spouses. After many misunderstandings, Hubert and Nénette discover that they love each other, while Jules marries the pretty soubrette, not without first inoculating Hubert's virtuous aunt with his taste for racing.
Released : 13th-Apr-1954

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The Prom

Two middle-class notions dealers live happily with their girl, but an inheritance turns these nice people into snob Nouveaux Riches. Although the aristocracy invites them, the 'Tout-Paris' laughs behind their back. When they invite their would be new friends for a ball in their desirable new mansion, their daughter, sick and tired of being abandoned by her once loving parents, throws the invitations into the Seine.
Released : 11th-Sep-1931

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Claire Buisson becomes enamored with Gerard and soon afterwords she becomes pregnant. Gerard advises her to abort the child but, at the last moment, Claire decides to keep her child and leaves for her sister's place in the province.
Released : 21st-Dec-1938

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Bearer Check

Returning from America where he received a large inheritance, Alaric would like to have a wedding before returning to the family home where his sister, who is as cantankerous as she is uncompromising on principles, awaits him. He asks a “porter” from the station who looks like him to replace him.
Released : 21st-Dec-1941

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Last Hour, Special Edition

A journalist who deals with the column "courier du cœur" has the absurd idea of ​​launching an investigation into the death of a pianist whom he claims to have been murdered. To dazzle his wife, a reporter for the newspaper, he disguises the facts in such a way that the police suspect him, then declare him guilty. It takes a number of adventures to get him out of this mess and get him back into his section.
Released : 30th-Sep-1949

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Southern Carrier

A pilot on one of the air mail flights between France and its African colonies has a brief romance with his distressed cousin before he returns to the call of duty, and the rebels in the desert.
Released : 22nd-Jan-1937

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The Ladies in the Green Hats

Arlette and her brother are penniless orphans; as the man is to leave for Africa to work for a long time, the young girl is forced to live with her cousins, four spinsters, who place virtue over everything.
Released : 6th-May-1949

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Last Chance Castle

Rather than commit suicide, it is better to stay at the clinic of Professor Patureau-Duparc. This practitioner experiments on his clients with a serum that modifies their personality. Thus Yolande and Albert become new Romeo and Juliet. They end up marrying each other after having regained their primitive selves. Their married life is then a hell and they welcome with joy the proposal of a new injection of serum.
Released : 16th-Jul-1947

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La Sonnette d'alarme

Middle-aged Parisian Bobby, following an attack of gout, is forced to give up his previous merry life. Above all this Bobby falls in love with his niece Genevieve, abandoned by her husband.
Released : 30th-May-1935

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Les frangines

The owner of a suburban boarding school is found murdered. The culprit will be unmasked thanks to the ingenuity and courage of the good Janine and a student, named Nadine.
Released : 10th-Feb-1960

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Prison Without Bars

In a state correctional institute for teenage girls, Madame Appel, the superintendent, rules with an iron fist. The State appoints thirty-year-old Yvonne to evaluate the situation. The young woman is convinced that the girls should feel wanted rather than be constantly subdued and is accordingly determined to make Madame Appel change her methods of education.
Released : 7th-Jan-1938

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The French Way

Cabaret star Zazu intervenes when young lovers are sundered by their parents' feud.
Released : 27th-Jun-1945

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Le Don d'Adèle

This is the disaster for the Veyron-Lafitte. Régine, the maid, has just given up her apron and the meal is not ready for the dinner guests, the Gachassins. Adèle arrives at their house as a maid and saves the day. Very quickly, the masters of the place realize that she has the gift of seeing the future. Adèle predicts that the Gachassins will not come, which will be verified.
Released : 2nd-Feb-1951

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Adémaï au Moyen Âge

Joan Of Arc has just released Orléans (1429)but the English are still here to stay . The fortress of Châteauneuf is hold by Lord Pickwickdam
Released : 1st-Jan-1935

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Miquette is a young woman whose beauty and vivacity increase the clientele of her mother's tobacco shop. A Barrymoresque actor believes that Miquette has star potential, but he hasn't sufficient capital to finance her theatrical debut. He manages to get the money by practicing a bit of genteel blackmail on an aging marquis who has romantic designs on the heroine.
Released : 1st-May-1940

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The Ostrich Has Two Eggs

A father discovers one day that one of his sons is a homosexual and the other, is the "gigolo" of a Japanese countess. He is first horrified, but finally accepts the situation because it brings him economical advantages.
Released : 29th-Aug-1957

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Le couché de la mariée

Claude loves Gisèle, Raymonde loves Édouard, but a double misunderstand leads to the marriage of Claude and Raymonde. Obviously, they vow not to consumate the marriage until they divorce, and can marriage their true loves. But than, come the honey-moon night, more extraordinary things happen to them - even love.
Released : 19th-May-1934

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If Paris Were Told to Us

Historical film directed and written by Sacha Guitry follows the the history of Paris from its founding through the significant events in the city's history.
Released : 27th-Jan-1956

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In her village, Ms. Husson seeks to put a price under a rosiere but finding no worthy young pretty girl, hands it has Isidore, the village idiot, who becomes rosier
Released : 15th-Feb-1932

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In the Camargue, the rich owner Jules Fabregoul squanders all his fortune to please his mistress, a Parisian actress with luxury tastes. But he is not the only one to be in trouble. His niece is having sentimental problems: she thinks she is being cheated on by her fiance Gérard, a music-hall artist. She takes refuge with Jules's sister, Aunt Fabregoul, the director of a home for repentant young girls. But Gérard did not make a mistake and the reconciliation takes place during the recording of a radio program.
Released : 6th-Sep-1935

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The Two Boys

The Count of Kerlor, to chastise his wife whom he believes to be unfaithful, entrusts his son to a couple of scoundrels. When he repents and wants to find the child, the carnies make their nephew sick. But the other little boy, in search of his comrade, is recognized by his reconciled parents.
Released : 8th-Sep-1936

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J'arrose mes galons

The son of a ruined family transforms into a castellan following an inheritance, becomes a parachutist champion in spite of himself, and becomes famous.
Released : 25th-Dec-1936

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Trois artilleurs au pensionnat

Three happy reservists are doing a military period. One evening out and about, thinking they were going back to the barracks, they enter a boarding school for young girls. They exchange their uniforms for the dresses of three teachers, which launches them into a series of incredible adventures for a few days.
Released : 12th-Mar-1937

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The Citadel of Silence

During the students ' rebellion against Nicholas the Second in Russia, Viana tries to kill the governor but it's her lover who is arrested and sent to a sinister fortress : hence the title. To help the prisoner,Vania marries the officer who commands the place. There the convicts have really a bad time, but Vania manages to communicate with her dear captive. But beware of informers.
Released : 3rd-Jun-1937

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Titin from Martigues

In Paris, at the Foire du Trône, the showman Titin from Martigues spins the perfect love with the pretty Yvette, which arouses the jealousy of his rival Dix-de-Der who will cause his downfall. Without this affecting his Provençal joviality, Titin will try his hand at various odd jobs without ceasing to push the song.
Released : 9th-Feb-1938

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Ça... c'est du sport

Trapon, a bank employee, is in love with Mrs. Lavator, who wants to marry off her two daughters before marrying her. As one of the two fiancés of his daughters has no money, Trapon begins to embezzle sums of money in his cash box.
Released : 18th-Aug-1938

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Monsieur Breloque a disparu

The brave Monsieur Breloque has a friend, Pierre Martel, a private detective. When the latter asks him to replace him for a while, Breloque, although having no competence in the matter, accepts. He anticipates adventures and misadventures but also happy surprises.
Released : 30th-Mar-1938

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Three Artillerymen on the Move

During a leave, three merry soldiers experience a series of incredible adventures.
Released : 24th-Apr-1938

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The Mayor's Dilemma

At the beginning of World War I in a village in the country of La Marne, two families are against the marriage of their children. The war changes the positions.
Released : 23rd-Mar-1939

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Monsieur Brotonneau

A man leaves his adulterous wife for his secretary, but then the wife apologizes and wants her husband back again.
Released : 4th-Aug-1939

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Nine Bachelors

Nine Bachelors is a 1939 French comedy film directed by Sacha Guitry and starring Guitry, Max Dearly and Elvire Popesco.[1] An opportunist dreams up a new scheme to make money when the French government passes a law forbidding foreigners from living in France. It's French title is Ils étaient neuf célibataires.
Released : 29th-Sep-1939

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Face au destin

Two modest young employees, Jean and Madeleine, dream of leading the way, but the experience turns out badly. Madeleine marries a German aristocrat who turns out to be a spy, and finds Jean who had joined the Legion.
Released : 17th-Sep-1941

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Paris-New York

The forbidden romance between wealthy Giselle Preville and impoverished journalist Claude Dauphin. When Preville disappears, Dauphin is accused of kidnapping by the girl's snobbish father Rene Alexander. By the time the Normandie reaches New York, however, the "mystery" is solved and all misunderstandings blithely swept away.
Released : 3rd-Apr-1940

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Two Women

Considering his wife as his property, a smuggler bullies the unfortunate woman and does not allow her to turn to another man.
Released : 16th-May-1940

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Parade in 7 Nights

In the pound, Pipo the dog recounts his adventures to his fellow inmates.
Released : 24th-Sep-1941

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Fromont Young and Risler Elder

An ambitious and perverse adventurer sows dissension and ruin in a wealthy family of industrialists.
Released : 8th-Oct-1941

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The Lost Woman

Marie, a young bourgeois and Jean, a cargo sailor have an affair, she becomes pregnant but he has to go back to the sea. Marie leaves for Paris where she meets Pierre and marries him. War breaks out, Jean and Pierre will befriend each other on the front.
Released : 5th-Aug-1942

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Des jeunes filles dans la nuit

Six young boarding girls return home unexpectedly after their college has been destroyed by fire. Their unexpected presence arouses melodramatic reactions.
Released : 14th-Apr-1943

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Madame et le Mort

A person who had usurped the identity of a famous writer of detective stories was killed in the train. Why and by whom?
Released : 21st-Apr-1943

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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