
Charles Dechamps

Born : 13th-Sep-1882

Movie Credits

Si j'étais le patron

An intelligent young worker, enterprising but boastful, repeats to all the winds that, if he were the boss, we would see what we would see. One of the main shareholders of the factory takes him at his word for twenty-four hours.
Released : 25th-Oct-1934

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Loves, Delights and Organs

The head of a school in a little French country town encourages the playful romances between his young students, as well as a love of jazz music.
Released : 25th-Jun-1946

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The Ferret

A mysterious figure signing himself "The Ferret" keeps sending letters to the police, tipping them off about murders that are to be committed around Paris. Among those caught up in the police manhunt is a fraudulent clairvoyant.
Released : 10th-Feb-1950

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La Faute d'orthographe

A modest man who applies for a job in an insurance firm is tormented by the idea that he has made a simple spelling mistake on his application.
Released : 1st-Jan-1918

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La Bohème

The story of a free-spirited Bohemian. Capellani would remake the film in the U.S. in 1916 with a longer runtime.
Released : 14th-Mar-1912

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Keep an Eye on Amelia

Young Amélie is currently enjoying life as the kept woman of her reasonably well off boyfriend Étienne. But when Étienne is called off for military duty, he enlists his playboy friend Marcel to keep an eye on her....something of a problem seeing that he is currently looking for a woman with which to create a sham marriage so he can quickly inherit a large sum of money from his father. Then suddenly the Prince of Palestra enters into the picture and boldly asks for Étienne's romantic favors to assess whether or not he would consider taking her as his bride. What's a free-spirited girl to do?
Released : 16th-Dec-1949

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Et moi j'te dis qu'elle t'a fait d'l'oeil!

André Courvalin, a merry bachelor, considers marrying, but not his exuberant mistress Aurélie. He would much rather wed sweet Suzanne. Trouble is that Suzanne is already engaged to Yves, one of his friends. But every problem has its solution. Accordingly, André finalizes a cynical stratagem. He sends Yves to negotiate his own breakup with Aurélie while he warns Aurélie's husband about Yves' presence by her side.All goes according to plan : Yves is mistakenly taken for Aurélie's husband.
Released : 20th-Dec-1950

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Beating Heart

Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
Released : 1st-Feb-1940

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J'aime toutes les femmes

Jean Morena, famous operatic tenor, is determined to change his engagements for some freedom after the performance. So his manager has the idea of contracting Eugène, a grocery worker who looks just like him and is willing to become a singer, to take his place. Destiny will make them change places also in romantic business.
Released : 24th-Oct-1935

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Little Jean-Claude was adopted by former singer Jacques Duffot and his wife Anne-Marie. The child's mother, Simone, is determined to take him back, happily advised by the director of a private agency. They persuade Anne-Marie that Jacques is the legitimate father. Distraught, the young woman leaves home. Jacques resumes his singing career, but Jean-Claude refuses to accept the separation and fries him to death. The couple reconcile at his bedside, while Simone tiptoes away.
Released : 22nd-Apr-1954

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The Postmaster's Daughter

A small town postal official allows a military officer to sweep his lovely daughter away to St. Petersburg, assuming the man will do the right thing and marry her.Instead, a future of scandal and tragedy awaits her.
Released : 3rd-Mar-1938

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Le Don d'Adèle

This is the disaster for the Veyron-Lafitte. Régine, the maid, has just given up her apron and the meal is not ready for the dinner guests, the Gachassins. Adèle arrives at their house as a maid and saves the day. Very quickly, the masters of the place realize that she has the gift of seeing the future. Adèle predicts that the Gachassins will not come, which will be verified.
Released : 2nd-Feb-1951

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Le père Lebonnard

Father Lebonnard, a former watchmaker who made a fortune, remains simple while his wife is only dreaming of worldly affairs and pushes his son Freddy to marry Bianca, the daughter of the Marquis de Rocafort, their neighbor. She feeds a similar project for her daughter Mariella.
Released : 29th-Mar-1939

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My Heart Is Calling You

Director Rosé and his opera company travel to Monte Carlo where they expect an engagément to perform at the opera house. During the boat trip Mario, the cheerful tenor, meets a girl hidden in his cabin. He helps her singing for her passage and soon Nicole is adopted by the whole troupe. Then at Monte Carlo the opera director has no intention to sign them. But he has an eye for beautiful women, so Nicole will try to persuade him to reconsider the offer.
Released : 14th-Sep-1934

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Stolen Affections

The ordeal of Françoise who, deceived by her husband, sees her dying child. After a few events in the backdrop of a festival, the husband returns, she pushes him away, driving him to suicide. Another man she thinks she loves is already married.
Released : 5th-Nov-1948

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Superstitious new rich find that they will be thirteen at the table. To reassure themselves, they invite a piano tuner, named Gonzague, whom they pretend to be Prince Gonzague to their guests. One of them imagines that Gonzague is his wife's lover.
Released : 23rd-Mar-1934

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The Call of Destiny

Young conductor Roberto Lombardini has never known his father who is actually a former musician, a failed piano player who has sunk into alcoholism.
Released : 15th-Feb-1953

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Dakota 308

A Dakota plane is carrying a ton of gold bound for Brazzaville, but it is hijacked over the Camargue. On arrival, we find nails instead of gold!
Released : 25th-Apr-1951

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Au temps des grisettes

Released : 12th-Jul-1911

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Scandals of Clochemerle

A little town erupts in turmoil about the construction of a public urinal. The army is sent in to restore order, but the military add to the confusion by getting involved with the local women.
Released : 9th-Jun-1948

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Caroline and the Rebels

A swashbuckling heritage reveals itself as the adopted son of 19th-century Spaniards develops into a suave lady-killer.
Released : 11th-Mar-1955

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Rome Express

A valuable painting has been stolen from an art gallery in Paris.. On a train travelling between Paris and Rome, Zutra, a mysterious and sinister character, tries to find the stolen painting.
Released : 18th-Jan-1950

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All for Love

A famous tenor manages to charm away a lovely young lady who was just about to be married to the opera director.
Released : 15th-Sep-1933

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Companion Wanted

Young love blossoms between a salesgirl and a handsome man on the French Riviera.
Released : 19th-Feb-1932

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That scoundrel Morin

Life is so dull in a quiet little neighborhood that gossips, eager for some kind of scandal to brighten things up, imagine their haberdasher has been having quite a raunchy sex life.
Released : 30th-Dec-1932

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Ève cherche un père

Eve is to marry Jacques, the son of a general. But the general does not want a fatherless girl as a daughter-in-law. To remedy the problem Eve, who is the resourceful kind, sets about finding herself a father. She finds one in the person of a charming forty-five- year-old man. The brooding fiancé remains reluctant though and Eve is about to get engaged with her pseudo father when the latter suddenly remembers that he is ...Eve's real father!
Released : 22nd-Dec-1933

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Le Fakir du Grand Hôtel

Démonio the fakir has impressed a rich but weak-willed young man who hires him as an energy teacher. Demonio drags out the businesses of the shy lover, but his partner arranges everything and the finally satisfied lover endows the two accomplices who renounce fakirism.
Released : 5th-Jan-1934

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Vive la compagnie

Thanks to an understanding and sympathetic regimental comrade, a shy young man, very passionate about astronomy, gradually becomes more confident and manages to tell his love to his beloved.
Released : 16th-Mar-1934

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Un train dans la nuit

Travelers who have missed their correspondence are forced to spend the night in the waiting room of a small country station. They are told that a ghost train rushes through the night on each anniversary of an accident that once took place there. A detective tries to solve the case.
Released : 28th-Sep-1934

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Monsieur Sans-Gêne

A man creates a national scandal after he mistakenly kisses the wrong woman in a darkened cinema. The following year it was remade as an American comedy One Rainy Afternoon, released by United Artists.
Released : 14th-Mar-1935

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A Rare Bird

A wealthy businessman joins his servant, who has won a winter getaway, on the trip, but at the hotel where they stay the servant is mistaken for the master.
Released : 6th-Jun-1935

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Une gueule en or

The Marquis de Barfleur, an unattractive man, decides to resort to plastic surgery to ensure the fidelity of Colette, his young mistress. Now endowed with a face to die for, he is about to achieve his goal. But the Marchioness de Barfleur, the Marquis' loving wife, does not hear it that way. She has her revenge claiming everywhere that her husband is... dead! An assertion people believe since they do not recognize the Marquis! When her vengeance has lasted long enough, she forgives the Marquis and husband and wife fall into each other's arms.
Released : 16th-Jun-1936

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Œil de lynx, détective

Marc Lanterne and Monsieur Smith investigate the home of a castellan who is the victim of jealousy, justified by the way, of his wife. Monsieur Dunoyau wants to know the author of the anonymous letters he receives. After a whole series of extraordinary adventures, the truth comes out and Dunoyau is reconciled with his wife.
Released : 28th-Aug-1936

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Passé à vendre

Maryse blackmails her former lovers by threatening to mention their names in her memoirs. But a real blackmailer appears and cashes the checks for him.
Released : 14th-Sep-1936

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La Reine des resquilleuses

A young unemployed girl pretends to be a boy and gets a job as a car washer.
Released : 12th-Mar-1937

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Pantins d'amour

A rich, idle young man falls in love with a cabaret singer. Very skilful, she pretends to remain insensitive to this love, thus hoping to better achieve her ambitious ends.
Released : 23rd-Apr-1937

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The Secrets of the Red Sea

Said Ali, an old and sick noble Arab, living on an island in the Red Sea, has no other occupation than collecting pearls. The spiteful Nadir tries to take possession of the treasure, he kills Said Aly but finds a terrible death by desecrating his tomb.
Released : 8th-Sep-1937

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A Picnic on the Grass

A rich young woman asks a poor man to play for her the role of a generous friend. He ends up falling in love.
Released : 9th-Dec-1937

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Un de la Canebière

They are three fishermen from the Old Port: Toinet, Pénible and Girelle. Two of them are in love with two pretty merchants. Not confident in their natural seduction, they decide to use drastic measures to be sure to attract and sustain the attention of these young ladies. This is how they approach them by posing as wealthy industrialists. But now the young girls, not to be outdone, present themselves as film actresses.
Released : 22nd-Sep-1938

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Hercule, a young peasant, inherits a Parisian newspaper with a large circulation. The editor-in-chief, Vasco, takes advantage of his ignorance to make corruption prevail. But Hercules gradually realizes the role that we make him play.
Released : 5th-Mar-1938

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Barnabé, an occasional flutist, goes to Mme Petit-Durand to organize her daughter's 20 years. But he is confused with the Count of Marengo whom Mme Petit-Durand wants to give as husband to her daughter, who has already made her choice.
Released : 14th-May-1938

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Un fichu métier

Because of the escapades of Alexis, the Crown Prince of Vodenia, the kingdom is likely to lose the loan lent to them by a rich foreign banker. Baron Patcheff, a minister, decides then to replace the Prince by a double. The man chosen is Castin, a Parisian haberdasher, who looks like Alexis feature for feature.
Released : 5th-Oct-1938

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The Acrobat

After a deadbeat patron at his restaurant gets special care from the cops who think the man has amnesia, the maitre d'hotel decides to pretend he too has amnesia. He is claimed in turn by an aristocrat family and by trapeze artists.
Released : 6th-May-1941

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The Unknown Singer

Julien Mortal, a singer from Portugal suffering from amnesia, made a career in France under the name of Paolo. One day, he discovers the truth about his past: a man tried to assassinate him.
Released : 25th-Apr-1947

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The Beautiful Days of King Murat

For the past few weeks, revolt has been brewing in the Kingdom of Naples. The handsome Castelli is at the head of the conspiracy that wants to put an end to the reign of King Murat. To carry out his plan, he decides to infiltrate the court in order to become an intimate of the king. But his ploy works too well: he manages to enter the court thanks to his talents as a singer and very quickly seduces Queen Geneviève. But this imprudence costs him a lot. He is soon arrested by the king's men and immediately condemned to death.
Released : 13th-May-1947

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Mort ou vif

A friendly average Frenchman pretends to be a famous commissioner on vacation. He arrives in a castle converted into a boarding house where, after dinner, guests are invited to participate in a "murder-party". The so-called victim of this little game is really murdered and the fake commissioner must lead the investigation.
Released : 18th-Feb-1948

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The Lovers of Verona

Angelo, a glass-blower from Murano, and Georgia Maglia, the pretty daughter of a fallen fascist magistrate, are chosen to be the stand-ins for the stars of a film version of "Romeo and Juliet" being shot on location in Venice and Verona. It is not long before they fall in love and their romance parallels that of Shakespeare's timeless heroes. Indeed their union is threatened by the schemings of Raffaele, the Maglia family's dubious tout...
Released : 7th-Mar-1949

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My Aunt from Honfleur

A young man leads a happy life in Paris, while making his aunt believe that he is continuing his studies, while she supports him financially.
Released : 31st-Aug-1949

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Tête blonde

When he finds a package in the metro, given this period of restrictions, Mr. Truche thinks it may be a good deal, he takes it home but discovers a woman's head inside. A friend of Mr. Truche having just disappeared, the superintendent accuses her of having murdered her and discovers the head buried in his cellar. But the girlfriend, whom Mr. Truche loves platonically, returns from the countryside and at the same time we spot the assassin of the unknown woman.
Released : 1st-Sep-1950

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Les maîtres-nageurs

A married industrialist maintains three mistresses. On the instructions of his wife, the tax inspector seizes the small notebook where he records his illegal dealings. After a stormy marital explanation, the industrialist decides to reduce his costs by getting rid of his mistresses and expresses the intention of returning to legality. But he realizes that everyone, even his wife, prefers the old situation, fraud and mistresses, thanks to which everyone found his little profit.
Released : 19th-Jan-1951

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Good Enough to Eat

Rose Chaperon is asked by her confectioner mother Mathilde to bring jewels to her sick grandmother, Madame de Mergrand. But Hugues, the latter's brother, is prepared to do anything to get his hands on the loot. To this end he hires a villainous young man, Jean-Louis nicknamed Loup, to do the job. Will Loup engulf and devour Little "Rose "Riding Hood?
Released : 8th-Jun-1951

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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