
W.D. Mochtar

Born in Pontianak. Education: HIS. During the Japanese occupation, between 1942 - 1945, Wagino became the Japanese army, (Keigun Heiho) in Pontianak. In this unit, he has also been included in entertainment programs as a singer and dancer. Early in 1946 he moved to Java and joined T.R.I. in Krawang. Followed the move to Jogya, then guerrilla in West Java. Out of the army after the transfer of Sovereignty, was immediately involved in the film. His introduction to film occurred through "Tirtonadi" (1950). Then, until 1955, he became a permanent player at the Tan & Wong Bros studio which later changed its name to Tjendrawasih Film. Part of his job was to play in 1001-style films that were in fashion in those years. Between 1955 and 1959 absent from film. Just back again through: "South Storm" (1960) directed by Sofia Waldy who later became his wife (Sofia WD). In 1960 the husband and wife founded the Libra Music al Show which organized entertainment shows to various parts of the country. diverting from the blank period of filming at that time. The members he brings are generally film players. W.D. Mochtar appears in singing and dancing events. His play in "Matjan Kemajoran" (1965) suddenly catapulted his name to the top. Subsequent plays in Wim Urnboh-directed films have further strengthened his position as one of the top players since the beginning of the history of colorful filmmaking here. Chosen as best actor in the selection of Best Actor Actress PWI-Jaya 1971 for his play in "Sanrego". His films include: "The Bride of Teens" (1971), "Mama" (1972), "Figure" (1973), "Against the Storm" (1974), "Krakatau" (1977) "The adventurous adventurer" (78), " The Job "(79) etc. Born : 9th-May-1928

Movie Credits

Rio Sang Juara

Reminiscent of the Rocky film starring Sylvester Stallone, Rio has to use his fists to make a living as an illegal parking man. When the parking area is taken over by the local government, Rio loses his livelihood. Mursali then helps him by offering his taxi for driving at night. Again he has to use his fists on this new job, but when he meets Lia, she advises Rio to become a boxer. So he goes to Oom Eddy’s boxing gym and his career takes off. But Lia distracts him from his training and his fights. He also forgets about his girlfriend in the village, Sinta (Ayu Azhari). His losing streak begins and then Lia dies during an abortion. So Rio goes back to his village. Oom Eddy and Rio’s friends try to lift his spirit up again. Then Rio returns to the boxing ring, and is victorious once more.
Released : 19th-Oct-1989

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Sentuhan Cinta

Nonon, a prostitute, has no other career path when her father stops working, and her mother's illness require an expensive surgery.
Released : 1st-Jan-1976

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Amalia, Bachelor of Law

Amalia SH is a lawyer from the Legal Aid Institute. He visits his best friend, Frans, who is being held for extortion. Frans doesn't want to be defended. Amalia is curious. From the results of his investigation, she found Frans's diary at his parents' house. From the diary it was concluded that Frans had been naughty since childhood, his father had kicked him out for stealing. He then lived a vagrant life, until he was accommodated to become a debt collector in a company. It is in this job that he becomes acquainted with and befriends Bambang and Amalia. Frans secretly loves Amalia but doesn't dare to tell it.
Released : 31st-Dec-1981

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Yuyun, a Mental Hospital Patient

A mental hospital becomes a sanctuary for their ex-patients when they feel rejected by a society who thinks that they have an illness that can never be cured. "Everybody wants me to come back here," says Yuyun. But she tries hard to prove that she is cured. She can live normally like other "healthy people", and is able to work well, and even to fall in love.
Released : 27th-Dec-1979

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My Harmonica

One of the best Indonesian children’s films, distinguished by not being a fairytale as other films popular at the time, My Harmonica combines humour, mischief and naivety. Sani is an orphan who is raised by his grandmother in the village. His parents died when he was little. His teachers think that he can develop further if he goes to Jakarta to study. Reluctantly, Sani agrees. So in Jakarta, he stays with the younger sibling of his teacher, but he faces problems. The most intriguing part is his wish to have a harmonica, a new instrument that he has never seen before.
Released : 27th-Dec-1979

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Satu Mawar Tiga Duri

Hendra, a long-time bachelor and son of a wealthy family, falls in love with Rini. But Rini lives with her three uncles who are still unmarried and they become stumbling blocks for Hendra. Each of them wants Rini to marry different people. The choices are a theater actor, a boxer, and even a parachutist. Each of her uncles is fooled one by one. The person who finally helps Rini is her aunt, who blames the three uncles for being old bachelors, when they should be married.
Released : 19th-Jun-1986

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The Queen of Black Magic

A woman is seduced by and cast aside by a fickle lover. When the lover marries another woman who starts hallucinating during their wedding, she is accused of being a witch and thrown to her death over a cliff. A strange man rescues her, nurses her back to health, and is told that she must master black magic in order to exact vengeance on her tormentors. She casts a variety of spells over the populace--with the male population as her favorite target, and becomes the queen of black magic. But who, exactly, is the man, and does he have other plans?
Released : 1st-Jan-1981

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The Warrior

Barry Prima plays Jaka Sembung, a Robin Hood figure who possesses mystical powers. Captured, tortured and left for dead, he returns even more powerful than before. In desperation the invaders resurrect an evil wizard and set him against Jaka Sembung in a fierce fight to the death.
Released : 1st-Jul-1981

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Midnight Terror

Because of her childlessness, married woman takes her best friend’s suggestion to pretend pregnancy and then adopts her child. Unfortunately the secret is then found out by the scum, who terrorizes and extorts her for escalating amounts of money.
Released : 1st-Jan-1972

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Nyi Lamped (Melati Karang Hawu)

A young woman is haunted by the mystery of her childhood tragedy and a man who wants to avenge her resentment.
Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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Malam Pengantin

Lestari stops teaching when she marries Rama who has returned from abroad. Lestari, who is an only child and an orphan, is infertile. One day she meets Shinta, her favorite student who cannot stand living with her stepmother, especially since her father, a drunken truck driver, died in an accident. Lestari invites Shanti to live with her. Then Rama’s parents bring Lestari to Tokyo for treatment as they still wish to have a grandchild. Rama and Shinta are left at home and begin to be intimate. Lestari is furious when she returns but she finally gives them her blessings as she cannot conceive. But due to a misunderstanding, Shinta runs away. Then Rama finds Shinta as a singer in a nightclub. Without Lestari’s knowledge, they consummate their love. Then Rama accuses Shinta of adultery and refuses to acknowledge the baby as theirs.
Released : 8th-May-1975

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Mystery of the Old House

Six teenagers accidentally gave way to a curious ghost for revenge. Incidentally father also one of them, Susi (Rani Soraya) is responsible for the rape and murder of the family of ghosts. So membalaslah him. Later that kind ghost, promised not to continue his spirit of vengeance origin refined. The ghost (Noor Komalasari) was forced to be the ghost of a child who was curious because it contains makes it possible to die perfectly. Then issued from the mouth of the baby ghost.
Released : 1st-Jan-1987

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Apa jang Kau Tangisi

Released : 24th-Mar-1965

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Bercanda dalam Duka

Released : 19th-Feb-1981

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Samiun dan Dasima

Drawing from the novel, lenong (play) and the previous film (Njai Dasima I), this new film version has heightened erotic scenes considered the boldest for its time. But as mentioned by the director, the eroticism is meant to reveal the psychological aspects of the characters. Unlike the previous version, that mainly highlights conflict between love and witchcraft, this one features social and psychological conflicts. For example, how Dasima feels like an outsider with Edward Williams’s friends, or how she prefers leaving their house to live with her maid in the village. It also shows more background of the Samiun and Hayati characters - Samiun is a black market trader with a lot of debts and Hayati is a woman obsessed with gambling to get rich. When his debts are due and he is unable to pay, Samiun asks his friend, Puasa, to “rob” him while he is returning to their village with Dasima.
Released : 5th-May-1970

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Operasi X

When army intelligence detects an underground movement, Operation X is carried out. Lieutenant Hadi receives a secret mission to penetrate into the underground movement. In order to keep it secret, Hadi breaks up with his girlfriend, Savitri, for the time being. Spies kidnap Savitri as their hostage when Hadi’s dual role is suspected. But then the army moves in to smash the underground movement and rescue Savitri.
Released : 17th-Oct-1968

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Dan Bunga-bunga Berguguran

Two sisters, Hanifah and Latifah/Ipah have different attitudes toward life in Jakarta. While Hanifah is content working as a teacher, Ipah, who works as a shopkeeper, is obsessed with living a high life. She leaves her boyfriend, Adi, feeling that her sister’s way of thinking is too conservative, and changes her name to Eva. Eva then becomes a runway model and gets famous. She has an affair with an older man named Abas, gets pregnant, has an abortion and becomes a high class prostitute. Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend, Adi, has an affair with Lily, Abas’ wife. One day, she meets again with Adi who is looking for a prostitute for his friend. Offended, Eva stabs Adi. She is then sentenced to 18 years in prison. Her father and her sister, Hanifah, come to the court and give her a mukena (a kind of hijab used by female Muslims for praying) before she goes to prison.
Released : 30th-Dec-1970

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Angkara Murka

Dulkafar, leaves his hometown for three and a half years after his parents are murdered, and has now returned for vengeance. With his whip of fire, he defeats criminals while searching for the murderer of his parents. He also disguises himself as a “buaya Keroncong” or an expert singer in Keroncong music. His efforts finally pay off when he finds a woman wearing his mother’s necklace.
Released : 4th-Nov-1972

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Somad and Biang Terona are sent by their master at Krakatau martial arts school to look for the rebellious student, Bodin, who is Somad’s real father. Bodin manages to marry the wife of a landlord and takes over the wealth but he becomes a dictator. His son, Tirta, also manages to displace Surya as inheritor of Bodin’s wealth. Surya is the son of Tirta’s mother with her previous husband. Finally, Biang Terona defeats Bodin, and Somad reveals that Bodin is his father. The film ends with the eruption of the Krakatau Volcano.
Released : 5th-Oct-1977

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Agus leaves his wife and the three children. After many years, Agus wants to return but he has to apologise to his wife and children, namely Anwar, Dani and Aini. But Anwar, the oldest son, who has been supporting his family all these years, rejects him.
Released : 7th-May-1987

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Hunting the Corpse Broker

Indonesian horror / comedy.
Released : Unknown

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Special Silencers

Special Silencers are large red pills, obtained from a forest dwelling mystic, which aid in meditation. However, if used by the untrained they cause a huge tree to grow in the stomach, and burst its way through the skin.
Released : 1st-Jun-1982

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Roro Mendut

Directed by Ami Priyono.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1982

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The Tiger of Kemayoran

Rainang tries to terrorize a corrupt village leader, Ciming, so that he would resign. But Marsan accidentally kills Ciming. As team leader, Rainang is willing to take responsibility (punishment by exile) while Marsan is appointed as the new village leader and Rausin (Rainang’s son) is sent to the Islamic boarding school. When Rausin returns to Kemayoran, the village leader, Marsan, is now a corrupt man. The Dutch reprimand him as the villagers no longer want to sell rice to them. The village leader then assigns Beureum, an assassin, to get rid of Rausin. But Toha and Cicih, the female warrior, support him. Rainang, who is thought to have passed away, appears and intervenes, and in the end, kills Marsan.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1965

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Revenge of Nini Towok

Narsih covets Gondo’s, the rubber plantation owner, wealth, so she gets the help of a shaman. Gondo’s wife, Sundari, is hexed. Her face is deformed and soon she is abandoned by her husband. Narsih is able to marry Gondo but has not managed to get rid of her husband and his daughter, Ratri, yet. Sundari becomes a disciple of another shaman. She seeks revenge by killing Narsih and the others.
Released : 1st-Jan-1982

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Miracle Baby

A diamond mine in the village is the source of competition between Kosim and Dorman, who are the first ones to find it. They hope to win the position as head of the village. Dorman believes that the soul of his ancestor, Alberto Dominique, who is buried there, will help him achieve his ambition.
Released : 1st-Jan-1982

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Southern Storm

In order to expiate, a young man comes to the loneliness of a poor village. The re he is killed after many troubles, just at the moment when the man to whom he felt guilty, is ready to forgive.
Released : 15th-Feb-1960

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Satan's Slave

A wealthy family stop practicing their Muslim faith and are tormented by the undead after their mother dies.
Released : 31st-Jan-1980

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Thousand Centipedes

Swordfights, disturbing midgets, kung fu, black magic, killer centipedes, zombies, special effects rivalling the Turkish Evil Dead.
Released : 1st-Jan-1987

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Black Magic Wizard

Snake lady Dewi kills a woman and steals her baby to be a companion for her own child. She returns to her form as a snake after she hands the babies to her shaman husband. When the babies, Sari and Maya, are adults, they are taught black magic and Sari is manipulated by her father to commit terror and murder in the village.
Released : 1st-Jan-1981

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The Midwife: Praji Magic

The film tells a story about Nyi Anis who uses black magic because she is vengeful towards her husband who has thrown her out of the house. The condition for the black magic is that she has to sacrifice a baby every full moon. She becomes the pretty Nyi Mayang. Her husband is willing to take her back. Trouble arises when her black magic teacher dies and she cannot return to her original form. The villagers then defeat her using prayers.
Released : 1st-Jan-1977

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Snake Queen's Love Story

Snake Queen Nyi Blorong (a paranormal being) saves Basuki from the mob and makes him rich in the process, but instead of making offerings to her, which is his duty as her follower, he falls in love with another woman named Warsih. Warsih, on the other hand, is not at all interested in Basuki as she is in love with Kuncoro. Both Warsih and Kuncoro are suspicious of how Basuki became rich. Then they ask a psychic about Basuki. This makes Nyi Blorong even more furious. When she seeks advice from her “superior”, she is told to return to the “spirit” world she belongs to. But then, Ki Sanca, a psychic who has a vendetta against Nyi Blorong, tries to attack her.
Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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Little Devil

A down on his luck man, who eventually loses his job, his wife and his home, seeks help from a "tuyul;" a small ghost or an imp believed to be able to do anything ordered by its owner. Only there's a price to pay.
Released : 1st-Jan-1978

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The Warrior and the Blind Swordsman

Dutch colonial army in West Java holds a martial arts tournament to select the best warrior to confront local warrior-freedom fighter Parmin (nicknamed Jaka Sembung). The winner is an obscure blind swordsman and the Dutch commander De Mandes (Gino Makasutji) commissions him. However, the swordsman is sympathetic with Jaka Sembung's cause and things get more complicated when magician seductress Dewi Magi as well as her guru (W. D. Mochtar) intervene on behalf of the Dutch.
Released : 1st-Jun-1983

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Female Ghost

Medical student Rendra return to his hometown to take care of his father’s inheritance and discovers that the villagers are disturbed by wandering ghosts. The police investigate and uncover that the ghosts are humans in disguise... except for one “kuntilanak” (a traditional female ghost), a vengeful spirit who had been burned to death in an empty house.
Released : 1st-Jan-1974

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Sumpah Pocong Lintang & Bayu

Lintang (Yessy Gusman) and Bayu (Rano Karno), held a pocong oath, due to the insistence of the villagers who felt their village was polluted. This was done because Lintang, who had just become engaged to Bayu, was declared pregnant, they had sworn not to do anything and did not know that Lintang could become pregnant. Once the oath is executed, the Oath has no consequences.
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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Mystery of Mount Merapi III: Flame-Haired Woman

The third and final entry in this original fantasy / horror series (which was remade for Indonesian television later) finds Sembara (Fendy Pradana) and friends facing off against a gaggle of supernatural bad guys.
Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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Grandmother Grondong

A village is being terrorized by an evil spirit called Kuyang or Nenek Grondong, which especially loves sucking blood from infants and pregnant women. That all coincides with a couple adopting a child that turns on them and becomes vicious and evil.
Released : 1st-Jan-1982

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Goddess of Wind

Black magician Umbul Suko trains three disciples to become powerful warriors and they use their powers to wreak havoc on neighboring villages. Nyi Roro Kidul, the Queen of the Southern Seas, also becomes involved.
Released : 1st-Jan-1994

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Empire on Fire

Villain Bogart and his army of pirates invade a village and kill all the men and women they come across. They cap off the invasion by decapitating the village leader Gundala in front of everyone while Bogart proclaims himself "King Bogart". Those villagers who are not killed are sold as slaves at auctions populated by rich Dutch Imperialists. Years later, Panji and his mother, who were the son and wife of the decapitated village leader, break-up a slave auction and save Mira from a life of servitude. The only problem is that Mira's cure may be worse than the disease, as Mira is believed to be the only girl that can bring down the brutal Bogart, as long as she is trained right.
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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Lioness from Marunda

Young widow Mirah has mastered martial arts thanks to her late, karate champion husband. Those skills come in handy when a bunch of men challenge her.
Released : 1st-Jan-1971

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The Magic Amethyst

Kadrun and his wife fail to steal the magic amethyst that belongs to the teacher even though they cut off his arm. They are then cursed to live in suffering. The husband and wife need virgin maidens to keep their power and beauty. They use their own child and students to find the maidens. The villagers, who are terrorized by them, fight back and are led by a religious teacher who has inherited the magic amethyst.
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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Greedy Appetite

After Tini catches her boyfriend Narno trying to seduce her sister Tina and ends their relationship, she mysteriously dies from a snakebite. Narno's mother then visits a shaman to place a curse on one of Tina's potential suitors. As all of that is going on, a mysterious murderer is lurking around bumping off other members of both Tina and Narno's families.
Released : 1st-Jan-1977

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Hell Raiders

The story of Indonesia's fight for independence from the Dutch.
Released : 7th-Jul-1982

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River of Love

A married man has two daughters with his mistress and then abandons her. Years later, the mother is killed in a train accident while the now-grown daughters become involved with prostitution, pimps, rape and incest.
Released : 1st-Jan-1971

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Fighting the Storm

After the accidental drowning death of their son, a military truck driver begins to doubt the faithfulness of his wife.
Released : 1st-Jan-1974

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Sunan Kalijaga

Raden Mas Said, the first son of Tumenggung Wilarikta, who rules Tuban, a district in the powerful kingdom of Majapahit, sees a poor family who suffers from hunger. He tries to take some food out secretly. His parents disapprove, and as punishment, he is locked inside the food storage. Since the incident, R.M. Said, does not feel comfortable at home. So he travels from one place to another and witnesses many cases of fraud and injustice. The Tumenggung is often blamed to cover up their crimes. Listening to his son's report, his father realises the real situation. Then he meets Sunan Bonang, who teaches his knowledge to R.M. Said. They meditate together on a riverbank. Due to his dedication, R.M. Said gets a "Nur" (enlightenment) from God. Shortly after, he is appointed as a Wali (a dated term for Islamic leader), and becomes the famous one amongst the Nine Great Wali (Wali Sanga). He is known as Sunan Kalijaga.
Released : 1st-Jan-1983

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Ballad of a Man

Set in 19th century Batavia, within the community of Portuguese descendents, Amallo has issues withhis father, Umbu Kapitan, because his irresponsible behaviour has led to his mother’s death.
Released : 15th-Aug-1972

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18 Years Old

Edo and Ipah study in the same art college. Both are attracted to each other and the relationship is pure yet Ipah’s father does not approve. One day, Edo’s father who works in the railway service dies in an accident. Both Edo and Ipah must condemn with the decision that tested their relationships.
Released : 16th-Aug-1980

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The Brutal Lust

The evil Sahlan is on the lam after committing a bloody robbery. He decides to both terrorize his actress wife and blackmail a film producer she's working for.
Released : 1st-Jan-1976

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Ballad of the Three Heroes

After a gang murders her parents and burns her house down, a young woman recruits two of her female friends (who specialize in archery and marksmanship) to help get revenge.
Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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