
Owen Moore

​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Owen Moore (December 12, 1886 - June 9, 1939) was an actor in American films, appearing in more than 279 movies spanning from 1908 to 1937. Born : 11th-Dec-1886

Movie Credits

A Star Is Born

Esther Blodgett is just another starry-eyed farm kid trying to break into the movies. Waitressing at a Hollywood party, she catches the eye of her idol Norman Maine, is sent for a screen test, and before long attains stardom as newly minted Vicki Lester. She and Norman marry, though his career soon dwindles to nothing due to his chronic alcoholism.
Released : 27th-Apr-1937

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She Done Him Wrong

New York singer and nightclub owner Lady Lou has more men friends than you can imagine. One of them is a vicious criminal who’s escaped and is on the way to see “his” girl, not realising she hasn’t exactly been faithful in his absence. Help is at hand in the form of young Captain Cummings, a local temperance league leader.
Released : 9th-Feb-1933

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The Road to Mandalay

Joe, a former sea captain whose wife died during the birth of their child at sea, is now a pockmarked, disreputable divekeeper in Singapore where he indulges in shady operations with Herrick, known as The Admiral. They ship for Mandalay, where Joe's daughter lives with a priest, Father James, and tends a curio shop, unaware that her father regularly sends money to Father James for her support. Although his daughter clearly finds him abhorrent, Joe determines to take her away until he learns that The Admiral has fallen in love with her and plans to marry her. He persuades Father James (actually his brother) not to perform the ceremony, and The Admiral is shanghaied by Joe's men. The girl, suspecting Joe, goes to his brothel in Singapore and is about to be assaulted by Charlie, a lecherous Chinaman, when Joe intervenes and is stabbed. The Admiral comes to her rescue and escapes with her on a boat.
Released : 26th-Jun-1926

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Good-hearted Cinderella is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, but she is able to go to the Royal Ball with the help of the Fairy Godmother. Based on Charles Perrault's fairy tale, and featuring unforgettable chemistry between Pickford and then-husband Owen Moore as Prince Charming.
Released : 28th-Dec-1914

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As You Desire Me

Bar entertainer Zara is a discontented alcoholic who is pursued by many men but lives with novelist Carl Salter. One day, Tony shows up on Salter's estate claiming that Zara is actually Maria, the wife of his close friend Bruno, claiming that her memory was destroyed during World War I. Zara doesn't remember but leaves with Tony to Salter's dismay. Bruno, now an officer in the Italian Army, tries to coax Maria's memory back on his large estate. No one is really sure if Zara is Maria, and when Salter shows up with a mental case from Trieste that he claims is the real Maria, everyone on Bruno's estate is desperately searching for the truth.
Released : 28th-May-1932

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The Blackbird

Two thieves, the Blackbird and West End Bertie, fall in love with the same girl, a French nightclub performer named Fifi. Each man tries to outdo the other to win her heart.
Released : 13th-Feb-1926

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High Voltage

A busload of passengers gets stranded in a snowstorm and take refuge in an abandoned church, where they run into a mysterious man who may be on the run from the law.
Released : 29th-Jun-1929

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Outside the Law

Fingers is planning a half-million-dollar bank robbery in gang boss Cobra Collins' territory. Fingers' moll Connie tries to bluff Cobra into thinking the hit won't be for another week when the call comes through saying it's now.
Released : 18th-Sep-1930

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The Mended Lute

In an Indian tribe, a girl escapes from her father and suitor to be with the man she loves.
Released : 5th-Aug-1909

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The Red Mill

A servant girl plays matchmaker for the local burgomaster's daughter while setting her own sights on a visiting Irishman.
Released : 29th-Jan-1927

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Alice Kendall is the darling of her social set, the sons and daughters of millionaires, although Alice's mother has impoverished herself to provide Alice with the luxuries she expects as her right. Mom blows what's left of her fortune to provide the best trousseau that money can buy when Alice marries Fred Garlan, and then wishes Fred lots of luck. Now, Alice is trying to coax Fred into buying her a new sable coat while Fred is busily trying to borrow enough money to keep his business afloat.
Released : 9th-Oct-1930

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Mabel Lost and Won

Mabel has just gotten engaged during a housewarming party of which her mother is the hostess. When an annoying party guest persuades Mabel to dance with him, Mabel hurries through the dance and then goes to look for her fiancé, only to discover him caressing another woman. Her fiancé finds not only Mabel, but also her mother, very displeased, and not inclined to believe his explanation.
Released : 2nd-Jun-1915

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The Mountaineer's Honor

A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him. In retaliation, the sheriff captures the brother and prepares to lynch him. Mother intervenes and, to save her son the disgrace of hanging, shoots him.
Released : 24th-Nov-1909

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The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals

The amateur dramatic society chooses the Joneses' residence as the location of its next meeting, and both Joneses catch 'the acting bug' in this split-reel subject.
Released : 18th-Feb-1909

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The Violin Maker of Cremona

A contest is being held in Cremona for the best violin, with Giannina's hand in marriage as the prize. Filippo is secretly in love with her, but is also ashamed of being a cripple, so he switches his superior violin with that of another apprentice, Sandro, whom Giannina loves.
Released : 7th-Jun-1909

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Sweet Memories

An elderly woman looks back on the special times in her life, thinking especially about her now-departed husband and the things they did together. Though it is sad that these times are now gone, she is comforted by her memories and by the hope of sharing in the lives of her child and grandchildren.
Released : 27th-Mar-1911

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In Old Madrid

A young Spanish couple want to be together, but are hindered by the girl's parents. They try a ruse to get a chance to be alone, but it is discovered. The young man then decides to resort to more daring methods.
Released : 20th-Mar-1911

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The Cricket on the Hearth

After three years at sea, Edward returns home to find his sweetheart forced into an engagement with a much older man.
Released : 27th-May-1909

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The Golden Louis

An anonymous donor drops a gold coin in the shoe of a homeless girl as she sleeps. A gambler with a 'sure thing' borrows the coin and wins a fortune, but he can't find her again to repay her.
Released : 22nd-Feb-1909

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A Drunkard's Reformation

A man arrives home late and drunk as usual. His wife reminds him that he's supposed to take their daughter out to a play. While watching the play, he's faced with his own drinking evils and how his life would be without them.
Released : 1st-Apr-1909

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Nekhludoff, a Russian nobleman serving on a jury, discovers that the young girl on trial, Katusha, is someone he once seduced and abandoned and that he himself bears responsibility for reducing her to crime. He sets out to redeem her and himself in the process.
Released : 20th-May-1909

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Nellie flees her old life and goes east to become a nurse, where she marries a doctor. One of her old colleagues finds her and tries to blackmail her. When the blackmail plot is exposed, Nellie's husband expresses his complete faith in her.
Released : 15th-Apr-1909

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A Man of Sentiment

A man and woman fall in love at first sight, but everyone in their universe tries to keep them apart except one old fool with a sentimental heart.
Released : 15th-Sep-1933

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Side Street

Three New York Irish brothers cross paths as policeman, doctor and bootlegger.
Released : 14th-Sep-1929

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Pippa Passes

Pippa awakes and faces the world outside with a song. Unbeknown to her, the music has a healing effect on all who hear her as she passes by.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1909

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The Lure of the Gown

"Fine feathers make fine birds", and handsome gowns make handsome women. Hence it is when Isabelle appears on the scene clad in a gown that is a masterpiece of the dressmaker's art she easily fascinates the male contingent, among whom is Enrico, the sweetheart of Veronica, a street singer. Enrico is so enraptured at the sight of Isabelle in her resplendent attire that he becomes her abject slave, casting aside the poor, peasant-clad little Italian street singer, who has loved him devotedly. Crushed almost beyond endurance the poor girl stands sobbing at the entrance of the park where the inconsistent lever left her. Her tears attract the attention of a wealthy young couple who happen to pass. In answer to their queries she tells them how contemptibly her sweetheart acted, and all because of the fascinating influence of a gown.
Released : 15th-Mar-1909

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Twin Brothers

Two boys, twins, leave the old homestead to seek their fortune in the world. They go divergent roads, and are soon widely separated one from the other, but they grow lonesome and try to find each other's whereabouts, without success. We lose sight of Bill and Dick is seen up against it good and hard. For him the future looks like a chalk ring on a blackboard, until he happens to saunter along the Bowery, where the manager of a dime museum offers him a job to play the gorilla. It looks good so he accepts. It is pretty sort until the astute impresario decides to pull off an innovation: that is, a gorilla and lion in the same cage. Of course Dick objects most strenuously to this arrangement, but his objections are quailed with a treacherous looking run, so he is forced to share the same menagerie hallroom with the lion.
Released : 25th-Apr-1909

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A Manly Man

Of the over 30 one-reelers Mary Pickford made in Cuba for Carl Laemmle’s Independent Motion Pictures Company, A Manly Man is one of few that survives today. Pickford plays Lola, a young Filipino woman who falls in love with Duncan (William E. Shay), a Caucasian man sent to her village on business. After Lola risks her life nursing his fever and saving him from a knife attack, Duncan marries her and resists the temptation to return to his American fiancée. Directed by Thomas Ince and co-starring Pickford’s first husband Owen Moore, A Manly Man was later reissued under the title His Gratitude (1914).
Released : 27th-Feb-1911

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The Lonely Villa

A gang of thieves lure a man out of his home so that they can rob it and threaten his wife and children. The family barricade themselves in an interior room, but the criminals are well-equipped for breaking in. When the father finds out what is happening, he must race against time to get back home.
Released : 10th-Jun-1909

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Her Terrible Ordeal

A young secretary is locked in an airtight vault by a robber. Only her boss knows the combination, and he is off on a journey. Can the boss's son locate his absent-minded father before it is too late for the girl?
Released : 10th-Jan-1910

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In Old Kentucky

Brothers George and Robert enlist on opposite sides in the Civil War. Robert is captured as a spy for the South, but escapes and hides in his parents' house. George leads the search party, but doesn't reveal his brother's hiding place, and Robert escapes. After the war, George is a hero and Robert is down on his luck. George cautiously welcomes him back into the family home.
Released : 20th-Sep-1909

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Stolen Love

The story of a girl whose past casts a shadow over her future happiness with the man who loves her. How much of her past must a girl tell the man she wants to marry?
Released : 2nd-Dec-1928

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The Son's Return

A son leaves to seek his fortune in the city. Many years later he returns and checks into his parents' inn. They don't recognize him, but noticing his fat wallet, plan to rob him.
Released : 14th-Jun-1909

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The Crimson Gardenia

Wastrel New York millionaire Roland Van Dam travels to New Orleans during Mardi Gras, looking for adventure and romance. Because the costume he is wearing includes a red gardenia, he is mistaken for escaped prisoner Emile Le Duc by a woman (who turns out to be a long-lost cousin) who was to meet Le Duc, who was to be wearing a red gardenia. It turns out that Le Duc is the head of a vicious gang of counterfeiters, and Roland winds up getting in more adventures than he had hoped for.
Released : 14th-Jun-1919

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A Strange Meeting

Mary Rollins is torn between selfish depravity and righteous living. After she's coerced into helping with the burglary of her minister's apartment, she comes face to face with her misdeeds.
Released : 1st-Aug-1909

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Nursing a Viper

During the French Revolution, a wealthy couple lives safely by professing republican beliefs. When a mob attacks a nearby chateau an aristocrat bursts into the couple's home. They save his life by disguising him as a servant, but he soon forces his attentions on the wife. Hearing their struggle, the husband intervenes and, stripping the aristocrat of his disguise, thrusts him outdoors to be killed by the mob.
Released : 3rd-Nov-1909

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The Broken Locket

George Peabody is a young man who has been giving free rein to his inclinations, the principal one being drink. One might have concluded he was lost, but there was the chance which the hand of Providence always bestows in the person of pretty little Ruth King, who had secretly loved George since their childhood days. She succeeds in persuading him from his reckless life, and he determines to cut off from his old loose companions by going out West and making a man of himself. Bidding Ruth and her mother good-bye, he realizes that he loves his little preserver and promises to return worthy of her love and confidence. They plight their troth with their first kiss and a heart shaped locket, which Ruth wears, she breaking it in two, giving George one side while she retains the other, which symbolized the reunion of their hearts with his return.
Released : 16th-Sep-1909

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The Indian Runner's Romance

An Indian comforts a dying prospector in his last moments. In exchange, the prospector tells him the location of his gold claim. A group of cowboys tries to get the information and go as far as kidnapping the Indian's wife.
Released : 22nd-Aug-1909

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Artful Kate

The story opens with a pretty love scene between the Lieutenant and his betrothed, Kate Stanley. Hammond is ordered to join his regiment in Cuba and Kate is heartbroken. He tells her they must part, and the girl decides to be brave. She exacts from him a promise that he will be true to her, and not indulge in any flirtations with the dark-eyed senoritas she has been told lure men from their vows of constancy in the land of flowers. Hammond is only too willing to swear eternal constancy. Kate places in his watch case a photograph of herself, kisses her manly soldier, and the leave-taking is very affectionate. The scene reverts to Cuba, Lieutenant Hammond arrives, and is impressed with the country. Kate, having relatives in Havana, receives an invitation to pay them a visit and eagerly accepts, thinking she will meet her lover. She is apprised of his arrival at Havana, and, knowing the predilection of soldiers to flirt, resolves to investigate.
Released : 23rd-Feb-1911

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Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages

The story of a poor young woman, separated by prejudice from her husband and baby, is interwoven with tales of intolerance from throughout history.
Released : 4th-Sep-1916

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Flo's Discipline

Flo is the headmistress at Dow's School for Boys (enrollment: 12). The boys get too rowdy at the dinner table, so she dismisses the popular, but permissive, assistant principal. But the boys sneak out and he teaches them outdoors, until Flo turns the garden hose on them and chases the boys into the ice-house, which she locks. After an hour, she sends a bucket of hot coffee in with the assistant principal, but she removes the ladder he uses, stranding him. After another hour, he agrees to surrender, and she releases the boys. He leaves, but love has bloomed in the interim.
Released : 20th-Sep-1912

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Lines of White on a Sullen Sea

Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her, Bill marries another woman from a different port. Emily waits faithfully for six years, finally becoming dangerously ill. When Bill suddenly appears in town with his family, Joe, who has loved Emily all along, forces Bill to make Emily's final moments happy by pretending he has returned to marry her.
Released : 27th-Oct-1909

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The Dream

A loutish husband neglects his patient, loving wife to enjoy a night on the town. When he comes home drunk and irritable, he mistreats her. Then he falls asleep, and has a dream that causes him to reconsider the way that he treats his wife.
Released : 23rd-Jan-1911

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The Honor of Thieves

Mack Sennett appears as a man at the dance and a cop in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Released : 11th-Jan-1909

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A Rural Elopement

Mack Sennett appears as a man in the crowd in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Released : 14th-Jan-1909

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The Sacrifice

Oh, the woe of simultaneous birthdays, as were Mr. and Mrs. Hardlucks', and both being of a generous nature, were seized with an insatiable desire to make on this anniversary of their nativity suitable gifts, each to the other, Hardluck has a watch, but no fob. Mrs. Hardluck has a wealth of hair, but no decorative comb for her hair. What is worse, finances are low, or rather exhausted. An idea strikes Hardluck. He will pawn his watch and buy a comb; thus surprising her. Mrs. Hardluck's mind is also illumined by a bright thought. She will sacrifice her hair, and with the money buy him a fob. This they do, of course, unknown to each other. Well, here's the situation: He had no fob for his watch, and she no comb for her hair; but now he has no watch for his fob, and she has no hair for her comb. Mack Sennett appears as an extra in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Released : 14th-Jan-1909

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The Criminal Hypnotist

Mack Sennett appears as a party guest in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Released : 18th-Jan-1909

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The Welcome Burglar

Mack Sennett appears as a butler and a man in an office in this film produced by the Biograph Company.
Released : 25th-Jan-1909

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Two Memories

Henry and Marion have a lover's quarrel and part in anger. They do not reconcile, and ten years pass without contact. Marion becomes a society girl and spends her time at parties with her friends. Henry has become very ill and wishes to see Marion one more time. He writes asking her to visit. When she recieves the note, she laughs and tosses it on the floor, but, later, on a whim, decides to take all her drunken friends with her to visit him. When they arrive, Marion finds Henry dead, clutching her portrait in his hand. She sends her friends away and falls to her knees in remorse. Mary Pickford's debut!
Released : 23rd-May-1909

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Trying to Get Arrested

A tramp tries to get himself arrested so he can sleep in the nice, warm jail, but the police keep ignoring him or arresting the wrong person.
Released : 4th-Apr-1909

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Home, Sweet Home

John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
Released : 16th-May-1914

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