Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength as you help relax your muscles.
Keep your heart rate up and your metabolism revved high long after the workout is over.
Hinako returns to our TV screens, this time showing us how to sleep.
Plyometrics is a series of drills designed to connect strength with speed to produce power. Also known as "jump training," this technique emerged in Eastern Europe in the early 1970s. Coined by American track coach Fred Will, the term derives from the Latin plyo+metrics, or "measurable increases." Plyometrics training relates to any activity that requires speed and strength, as it improves your ability to run faster, jump higher, and maneuver in multidirectional sports. If your game involves a court, field, track, mat, pool, ring, rink, or mountain, plyometrics can help.
Features a hip original soundtrack, exciting choreography and a theme song performed by Alyssa herself. Kids will dance with her, work out with her, and just hang around and laugh with Alyssa and her friends.
An exercise video with instructor Traci Lords warming up with various aerobics and stretch exercises.
This heavy-lifting workout is full of super, giant, and force sets to help create a stronger, more sculpted upper body. Works Well For: Muscle Building. Level: Intermediate. Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Bench, Stability Ball, Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max ( Optional).
The documentary centers around four young, ambitious women living a highly disciplined and structured life to achieve the desired Bikini Fitness competition body. For these women their body is a subject of constant observation and reflection. It is to be controlled, changed, modified and constructed. And finally, the gaze of an external observer - that of a coach and a judge - will determine when that well-crafted figure is complete and whose is the best.