Hrundi V. Bakshi, an accident-prone actor from India, is accidentally put on the guest list for an upcoming party at the home of a Hollywood film producer. Unfortunately, from the moment he arrives, one thing after another goes wrong with compounding effect.
"Planchette" projects India and her beautiful culture in a mystical way. Bollywood is here in it's new Avatar. Spirit of a dead Indian Girl wishes to attain NIRVANA with a Vlogger's help. Is he bound by KARMA? The everlasting question "What will happen to me after my Death?" takes the centre part of this International Feature Film "Planchette". Shot in the backdrop of World famous Rock Garden,made of complete waste and visited by Millions from all around the World.
I think I've killed someone is a 30-min short film about a young man witnessing a gruesome event. Unable to process it, he goes to his therapist to talk about it where a shocking revelation awaits him!
When an Indian mother finds out her son is the victim of a vicious bully, she delivers her own brand of vigilante justice.
Shanti finds blood in her underwear at the worst possible time. Against the backdrop of a Tamil coming-of-age ceremony where fertility is celebrated, menstruation is shunned and infertility is silenced, Shanti struggles to keep a secret.
After failing to make it big as a rock band, four Indian Americans in 1960s San Francisco attempt one last rebrand to ride the hippie wave and finally get their big break.
At the end of the 18th century, hundreds of Indian sailors, known as lascars, worked amongst European settlers in Aotearoa New Zealand - often under the gruesome working conditions of seal hunting gangs. The story follows a lascar, Dasa, who has been abandoned on the coast of Aotearoa NZ by the East India Company, alongside his sealing gang. When Dasa finds himself in the middle of a conflict between his abusive British superior and two Māori traders, he is faced with a choice: bend the knee or take a stand.
An Indian immigrant awakens inside a confined metal box, with the walls slowly closing in... unless he can do the work assigned to him.
What is Bangla kalpavigyan? Is there such a thing as Bangla Science Fiction? Is there such a thing as Indian SF? This is our journey with the genre, captured and presented like never before in film. Beginning with the early work of writers such as Rokeya Sakhawat Hussain (Begum Rokeya) and the speculative mode in Bengal, and ending with the pioneering webzine Kalpabiswa, the film traces the historical arc of kalpavigyan over a century of the genre. From the genre magazines of the 1960s-80s and the writers and editors who ignited the movement by giving it shape and form, the film presents a series of conversations and critical reflections from researchers and scholars who have worked with the genre both in relation to Bengal and kalpavigyan as well as the wider phenomenon of SF.
Dyau tries to woo his upset lover. He holds onto her remnants, the further he drifts away from her-as a glimmer of hope shines.
Two ex-lovers cross paths in a college corridor, triggering memories of their shared past.