The film tells the story of Aiko, a 35-year-old mute woman who works in a bowling alley, and her brief romance with Yoshioka, a younger man who works as a postal carrier. The two meet when Aiko accidentally knocks Yoshioka off his bicycle, and they have a sexual encounter soon after. Aiko begins preparing lunchboxes and giving them to Yoshioka at his workplace as a way of expressing affection, which she cannot do verbally.
After the death of their father, a older brother and his younger sister return to their family home on a secluded island. They are accompanied by the brother's girlfriend. Problems arise when one sibling begins to exhibit carnal desires for the other.
Dissipated Tokyo playwright, Kosuke has retreated to the countryside after deciding that he's done with women, but the indefatigable cat-in-heat Shiori has other ideas, clinging to Kosuke like his shadow.
Yuko is in love with an old poet who happens to be also a married man. She waits patiently for him and only him, yet she is constantly being lust by others.
A man who doesn't care about life wanders around Tokyo at night in search of a place to die, and is taken by the strange men he meets one after another. A strange place. The story unfolds here of men who enjoy loving men. When the man who hasn't followed her remembers that the reason he hasn't followed her until now is because he didn't know about this world of loving men...
Sousuke Mita's son, Tsuruo, got married in his mid-30s. Sousuke thought he could live happily ever after, but his wife, Hiroe, makes a sly request that he leave him in a nursing home, since one of the conditions of their marriage was that he not live with his parents. Sousuke, who was tired of staying at home, met two old men at the park. Their hobby was to rape married women who made fun of the elderly, armed with balaclavas and goggles, as the silver corps "Gateball Gators"! When Sousuke learns of this, he plans to punish Yue. What exactly is Sousuke's plan...
A husband and wife abandon their son. When he grows up and finds success, they reunite...but to what end?
A movie based on Saikaku Ihara’s “Five Women Who Loved Love”, which depicts women such as strippers and married women becoming hostesses in a pink salon.