An upstanding doctor is transformed into a cold-blooded serial killer after being attacked by terrorists in Vietnam.
Sasha is a young vampire with a serious problem: she's too sensitive to kill. When her exasperated parents cut off her blood supply, Sasha's life is in jeopardy. Luckily, she meets Paul, a lonely teenager with suicidal tendencies who is willing to give his life to save hers. But their friendly agreement soon becomes a nocturnal quest to fulfill Paul's last wishes before day breaks.
After the death of her mother, Evie is approached by an unknown cousin who invites her to a lavish wedding in the English countryside. Soon, she realizes a gothic conspiracy is afoot and must fight for survival as she uncovers twisted secrets in her family’s history.
Something is happening. It is happening nationally and locally. It is an ideology that manifests itself in graveyard desecrations, animal mutilations, human sacrifices and suicide. It categorically involves drug/ alcohol abuse, pornography, sexual perversion, physical/mental abuse, heavy metal music and drinking blood. And it is highly organized. Satanic/Occult organizations (churches) have corporate charters, own buildings, maintain national/ international computer networks, publish magazines/newsletters and hire professional public relations firms to polish their public image. It is both generational and self-styled. Some groups are esoteric while others are pantheistic.
Dwight and his sister Jessie reach a crossroads over what to do about their little brother Thomas, a sickly child with a mysterious affliction.
Centuries ago, the monks of the Cult of the Blood Symbol went searching for their "chosen one" whose blood, they believed, would make them immortal. Olam, the only living survivor of the cult, finally finds his intended victim in Tracy Walker, a fiesty, athletic college student. Patiently, deliberately, Olam prepares to take the one he's been waiting centuries to kill...
A young student, alone in Paris, is engaged in strange and bloody experiences of which she is both the authorizer and the victim.
A starving vampire seeks a new path forward after swearing off human blood. They are approached by another of their kind who hands them a map, pointing them in the direction of a witch in the woods who resides over a vampire brood. It is in her body, they are told, that they can find the succor they need, both to stay alive and, possibly, to become free.
A sinister vampire sends out a horde of undead beauties to bring back victims for his dinner.
Police Detective Hoshino (Kanji Tsuda) investigates the murder of a maid at a mansion belonging to Miyako Rozmberk (Sugimoto), a seductive vampire mistress and "cougar" all in one. Ukyo Kuronuma (Jun Kaname), an Edo-era swordsman who was turned into a vampire by Miyako is fingered for the crime but before anything can be done about it Hoshino ends up under Miyako's spell as well. This leads Hoshino and Ukyo to battle one another for the privilege of staying with Miyako for eternity.
A publishing executive is visited and bitten by a vampire and starts exhibiting erratic behavior. He pushes his secretary to extremes as he tries to come to terms with his affliction.