
Sam De Grasse

From Wikipedia Sam De Grasse (June 12, 1875 – November 29, 1953) was a Canadian actor. He traveled to New York City and in 1912 appeared in his first motion picture. At first he played standard secondary characters, but when fellow Canadian Mary Pickford set up her own studio with her husband Douglas Fairbanks, he joined them. He portrayed the villainous Prince John in Fairbanks' 1922 Robin Hood. Afterward, he began to specialize in villainous roles. De Grasse was the uncle of successful cinematographer Robert De Grasse. Born : 11th-Jun-1875

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Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages

The story of a poor young woman, separated by prejudice from her husband and baby, is interwoven with tales of intolerance from throughout history.
Released : 4th-Sep-1916

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Our Dancing Daughters

A flapper who's secretly a good girl and a gold-digging floozy masquerading as an ingénue both vie for the hand of a millionaire.
Released : 1st-Sep-1928

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Blind Husbands

An Austrian military officer and rogue attempts to seduce the wife of a surgeon. The two men confront each other in a test of abilities that ends surprisingly.
Released : 21st-Oct-1919

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The Scarlet Car

Paul Revere Forbes, an descendant of Paul Revere, is a teller at Cyrus Peabody's bank. He learns that Cyrus and his son, Ernest, have speculated with $35,000 of the bank's money, and the entire sum has been lost.
Released : 24th-Dec-1917

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Wild and Woolly

A rich Easterner who has always wanted to live in "the Wild West" plans to move to a Western town. Unknown to him, the town's "wild" days are long gone and it is an orderly and civilized place now. The townsmen, not wanting to lose a rich potential resident, contrive to make over the town to suit the young man's fantasy.
Released : 24th-Jun-1917

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Heart o' the Hills

Family tensions in the Kentucky hills are inflamed by an outsider's dishonest scheme to exploit the area for its coal.
Released : 30th-Nov-1919

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Captain Salvation

A young divinity student helps and protects a down and out prostitute, at the cost of his own standing in the community.
Released : 14th-May-1927

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The Good Bad Man

An outlaw calling himself Passin' Through halts his "evil" ways long enough to help out some children in difficulty.
Released : 21st-Apr-1916

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The Half-Breed

In an attempt to brand himself as a serious actor, the smiling swashbuckler Douglas Fairbanks starred in THE HALF-BREED (1916), a Western melodrama written by Anita Loos and directed with flair by Allan Dwan. Fairbanks stars as Lo Dorman, who has been ostracized from society because of this mixed ethnicity - his Native American mother was abandoned by his white father. When Lo catches the eye of the rich white debutante Nellie (Jewel Carmen), he becomes a target for the racist Sheriff Dunn (Sam De Grasse), who wants to break them up and take Nelli for his own. This love triangle becomes a quadrangle with the arrival of Teresa (Alma Rubens), who is on the run from the law. Through fire and fury Lo must decide who and what he truly loves.
Released : 30th-Jul-1916

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The Fighting Eagle

The exploits of Brigadier Gerard who helps expose Foreign Minister Talleyrand as a traitor to Napoleon.
Released : 28th-Aug-1927

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The Country Doctor

A country doctor helps a young couple to elope, and comes near to losing his practice and his happiness through the hostility of the boy's father.
Released : 22nd-Aug-1927

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The Wreck of the Hesperus

Captain Slocum of the Hesperus arrives on shore in a New England village to find that the girl he loves has been tricked into marrying John Hazzard in his absence. Heartbroken and bitter, the captain, with his daughter, Gale, and second mate, Singapore Jack, returns to sea. He rescues from a burning vessel John Hazzard, Jr., son of his rival, and though he tries to keep the boy from Gale, a romance develops. ...
Released : 31st-Oct-1927

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Sis Hopkins

Sis is an eccentric young girl in a small rural village. While most around Sis view her as a joke, she is loved by Ridy Scarboro, the clerk at the general store. One day Sis's dog knocks an oil can into the Hopkins well and when wealthy old Vibert tastes the water, he believes the Hopkins have an oil strike.....
Released : 2nd-Mar-1919

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The Last Performance

A middle-aged magician is in love with his beautiful young assistant. She, on the other hand, is in love with the magician's young protege, who turns out to be a bum and a thief.
Released : 13th-Oct-1929

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Captain of the Guard

In this operetta, the captain of the king's guard secretly works for the rebellion during the French Revolution and is in love with the movement's symbolic leader.
Released : 28th-Mar-1930

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The Mother and the Law

After the relatively low box office takings of 'Intolerance', D. W. Griffith would revisit his epic film three years later by releasing two of the film's interlocking stories as standalone features, with some new additional footage. The second of these was 'The Mother and the Law', which demonstrates how crime, moral puritanism, and conflicts between ruthless capitalists and striking workers help ruin the lives of marginal Americans.
Released : 18th-Aug-1919

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The Eagle of the Sea

Eagle of the Sea is based on Charles Tenney Jackson's swashbuckling novel Captain Sazarac.
Released : 17th-Oct-1926

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Unseen Forces

In the film, Breamer’s character, Miriam Holt (“the girl who sees around corners”), proves her psychic powers by locating children who went missing during the war. Her childhood love Clyde Brunton (Conrad Nagel) is unhappily married to a social climber, but Miriam’s ability to commune with the spirits of the dead (“those we love are always with us”) finds a way to resolve the problem.
Released : 29th-Nov-1920

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Martyrs of the Alamo

The story of the defense of the mission-turned-fortress by 185 Texans against an overwhelming Mexican army in 1836.
Released : 20th-Nov-1915

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Robin Hood

Amid big-budget medieval pageantry, King Richard goes on the Crusades leaving his brother Prince John as regent, who promptly emerges as a cruel, grasping, treacherous tyrant. Apprised of England's peril by message from his lady-love Marian, the dashing Earl of Huntingdon endangers his life and honor by returning to oppose John, but finds himself and his friends outlawed, with Marian apparently dead. Enter Robin Hood, acrobatic champion of the oppressed, laboring to set things right through swashbuckling feats and cliffhanging perils!
Released : 18th-Oct-1922

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The Cheater Reformed

Thomas Edinburgh is secretly in love with Carol, wife of the Reverend Luther McCall, and produces evidence that her husband was once an embezzler. Leaving for Cleveland, the minister meets his twin brother, Jordan, the real embezzler, who is evading the law. Luther is killed in a train wreck, and Jordan, assumes his brother's identity....
Released : 2nd-Jan-1921

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An Innocent Magdalene

When Dorothy's Southern, aristocratic father Colonel Raleigh refuses to let her marry Forbes Stewart, a Northern gambler, the couple elopes. When Dorothy soon thereafter becomes pregnant, Forbes vows to reform, but authorities arrest him on a gambling charge, and he serves a year in prison. During that time, and just before the birth of the baby, a woman comes to Dorothy and claims to be Forbes' wife. Stunned, Dorothy returns to her father, but the colonel throws her out, and so, on her own, she has her baby, whom the community believes to be illegitimate. Convinced that she has sinned, Dorothy is about to kill herself when Forbes, just out of jail, finds her and explains that the other woman simply had been an ex-sweetheart trying to win him back.
Released : 18th-Jun-1916

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Diane of the Follies

Phillips Christy an amateur sociologist from a wealthy family, subscribes to the theory that people are shaped by their environment. When he falls in love with Diane, a showgirl from the follies, he sees a chance to prove his theory, but fate intervenes .......
Released : 24th-Sep-1916

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The Black Pirate

A nobleman vows to avenge the death of his father by the hands of pirates. To this end, he infiltrates the pirate band; Acting in character, he single-handedly captures a merchant vessel, but things are complicated when he finds that there is a beautiful young woman of royal blood aboard.
Released : 8th-Mar-1926

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When a Man Loves

A nobleman studying for the priesthood abandons his vocation in 18th Century France when he falls in love with a beautiful, but reluctant, courtesan.
Released : 21st-Aug-1927

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A Law Unto Herself

The daughter of a wealthy French vintner, Justine is promised in marriage to German aristocrat Kurt Von Klassner, even though her heart belongs to Bertrand Duroc, the humble overseer of her father's estate. His pride wounded, Von Klassner murders Duroc and shifts the blame to marauding poachers.
Released : 19th-Aug-1918

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A Woman's Fool

Cowboy Lin McLean's restlessness takes him to Denver, where he becomes enamored of a waitress named Katie. Intending to marry her, Lin accompanies Katie back to the ranch, but a traveling rainmaker arrives in the little town, and Katie departs with him after revealing that he is her husband. Visiting Denver for Christmas, Lin adopts Katie's abandoned son Billy, and soon afterwards, the cowboy meets and falls in love with the new station agent, Jessamine "Jessie" Buckner. Lin and Jessie marry, and the little family is happy until Katie, determined to be rid of her neglectful husband and marry Lin instead, appears and drives Jessie away. Realizing that Lin does not love her, Katie poisons herself, and Jessie returns to Lin and Billy.
Released : 17th-Aug-1918

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Tiger Rose

Originally a Broadway play by Willard Macks, Lenore Ulric played the lead on Broadway and reprises her role for this film. At the Wutchi Wum trading post In the peaceful Loon River Valley, deep in the Canadian Northwest comes a story of love, vengeance and sacrifice. Having lived at the trading post following the death of her father, Rose will soon fall in love. But when her new love is in trouble, Rose will discover that she is capable of much more than she thought in order to keep him safe.
Released : 9th-Dec-1923

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Madame Bo-Peep

A 1917 filmd riected by Chester Withey.
Released : 26th-May-1917

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An Old Fashioned Young Man

A 1917 film directed by Lloyd Ingraham.
Released : 14th-Apr-1917

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Her Official Fathers

A 1917 film directed by Elmer Clifton, Joseph Henabery, and Dorothy Gish.
Released : 7th-Apr-1917

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Painted People

A 1924 film directed by Clarence G. Badger.
Released : 28th-Jan-1924

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The Birth of a Nation

Two families, abolitionist Northerners the Stonemans and Southern landowners the Camerons, intertwine. When Confederate colonel Ben Cameron is captured in battle, nurse Elsie Stoneman petitions for his pardon. In Reconstruction-era South Carolina, Cameron founds the Ku Klux Klan, battling Elsie's congressman father and his African-American protégé, Silas Lynch.
Released : 8th-Feb-1915

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Wall Street

A very topical early talkie from low-budget company Columbia Pictures, Wall Street starred Ralph Ince, brother of producer Thomas H. Ince, as Roller McCray, a steelworker turned ruthless tycoon whose tough business methods leads a rival (Philip Strange) to commit suicide. The widow (Aileen Pringle), believing she can ruin Ince by using his own methods, conspires with her husband's former partner (Sam De Grasse), but a strong friendship between Ince and Pringle's young son (Freddie Burke Frederick) changes things dramatically. According to future Three Stooges director Edward Bernds, who worked as a sound mixer on Wall Street, Ince's reaction to his rival's suicidal jump from a window ledge was changed from a sneering "I didn't think he had the guts" to the more respectful "I didn't think he'd do it" due to derisive laughter from the film's crew.
Released : 1st-Dec-1929

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The Exquisite Thief

Blue Jean Billie (Dean), a prosperous young woman crook who lives apart from the denizens of the underworld, has pulled off many robberies of the high society world with the help of her pal Shaver Michael (De Grasse). Billie gains admission to the Vanderhoof dinner at which the engagement of their daughter to Lord Chesterton (Hall) will be announced. While the dinner is in progress, Billie gags and handcuffs special officer Detective Wood (Ross), and proceeds to make a wholesale robbery of the guests. She flees in an automobile and none succeed in tracking her save Lord Chesterton. She makes a prisoner of him, but a police raid follows and she must flee. Once more Lord Chesterton succeeds in following her and again she makes him her prisoner, but she learns to trust and love him. The special agent and Shaver Michael arrive at the scene with resulting complications, but a happy end results for all.
Released : 28th-Apr-1919

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Sally, Irene and Mary

The three are showgirls, each with a different approach to life and love.
Released : 27th-Dec-1925

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The Virgin

The Virgin (1924)
Released : 1st-Aug-1924

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The King of Kings

The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
Released : 19th-Apr-1927

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The Racket

A renegade police captain sets out to catch a sadistic mob boss.
Released : 1st-Nov-1928

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Anything Once

A Playboy inherits a Western ranch on the condition that he shall run it properly for 6 months. A villain makes an attempt to distract him from reaching the goal, but he, no longer the wastrel of yore, persists and becomes full owner of the property.
Released : 8th-Oct-1917

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Brace Up

Hero Henry Court (Herbert Rawlinson) is very much his parents' child, having inherited the predominant character traits of both his go-getting father and his shy, retiring mother. The "father" side of his nature manifests itself on the college football field, where Henry excels. Unfortunately, the "mother" side is evidenced by a streak of cowardice, which surfaces at all the wrong times. Hoping to expunge the cowardly part of his make-up, Henry hires a bunch of self-styled mentalists to "concentrate" his problems away. Pretty soon, Henry is a virtual slave to the whims of the mentalists, who push his emotional buttons with reckless abandon.
Released : 18th-Mar-1918

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The Devil's Passkey

The wife of an American playwright in Paris becomes ensnared in the seductive wiles of an American Army officer, but her devotion to her husband convinces the officer to try to extricate her from the gossip and scandal that have ensued.
Released : 8th-Aug-1920

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A Man and His Mate

Released : 12th-Apr-1915

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Winner Takes All

Saul Chadron, a brutal cattle baron, is distressed that homesteaders are intruding on his domain and hires outlaws to drive them away.
Released : 20th-Jul-1918

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The Narrow Path

Marion Clark, a manicurist, is unimpressed by the wealthy but dissipated men who frequent her shop, preferring city editor Dick Strong, who lives in her boardinghouse. Dick's sister Gladys, however, is intrigued by the wilder side of life in New York and allows one of the boarders to take her to a lively party.
Released : 15th-Dec-1918

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The Winged Mystery

Louis and August Siever, the twins sons of a German father and American mother, are traveling in Europe when war breaks out. August joins the Kaiser's army, but Louis, a supporter of the United States, is practically made a prisoner in Berlin for a year while he tries to prove his American citizenship. After a violent confrontation with Louis, August steals his brother's passport and leaves for New York with Gerda Anderson, a German spy.
Released : 26th-Nov-1917

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The Skywayman

Suffering from amnesia, Captain Norman Craig is embroiled in a doctor's plot to steal both a cache of jewels and Craig's own doting girlfriend. A lost film.
Released : 5th-Sep-1920

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The Silk Lined Burglar

Gentleman crook Boston Blackie answers a want ad for an expert safecracker placed by Doris Macon, who claims a moral right to the safe's contents. She hires Blackie, and they break into the house where the safe is kept. Blackie blows up the safe just as owner Captain von Hoffmeier returns home. Doris disappears with papers from inside the safe, while Blackie takes phonograph records, which, when played with a special needle, reveal secrets that implicate von Hoffmeier as a German political spy.
Released : 31st-Mar-1919

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The Man Who Laughs

Gwynplaine, son of Lord Clancharlie, has a permanent smile carved on his face by the King, in revenge for Gwynplaine's father's treachery. Gwynplaine is adopted by a travelling showman and becomes a popular idol. He falls in love with the blind Dea. The king dies, and his evil jester tries to destroy or corrupt Gwynplaine.
Released : 27th-Apr-1928

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The She-Devil

The She-Devil is a 1916 short starring Constance Talmadge.
Released : 6th-Jan-1916

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Forsaking All Others

Jealous of her son Oliver's interest in Penelope Mason, Mrs. Newell takes him to a resort where he is easy prey for designing Enid Morton. After some near-disastrous situations with Enid's suspicious husband, Penelope comes to Oliver's rescue at Mrs. Newell's request.
Released : 10th-Dec-1922

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For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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