
György Cserhalmi

Born : 17th-Feb-1948

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Karrer plods his way through life in quiet desperation. His environment is drab and rainy and muddy. Eaten up with solitude, his hopelessness would be incurable but for the existence of the Titanik Bar and its beautiful, haunting singer. But the lady is married and Karrer is determined to keep her husband away...
Released : 20th-Oct-1988

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A tale about a strange young man, Bulcsú, and the fellow ticket inspectors on his team who work aboard the subterranean Budapest Metro. A tale about racing along the tracks, and about a mysterious serial killer. And a tale about love.
Released : 20th-Nov-2003

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Witness Again

The Witness (Hungarian: A tanú, also known as Without A Trace), is a 1969 Hungarian satire film, directed by Péter Bacsó. The film was created in a tense political climate at a time when talking about the 1950s and the 1956 Revolution was still taboo. Although it was financed and allowed to be made by the communist authorities, it was subsequently banned from release. As a result of its screening in foreign countries, the communist authorities eventually relented and allowed it to be released in Hungary. It was screened at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival in the Un Certain Regard section.[1] A sequel was made in 1994 named "Megint tanú" (English: Witness Again).
Released : 2nd-Feb-1995

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Electra, My Love

It has been fifteen years since the death of her father, Agamemnon, and Elektra still burns with hatred for Aegisztosz, who conspired with Elektra's mother to kill him.
Released : 12th-Dec-1974

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The Real Santa

Released : 1st-Dec-2005

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Red Psalm

Set in the 1890s on the Hungarian plains, a group of farm workers go on strike in which they face harsh reprisals and the reality of revolt, oppression, morality and violence.
Released : 9th-Mar-1972

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The Vulture

Two old women who happen to be pickpockets stole money from Simon, the taxi driver. The police are unable to find the thieves, so Simon decides to find them himself.
Released : 29th-Jul-1982

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80 Hussars

The film tells the story of a regiment of Hungarian hussars stationed in Poland. The hussars, mostly ordinary men, have heard news of the uprising and wish to return to the homeland to defend the newly independent country. The Empire, on the other hand, is firmly resolved that all Hungarian troops in the imperial army should be kept as far away from the trouble spot as possible, knowing that most soldiers would be loyal to Budapest rather than Vienna.
Released : 13th-Sep-1978

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The Wind Is Whistling Under Their Feet

György Szomjas’s first feature—made after a decade of short documentaries—is a bold attempt at a goulash western, set on the puszta, or Great Hungarian Plain, in 1837. Mixing Miklós Jancsó imagery and a Sergio Leone narrative, this ballad-like saga opens with image of a lone horseman on the empty plain, riding past a rude gallows. The film concerns the vengeful return of a legendary betyár (outlaw), briefly a hero to the local herdsmen who oppose the state building a canal across their grazing land. Although Szomjas works from ethnographic records and archival material, it is hardly surprising that this violent, primitivist film would be more popular with Hungarian audiences than critics. Replete with young guns, crooked sheriffs, tavern brawlers and hardbitten plug-uglies, this widescreen film is strikingly shot by Elémer Ragályi (cinematographer for most of Gyula Gazdag’s films)—a feast of loamy, autumnal colors.
Released : 26th-Aug-1976

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In this powerful film, the renowned William Shakespeare play is stripped down to the bare essentials, consisting of two lengthy shots.
Released : 16th-Mar-1982

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A Very Moral Night

A brothel in a small Hungarian town becomes the home of a medical student after his favorite working girls find out he's out of rent money. Trouble brews as they learn his mother is coming for a visit and they must transform the house.
Released : 6th-Oct-1977

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Just like America

Frigyes, shortly after immigrating to New York City from Hungary, leaves his family for the pleasures and gratifications of being a street bum. But as time goes by, the appeal of this lifestyle wanes. A series of adventures with other drifters reaches a dramatic conclusion when some thugs murder one of them. This startling event forces Frigyes to come to terms with his current situation and decide whether to return to the family he abandoned.
Released : 11th-Jan-1988

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Hungarian Requiem

1958. In the cell of the condemned, seven men await the signs of an approaching execution. All of them recall their pasts and envision their wish-dreams.
Released : 25th-Oct-1990

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Miklós Akli

The hero of the story that takes place at the beginning of the nineteenth century and recalls real historical personages is Akli Miklós, the court jester of Emperor Ferenc.
Released : 1st-Jan-1986

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Paths of Light

Two stories running in parallel: In one, a model is surrounded by men wanting to use and abuse her though, without realizing it, she is protected by a strange tramp guardian angel. In the other, a blind goldsmith struggles to produce his latest commission in the midst of his alcoholism and depression. Both then descend further and further into their own personal hells until they finally re-find peace with themselves and then their stories briefly merge.
Released : 6th-Feb-2005

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The Bridgeman

This epic story takes place between 1820 and 1860 during the Habsburg Monarchy, and portrays the life one of the greatest Hungarian aristocrats - Count Széchenyi - who was born with extra-ordinary mental and spiritual talents. In the years following the fall of Napoleon the young count Széchenyi irresponsibly seduces his brother's wife, and the consequent scandal ruins his career as an army officer. After the sudden death of his humiliated lover Count Széchenyi drastically changes his character from that of a shallow young man into a responsible nobleman seeking to conquer his fate by creating great achievements in his remaining life.
Released : 10th-Apr-2002

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American Torso

The film depicts the lives of veterans of the 1848 Hungarian Revolution in the American Civil War, based in part on an Ambrose Bierce story. The whole film was re-edited using his own method called "light editing" in order to make it resemble a damaged silent film from the late 1800s.
Released : 1st-Jan-1975

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The Unburied Man

One of the doyennes of Hungarian film deals with a dark period of national history: the Soviet regime in Hungary. She portrays it through the fate of the former prime minister and national hero, Imre Nagy. The script is based on the diary written by Imre Nagy, and the memories of his daughter, Erzsébet Nagy, as well as authentic documents and records.
Released : 21st-Oct-2004

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The Agitators

After the World War I, enthusiastic young people found the intellectual group of Hungarian Communist Party. Their aim is to propagate the communist ideology to the people and get the workers on their side. They have fierce discussions on the new ideas, though their movement is not very successful. They clash with their opposition, attempt to lead people to the Red Army, but without success.
Released : 8th-Feb-1971

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An Afternoon Affair

Vera is an engineer and a young divorcée. She is pretty, lonely, and has a boyfriend, Tamás, whom she is dating secretly on a certain day of the week at the week-end house of one of their friends, as Tamás has a family and does not intend to divorce his wife. Vera would like their relationship to be publicly acknowledged.
Released : 12th-Aug-1983

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Jesus Christ's Horoscope

A focus on the tormented lives of intellectuals who failed to protest recent troubles in their homeland. Jancsó emphasizes highly evocative and ambiguous imagery over dialog or exposition as he – through visually fascinating imagery – depicts the painful, stunted lives of Hungary's intellectuals who have remained silent and ineffectual during various political crises.
Released : 12th-Oct-1989

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So Much for Justice!

Concerning the Mátyás era in Hungarian history, during the reign of Matthias Corvinus (1443–1490), the film focuses on three eras of the king's life: the young Mátyás fights for the throne, the older Mátyás as king, and the fate of the royal crown and the royal heir after his death.
Released : 11th-Feb-2010

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Allegro Barbaro

Zsadányi flees from the authorities with his goddaughter, Bankós Mari, and they escape into the forest. The film then skips ahead thirty-fold years: Zsadány and Mari are now lovers, with the sound of war in the background halting their romance. The old friends of Zsadányi have joined with the Nazis, and the landowner living with his peasants in a socialist community grows distant from them. Zsadányi is held responsible for political problems in the country, and will pay with his life.
Released : 11th-Oct-1979

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Eszter's Inheritance

The aging Eszter clarify outstanding relationship.
Released : 17th-Apr-2008

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A German stage actor finds unexpected success and mixed blessings in the popularity of his performance in a Faustian play as the Nazis take power in pre-WWII Germany. As his associates and friends flee or are ground under by the Nazi terror, the popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons.
Released : 11th-Feb-1981

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Marhuľový ostrov

Released : 14th-Apr-2011

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Son of the White Mare

A horse goddess gives birth to three powerful brothers who set out into the Underworld to save three princesses from three evil dragons and reclaim their ancestors' lost kingdom.
Released : 22nd-Oct-1981

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Johnny Corncob

A traditional Hungarian poetic fairytale that describes the epic adventures of a young shepherd through love, war, magic and death.
Released : 1st-May-1973

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Stalin's Bride

At a dusty crossroads in the Soviet Union villagers surrender their possessions - a horse, a samovar, a goat - to the state. The train which takes them away brings to the village a physically and mentally handicapped woman, barely able to speak. She makes herself bracelets of burrs and studies herself in a cracked and cloudy mirror. Befriended by very few, teased and tormented by many she seeks protection at a huge portrait of Stalin.
Released : 14th-Aug-1991

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Roofs At Dawn

1956. Bébé is a painter, but he has not worked for years. The news arriving form Paris about the death of his childhood friend, Halász Petár affects him deeply, but his reflections are continually disturbed by telephone calls: the Alliance for Fine Arts wants to purchase one of the popular self-portraits of Halász.
Released : 9th-Jul-1985

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Last Seen Wearing a Blue Skirt...

The sixteen year old Bea is on her way home from her sports class when a foreign long- vehicle stops by her and she is asked the way. A shove, the banging of the door, and the long-vehicle pulls away with its victim towards the South. Beas abductors rape her and sell her as a prostitute. She tries to escape, keeps leaving marks behind, hoping that her beloved father, Sándor, will find her.
Released : 23rd-Aug-1996

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A nurse and her surgeon-lover are part of a resistance movement in 1940s Czechoslovakia. When they are discovered, her lover flees and she must find a place to hide. A patient whose life she saved, a man from a remote mountain village where time stopped 150 years ago, agrees to hide her as his wife.
Released : 4th-Sep-2003

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A Thorn under the Fingernail

From the intrigues and slander of the branch the painter Hódosi moves out to a hamlet at Hortobágy. He gets into conflict situation as well as he cannot endure that the political and economic elite of the neigbourhood would devastate the nature conservation area with hunting and (tax evading) goose husbandry.
Released : 6th-Jun-1987

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The Disciples

The heroes of this story, based on real events at the end of the 1930s and during World War II, face and dismiss the illusions of intellectuals about their ability to transform society. Professor Magyary and his disciples hoped to promote the modernisation of Hungarian society through a radical reform of public administration.
Released : 6th-Jun-1985

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Heavenly Hosts

When hunting, Zrínyi Miklós finds an Angel with a broken wing. He takes him for a heavenly message and carries him to his castle for cure. Lords and priests come to Zrínyi's court, one after the other, to see Angel. The occasion is appropriate for the ban to win them over to his plan: they should unite their forces to fight for the country's independence.
Released : 23rd-Feb-1984

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Dead or Alive

1852. Gáspár Noszlopy escapes from prison in order to capture the emperor, who is to visit Hungary, with his companions and force him to sign the Declaration of Independence. He is only able to find four fanatic men, as his one-time soldiers have already accepted the established order as unalterable, each of them having found a satisfactory way of life and unwilling to undertake a suicidal experiment.
Released : 21st-Feb-1980

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A man's story parallels Hitler's rise. Austrian Klaus Schneider, wounded in World War I, recovers in the care of Dr. Emil Bettleheim. Bettleheim discovers that Schneider possesses powers of empathy and of clairvoyance, such that could aid suicidal patients. After the war, with one friend as his manager and another as his lover, Schneider changes his name to Eric Jan Hanussen and goes to Berlin, as a hypnotist and clairvoyant performing in halls and theaters. He always speaks the truth, which brings him to the attention of powerful Nazis. He predicts their rise (good propaganda for them) and their violence (not so good). He's in pain and at risk. What is Hanussen's future?
Released : 20th-May-1988

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The Last Summer

Imre Horváth and his friends gather to celebrate his wife's birthday. They are confused because of the changes in the country's politics and want Horváth to be much more active politically, but he is more concerned about his affair with his best friend's daughter.
Released : 4th-Oct-1991

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Narcissus and Psyche

Narcisus and Psyche is based on a novel by Sandor Weores which was adapted by Vilmos Csaplar and director Gabor Body for a feature-length film. Borrowing the character of Psyche from mythology and placing her in Europe in the 19th century, the authors give her a "modern" life. She is an attractive young woman - and remains so throughout the film, in spite of one hardship after another. Psyche is libidinous, and her prurient interests shock her staid contemporaries.
Released : 22nd-Dec-1980

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Season of Monsters

Zoltai is a Hungarian professor who returns home after a visit to the United States. Following a television interview, he commits suicide and leaves a note for his longtime friend Dr. Bardocz. The doctor and Zoltai's colleague Komindi join the police in investigating what drove the man to suicide.
Released : 15th-Sep-1987

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Smouldering Cigarette

1942. Owing to a stolen mink coat, Süti, the young poet and journalist, gets acquainted with Katalin, the idolated singer. Before being drafted to labour service, he shows the actress the song he composed for her, entitled Smouldering Cigarette.
Released : 14th-Aug-2001

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Hunting for Englishmen

1839. The discontented noblemen assemble at the country estate of count Gábor Falussy, on the pretext of a boar hunt. Also an English engineer arrives for the sake of constructing the railway line leading up to the count’s quarry.
Released : 30th-Nov-2006

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The Great Generation

Réb went to the United States about 20 years ago and in the eighties he returns to Budapest with his teenager daughter...
Released : 29th-Oct-1985

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Another Love

A story of a young student of medicine, who arrives in a small mountain village after being accused for carrying out illegal abortion. The film reflects the moral decline of the society, where stealing in secret and making compromises against one's beliefs make up mundane reality. The filmmakers went to perhaps the furthest possible limits in terms of allowed social criticism in the 1980s. The negative picture is enhanced by its rural setting, since the Slovak village had been traditionally associated with strict morals and conservative values.
Released : 1st-Jan-1985

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The Phantom on Horseback

A ghost is haunting Lubló: Kaszparek Mihály, trader of wines, does not refrain from haunting his native town even in broad daylight. He rides his horse sitting backwards, pays with false gold and pays frequent visits to his widowed wife, who is far from being appalled by the caresses of her dead husband.
Released : 24th-Feb-1976

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The heroines of this lyric comedy full of burlesque elements are two girls from a village who get totally engrossed in their day-dreaming. Ida and Rozi escape to the city to catch husbands for themselves.
Released : 11th-Sep-1971

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While awaiting his release from the Soviet detention camp he is being held in, a half-starved refugee (Andras Ambrus) finds that an error has been made and his name is not on the to-be-released list. It is then that he is forced to assume the identity of a dead man whose name is on the list. Ambrus at first refuses, but because he was an orphan and cannot produce evidence of his true identity, he has no other choice. However, when he returns to the outer world and the community he was raised in, he is greeted with suspicion. When he tries to claim his part-ownership of a farm from his adopted uncle, he is refused and beaten by farmhands the uncle sets on him.
Released : 28th-Feb-1975

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Jupiter's Moon

A young refugee, Aryan, is shot while illegally trying to cross the Hungarian border. While tending him back to health, a doctor at a refugee camp discovers that Aryan has gained an extraordinary talent—he can levitate. Aryan is smuggled out by the doctor, who is intent on exploiting his secret.
Released : 1st-Nov-2017

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Rózsa Sándor

Released : 1st-Jan-1971

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The Fifth Seal

In 1944 Budapest, one of a group of four friends poses a hypothetical moral question to the others, an act that will unexpectedly alter their lives forever.
Released : 7th-Oct-1976

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Herceg -
Released : 11th-Nov-1976

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Perlasca - Un eroe italiano

Hauptsturmführer Bleiber - The true story of Giorgio Perlasca, an Italian cattle dealer and avowed fascist who — trapped in Nazi-occupied Budapest after Italy's armistice with the Allies — nevertheless saved more than 5,000 Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust through a combination of lies, bribery and derring-do.
Released : 28th-Jan-2002

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Privát kopó

Bandi - The protagonist of the film is Simon, who comes home for his father’s funeral after having spent two years in American and doing nothing. He takes over the management of Simon and his partner’s private investigation office. Everything is torn around his neck, the office, life and Marci - a 14-year-old boy who is also Simon. He is the little son of our hero, and their relationship is very special.
Released : 14th-Jan-1993

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Rózsa Sándor

Veszelka Imre -
Released : 20th-Aug-1971

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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