
Sergei Astakhov

Born : 28th-May-1969

Movie Credits

Vory i Prostitutki. Priz - Polyot v Kosmos

"Всякая революция делается для того, чтобы воры и проститутки стали философами и поэтами", - Лев Троцкий. Женя Михайлов - сын итальянской революционерки и звезды Голливуда Тины Модотти, уехавшей в СССР и переспавшей с множеством высокопоставленных лиц. Когда-то Женя сделал фундаментальное открытие в области генетики. Но его не поняли, и он стал барменом. Известный писатель, появившийся однажды в баре, устроил Жене встречу с Михаилом Горбачевым. Тот Женю принял, понял и… организовал ему полет в космос. А новоиспеченный космонавт принял имя Ювеналий и объявил о своем невозвращении на Землю…
Released : 6th-Jun-2004

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Есть идея

Released : 1st-Jan-2003

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The Invincible

Yegor is a Russian special agent on a mission to Malta to catch Mikhail Shering fugitive. According to special services, Mikhail was in possession of documents of interest to both the government and the Russian mafia. Therefore, difficulties in bringing Mikhail begin and guns strafed.
Released : 8th-Oct-2008

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Hello, I'm Your Dad!

Innokenty Pechenkin is an absolute loser in life! All sorts of problems are falling on him, one by one, which, it would seem, are no longer solvable. But, at one point, the main character of the film gets a chance to solve all the difficulties at once, namely, to get a family, and that would be all right, but he only has a month of time!
Released : 8th-Aug-2014

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Just yesterday Evgeni Vetrov had a completely different life. He had money, perfect reputation, was respected by his colleagues and most of all - he had love; but apparently he had enemies as well. One day Vetrov's wife was killed, being the only suspect he was soon found guilty. Now the only thing he can do is run, run, in order to find the real killer.
Released : 31st-Mar-2005

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Happy Birthday, Lola!

The film's hero, Lola, is getting ready for the celebration of her birthday. Because she knows she is in for a surprise, she lets two strangers with flowers and a cake into her apartment. The guests names are Bim and Bom; they are killers. They've chosen the girl's apartment as a shooting place to assassinate the president whose motorcade is to proceed by her house. Lola becomes a hostage and the main obstacle foiling the assassination plan.
Released : 6th-Jun-2001

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Where There is Happiness For Me

Nadia is a company director and puts all her efforts into supporting her family. At home, though, they don't pay attention to her: her husband Sergey spends all his time on his cell phone chatting with someone and her daughter Nastia doesn't even talk to her.
Released : 19th-May-2013

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Жизнь шестидесятилетнего Николая Фролова — словно два берега реки под названием "прошлое" и "настоящее". В прошлом остались долгие годы счастливого супружества, работа, которой отдано полжизни, уважение окружающих… Его настоящее ночевки в подвале жилого дома, безденежье, голод и прочие "прелести" жизни человека без определенного места жительства. Между ними — срок по "тяжелой" статье и бесконечное одиночество… Судьба обошлась с ним несправедливо, но он терпеливо дожидался своей награды… Иногда капризы судьбы жестоки, они в один миг могут выбросить из прежней размеренной жизни без права на возвращение.
Released : 6th-Jun-2006

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Young and Happy

Released : 4th-Dec-2005

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House on the Edge

Anna, a modern business woman, lives with her husband-writer in a rich house on Rublevo-Uspensky highway. A prosperous life without worries, but once family happiness simply crumbles before our eyes: Anna has to sponsor the circulation of detective stories of her husband, put up with his high self-conceit, solve problems with her first husband and endure the betrayal of her beloved man with her own sister.
Released : 6th-Jun-2011

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Rassmeshit boga

Released : 1st-Jan-2006

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The fathers of two teenagers from wealthy families — on a bet who will break down first — send them to a secret camp where quests with a special forces theme are held. Faced with the first difficulties and imminent social conflicts, one of the guys asks to take him home. However, on the eve of leaving the camp, the youngest pupil disappears. All quests are canceled and the most prepared children are asked to help with the search. Children become unwitting witnesses of a crime and fall into the hands of bandits. With a series of adventures, mutual help and revenue, young people are trying to find their way home and escape from danger, because everything did not go according to plan.
Released : 24th-Aug-2023

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For the Sake of Love

Released : 23rd-May-2015

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Игра в модерн

Released : 1st-Jan-2003

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October Vacation

The young actress Sveta graduated from the theater academy, lives in St. Petersburg and dreams of starring not in casual TV series, but in serious films and playing serious roles. She is lucky, she ends up in a Bollywood project, which brings together movie stars, the best DJs and choreographers of the country. But everything turns out to be not very simple. Nobody knows the script, the actors live in a small hotel for months and do not understand what is happening. It turns out that in addition to the main filming, the actors, DJ and choreographers are involved in a strange game.
Released : 26th-Oct-2023

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White Moor or Intimate Stories about my Neighbors

This is an ironic, sometimes frankly ridiculous and at the same time sad story about the everyday life of the so-called “upper middle class” - glorified by Woody Allen in America, but still very small in Russia among wealthy citizens. In addition to the enviable affluence, all these businessmen, movie directors, fashion directors, owners of dental clinics and their beautiful wives who are stuck in existential doubts and trivial adultery, are also united by their sonorous `pioneers` (Russian boy & girl scouts) past, which sometimes turns out to be much more difficult than to build a mansion in New Riga...
Released : 19th-Sep-2012

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Once Olga was told that she would meet her betrothed on New Year's Eve. Disappointed in her affair with Edik, who showed up on her doorstep on New Year's Eve, she no longer trusts anyone, and decisively changes everything in her life - her style, her job, her apartment. While Olga is getting rid of unpleasant memories of the past, the angels are not idle, they decide the fates of their wards. On another New Year's Eve, an uninvited and rather persistent guest from the far North appears on Olga's doorstep. From that moment (not without the help of the angels), the New Year for Olga and other characters in the film turns into a series of incredible events...
Released : 26th-Dec-2007

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Love Adventures

The film adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's erotic novels. Six friends gather in the evenings in the studio of one of them, the artist Bertin, and take turns telling about their love adventures. The series consists of six short stories of 26 minutes each, named after the main characters of the short stories - "Allum", "Madeleine", "Henriette", "Anette", "Marie"and " Yvette". The special feature of the series is a special way of shooting, combining the game of actors and sophisticated computer graphics (backgrounds, scenery), as well as stylization of ancient paintings.
Released : 1st-May-2003

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One Love in a Million

A young couple - Anna and Mityai suddenly find a case with one million counterfeited dollars.
Released : 5th-Apr-2007

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Where Love Goes

Released : 28th-Sep-2014

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Папу маме заверни

The teacher's daughter dreams of giving her mother an unusual gift for the New Year and making her happy. At a custom gift agency, she chooses the most expensive one - dinner with a star. But it was difficult to guess what kind of fee we were talking about, and now she and her friends have several months to earn this money. Musician friends help her with this. By coincidence, the star is my mother's unrequited high school love, and New Year's dinner with the star will take place against all odds.
Released : 5th-Dec-2024

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Chest Imeyu

Лента рассказывает о реальных событиях конца февраля 2000 года, произошедших в Аргунском ущелье в Чечне. Бойцы 6-й роты 104 парашютно-десантного полка Псковской дивизии ВДВ вступили в жестокий бой с двадцатикратно превосходящими силами террористов. Десантники не дрогнули, не отступили и выполнили задание, ценой своей жизни преградив путь бандитам, прорывающимся из окружения.
Released : 12th-Dec-2004

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Петля времени

Released : 13th-Jan-2014

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A Murder for 100 Millions

After an explosion destroys the headquarters of a big bank the investigation starts... And a lot of people are under suspicion.
Released : 25th-Apr-2013

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To Russia for Love!

A famous director is returning to Russia in order to stage the scandalous play but the real purpose of the trip is his old love...
Released : 13th-Dec-2012

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Beyond the Edge

Contemporary Moscow. A talented gambler gathers a team of people with supernatural powers to win big at a casino. But they find a much stronger mystical rival.
Released : 1st-Mar-2018

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Maximum Impact

The agents of the Federal Security Service of Russia and the US Secret Service are forced to work together to prevent a full-scale international crisis.
Released : 30th-Nov-2017

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The Fourth Wish

Nastya, a rising "star" of television series and the theater scene, no longer believes in miracles. She and her fiance are invited to celebrate the new year abroad. But Nastya missed her flight and had to get to the place herself. Due to weather conditions, the plane lands in one of the cities of Ugra, and thanks to an incredible coincidence, Nastya ends up in Santa Claus's hut. Now the real fairy tale begins... Acquaintance with wizards, reassessment of life values, fulfillment of the fourth wish - all this awaits not only the main character, but also many viewers.
Released : 8th-Feb-2003

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In the fall of 1938, the NKVD arrested Sergei Korolyov. Under torture, the investigators are trying to extract from him a confession of anti-Soviet activities, each time citing incriminating facts from the biography of the young scientist. Plunging into Korolev's memories, the viewer sees what an extraordinary and enthusiastic person he was, how much creative energy and vitality Sergei Pavlovich gave to the development of world cosmonautics.
Released : 29th-Oct-2007

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Olga Vasilevich, a well-known TV presenter of the popular Ladder of Success program, is successfully going through life herself - an interesting job, a loving husband, and a wonderful son. But one day, after another program, the guest of which was a successful businessman Sergey Galakhov, Olga accepts his invitation to spend a weekend together. The little party that Olga and Sergey had arranged for themselves ended quickly, as expected. On the way home, the car they were driving in gets into an accident...
Released : 12th-May-2006

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TV Credits


'Lupar' - Pavel and Natalya did not know each other, although they had been successfully working in the same field for a long time. They worked only with the richest clients and served them in the first place. Both were top class frauds. And while their paths did not cross, they lived quite happily. But everything changed when their next clients turned out to be husband and wife, and the unlucky thief Marina took away the million at stake right from under the noses of the professionals, without realizing what she had gotten herself into.
Released : 29th-May-2006

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Released : Unknown

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Случайный кадр

Released : 24th-May-2021

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Виктор Сергеевич Стогов - In the center of the story is the fate of a student of the Yaroslavl Technical University, Sergei Ryabinin, who decided to systematize the knowledge of wandering gypsies and turn palmistry into an independent science. To do this, an ambitious young man chooses a non-trivial path. For most of the series, he travels through morgues, hospitals and cemeteries, trying to find out the cause of their death through the lines located on the hands of the dead. Among the piles of corpses, the young talent manages to find even... his future wife…
Released : 9th-Mar-2005

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Охота на изюбря

Yuriy Breler - Moscow's rich want to get their hands on a thriving factory in Siberia. The Saga of the 1990s based on the book by Yulia Latynina
Released : 10th-Oct-2005

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Кино про бандитов

- Le Havre is the leader of an organized crime group from a provincial town, released from prison after 12 years in prison. Le Havre meets with two friends and tells them about the plan he had in prison: he realized that his life was very eventful and an interesting movie could be made about it. Le Havre believes that his film about bandits will be true, which means it will certainly be successful.
Released : 15th-Jun-2023

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Честь имею

Dylev -
Released : 1st-Jan-2004

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Принцесса и нищенка

Виталий Сенцов -
Released : 10th-Mar-2009

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Под напряжением

Андрей Высоков -
Released : 11th-Jul-2022

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звезда сериалов Дима - Realizing that something needs to change in life, a simple girl Sasha Gvozdikova leaves Yekaterinburg for Moscow, abandoning a boring job and a married lover. She writes short stories and dreams of getting them published, but overestimates her writing talent. Together with Sasha, two of her best friends from Yekaterinburg, Katya and Alyona, live in Moscow. The plot of the story revolves around three heroines who are trying to find themselves in metropolitan life and in relationships.
Released : 9th-Nov-2015

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Ой, ма-моч-ки!

Михаил Сергаков, кинозвезда -
Released : 1st-Jan-2012

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Released : 27th-Jun-2022

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Artur -
Released : 16th-Aug-2005

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Девушки с Макаровым

- The head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Butovo region, Makarov, is completely replaced by the personnel as a result of a conflict with the leadership. Instead of experienced male cops, four young students are singled out.
Released : 9th-Mar-2021

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Ильин -
Released : 26th-Aug-2019

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- The mystical series "Otherworldly" consists of twelve stories representing life on the edge of two worlds: the real and the otherworldly. The characters, without going beyond the boundaries of everyday life, will constantly feel the breath of mysterious forces hiding their power behind a thin shell of visible simplicity of reality. The other is always there: it envelops the consciousness and guides the actions of people, draws them into its magical action, endowing them with supernatural abilities. Under the guidance of unknown forces, someone curses, and someone is destined to become a victim of a curse, gain or lose faith, heal or cripple the soul.
Released : 8th-Jul-2007

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Илья Шнейдер - MOORE's investigator, Colonel Alexander Khlystov, receives an old photograph in the mail: it shows Yesenin, who has just been taken out of the loop. According to the rules, the investigator must give the case a legal course.
Released : 31st-Oct-2005

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Девять неизвестных

Timochkin - pretendent na rabotu v banke -
Released : 10th-Jan-2006

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