
Ilija Ivezić

Born : 20th-Jul-1926

Movie Credits

The Desperado Trail

Rollins' gang wants to grab land by inciting the settlers in a war against the Indians but Winnetou and Old Shatterhand try to keep the peace, until Rollins frames Winnetou up for the murder of Jicarilla Chief's son.
Released : 14th-Oct-1965

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Cervantes from the Small Town

'Malo Misto' lives its own life, but not far behind the times. Hotel manager Roko Prč strives to organise tourism, so he introduces the first nudist beach. His wife Anđa brings two of her cousins from the Dalmatian hinterland and demands Roko to hire them. One of them, a young man named Ikan, earns the attention of a beautiful Swedish tourist. From Chile to Malo Misto returned Tonči, nicknamed Servantes, of course, without any money. He fell on the back of his hardworking aunt Keka, who even without him has enough problems of her own. Servantes also experiences an unexpected romance.
Released : 2nd-Feb-1982

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Marshal Tito's Spirit

Stipan is a policeman who comes to small Adriatic island off the Croatian coast in order to investigate reported strange phenomena that had frightened the whole population. At first, nobody wants to co-operate with him, but he finally finds that the island is being allegedly haunted by the ghost of Josip Broz Tito, Communist leader of former Yugoslavia. For Luka, the mayor, this is the opportunity to turn entire island into Tito-themed amusement park. Tito's WW2 veterans, on the other hand, don't believe in ghosts; for them, the apparition is actually Tito himself, who had returned in order to lead them into a new revolution which would restore Communism. Written by Anonymous
Released : 5th-Jan-1999

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Face to Face

One of the first movies who spoke of Yugoslav socio-political system with some criticism, set in a company. On the routine workers' council meeting a few brave workers stand against a corrupted manager.
Released : 14th-Jul-1963

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An experimental film about peaceful and carefree life in a small Dalmatian town, which turns into bloodshed and horror on the Eve of Italian occupation of the country.
Released : 11th-Jul-1967

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The streets of Zagreb are empty because of a rumored vampire who attacks lonely women. To the office of psychiatrist, Franjo Glogowetz, there arrives a strange visitor, Teobald Majer. He is convinced that he is a vampire from the 16th century, and tells Franz that the members of his family, Glogovac, were famous vampire hunters. Naturally, Franz does not take him seriously but his wife, Barbara, likes the stranger a lot and even believes his story. In the meantime, Franz's two relatives, Jambrek and Jurek, arrive and get caught up in the mess.
Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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Pajo is a hardworking, lonely but also very rich farmer. His son Toma was, however, bored with country life and tried to seek fortune in the city. Short on money, Toma returns to the farm for a handout while Pajo tries to convince him to stay.
Released : 1st-Jul-1973

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Hitler from Our Street

Before and during WW II and the German occupation of Serbia, in a village in Vojvodina, inhabitants are separated based on their nationality. Local Volksdeutschers (ethnic Germans) enlist with the Nazi occupiers. The village bum, Leksi, jumps at the opportunity to put on a uniform and parade around with a gun. Leksi gets into an argument with villagers Marko and Joca, who devise a plan to get rid of him. At the same time, Marko tries to seduce Leksi's wife, Anika.
Released : 6th-Jul-1975

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Crazy Days

A group of Dalmatian guest workers from Germany come to their native town on Easter holidays. They usually spend time in a local pub playing cards, drinking and yelling. Jure is the most successful and bragging among them, while Klempo is considered poorest since he didn't built the house or bought a car. Annoyed by poor cards, Klempo places a bet with Jure that he made more money than him. The loser must give everything to winner and then walk around the town naked.
Released : 7th-Jul-1977

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King of Endings

Branko Kralj is an alienated businessman and avid chess fan. He is married to the attractive Visnja and they have a son. Their marriage is weak and Branko feels much closer to his mistress than to his wife. One day Kralj and Visnja travel on a half empty train. Kralj goes to a far away compartment for a game of chess, and leaves Visnja alone. Three men take advantage of the lone woman in her compartment and rape her.
Released : 1st-Jan-1987

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Small Train Robbery

Lika, Austro-Hungarian Empire, the year is 1918, the last year of WWI. In a wasteland rocky area, among ravines there is a small gendarmery police station with several gendarmes headed by sergeant Cokula. The area is controlled by a group of outlaws led by Todor nicknamed "The Terrible". Sergeant Cokula and Todor did not bother each other, until bandits robbed the emperor's inspector.
Released : 11th-Jul-1984

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The Golden Years

The crash of student strike, also the crash of "Croatian Spring" in December of 1971, causes a violent separation of its three participants: A member of student leaders Jakov, his brother Mislav and Jakov's girlfriend Suncana. Jakov escapes abroad, while Mislav and Suncana remain in Zagreb believing that nothing bad can happen to them. Meanwhile, Mislav is getting arrested and Suncana stays alone. 20 years later, Jakov returns from Australia looking for a new beginning. He stays at Mislav's who married a girl from a rich family, after being released from prison and became a dentist. Soon, the brothers discover that the scelator from the past were not buried after all. The case of Suncana Krizic, who got killed in 1972 under mysterious circumstances, becomes Jakov's obsession in finding the truth.
Released : 1st-Jan-1992

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A Performance of Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja

A corrupt village commissar insists on mounting a production of Hamlet. The clever local teacher, however, casts the son of a man framed for theft as Hamlet, and the commissar as the usurping king, leading to a climax of truly Shakespearean proportions.
Released : 31st-May-1974

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Lone Wolf

A boy finds a large wolf-like dog in the mountain and they befriend. The local peasants think that it may be a real wolf responsible for the sheep pestilence. They decide to kill the animal, but the boy is worried about it and he secretly provides the dog with the food.
Released : 12th-Jul-1972

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The Rat Savior

A poor writer discovers that a species of rats has banded together to impersonate humans and supplant them unnoticed, in a manner reminiscent of the transformations in Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros, or the covert conspiracy of pod-people in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This film's story is based on a book by the Soviet writer Alexander Grin.
Released : 26th-Oct-1976

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The Sunrise

Having learned of the love affair between his wife and his colleague, a train driver finds himself in a dilemma: only one move is enough to kill his opponent in a train accident that they've found themselves in.
Released : 1st-Jan-1964

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Wild Angels

A group of juvenile delinquents go to a coastal resort town after successful robbery.
Released : 3rd-Nov-1969

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I Want to Live

Deals with the father-son conflict in a farming family. The two never see eye to eye especially over the way the farm is run. The boy opts for a different way of life and also falls in love with a dumb girl to the horror of his family.
Released : 1st-Jan-1982

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The Deer Hunt

I. S. returns after many years to his hometown, from which he escaped after WW II, fearing that, as a civil clerk of the NDH, could suffer prosecution from the new government. He has been falsely accused to be a member of Ustasha movement.
Released : 10th-Jan-1972

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High Voltage

After WW II many young people arrive to Zagreb, among them a young worker Sonja Kacar. She is supposed to participate in the construction of the first generator in the Rade Koncar factory. Because there aren't enough experts and materials in Yugoslavia, the factory counts on help from fellow communist countries, Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union. However, after the Inform Bureau's resolution this help is no longer available. Sonja experiences a great intimate disappointment because Stjepan, who she is in love with, supports Stalin.
Released : 23rd-Feb-1981

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Yugoslavia, 1948, the year of Inform Bureau's resolution and Tito's break-up with Stalin. The story takes place during a wedding in the Dalmatian inland in Croatia. Ante marries a much younger woman, Visnja; the groom's godfather is Andrija, the partisan war hero born in this very village, and a member of the new Communist political establishment. Two members of the Yugoslav State Security crash the traditional wedding ceremony. In the growing atmosphere of fear nobody knows who will be arrested.
Released : 6th-Nov-1970

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Treasure of Silver Lake

Fred Engel's father is murdered by Colonel Brinkley in order to acquire a treasure map, however the Colonel only acquires half of it, the other half as held by Mrs. Butler. Discovering the scene of the crime, Old Shatterhand and Winnetou help Fred bring his father's murderer to justice and locate the treasure of Silver Lake.
Released : 12th-Dec-1962

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The Fed One

Group of concentration camp prisoners is being constantly tortured by their Kappo. Since they are too weak to stand against him, they pick the strongest among themselves and feed him with parts of their rations.
Released : 9th-Jul-1970

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Hamburg Altona

Three prisoners, Combe from Rijeka, Menso from Bosnia, and Bogart from Belgrade, escape from prison. Their final destination is the city of their dreams - Hamburg. They temporarily part ways and agree to meet at the train station in Zagreb. First, each of them goes to his hometown. From there on, we follow three separate stories. In the first, Combe, in the shady harbor district of Rijeka, tries to get back at his former crime partner, Mrvi, who turned him in to the police. In the second story, we witness Mensa's relationship with his wife Riza and their children in a small Bosnian village. The third story depicts Bogart's love affair with a young teacher in a Belgrade suburb. Afterwards, at the train station in Zagreb, Bogart finds out from the newspaper that the police caught his friends. At the last minute, he changes the original plan.
Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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The Pine Tree in the Mountain

Communist party commissar Ivica is sent to the lowland village to monitor the local partisan squad. Despite their disagreements he befriends their leader Dikan and they plan to evacuate the chief headquarters. Dikan also sees the opportunity to have his personal revenge on an enemy officer, responsible for death of one of his men.
Released : 15th-Sep-1971

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My Uncle's Legacy

In this politically charged drama, the turbulent times just following Marshal Tito's rejection of ties to Moscow comes to life. Interestingly, even in the first few years after the Yugoslavian leader's death, the subject matter of this film was considered too hot to handle, and the director had to appeal to the courts for permission to shoot it. In the story, Martin is a schoolboy with a sense of the absurd and a willingness to use ridicule to amuse himself and his classmates. He has an uncle who is high up in the nation's bureaucracy who protects him and his grandfather now that his father has died. His grandfather is too stubborn to give his farm to the local farming collective, and Martin himself is in hot water with the principal for making fun of his girlfriend, one of the students at the high school. However, as long as the uncle is able to protect them, they remain out of hot water.
Released : 30th-May-1988

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The first soft core porn flick made in former Yugoslavia (today Croatia). It was a huge cause celebre for the participants and equally infamous for its innumerable shortcomings ranging from the lack of coherent plot-line to the most basic elements of film making. However, in time, it has gained a somewhat cult reputation. A priceless insight into an odd culture and its lax sexual mores and follies!
Released : 30th-May-1983

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The Harbor

Next to a small Dalmatian town of Murvice oil was found, and politicians make a hasty decision to build a tanker port, although there is no oil in the quantities required for exploitation. Urged by his ambitious wife, the engineer Slobodan Despot becomes director of the port construction, which his wife's lover skillfully exploits to use Despot as scapegoat. The construction of unprofitable airport gradually destroys the patriarchal structure of Murvice, as well as Despot's personal life and ideals, which he tried to restore by having affair with the young and unspoiled girl.
Released : 1st-Jan-1992

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Young social worker falls in love with a delinquent girl on the run.
Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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1st Split Detachment

A Partisan unit goes into battle with the enemy twice stronger, somehow resists detachment to attack deep into the night, where the fraud are captured combatants from all units and thrown to the terrible torture and eventually murder.
Released : 1st-Jan-1972

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Daredevil Times

Sfaira (1971-1984) dedicated to Pythagoras and Plato is a homage to two of his favourite spheroids: the Earth and the Sun.
Released : 12th-Jan-1977

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The Time of Warriors

Two friends, Fabijan and Dakar, go fishing on a calm river close to Zagreb. In his youth, Fabijan was a Partisan, and Dakar a member of the Foreign Legion. Suddenly, while fishing, they are attacked by unknown assassins. While fighting for their lives, they wonder if this is revenge for unsettled accounts from their past. Fabijan and Dakar set off on a quest for the assassins and motives for their attack...
Released : 1st-Jan-1991

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Promised Land

Settlers from infertile parts of Yugoslavia, arrive to rich Slavonia and Baranja. There they are faced with the decree of the Communist government by which they will be left without the land that they received in the process of collectivization just a year ago. The peasants fiercely resist the government's decision. Milisa Matic is a peasant who fights against the establishment of peasant cooperatives because in that case many peasants would lose their newly acquired land. The Communist government has decreed the founding of cooperatives and Markan Radisic is in charge of their establishment. When Markan's son proposes to Milisa's daughter, the two men confront each other. In self-defense Markan kills Milisa, however the national court fails to find mitigating circumstances. On the way to prison he listens to the news on radio about the abolition of agricultural cooperatives.
Released : 20th-Mar-1986

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Christmas in Vienna

A young violinist who plays at the war front decides to join his parents in Vienna after his best friend gets killed.
Released : 24th-Jul-1997

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The Battle of Sutjeska

The headquarters of the Marshal Tito's Liberation Army are surrounded by Axis forces. The Partisans have no choice but to fight their way out of the encirclement and face the enemy on the plains of Sutjeska.
Released : 3rd-Jul-1973

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Last of the Renegades

Forester, a ruthless oil baron, wants to create a war between the native American tribes and the white men. Old Shatterhand, Winnetou and their sidekick Castlepool try to prevent this.
Released : 17th-Sep-1964

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The Recollection Thief

Approximately a month before the death of the first Croatian president and in the wake of parliamentary elections in December 1999, a diplomat from the Croatian embassy in Paris is reported missing. He is a doctor of French literature who returned from Canada in 1991. Gawain Skok, who took part in the War for Independence and defended Vukovar, starts a search.
Released : 18th-Jul-2007

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Apache Gold

The construction of the Great Western Railroad creates heavy conflict between the railway company and neighboring Indian tribes. Worse, criminal gang leader Santer sets his eyes on a gold mine located on holy Indian land and influences the construction supervisor to re-rout the planned railroad straight through Apache land. Old Shatterhand, who works as a measurement technician, discovers the evil plan and searches contact with the Apaches in an effort to avert war.
Released : 11th-Dec-1963

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Thunder at the Border

Firehand and his Apache friend Winnetou are determined to get justice for the murder of four young braves. They set off to track down the gang responsible for the horrendous act.
Released : 13th-Dec-1966

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Amongst Vultures

Outlaws disguised as Indians commit crimes against settlers but Winnetou and Old Surehand are determined to unmask the bandits and keep the peace.
Released : 8th-Dec-1964

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Rampage at Apache Wells

'The Oilprince' is an unscrupulous businessman. He looks forward to a lucrative deal with the "Western Arizona Bank'. He sells the bank oil wells at Shelly Lake that do actually not exist. The Oilprince learns that the colonists would like to settle at Shelly Lake. So The Oilprince exchanges the scout of the settlers by one of his minions to give them another route. But soon The Oilprince has to recognize that he has not counted on Winnetou, the righteous leader of the Apaches, and his blood brother Old Surehand.
Released : 25th-Aug-1965

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In NATO-occupied Kosovo, a little girl writes an essay for the United Nations about her father who has gone missing. Meanwhile, the girl's grandfather becomes increasingly paranoid of the unseen threats that lurk in the dark.
Released : 23rd-Jan-2022

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The Tamburitza Players

It’s the winter of 1942. A freight train on the section of the Slavonian railway Vinkovci-Nova Gradiska is under a special Gestapo escort. Fleeing misfortune and evil brought by war, the last wagon is the place of encounter of politicians, war smugglers, deserters and tamburitza players.
Released : 1st-Jan-1982

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Attempted Flight

The twelve year old Ivo has been living in Vienna with his family for three years. His father and brothers work at construction sites. Their Austrian neighbors despise the Yugoslav guest workers. Because the mother has to look after the sick grandmother at home in Croatia, Ivo runs the male household in Vienna alone. Solitude and insults from the locals make the child unhappy. And so Ivo decides on a rainy winter's day to return to his home village on his own.
Released : 1st-Jan-1976

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Bombing Process

In 1928 young Communist activist was arrested and put on trial for anti-state activity. Years later he became known as Tito, Communist president of Yugoslavia, and this TV-movie was made for the 50th anniversary of those events.
Released : 1st-Jan-1978

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The Red and the Black

This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic in 1921. When Italy annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population were disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of selling foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggles for the mining republic and the love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pipan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.
Released : 25th-May-1985

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The Valley of Death

An army gold shipment and its escort vanish in the Ozarks, prompting accusations of theft and desertion but frontiersman Old Shatterhand and Apache chief Winnetou help solve the mystery of the missing army gold.
Released : 12th-Dec-1968

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Thunder from the West

During World War II an Italian secret agent is sent undercover to kill the head of the resistance in Budapest.
Released : 10th-Jul-1969

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Jerry Cotton: Tip Not Included

An elaborate bank robbery takes place and the gangsters succeed although the FBI had been warned. Jerry Cotton, who is considered accountable for this major failure, loses his badge over this. Being the man he is, Cotton doesn't let the evil-doers forget that he has unfinished business with them.
Released : 24th-Aug-1966

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A Trap for the General

Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.
Released : 26th-Nov-1971

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The Drinking Bout

A young family from the province moves into the ground floor of a quiet building in Zagreb and with their lifestyle and behavior disrupts the idyllic atmosphere that reigned in that neighborhood until then. All attempts by the natives to bring them into order are unsuccessful, so they hatch a conspiracy. But their revenge will have serious consequences...
Released : 7th-Dec-1987

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TV Credits

Sándor Mátyás

Ferrato -
Released : 3rd-Jan-1979

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Inspektor Petrović 'Žandar' - The adventures of a numerous family Vragec, who live in a suburban settlement "Naselak" in Croatia's capital Zagreb.
Released : 9th-Jun-1982

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Prosjaci i sinovi

Šunjo - Story about Matan, professional beggar, smuggler, and trickster, his childhood and adult adventures with his family. It is shown as retrospective, while Matan is hiding from the authorities in the mental institution.
Released : 10th-Sep-1984

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Ctesippo - Italian miniseries based on Homer's Odyssey.
Released : 24th-Mar-1968

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Inženjer Rosandić - The series follows the capture of the inserted Ustashas during Operation Guardian in 1947-1948.
Released : Unknown

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Đavolje sjeme

- During WW2, a young student of medicine comes to the big city to discover the secret of death, and stays at a motel that turns out to be a brothel. He is asked from Ustasha officer to perform experiments of resurrecting the dead, while the Fascist authorities look for a female communist hiding in the city.
Released : 19th-Feb-1979

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Covik i po

- The television humorous series is based on the screenplay by renowned Croatian writer Mirko Bozic. In ten episodes, we look at the various ups and downs of socialist leaders, which authors use to talk about what really interests them, and that is the mentality of the people in the Sinj region in Croatia. Original title: ČOVIK I PO
Released : Unknown

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Covik I po

Released : 13th-Oct-1974

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For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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