
Alice Tissot

Born : 2nd-Jan-1890

Movie Credits

Madame Bovary

Soon after the death of his first wife (whose dowry was inadequate), Charles Bovary, a country doctor in Normandy, marries Emma Rouault. In her new home, Emma finds conflict with her mother-in-law, a husband uninterested in the social whirl, and general discontentment; thereby proving an easy conquest for philanderer Rodolphe. Other lovers follow. Does tragedy await?
Released : 4th-Jan-1934

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Ladies Only Compartment

On his wedding day, Robert confesses his father-in-law that twenty years ago, he seduced a lady in a sleeping car of a train. His mother-in-law overhears the conversation and convinces Robert that she was that lady and that makes Robert's bride also his daughter. The wedding is in danger of being annulled when the trickery is finally discovered.
Released : 1st-Feb-1935

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Ignace Boitaclou, although sympathetic, is not very intelligent. Upon his arrival at the barracks to perform his military service, he was appointed colonel and had to take care of the latter's terrible wife.
Released : 30th-Apr-1937

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Loves, Delights and Organs

The head of a school in a little French country town encourages the playful romances between his young students, as well as a love of jazz music.
Released : 25th-Jun-1946

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François 1er

Honorin is the simple and naive stage manager of a traveling theatre troupe, whose one ambition is to once play the role of the cavalier in the opera "Francis I, or the Loves of the Beautiful Ferroniere". A hypnotist puts him to sleep and in his dreams he is transplanted to the days of the Renaissance. There, among other items, he is made a Duke by Henri VIII, fights a duel and survives a series of medieval tortures, while also bestowing some 20th century blessings on the court of Francis I.
Released : 17th-Feb-1937

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André Chénier

The life of French poet André Chénier, precursor of the Romantic movement, who was guillotined during the Revolution aged only 31.
Released : 6th-Feb-1910

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Children of Montmartre

When her father files bankruptcy and then dies, Rose's fiancé jilts her; she takes a job as a maid in a Montmartre kindergarten with 150 poor children. Rose gives each child loving attention, and soon she's their favorite. An especially needy child is Marie, a prostitute's daughter. Rose and she bond, and Marie is jealous of all attentions paid Rose, especially those of Dr. Libois, the school's physician. When Rose inadvertently guides the children through the educational experiment of a visiting scholar, and then discloses she has a college degree and is working beneath her station, the principal wants to fire her. Is there any way she can stay? And what will happen to Marie?
Released : 15th-Sep-1933

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The Two Girls

Two small girls whose father is in prison are collected by their grandfather after losing their mother in a shipwreck.
Released : 28th-Jan-1921

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The Nativity

A silent French film depicting the story of the nativity.
Released : 11th-Nov-1910

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Léonce Loves Morels

A photogenic Partie de campagne with Léonce looking for mushrooms! A nice prestation by Poupette Suzanne Le Bret and a nice little fantasy.
Released : 1st-Sep-1913

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Le Lys d'or

The Madonna gives a golden lily to the poor musician. He tries to sell it and this arouses the suspicion of the goldsmith.
Released : 1st-Jan-1910

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Le Festin de Balthazar

A historical short film inspired by the Biblical story of Belshazzar's Feast.
Released : 20th-Feb-1910

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Bout-de-Zan's Money-Box

Bout-de-Zan and his family are around the dinner table, awaiting the visit of his millionaire uncle. But the uncle is not what he was...
Released : 1st-Jan-1913

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Belphégor deals with a series of mysterious appearances by a masked-and-robed figure in the Louvre; a security guard is murdered, and a later police trap is foiled when the phantom—“Belphégor” (the name of a legendary demon)—uses knock-out gas. Journalist Jacques Bellegarde of “Le Petit Parisien” (the real-life newspaper which published the original story in serial installments), investigates, and eventually discovers famous detective Chantecoq and his vivacious daughter Colette are also on the case.
Released : 1st-Jan-1927

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Bout-de-Zan et le cheminot

One night, Bout-de-Zan finds a wanderer and shares his bed to him. The next morning there is a general panic among the servants...
Released : 1st-Oct-1913

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Paris, France, 1784. After living many tribulations, Joseph Balsamo, known as Count Cagliostro, an infamous adventurer, enigmatic magician and necromancer, experienced physician and ruthless swordsman, triumphs among the members of the decadent French aristocracy. But a bold foretelling about a very prominent noblewoman causes his fall in disgrace… (Partially lost film.)
Released : 8th-Apr-1929

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The Legend of the Spinner

The goddess Minerva is jealous of the young Arachne who is more clever it in weaving. Out of spite, Arachne Minerva rushed into hell, then transforms into a spider that will forever spinning its web.
Released : 12th-Mar-1908

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The Colonel's Account

This short film consists of a crazy old colonel being asked to entertain party guests about his exploits of daring. However, being a totally insane old coot, he runs amok acting out his war-time heroics--smashing and throwing everything in the room!
Released : 23rd-Jul-1907

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Crowns, I: The Crown of Roses

Framed in a wreath of roses we see a lithe Creek dancer, who sways and postures before an epicurean party of ancients, followed by a laurel wreath and encircling a scene showing school children of 1830 receiving their marks of diligence at a distribution of rewards: then the wreath of bay tendered by the Human Senators to Caesar on the culmination of his career; now a beggar receives a loaf called a "crown" from a charitable passerby: Christ is shown crowned with thorns by the rabble; following the divine drama we see the old comedian's wreath presented him at a performance. The next view shows the Emperor Charlemagne crowning his son Lewis. The film closes with the wreath of orange blossoms encircling a bridal party.
Released : 8th-Nov-1909

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A Race for Millions

If an old man's niece does not claim her inheritance at the notary's office by the appointed time, his fortune will go to his housekeeper.
Released : 13th-Dec-1912

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The Egyptian

In eighteenth-dynasty Egypt, Sinuhe, a poor orphan, becomes a brilliant physician and with his friend Horemheb is appointed to the service of the new Pharoah. Sinuhe's personal triumphs and tragedies are played against the larger canvas of the turbulent events of the 18th dynasty. As Sinuhe is drawn into court intrigues he learns the answers to the questions he has sought since his birth.
Released : 25th-Aug-1954

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Inspector of the Red Cars

Bernard, Sleeper Coach conductor and automobile inventor, is confused to be the racing car company president, and falls in love with a countess, who is actually a slogan prize winner chorine.
Released : 16th-Feb-1935

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The Tamer

A very shy person inherits a traveling circus on the express condition that he manages to present a number on the ring.
Released : 14th-Dec-1938

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We're Moving the Colonel

The dynamic Flora has decided to burglarize Colonel de la Ribodiere's apartment in the company of Romeo and Clotaire. The two men discover the old soldier lifeless on his bed. One after the other, the colonel's goddaughter Annette, the gendarmes and their brigadier, the Grivier cousins, who are sniffing out the inheritance, and the three thieves, who are hoping to get their way, pass by each other and avoid each other in the house. La Ribodière isn't dead, but he listens to what's being said, forms an opinion about everyone, ousts the Griviers, rewards Annette with a betrothal to Clotaire, and gives Flora and Roméo absolution.
Released : 9th-Dec-1955

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Feux de joie

Once their military service is over, the instrumentalists of a regimental orchestra find themselves in civilian life and decide to run a hotel themselves on the Côte d'Azur.
Released : 1st-Feb-1939

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The Janitor's Tea Party

The scene of the drama is a block of modern flats. Many of the residents are away at a dance, and the janitor and his staff decide upon a jollification of their own. They invite their friends to a fine high tea. Everybody is having a fine time, and their spirits are running high. We are now taken to the outside of the hall door, and watch with amusement the frantic pounding and bell ringing of the residents returning from their evening engagements and seeking admission to their apartments. The gay gathering inside are too busy with their own pleasure to heed the angry crowd outdoors. A policeman is called, but all to no purpose, and the tenants are all taken to the station for quarters for the night. Returning to the janitor's quarters we see that the jollifications have been concluded and the guests are all departing. The superior officer at the station concludes to make another effort to gain admittance in the building and, with the tenants at his heels, he approaches the flats.
Released : 1st-Mar-1907

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The Seven Deadly Sins

A series of seven short films of varying length demonstrating each of the seven deadly sins.
Released : 23rd-Sep-1910

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The Exodus

Released : 1st-Sep-1910

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Released : 2nd-May-1910

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Judith and Holophernes

Released : 14th-Jun-1909

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Cyrano de Bergerac

Cyrano, poet and cadet from Gascony, is afflicted with an excessively long nose which makes the beauties smile. He is no less in love with his cousin Roxane.
Released : 29th-Aug-1946

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A little Breton tries to save her boss's daughter an unhappy marriage.
Released : 3rd-Sep-1940

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Juanita is a 1935 French musical comedy film directed by Pierre Caron and starring Mireille Perrey, Alfred Rode and André Berley.
Released : 27th-Sep-1935

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Goodbye Darling

Chérie is a beautiful young woman who works as an escort girl. She meets a young and wealthy man who propose her to be his fictional wife so that his mother won't bother him anymore with this other girl, a rich one, she wants to see her son married to.
Released : 26th-Apr-1946

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Mirages of Paris

In this fast-moving fantasy, an unsophisticated student escapes from a boarding school to become, after many trials and tribulations, the "toast of Paris."
Released : 13th-Jan-1933

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Port of Point-du-Jour

Emile is a steelworker in a car factory ;a confirmed bachelor going on fifty, he leads a peaceful life .One night, he is woken up by a burst of machine gun fire. The cafe in the corner of the street has been burglarized.A distraught young girl rushes into his apartment building and hides in his room .When the police make a search, he makes her out to be his lover for the night.Madeleine tells her about her sad past : she has severed all links with her parents ,she's an unwed mother and in the underworld's clutches. Emile sends his protegee to old mommy Dupont's place ,in the suburbs of Paris.
Released : 13th-Apr-1960

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Trois marins en bordée

The marchioness of Botarin secretly exchanges passionate letters with Jean, a young sailor. What Jean doesn't know is that the lady of his heart is twice as old as he thinks, for the photo she has sent her was one of her young niece Jacqueline, instead of her. Things get complicated when Jean turns up at the Botarin manor, escorted by two other sailors. The young man immediately falls under the spell of Jacqueline, which drives the marchioness crazy. The latter resorts to various subterfuges to separate the lovebirds, but to no avail. She will end up marrying a gendarme who has been her suitor for years while Jean weds his beloved Jacqueline.
Released : 10th-Dec-1957

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Princely Nights

Released : 7th-Oct-1929

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Le vainqueur de la course pédestre

Burlesque: the champion describes his race with such conviction that everyone is carried away with him.
Released : 12th-Jul-1909

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Les suites d'un premier lit

Released : 18th-Jan-1935

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The famous singer Antonia left the stage to marry a country gentleman. She goes alone one day to Budapest to see again the operetta which revealed her and outlines a flirtation with an aviator engaged to her niece. The presence of mind of the latter pleasantly closes the adventure.
Released : 25th-Jan-1935

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The Longest Day

The retelling of June 6, 1944, from the perspectives of the Germans, US, British, Canadians, and the Free French. Marshall Erwin Rommel, touring the defenses being established as part of the Reich's Atlantic Wall, notes to his officers that when the Allied invasion comes they must be stopped on the beach. "For the Allies as well as the Germans, it will be the longest day"
Released : 25th-Sep-1962

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Second Childhood

Middle-aged Georges of the "old school" who offers shelter and comfort to Marcelle. Despite his own reservations, Georges falls in love with the much-younger girl, remaining faithful to her even after he realizes that she cares only for his money.
Released : 10th-Jan-1939

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Last Desire

Caesar, a senior French colonist returned home after many years of absence, knows a girl, Marcella, who is in full depression because she was abandoned by her lover. Caesar welcomes her into his home and surrounds her with paternal attention so that he can quickly forget the past. Slowly his feeling turns into a love that Marcella seems to reciprocate. However, when Cesare realizes that the girl feels only gratitude for him and is in love with a younger man, he loses control. Blinded by jealousy, he plans to kill Marcella's lover but, in the face of the girl's vulgarity and indifference, he realizes that he has been teased and turns his anger towards her.
Released : 28th-Aug-1939

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Captain Craddock

The mystery passenger on Craddock's ship is his country's queen.When he loses money she's entrusted to him at roulette, he threatens to bomb Monte Carlo unless his loss is restored.
Released : 4th-Dec-1931

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The Gates of Paris

Juju, a drunken oaf who feels the need of being important to someone---anyone---and his friend The Artist are forced at gunpoint to house a fugitive, Pierre Barbier, in Juju's broken-down home. The urge for being needed is such in Juju that he gives up drinking and takes care of Pierre. But one day Juju finds out that Pierre has been making love to his girl Maria...
Released : 27th-Sep-1957

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Le gardien du feu

Released : 14th-Nov-1924

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The Buoy

Released : 1st-Jan-1909

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The Two Girls

Two girls, Ginette and Gaby, have just run away, outraged by the mistreatment of their governess. After many adventures, they will find their father, who has become a thug, and their mother who had disappeared in a shipwreck.
Released : 10th-Apr-1936

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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