
Norma Talmadge

Norma Talmadge started her career in one-reelers in 1909 for Vitagraph, playing bit roles as a young teenager starting. As she continually worked at the studio over the next several years, her parts grew until she frequently started as the leading lady. Her young promising career got a huge boost after her marriage to exhibitor Joseph M. Schenck. Together, they formed the Norma Talmadge Film Corporation in 1917 and began producing Star vechiles for Talmadge. Specializing in melodramas and woman’s pictures, Talmadge became one of the biggest stars of the 1920s, starting in hits such as Smilin’ Through, Secrets, The Lady, and Kiki. With her star already fading when the talkie revolution swept Hollywood, Talmadge made just two sound films before retiring from the screen. Although largely forgotten today, Talmadge was a pioneering producer and director who stood as one of the most popular and powerful women in early Hollywood. Born : 26th-May-1894

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Based on the 1852 novel and play La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils.
Released : 4th-Sep-1927

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The Dove

Norma Talmadge plays a Mexican saloon singer, known as 'The Dove.' She is romanced by a young caballero and menaced by a Villa-like brute of a dictator, played by Noah Beery.
Released : 31st-Dec-1927

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The Devil's Needle

Renee is a French artist's model who uses morphine as an escape from the dull reality of her life. She recommends it to a neurotic artist because "it kindles the fires of genius." The artist quickly becomes addicted to the drug and the quality of his work begins to disintegrate. He takes on a new model, marries her, and starts her on the same path of moral degradation, until a guilt-ridden Renee decides to intervene in order to save them both. According to silent film historian Kevin Brownlow, THE DEVIL'S NEEDLE was banned by the state of Ohio, but the censor board reversed its decision after recognizing the positive message beneath the film's scandalous surface. This special edition was mastered from a 35mm preservation print of the 1923 re-release version. The only known surviving copy, the element suffers significant nitrate decomposition during some scenes.
Released : 12th-Aug-1916

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New York Nights

Show girl Jill Deverne is married to song writer Fred Deverne, and everyone is involved in the Broadway night life and endless parties. Jill is being pursued by a gangster, and she leaves her husband after he spends the night with a floozie. Jill ends up as the gangster's moll, but she soon gets tired of the lifestyle.
Released : 28th-Dec-1929

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The Lady

A young woman marries the wastrel son of a British aristocrat. Her husband, who has been disinherited by his father, loses what little money he has left gambling in casinos and then dies, leaving her penniless and with an infant son. When her former father-in-law tries to get custody of the child, she leaves him with a couple she trusts, but when she later goes to reclaim her son, she can't find the people she left him with.
Released : 8th-Feb-1925

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Within the Law

When Mary Turner is sent to prison for a crime she did not commit, she vows upon her release to take vengeance on those who wronged her, always staying however within the letter of the law.
Released : 28th-Apr-1923

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An old woman's memories are rekindled as she rereads her diary. She recalls her youth in England when she married a suitor over the objections of her parents and moved with him to the Wyoming frontier. They live a hardscrabble life there and suffered deprivation, hunger, Indian attacks, and the death of her baby. Although they eventually make a go of it, her husband becomes involved with another woman. Now that he is on his deathbed, will she forgive her husband after 40 years.
Released : 24th-Mar-1924

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The Helpful (?) Sisterhood

Mary is forced into shoplifting to keep up with her rich sorority sisters.
Released : 30th-Mar-1914

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Going Straight

A man and his wife both have criminal pasts, but have quit crime and are now respectable citizens. One day a member of their old gang shows up and threatens to expose them if they don't help him pull a heist.
Released : 3rd-Jun-1916

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The Forbidden City

The daughter of a Chinese mandarin is sentenced to death for her secret marriage to an American. Their child, raised in the mandarin's palace, grows up and escapes to seek her father, now a high-ranking official in the Philippines.
Released : 6th-Oct-1918

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A Tale of Two Cities

A condensed silent film version of the Charles Dickens classic about the French Revolution and its subsequent Reign of Terror.
Released : 20th-Feb-1911

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A Lady and Her Maid

The photographer sends miss Ophelia a dozen photographs of her in different poses. Selecting the best one, she presents it to her favorite boarder, Billy, who does not think much of it and who gets very indignant when it is compared with the photo of his sweetheart. Miss Ophelia goes up to her room in tears and tells her faithful maid, Belinda, that her heart is broken. Belinda goes down and forcibly tells Billy what she thinks of him. Miss Ophelia resolves on suicide, because no one seems to love her. Belinda gets back in time to prevent this and, to divert her mistress, she suggests that they go together to a beauty specialist. Arriving there, both receive attention. Miss Ophelia gets a new complexion, while Belinda gets new teeth. Both invest in new gowns and dresses and the transformation is complete. At supper time, the boarders are all astounded.
Released : 21st-May-1913

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Ashes of Vengeance

This historical piece, set in the Huguenot days of France, is Norma Talmadge's 37th feature film and the longest to date at two hours. The plot involves a man forced into servitude who falls in love with the sister of his persecutor. It was Ms. Talmadge's fourth involvement with director, Frank Lloyd and the cast included future star, Wallace Beery.
Released : 6th-Aug-1923

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Kiki, a poor young woman who sells newspapers on the street corners of Paris, is able to land a job singing and dancing at a nearby theater. While she is there, she invites herself into the life of the revue's manager, with whom she has fallen in love.
Released : 4th-Apr-1926

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In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter

A sequel of sorts, the Jewish ethnic comedy characters of Potash and Perlmutter return from their 1923 debut film, also produced by Goldwyn, but with a different actor for Potash.
Released : 28th-Sep-1924

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The Safety Curtain

Puck is a music hall dancer, married to an abusive husband. One night the music hall catches fire. Puck is rescued by an army officer and her husband perishes. Puck marries the officer and they begin a new life in India, until a man from her past finds her and makes demands.
Released : 10th-Jul-1918

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Smilin' Through

The story is essentially the same as the popular Jane Cowl play, with Talmadge in the dual role of Kathleen and Moonyean. Kathleen, a young Irish woman, is in love with Kenneth Wayne but is prevented from marrying him by her guardian John Carteret. John is haunted by memories of his thwarted love for Kathleen's aunt, Moonyean.
Released : 13th-Feb-1922

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A Daughter of Two Worlds

Released : 5th-Jan-1920

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The Heart of Wetona

After the half-breed daughter of a Comanche chief falls for a young engineer who deserts her, she turns to a white Indian agent who marries her.
Released : 5th-Jan-1919

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The Battle Cry of Peace

Enemy agents under the leadership of "Emanon" conspire with pacifists to keep the American defense appropriations down at a time when forces of the enemy are preparing to invade. The invasion comes, and New York, Washington, and other American cities are devastated.
Released : 5th-Aug-1915

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Du Barry, Woman of Passion

Jeannette Vaubernier, an impulsive shopgirl en route to deliver a hat, dreams of luxury and position as she saunters through the woods, and attracted by a pool of water, she disrobes and plunges in. Cosse de Brissac, a handsome private in the King's Guards, comes to her rescue and they become sweethearts. Meanwhile, Jean Du Barry, a shrewd roué, takes note of her at the millinery shop and tricks her into staying at La Gourda's, where she soon becomes a favorite among the men.
Released : 10th-Oct-1930

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Father's Hatband

A short comic film in which Sam and Doris use the hat of Doris’ father (a manager) to send letters to each other.
Released : 29th-Oct-1913

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The Social Secretary

An attractive young girl struggles to hold a job as she deals with unwanted romantic advances from her boss.
Released : 16th-Sep-1916

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Stenographer Troubles

A comic one-act film featuring the character Bunny, which takes place in an office.
Released : 6th-Feb-1913

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The Crown Prince's Double

A prince, aiming to avoid an unwanted marriage, hires an American as a double to evade his pursuing father.
Released : 7th-Feb-1916

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Under the Daisies

There are many things to admire besides settings and acting in the feature play "Under the Daisies," and perhaps the foremost is the affecting poem on which it is based. It chiefly concerns the bad conduct of a dramatic critic-it is about time his villainy is shown up on the screen-who starts on his downward path by cynical observations on the agonizing efforts of an unsuccessful playwright. As nearly all well-known dramatists of to-day have found their way into one of the most trying of professions through channels of criticism, the selective taste of one serving to determine how much an what kind of creative work of the other will be suited to the tastes of a mixed audience, the playwright in this case is of a theatrical kind, one who uses a pen or pencil in writing and gazes at vacancy in search of inspiration. A very large proportion of authors in real life do nothing of the kind. Perhaps that is why the dramatist in the story failed to make a hit.
Released : 12th-Sep-1913

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His Official Appointment

This touching short film lasts only 10 minutes, 34 seconds, but is rather engaging. Charles Kent is an old man, who has spent all he owns on influencing a government appointment. His faithful black servant, Amber (Hal Wilson), cares for him as he waits to hear from the Capitol. No one there intends to do anything but make fun of him, even sending a false appointment, to his shame.
Released : 4th-Nov-1912

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Fortunes of a Composer

A drama about a poor composer who is betrayed by his family and left alone.
Released : 20th-May-1912

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Mrs. 'Enry 'Awkins

Noah Clayton, an old coster, who has made a bit of money, lives with his daughter Liza. He is very cranky and very gouty. Henry Hawkins, a young coster, and Bill Brown, a teacher of boxing, and an ex-pugilist, are both in love with Liza. Old Clayton favors Bill, because he is well off. Liza likes Henry, and they meet down near the old church and do their love-making. Bill lays siege to Liza, offering her presents, which she refuses. At last he offers to take her to a music hall and she yields and goes with him. There they are seen by Hawkins, who becomes furiously jealous and upbraids Liza. She loses her temper and claims the right to do as she likes. Henry on this swears he will fight Bill, and Liza tells him not to be a fool, that Bill could lick him with one hand, and they part in anger. Hawkins meets Bill and challenges him. The result is a foregone conclusion. Poor Hawkins is knocked out and laid up in bed for repairs, tended by his landlady.
Released : 13th-Mar-1912

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Frank and Julia are very good friends, both being single, and live in adjoining apartments. Getting a letter from a friend who asks him to buy an engagement ring. Jack does not know what to do and fears lest he make a mistake. He asks Julia to help him and together they sally forth to the jewelry store, where the ring is purchased. At the store they are seen by Mrs. Gossip, who tells everyone that they are engaged, with the result that the couple are deluged with presents and congratulations. Julia is furious, blaming Jack for the occurrence, but he is more amused than anything else. Finally Julia is persuaded that a real engagement between them would not be so bad, after all. and they go out again to buy yet another solitaire.
Released : 8th-Jul-1913

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The New Moon

When anarchist bombs disrupt the engagement ball of Princess Marie Pavlovna, her fiancé, Prince Michail Koloyar, helps her to escape in a carriage. Then Theo Kameneff, secretly in the pay of a foreign government, becomes dictator and, desiring the princess, issues an edict that all women between the ages of seventeen and thirty-two must register and become state property.
Released : 11th-May-1919

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The Children in the House

A woman is stuck with an unfaithful husband until he is killed robbing a bank.
Released : 29th-Apr-1916

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The Peacemaker

Released : 14th-Oct-1914

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An Old Man's Love Story

Ethel, whose financially distressed parents depend on her marrying into wealth, may be forced to abandon the man she loves for her father's rich friend.
Released : 23rd-Jul-1913

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The Law of Compensation

A 1917 film directed by Joseph A. Golden & Julius Steger
Released : 1st-Apr-1917

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Her Only Way

The Westbrook family has been ruined financially, and when the daughter Lucille comes home from boarding school, she finds herself in a terrible dilemma -- she either must marry a rich man she does not love and save her family's fortune, or marry the man she loves and lose everything.
Released : 18th-Aug-1918

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The Woman Disputed

An adventuress in love with an Austrian agrees to become the mistress of a Russian officer in exchange for the release of Austrian hostages.
Released : 1st-Sep-1928

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De Luxe Annie

A 1918 film directed by Roland West.
Released : 19th-May-1918

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The Moth

Spoiled young heiress Lucy Gillam knows only a life filled with parties and flirtations until she falls in love with a man who loves only her money. She marries him, and after their child is born, she is confronted with life's harsh realities after her husband demands more and more money with which to support his mistress.
Released : 1st-Oct-1917

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A woman sacrifices everything for her husband's career.
Released : 7th-Jan-1917

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By Right of Purchase

A 1918 film directed by Charles Miller.
Released : 1st-Feb-1918

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The Ghosts of Yesterday

After his wife/model has died of starvation with her portrait unfinished, an impoverished artist meets another woman with a striking resemblance to her. -from IMDB.
Released : 19th-Jan-1918

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A 1917 film directed by Edward José
Released : 4th-May-1917

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The Secret of the Storm Country

A 1917 film directed by Charles Miller.
Released : 1st-Nov-1917

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The Probation Wife

A 1919 film directed by Sidney Franklin.
Released : 24th-May-1919

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The Only Woman

A 1924 film directed by Sidney Olcott.
Released : 25th-Oct-1924

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Yes or No

Two wives, one rich, one poor, each find themselves tempted by romantic seducers, and each faces the dilemma of remaining true to the husband who neglects her or of falling into the arms of another.
Released : 28th-Jun-1920

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The Way of a Woman

A 1919 film directed by Robert Z. Leonard.
Released : 27th-Jul-1919

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The Wonderful Thing

A 1921 film directed by Herbert Brenon.
Released : 7th-Nov-1921

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The Branded Woman

A 1920 film directed by Albert Parker.
Released : 5th-Sep-1920

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The Eternal Flame

A 1922 film directed by Frank Lloyd.
Released : 17th-Sep-1922

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