
Grigoriy Lyampe

Born : 6th-Dec-1925

Movie Credits


Actors adapting Mikhail Lermontov's "Bela" are imbued with the lives of their characters, shown from the perspective of the Russian officer scouting locations in the Chechen landscape.
Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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The Magic Skin

Struggling with financial loss, a poet receives a shagreen leather from an antiquities shop, fulfilling his wishes
Released : 11th-Sep-1975

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The Master and Margarita

Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..
Released : 6th-Jun-1994

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Padeniye Kondora

Действие происходит в вымышленном государстве, у власти которого стоит военный диктатор (характер ландшафта, растительности, тип военной формы и используемого оружия — прямая аллюзия на Чили начала 1970-х годов). Диктатор, проделавший долгий путь от мясника до предводителя хунты, уже давно утратил доверие народа и постепенно теряет веру в себя. Он одинок. Его монологи о власти и собственной значимости перед одним из охранников Мануэлем адресованы самому себе. Мануэль, как и диктатор в прошлом, — выходец из небогатого сословия. Он верит диктатору, верит в возможность своей карьеры, ради которой совершает один безнравственный поступок за другим. Но когда военные теряют власть под напором народного восстания, также беспринципно и легко предаёт диктатора и убивает его.
Released : 14th-May-1982

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An Unnamed Star

"Stars never leave their orbits". The poor astronomy teacher got one more demonstration of this law when he met HER. SHE was "from the another world". SHE was strange and inappropriate in his tiny calm town. Town with slough-like life and citizens who spent all their time gossiping. Once he almost started to believe that the miracle is possible... but "the stars never leave their orbits"
Released : 1st-Jan-1978

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The Visit

In her teens, Mme. Zachanassian had to flee her home town in disgrace. Now she's old and rich and the town is facing bankruptcy. But she returns with news that she wants to help - as long as the townsfolk kill someone for her.
Released : 30th-Jun-1989

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The Mystery of Edwin Drood

In Closterham, Edwin Drood and Rose Button confront his uncle John Jasper, the church choir regent, and Edwin fights Neville Landles, who is in love with Rose, leading to his disappearance.
Released : 15th-Sep-1980

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Spanish Actress for Russian Minister

A love story between a mythical Russian minister and an opportunist TV series actress.
Released : 25th-Jan-1990

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Released : 11th-Jun-1987

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Armed and Very Dangerous

America’s Wild West of the last third of the 19th century. Thousands of people rushed here in pursuit of enrichment. Among them was Gabriel Conroy, a man absolutely helpless in the world of business. When fountains of oil started gushing on his plot of land, the local moneybags Peter Damphy decided to appropriate the land, and succeeded in it by blackmailing Conroy’s wife and his former mistress Julie... Based upon stories by Francis Bret Harte.
Released : 9th-Jan-1978

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Primary Russia

The film takes place in pre-Christian Russia, when Ratibor united the East Slavs into one army against the nomadic Khazars.
Released : 31st-Mar-1986

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Taste of Khalva

For many years the great Emir of Bukhara has not known happiness - he has lost the taste to delightful khalva, and now life is as sour as a lemon for him. The house of poor pot-maker Shir-Mamed, however, is full of happiness - his little son Hodzha Nasreddin has been born. Rumours have spread about his unusual abilities - maybe he will be able to make the Emir happy again?
Released : 30th-Aug-1975

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The Hijacking of 'Savoy'

Polish schoolboy Janek, and Russian girl Tanya are traveling by a plane which ended up in the hands of a gang of drug dealers headed by ex Nazi criminal Henrich Scharf.
Released : 1st-Jan-1979

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Visiting the Minotaur

Released : 9th-Nov-1987

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Be Careful, Leaf Fall!

Peace and prosperity reign in the family of engineer Sergei Shubin. But meeting with Marina changes everything. It seems to Sergei that true love has come to him, and he decides to start a new family. Time passes, but neither Sergei nor Marina feel happy...
Released : 25th-Apr-1977

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We Are Men

A film-play based on three stories by Australian writers John Morrison and F. Hardy.
Released : 1st-Jan-1967

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The Scandalous Affairs of Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Moon

The life of Mr. Kettle, an executive of a single bank in a small provincial English town Brickmill, is strictly organized: 7 a.m. stand up, then breakfast, at 9 a.m. work, at 13 p.m. diner, then work, at 18 p.m.- the end of a workday, then club, home, sleep. But one dull English morning almost having reached his work, he stops near a shop window, trading toys. How is Mrs. Twigg, Kettle's housekeeper amazed when she sees seem at home with bags and hears him saying that he is not intended to go to work any longer. This is the day when Mr. Kettle suddenly meets his love, and after a series of funny and tragic situations both choose a new life free and joyful.
Released : 25th-Apr-1981

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This Fantastic World 16

Based on the story "Wherever You Are" by James Gunn. A young scientist, Mat, is writing a dissertation on the topic “Psychodynamics of Witchcraft” and is trying to prove that the phenomena described in historical witch trials cannot exist. But one day he meets a young village girl, Ebi, who has supernatural powers, and falls in love with her. Human feelings and the excitement of a scientist begin to fight within him...
Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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An employee leaves the company, lured away by a “competing company”, but his boss doesn't want to let him go at all, not handing over the documents, instead of saying goodbye through the secretary, that he doesn’t want him to leave, and gives three months to say goodbye to them or not. Nevertheless, he leaves, while grossly violating party discipline. A new venture awaits him, there he will be a big boss, an “outsider.” They have high hopes for it, but they are in no hurry to immediately reveal all the features and hidden production problems.
Released : 16th-Jan-1973

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"Era Consultant": The former driver of the Council of People's Commissars was invited to shoot a film about the 30s. Regarding his chauffeur career had began precisely at that time, he agreed, although he perfectly understood that he was invited because of the old Emka, which he still drives and which is unlikely to be driven by anyone else. "Owner": Tractor driver, who is keenly concerned about the collective farm business, drives around the fields at night, loads rotting straw into a trailer and takes it to an abandoned public young farm. "Clinic": Fearing for the patient’s life, surgeon offers his services to a protégé of the hospital head, who is preparing to defend her dissertation. But the patient dies...
Released : 1st-Dec-1987

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Released : 13th-Oct-1986

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Commandant of Lauterburg

Follows the service of Lieutenant Colonel Lubentsov as commandant of the German city of Lauterburg in the first days after the end of the Great Patriotic War.
Released : 1st-May-1969

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The Last Day of Winter

Released : 14th-Mar-1975

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How They Joke in Odessa

Based on the humorous short story of the same name by Mikhail Zhvanetsky.
Released : 24th-Mar-1989

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Land, Poste Restante

Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...
Released : 26th-Mar-1973

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Hound of the Baskervilles

When a nobleman is threatened by a family curse on his newly inherited estate, Sherlock Holmes is hired to investigate.
Released : 31st-May-1971

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Storm on the Land

A story about a group of children and their life set at the small Russian seashore town in the year of 1913.
Released : 5th-Feb-1976

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A young girl called Dubravka approaches adolescence and experiences some difficulties adapting to it.
Released : 11th-Sep-1967

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Maigret Hesitates

Released : 13th-Dec-1982

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Released : 30th-Jun-1981

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Caesar and Cleopatra

Released : 31st-Dec-1979

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Released : 11th-Sep-1975

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The Captain's Daughter

TV show based on the novel of the same name by Alexander Pushkin.
Released : 5th-Jun-1978

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The Secret Agent's Return

After returning from the USSR, Tulyev was subjected to rigorous verification of his former "owners". He continues his work in Western intelligence, but already as a Soviet intelligence officer through the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. In a new capacity, he establishes the whereabouts of Hitler’s criminal Hoffmann, who was once sentenced to death, and helps the authorities arrest him. However, as a result of the conflict within NATO intelligence, Charlie Brighton, Hoffman's assistant, begins to hunt for him. At the same time, Tulyev manages to establish the identity of the murderer of his father, Karl Brockmann, with whom they crossed in the service of mercenaries somewhere in hot countries. He wants revenge, but, by an evil irony of fate, he must help prepare Brockmann for being cast as a spy in the Soviet Union.
Released : 17th-Dec-1982

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Night of the Mistakes

Released : 1st-Jan-1974

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If You Are Right

Having lost her parents during the war, Galya was brought up in an orphanage. When the grandfather was rehabilitated, they began to live together. Galya often called Alyosha to repair the phone. After walking around Moscow at night, they realized that they loved each other. Once, after another call, Aleksei was slandered. The boss, not wanting to delve into the essence of the client's complaint, invited Aleksei to apologize. The guy refused — and he was fired from his job. Friends helped him find another job, but he could not convince Galya that he was right. The girl reproached him for cowardice — and the heroes quarrelled...
Released : 19th-Mar-1964

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Not the Most Successful Day

Based on the story by Yulian Semyonov "Dunechka and Nikita." One day in the life of a simple Soviet family. Spouses Stepanov's on that day decided to terminate the marriage, for which they need to appear in the people's court. This day is not the most successful for them. They leave their little daughter Dunya to the brother of Nadya Stepanova — Nikita. But for him this is also not a very successful day: recording on the radio, an exam at a theater institute, and even a quarrel with his girlfriend...
Released : 8th-May-1967

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Some Words in Honour of Mr. De Molière

Episodes from the life of Molière with scenes from his play, revealing the tragic picture of the confrontation between the great playwright and the authorities.
Released : 1st-May-1973

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Petrovka Street, Number 38

According to the story of the same name by Yulian Semyonov. Employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department - Colonel Alexei Pavlovich Sadchikov, Major Vladislav Nikolaevich Kostenko and Senior Lieutenant Valentin Roslyakov are investigating the impudent robberies carried out by a group wearing dark glasses criminals. The City Savings Bank was robbed. The investigation of the crime indicated the involvement of a teenager, who soon came to the criminal investigation himself. With his help, the robbers who were preparing the next raid were caught. But the most dangerous criminal — "Prokhor" — is still free...
Released : 28th-Jul-1980

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Rubber Woman

The sculptor lives as a hermit in the country, drinking vodka with a local cheerful drunkard and "sealing plaster piglets" for his wife, who sells these products on the Old Arbat. A friend sends him a rubber woman from Italy who miraculously assumes the appearance of a living woman. He buys outfits for the "doll", paints portraits of her, and life becomes joyful for him. Happiness, however, was broken by the drunkard who stole a doll with dirty intentions.
Released : 1st-Nov-1991

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The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe

Ivanhoe is the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. It follows the Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who is out of favor with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the Third Crusade, when many of the Crusaders were still returning to their homes in Europe. King Richard, who had been captured by Leopold of Austria on his return journey to England, was believed to still be in captivity.
Released : 1st-Jan-1982

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TV Credits

Семнадцать мгновений весны

Runge - physicist - A Soviet spy is tasked with disrupting the negotiations between Karl Wolff and Allen Dulles taking place in Switzerland, aimed at forging a separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies.
Released : 11th-Aug-1973

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Следствие ведут ЗнаТоКи

Сергей Рудольфович Ковальский - «Хирург» -
Released : 14th-Feb-1971

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Визит к Минотавру

Noy Markovich Khaletskiy -
Released : 9th-Nov-1987

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Жизнь и смерть Фердинанда Люса

Runge - german physicist -
Released : 7th-Feb-1977

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Безымянная звезда

учитель музыки господин Удря -
Released : 17th-Feb-1979

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