
Emily Fitzroy

England native Emily Fitzroy was an actress in American films from 1913 to 1944. Born : 23rd-May-1860

Movie Credits

The Bat

A masked criminal who dresses like a giant bat terrorizes the guests at an old house rented by a mystery writer.
Released : 14th-Mar-1926

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The Flame of New Orleans

In old New Orleans, a beautiful adventuress juggles the attentions of a rich banker and a dashing sea captain.
Released : 7th-Jul-1941

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The Man with Two Faces

Actress Jessica Wells, sister of actor Damon Wells, is on top of her form except when her husband Vance is around. When Vance takes her to the apartment of a theatrical producer she comes home incoherent and Vance is found dead in the vanished producer's hotel suite
Released : 4th-Aug-1934

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There is hunger in Siberia during the Russian Civil War. One day while dim-witted peasant Sergei is searching corpses for food, he meets a young woman looking for the town of Novokursk. She asks Sergei to help her get there, and to tell anyone they might meet that he is her husband.
Released : 13th-Aug-1927

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What Happened to Jones

On the night before his wedding, a young man plays poker with friends. When the game is raided by the police, he escapes into a Turkish bath on ladies night, ending up disguised in drag and with difficult explanations to make.
Released : 8th-Feb-1926

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Bardelys the Magnificent

Rafael Sabatini's story of the swashbuckling era and of Bardeleys, the handsome courtier who could win any woman he set his mind to...and was not above boasting about it to all who would listen.
Released : 30th-Sep-1926

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Vigil in the Night

A good nurse ruins her career by covering up for her sister's careless mistake.
Released : 5th-Feb-1940

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The Bold Caballero

The Commandant is making life rough for the colonials in Spanish California. While trying to help, Zorro is charged with the murder of the new Governor, but in the end he triumphs over the evil Commandant.
Released : 1st-Dec-1936

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East Lynne

An adaptation of the 1861 novel by English author Ellen Wood: The story of long-suffering Lady Isabel Carlisle cast in a modern setting.
Released : 18th-Jun-1916

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The Flirting Widow

An older daughter invents a fiancé so that her father will allow her younger sister to marry. However, the lie comes back to haunt her.
Released : 11th-May-1930

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In this society drama set in contemporary England, a noblewoman pretends to be an adulteress in order to protect her sister-in-law, who actually is.
Released : 14th-Mar-1931

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The Cheerful Fraud

A young man fakes his identity to impress a girl.
Released : 27th-Dec-1926

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She's My Weakness

Tommy Mills and Marie Thurber, sweethearts, plan to marry when Tommy sells some land he has inherited. Marie's parents favor the match, as they prefer Tommy over Bernard Norton, another suitor. Her father, Warren Thurber, however, is in financial straits and plans to sell land to a civic improvement association headed by David Tuttle. When he discovers that Tommy has agreed to sell his land to Mrs. Oberlander, he berates him; but Tommy agrees to boost the price so that Thurber will win out. Tuttle, who favors Bernard as Marie's husband, persuades Tommy that he must endure the displeasure of the Thurbers, and as a result a misunderstanding arises over the sale of the land. But Tuttle's scheme backfires, and Tommy wins the girl after all.
Released : 1st-Aug-1930

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New Moon

New Moon is the name of the ship crossing the Caspian Sea. A young Lt. Petroff meets the Princess Tanya and they have a ship board romance. Upon arriving at the port of Krasnov, Petroff learns that Tanya is engaged to the old Governor Brusiloff. Petroff, disillusioned, crashes the ball to talk with Tanya. Found by Brusiloff, they invent a story about her lost bracelet. To reward him, and remove him, Brusiloff sends Petroff to the remote, and deadly, Fort Darvaz. Soon, the big battle against overwhelming odds will begin.
Released : 23rd-Dec-1930

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Married Alive

James Duxbury (Lou Tellegen) is an exponent of polygamy, which may not be legal but certainly provides him with several evenings of entertainment. Professor Charles Orme (Matt Moore) falls in love with Duxbury's fourth wife Amy (Margaret Livingston). Things get dicey indeed as Orme tries to figure out whether Amy is still married to Duxbury or not -- in fact, Duxbury isn't sure either.
Released : 17th-Jul-1927

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The Bridge of San Luis Rey

This first cinematic version of the classic book is a part-talkie, although the only surviving print is silent (housed in the George Eastman House, Rochester, NY). It is a straight-forward telling of the intermingled lives of a group of strangers doomed to die in a collapsing bridge accident. The Art Direction, paltry and unremarkable, surprisingly won an Oscar over the far more remarkable work nominated in THE IRON MASK. The special effect scene of the lovers plummeting with the bridge into the chasm is unforgettable and remarkably done.
Released : 30th-Mar-1929

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An old woman's memories are rekindled as she rereads her diary. She recalls her youth in England when she married a suitor over the objections of her parents and moved with him to the Wyoming frontier. They live a hardscrabble life there and suffered deprivation, hunger, Indian attacks, and the death of her baby. Although they eventually make a go of it, her husband becomes involved with another woman. Now that he is on his deathbed, will she forgive her husband after 40 years.
Released : 24th-Mar-1924

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The Captain Hates the Sea

Alcoholic newspaperman Steve Bramley boards the San Capador for a restful cruise, hoping to quit drinking and begin writing a book. Also on board are Steve's friend Schulte, a private detective hoping to nab criminal Danny Checkett with a fortune in stolen bonds. Steve begins drinking, all the while observing the various stories of other passengers on board, several of whom turn out not to be who they seem to be.
Released : 2nd-Nov-1934

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In Imperial Russia, Anna Karenina falls in love with the dashing military officer Count Vronsky and abandons her husband and child to become his mistress.
Released : 29th-Nov-1927

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The Red Lily

Jean and Marise, young lovers forced from their homes, flee to Paris. Irrevocably separated there, their lives deviate into the slums and hard labor of low-class French society. All the while, the two desperately search for one another.
Released : 8th-Sep-1924

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Fascination is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by Robert Z. Leonard and starring his then wife Mae Murray. The film is based on an original story by Edmund Goulding, soon to be a prolific film director. The story capitalizes on Murray's continuing forays into outlandish costume dramas.
Released : 9th-Apr-1922

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Steve Tuttle, the titular lazybones, takes on the responsibility of raising a fatherless girl, causing a scandal in his small town. Many years later, having returned from World War I, he discovers that he loves the grown-up girl.
Released : 6th-Nov-1925

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Two Heads on a Pillow

A lawyer handing a divorce case discovers the attorney for the opposition is his ex-wife.
Released : 2nd-Oct-1934

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Her Night of Romance

An impoverished British lord (Paul Menford) impersonates a doctor in order to woo an ailing American heiress (Dorothy Adams). The lord is in it for love, but his business associate (Joe Diamond) smells money.
Released : 24th-Nov-1924

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Way Down East

A naive country girl is tricked into a sham marriage by a wealthy womanizer, then must rebuild her life despite the taint of having borne a child out of wedlock.
Released : 3rd-Sep-1920

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Zander the Great

Mamie, an orphan girl who was abused in the orphanage, is taken in by Mrs. Caldwell, a kindly woman with a young son named Alexander. Mamie hits it off with the lad, and nicknames him "Zander". When Mrs. Caldwell dies, the authorities decree that the boy must be placed in the same orphanage where Mamie was mistreated. Horrified, Mamie determines to see to it that the boy will be spared the same treatment that she had to suffer.
Released : 1st-May-1925

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Show Boat

This film sticks very closely to the Edna Ferber novel, rather than the musical based on the novel. There are only two major changes from Ferber's book : *Julie in this version is a white woman, not a racially mixed one; therefore she and her husband are not unlawfully married. * Ravenal returns at the end, instead of dying as in the novel
Released : 27th-Jul-1929

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China Seas

Captain Alan Gaskell sails the perilous waters between Hong Kong and Singapore with a secret cargo: a fortune in British gold. That's not the only risky cargo he carries; both his fiery mistress and his refined fiancee are aboard!
Released : 9th-Aug-1935

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The Trail of '98

Fortune hunters from all over the country rushing to the Klondike in 1897 to seek their fortunes in the gold are tested by hardships of the journey.
Released : 20th-Mar-1928

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The Red Kimona

A woman is abandoned by her lover and prostitution is the only way she has to survive.
Released : 16th-Nov-1925

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The Lady

A young woman marries the wastrel son of a British aristocrat. Her husband, who has been disinherited by his father, loses what little money he has left gambling in casinos and then dies, leaving her penniless and with an infant son. When her former father-in-law tries to get custody of the child, she leaves him with a couple she trusts, but when she later goes to reclaim her son, she can't find the people she left him with.
Released : 8th-Feb-1925

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Foreign Devils

Capt. Robert Kelly holds off the foreign mob single-handed and makes good his escape during the Boxer rebellion.
Released : 3rd-Sep-1927

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Aren't We All?

Because his father, Lord Grenham, spends more time philandering with attractive women than conducting business, Willie Tatham is forced to interrupt his honeymoon with his wife Margot in the south of France and return to London to get his father to sign an important contract. While Margot, an actress, goes to a small resort where she will not be recognized, Kitty Lake, one of the young women Lord Grenham pursues, flirts with Willie. Two weeks pass and when Willie tells Margot on the telephone that he must stay in town, she threatens to engage in a violent flirtation with the next attractive man she sees. Karl von der Heide, from Vienna, who is waiting to use the telephone, overhears her and begins a flirtation. She identifies herself to him as Mrs. Margaret Spaulding, and they pursue the beginnings of a romance until Margot suddenly returns home.
Released : 17th-Mar-1932

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The Frontiersmen

The local school is causing Hoppy problems. First Bar 20 cattle are stolen when Hoppy investigates a problem there. Then the new teacher arrives and disrupts the routine of the Bar 20 hands. Later with the Bar 20 hands at graduation, the rustlers are poised to strike again. But there is dissension among them and this will lead to the break that Hoppy needs.
Released : 16th-Dec-1938

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Her Imaginary Lover

A New York socialite Celia invents an aristocratic English fiancé named Lord Michael Ware to deflect the tedious attention of would-be suitors. Celia travels to London to claim an inheritance...and meets an aristocratic Englishman called Lord Michael Ware. The imaginary romance becomes real.
Released : 1st-Nov-1933

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Nothing Sacred

When a small-town girl is incorrectly diagnosed with a rare, deadly disease, an unknowing newspaper columnist turns her into a national heroine.
Released : 25th-Nov-1937

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Forever and a Day

In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
Released : 21st-Jan-1943

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Misbehaving Ladies

Ellen, a young American girl who married a European prince and moved to his country, is preparing to return to the US, after having paid off all the debts left by her now-deceased husband. However, when she returns early, no one recognizes her and even her aunt Kate mistakes her for the princess' dressmaker. Her ex-boyfriend Joe, who recognizes her immediately, suggests that Ellen continue with the charade and have some fun, but a series of misunderstandings causes trouble for her.
Released : 16th-Apr-1931

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Dick Turpin

The adventures of the eighteenth century highwayman Dick Turpin and his legendary ride to York.
Released : 1st-Dec-1933

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Learning to Love

A 1925 film directed by Sidney Franklin.
Released : 25th-Jan-1925

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Border Flight

Frances Farmer's second film is a typical B-programmer from the Paramount lot of 1936--up and coming stars (John Howard, Robert Cummings, Grant Withers, Farmer) in a concerning the Coast Guard and smugglers. The chief points of interest are the truly exceptional aerial sequences and Farmer's early performance.
Released : 29th-May-1936

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Detective Lloyd

A detective matches wits with a group of thieves out to steal a priceless amulet.
Released : 4th-Jan-1932

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High Society

A British comedy film directed by John Rawlins
Released : 27th-Jul-1932

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Lucky Ladies

Some sisters inherit a large sum of money.
Released : 1st-Sep-1932

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The White Cliffs of Dover

American Susan travels with her father to England for a vacation. Invited to a society ball, Susan meets Sir John Ashwood and marries him after a whirlwind romance. However, she never quite adjusts to life as a new member of the British gentry. At the outbreak of World War I, John is sent to the trenches and never returns. When her son goes off to fight in World War II, Susan fears the same tragic fate may befall him too.
Released : 11th-May-1944

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Essie, a mountain girl, moves in with a family of neighboring bootleggers when her father, also a bootlegger, is killed by federal agents. She falls in love with Tom, one of the family's brothers, but another brother, the violent and brutal Lem, decides he wants her for himself, and beats Tom badly. What the girl doesn't know is that it wasn't the feds who killed her father--it was Lem. Complications ensue.
Released : 11th-Feb-1923

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It's a Wise Child

In this comedy, a conservative family becomes alarmed when they begin believing their daughter is pregnant.
Released : 10th-Apr-1931

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The Purple Highway

Two inmates and a cleaning girl at a home for struggling artists achieve success and fame when they pool their talents and produce a smash hit Broadway musical. Edgar ( Monte Blue ), the playwright, is in love with April ( Madge Kennedy ), the ex- leading lady, but she doesn't discover that she loves him until it's almost too late.
Released : 5th-Aug-1923

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The Frisky Mrs. Johnson

The Frisky Mrs. Johnson is a 1920 silent film comedy starring Billie Burke. It was produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed through Paramount Pictures. It is based on a 1903 Broadway stage play by Clyde Fitch. On the stage Burke's part was played by Amelia Bingham. Burke's next to last silent film. It is a lost film.
Released : 12th-Nov-1920

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Bobbed Hair

Mystery of bootleggers, hijackers, a girl with bobbed hair, and a talented bull terrier.
Released : 25th-Oct-1925

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The Sea Tiger

Silent Film a lost film. Julian Ramos is a fisherman in the Canary Islands. As the guardian of his hotheaded younger brother Charles, Julian regards it as his duty to protect the boy from women -- and vice versa. When Charles begins pitching woo at aristocratic Amy, Julian runs interference by pretending to be in love with the girl himself. As time passes, of course, he stops pretending.
Released : 27th-Feb-1927

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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