In the first episode we are thrust into the world of Cascadia where the students are duking it out for dorm rights. Meanwhile two new students arrive; tennis phenom Sebastien Dube also dubbed the ""French Prince"" and writer/photgrapher Cody Myers. Air Date : 6th-Sep-2004 Read More
In this episode we are introduced to Sunny Capaduca. She is perhaps the best player at Cascadia, but also one of the youngest. Because of her immaturity and just the fact that she can kick butt the rest of the students secretly dislike her. After a problem arises with Sunny's endorsment deal Squib decides to help her out hoping there is more to Sunny than meets the eye. Air Date : 13th-Sep-2004 Read More
Cascadia is having its annual charity formal and tickets cost $500 dollars each. In order to go and maintain his princely reputation Sebastian allows Sunny to lend him money. The only catch is that he has to dance with her. Meanwhile Megan realizes that Coach Gunnerson is treating her unfairly. She decides to rebel but discovers there is a method behind Gunnerson's madness. Air Date : 20th-Sep-2004 Read More
It's Adena's birthday and the gang decides to celebrate by sneaking out for burgers. On the way out they accidentally lock themselves in the gym and end up passing the night by playing a game of truth or dare. Air Date : 27th-Sep-2004 Read More
A new guy, Justin Powers, shows up at Cascadia and sparks fly all over. Turns out he's a hockey player and not really interested in tennis at all. Justin takes an instant liking to Megan and this doesn't bode well with Sebastien. Meanwhile a major tournament is going on and Squib must decide whether or not he needs to take his game to the next level. Adena on the other hand is embarrassed by one of her ""fans"". Air Date : 4th-Oct-2004 Read More is like my first time using this so i'm just gonna give a brief summery, Squib tricks cody into using her dad's boat to go fishing by telling her she can make big bucks if she gets a shot of this great monster. Then squib gets sebastien to cover for him. But rick,this guy that's obsessed with cody, was on to them all along. cody and squib gets attacked by something in the waters, which by the way scared the hell out of cody. Then squib says all these things to make cody really debressed. Cody admits that she has a major crush on squib and they kiss. Cody and squib then drift to shore in the morning. Air Date : 11th-Oct-2004 Read More
Adena has had it with the behavior of Sunny. Together with Megan, she decides to transform the simple country girl Violet to the ultimate tennis babe. Their plan goes great. Violet succeeds to bring her metamorphose to a good end. But still Adena and Megan get regret of their interferences. Air Date : 18th-Oct-2004 Read More
Squib has a down day because he hasn't got a partner for the mixed doubles and he thinks that nobody wants to play with a loser. Cody suggests that he plays with someone who is better than him. He chooses Sunny to be his partner. In the mean time Adena wants to play with Sebastian and pulls every trick out of the closet. Megan won't admit it, but she's really jealous of Adena. Will Adena realize on time that she is losing Megan as her best friend. And what will happen with Squib and Sunny? Air Date : 1st-Nov-2004 Read More
A famous french tennis player comes to Cascadia. Adena asks to show him around and ""hit"" with him. He, afterwards, asks her to join him for dinner at a fancy ""date"" resturant. When they're on their way out Adena finds out that he has also brought someone else, his girlfriend/tennis partner. Later after talking to his girlfriend she figures out he's not as great as she thought. Meanwhile Cody helps Squib deal with his problem about his late brother's last tennis opponent, who he now has to play against. Air Date : 8th-Nov-2004 Read More
Megan takes away Squib, Sebastian and Adena's lucky charms and hides them in a shed. Without them they start playing badly, so they're threatend to be put down to the ""b"" group if their game doesn't improve. As soon as Megan tells Cody what she's done Cody secretly sneaks in the shed and gets the charms, when Megan goes back to get them she freaks. Squib, Adena and Sebastian, (the voo-doo crew), decides to get back at Megan by making her stay in front of the shed all night while they sneak out the back door. Air Date : 15th-Nov-2004 Read More
Squib (as well as most of the male population at Cascadia) has fallen in love with the school nurse Monique. Adena and Meghan are sure he doesn't have a chance with her, while Sebastien thinks otherwise. Meanwhile Cody is troubled by the entire situation becasue of her feelings for Squib. Air Date : 22nd-Nov-2004 Read More
Squib crosses the line when he copies ideas for a project off the Internet. Meanwhile, Adena, tired of being beaten by Sunny tries to convince her to switch schools. Air Date : 29th-Nov-2004 Read More
Megan and Sebastien are chosen to participate in a special tournament overseas. Adena felling she should have been chosen decides to make a name for herself by trying to get into the record books. Menawhile Squib is being challenged by Cameron, a lower ranked player. If Cameron beats him, Squib will fall from an A rank player to B rank. And finally shocking news hits Cascadia that will change everything. Air Date : 17th-Jan-2005 Read More
It's been a month after Megan and Sebastian died. Squib wants to rematch against Cameron and plays with Seb's racket. Adena gets a new roommate: Tanis. Adena hates her. Who will win the match and will it get any better between Adena and Tanis? Air Date : 17th-Jan-2005 Read More
It's mid-summer at Cascadia, everyone wishes for a day off. Then, the tennis nets are stolen.Rick is caught wrapped in the tennis nets, he is suspended from his job as dorm master. The new dorm masters are Sunny and her new slave Squib. Meanwhile Tanis is flirting with both Cameron and Justin. It comes to a tennis duel between Cameron and Justin. Who will win the match and conjure Tunis's heart? And who stole the tennis nets? Air Date : 24th-Jan-2005 Read More
Adena is chosen to go to the Austrailan juniors. Unfortunately, she has hurt her ankle so she is recommended not to go as she will hurt her ankle. When Adena sees Tanis bragging, Adena changes her mind. Will adena go and ruin her career, or will she give her roomate the chance she oh so wants? Air Date : 7th-Feb-2005 Read More
it's the crockette cup: students of Brentwood compete against students of Cascadia. Cascadia has never won this cup before, so trey have to train even more. Adena, Tanis and cody have to do a project for school, but Cody has to do it alone because Adena and Tanis have to train. Cameron's dad will not pay anymore for Cascadia so Cameron has to pay for the tuition himself otherwise he has to leave. But then the father of Tom (the boy he must compete against in the Crockette cup) offers him 10.000 dollars if he loses. Meanwhile Adena and Tanis get love letters from a anonymous admirer. Air Date : 14th-Feb-2005 Read More
A ping pong table is being installed at Cascadia. Rock seems to be a champion at ping pong. But then Rick loses it and thinks he's a ping pong god. In the meantime Cameron laughs at Squib because he boxes like a girl. Squib decides to do something about that and asks Tanis for help because she grew up with boxing. Will Rick return to his ""normal"" self and will Squib finally be able to trough a decent punch? Air Date : 7th-Mar-2005 Read More
Cody only has to make and send her portfolio and if a jury likes it, she can go to a prestigious academy for photographers in New York. She asks Squib to be her model for her portfolio, but Squib refuses because he doesn't want that Cody goes to New York, but off course he won't admit it. Cody then asks Justin to be her model. Meanwhile Sunny has nightmares and the principal forces Adena to be her roommate. At first, they hate each other, but then Sunny get a grip on Adena and she transforms Adena into a second Sunny. Will it ever return to normal. And is something growing between Cody and Justin and what about Squib? Air Date : 21st-Mar-2005 Read More
Adena has a crush on prince David and then she finds out he's coming to Cascadia. Adena wants to learn etiquette and it just so happens that Cameron is an expert in etiquette (or so he says). While practicing imaginary situations, the line between reality and imagination begins to fade away. Meanwhile Squib says Cody wouldn't make it in a tennis match. Tanis says she Cody can, and off course Cody wants to prove to Squib and herself she can do this. Then Tanis and Cody win against a duo of group F. Cody starts to think she has a real talent for tennis and she subscribes herself for the hardest tournament of them all. Will Cody make it in the Big League or won't she? And will something bloom between Cameron and Adena? Air Date : 28th-Mar-2005 Read More
Cody wants to have a seance to contact Ryab, Squib's brother, as a gift for Squib's birthday. When they apparently succeed, things start to get really weird. Meanwhile, Tannis looses her temper when she looses to Sunny, and plans revenge. Air Date : 6th-Apr-2005 Read More
It's K10 time. The biggest tournament of them all. Everybody is getting ready for it by practicing even more, but not Squib, as a result of the pool party, he's now expelled. Adena and Tanis make a pact: the one who is out of the tournament first helps the other. But then they find out they are up against each other first match! Who will lose: Adena or Tanis? Cameron's father visits Cascadia bu not for any good reasons. He tells Cameron his sponsorship has come to an end, so if Cameron doesn't comes up with the tuition, he's out of Cascadia. There is only one thing he can do: win the K10. Squib enters the K10 as a outsides under the name Buzzsaw and an entirely new look (there is no dress code for outsiders). President Bates offers Squib a place at Cascadia if he wins the K10. Meanwhile the New York art school where Cody has applied to has accepted her but she has doubts: she doesn't want to leave her friends behind. Will Cody go to New York? Will Squib come back to Cascadia? Who will Air Date : 13th-Apr-2005 Read More
It's K10 time. The biggest tournament of them all. Everybody is getting ready for it by practicing even more, but not Squib, as a result of the pool party, he's now expelled. Adena and Tanis make a pact: the one who is out of the tournament first helps the other. But then they find out they are up against each other first match! Who will lose: Adena or Tanis? Cameron's father visits Cascadia bu not for any good reasons. He tells Cameron his sponsorship has come to an end, so if Cameron doesn't comes up with the tuition, he's out of Cascadia. There is only one thing he can do: win the K10. Squib enters the K10 as a outsides under the name Buzzsaw and an entirely new look (there is no dress code for outsiders). President Bates offers Squib a place at Cascadia if he wins the K10. Meanwhile the New York art school where Cody has applied to has accepted her but she has doubts: she doesn't want to leave her friends behind. Will Cody go to New York? Will Squib come back to Cascadia? Who will Air Date : 24th-Apr-2005 Read More
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