Nathan and Jacy say their 16-year-old daughter, Valencia, is making poor choices, including dropping out of school, abusing drugs and dating a 25-year-old, who they say contributes to the teen’s dangerous behavior. They claim that David uses drugs with Valencia, makes vulgar comments and has threatened them with violence. Sparks fly as the parents sit down with David for the first time on Dr. Phil’s stage. Does David think he’s putting Valencia in harm’s way? Then, Nathan and Jacy talk about their struggles with controlling their daughter — and Nathan makes a shocking confession. Is he crossing the line when disciplining Valencia? What does Dr. Phil say this family must do to get back on track? Plus, Nick Carter is back with a special performance — dedicated to Valencia.This show contains strong language and sexual content. Viewer discretion advised. Air Date : 24th-Sep-2013
Air Date : 6th-Sep-2012 Read More
In a daytime exclusive, Dr. Phil sits down with the adoptive parents of 15-year-old Erica Parsons, who was last seen nearly two years ago but was only recently reported missing -- by her brother. Casey and Sandy claim their daughter is alive and well and has been living with “Nan,” a woman who they believe is Erica’s biological grandmother. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
In Part 2 of this Dr. Phil exclusive, Casey and Sandy — the adoptive parents of missing 15-year-old Erica Parsons — continue to explain their side of their daughter’s disappearance. What happened to the teen? And, why wasn’t she reported missing until nearly two years after she was last seen? Police say the couple has not been cooperating with the investigation — but they maintain their innocence. Dr. Phil enlists the help of polygraph expert Jack Trimarco. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1970 Read More
Beneath the bright lights of the Las Vegas Strip lies a system of underground flash flood tunnels. Dark and dangerous, these tunnels house an untold number of the city’s homeless. Dr. Phil’s guests say their mom, Cindy, is one of them, and they want her out. Amber, Ashley, Angela and Atisha confide that Cindy, who is addicted to drugs and alcohol, lost custody of them when they were small children, and they’ve had sporadic contact with her ever since. Angela says she even ventured into the tunnels to get her mom, but Cindy wouldn’t leave – refusing to be a burden on her children or leave her husband, Rick. Dr. Phil sends professional locator Troy Dunn, along with Matt O’Brien, author of Beneath the Neon: Life and Death in the Tunnels of Las Vegas to find Cindy and Rick. Watch Troy and Matt navigate through this hidden underground society. Air Date : 3rd-Sep-2013 Read More
Dr. Phil enlists the help of professional locator Troy Dunn to help find Cindy and her husband, Rick, a homeless couple who have been living in the flood tunnels beneath Las Vegas for two years. Cindy’s four daughters say they desperately want a relationship with their estranged mother -- if she can clean up her life. After finding the couple in their underground home and learning how they survive day to day, Troy offers them a chance at redemption, and Cindy and Rick pack up their belongings and travel to Los Angeles. Will Cindy have the courage to face her four daughters and answer their tough questions? And, Cindy opens up about her past -- learn what happened in her childhood that may play a part in the destructive choices she’s made. Then, Dr. Phil offers Cindy and Rick a plan to get their lives back on track, clean and sober. Air Date : 4th-Sep-2013 Read More
Amanda says she’s often paralyzed by fear, afraid to open the blinds and in a constant state of heightened anxiety and isolation in her own home -- all because of the trauma she says she experienced for three years at the hands of her stalker, Michael. Amanda says when she met Michael at a barbecue in 2009, they exchanged email addresses and had a casual correspondence for almost a year -- but then things took a strange turn. She says Michael began emailing her more than 20 times a day -- oftentimes professing his love, despite them never dating -- and also providing specific details about her life, indicating that he was watching her. Amanda says he would also show up at her house, and she would hide in terror, while he left gifts on her doorstep. Although Michael is currently behind bars, Amanda says he continues to harass her through anger-fueled letters mailed from jail, in violation of her protective order. When Dr. Air Date : 5th-Sep-2013 Read More
Troy and Sheesha have been married for two years and admit they have a “volatile” relationship — with each accusing the other of physical and emotional abuse. Troy claims Sheesha has hit him and head-butted him, while Sheesha claims Troy held a butcher knife to her throat and threatened to kill her. Sheesha also says Troy is controlling and jealous and even dictates to her what she’s allowed to wear. Troy blames Sheesha for his behavior, saying she flaunts herself for others, antagonizes him and insults him. The couple says they’ve talked about divorce numerous times — so why are they still together? Sparks fly on Dr. Phil’s stage when Troy goes on the defensive. Air Date : 6th-Sep-2013 Read More
The sex addiction controversy: Is it a real disorder or just an excuse for bad behavior? Marcos is a husband and father — and self-admitted sex addict for over 17 years — who says he’s had more than 3,000 sexual partners and even began working in the porn industry to satisfy his addiction. His wife, Yvette, says her husband’s betrayal triggered her drinking problem, and soon, she too was having affairs. Yvette claims she’s a “love addict” and is obsessed with meeting men outside her marriage. Is there validity to their claims, or are they just behaving badly? And, can they repair the damage they’ve done and save their relationship? Then, Staci — another self-admitted sex addict — says she meets men in seedy hotels, public parks and behind bars just to satisfy her overactive sex drive — and has never said no to a proposition. She says she has even had sex with a stranger who called her cell phone by mistake. Air Date : 9th-Sep-2013 Read More
In a Dr. Phil exclusive, the mother of reality TV star Gia Allemand opens up about her daughter’s tragic suicide. On August 14, 2013, the 29-year-old former The Bachelor star was removed from life support two days after her boyfriend, NBA player Ryan Anderson, found her clinging to life after her suicide attempt. Gia’s mother, Donna, says she was the last person to speak to her daughter. Did Gia give any warning signs of what she was about to do? Donna speaks out about what she believes is the real reason her daughter took her own life. Then, he broke her heart on The Bachelor, but they developed a close and deep friendship. Bachelor star Jake Pavelka remembers Gia in emotional tribute. And, Gia’s former publicist, Penelope Jean Hayes, remembers her kind and gentle friend. If a friend or loved one is talking about or planning to take his or her life, reach out for help now. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Air Date : 10th-Sep-2013 Read More
Sandie and LeAnn say they’re engaged to men they’ve only met online — and their loved ones fear they’re being deceived. Sandie says her overseas fiancé, Max Moose Advisor, proposed to her just two months after they met on a dating website. Over the course of their six-month relationship, she admits she has sent him more than $63,000 — and he’s asking for more. Is Max real or a “catfish” who is scamming her? Then, LeAnn says she’s head over heels for her fiancé, Terry, who mailed her an engagement ring and often professes his love for her over the phone. Don’t miss what happens when LeAnn calls Terry while onstage — and Dr. Phil takes over the conversation! Is Terry really who he says he is? Dr. Air Date : 11th-Sep-2013 Read More
In a Dr. Phil exclusive, a 17-year-old football star accused of rape — and the alleged victim — speak out about how one alcohol-fueled night changed their lives in an instant. Matt says he and three friends were drinking at a party nearly nine months ago when the four boys had sex with a 16-year-old classmate. He claims she initiated the encounter and that the sex was consensual. Matt and the three boys are charged with second-degree rape, and Matt says his dreams of getting a college scholarship have been put on hold. How does he describe the events of that night? And, what, if anything, does he say he’d do differently? Then, hear from the alleged victim, who is speaking out for the first time. What does she recall happening that night? And, how has the ordeal impacted her life? Plus, Matt’s parents, Dianne and Mark, insist their son is innocent and say they believe the alleged victim is out for attention. Dr. Phil has a powerful message for the couple. Air Date : 12th-Sep-2013 Read More
Dr. Phil delves into the dangers of teenage sex and underage drinking — and how three families have been affected. In Part 2 of his exclusive interview, the 16-year-old girl who claims high school football star Matt and three other classmates raped her at a party opens up about what she says happened that night. Why does she say her peers care more about the accused football players than they do her? Don’t miss Matt and his parents’ reactions to what she has to say. Then, Leah alleges that in 2011, her 15-year-old daughter, Rehtaeh, was raped by four classmates at a party, and that after nearly a year-and-a-half of relentless bullying, the teen took her own life. How could this have been prevented? And what message does Leah have for others in similar situations? Plus, hear from Alexis, who says she too was raped at 15 and “could’ve been Rehtaeh. Air Date : 13th-Sep-2013 Read More
Air Date : 28th-Sep-2012 Read More
Air Date : 1st-Oct-2012 Read More
Backstreet Boy Nick Carter joins Dr. Phil with candid confessions from his new book, Facing the Music and Living to Talk About It. The pop star opens up about his chaotic childhood and the pitfalls he experienced with young fame — including drug and alcohol abuse. What does he say finally made him turn his life around? And, Nick opens up about the overdose death of his 25-year-old sister, Leslie, early last year. Hear why he says he feels partly to blame for her downfall — and why he didn’t attend her funeral. What does he say he wishes he’d done differently? Plus, 16-year-old Valencia is a high school dropout and runaway, who admits to doing drugs, stealing her parents’ car and driving without a license. She’s also dating David, a man who’s nearly 10 years older, and whom her parents say has no business being with their daughter. Dr. Air Date : 23rd-Sep-2013 Read More
Nathan and Jacy say their 16-year-old daughter, Valencia, is making poor choices, including dropping out of school, abusing drugs and dating a 25-year-old, who they say contributes to the teen’s dangerous behavior. They claim that David uses drugs with Valencia, makes vulgar comments and has threatened them with violence. Sparks fly as the parents sit down with David for the first time on Dr. Phil’s stage. Does David think he’s putting Valencia in harm’s way? Then, Nathan and Jacy talk about their struggles with controlling their daughter — and Nathan makes a shocking confession. Is he crossing the line when disciplining Valencia? What does Dr. Phil say this family must do to get back on track? Plus, Nick Carter is back with a special performance — dedicated to Valencia.This show contains strong language and sexual content. Viewer discretion advised. Air Date : 24th-Sep-2013 Read More
Controversial rapper DMX opens up to Dr. Phil about his longtime battle with drug addiction, his erratic behavior and multiple headline-making arrests — so many, he admits he has lost count. How does he explain his most recent arrest for marijuana possession and a streaking incident in a hotel hallway that was caught on tape? Is he still using drugs? And, what — if anything — would he change about his past? Then, the rapper, who has 11 children, including seven out of wedlock and another on the way, is in the midst of a divorce after 14 years of marriage, and he’s filed for bankruptcy. What does he say led to his personal and financial problems? Is DMX really troubled or just misunderstood? Plus, tune in to hear why the performer did not want his mother to appear on the show. Air Date : 25th-Sep-2013 Read More
Jules says she was living the high life without a worry in the world -- but everything changed after her husband filed for divorce, and later for bankruptcy. Jules says she’s now unemployed, at least half a million dollars in debt and facing eviction -- and claims she’s not seeing a dime from her ex. She insists that she only wants what’s “fair” for herself and her kids -- but are her expectations too high? Dr. Phil enlists the help of Larry Winget, author of Grow a Pair: How to Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life, Your Business, and Your Sanity, to give Jules some tough advice about downsizing and supporting herself. Will she be open to changing her lifestyle? And, 28-year-old self-proclaimed “mama’s boy” Steven is unemployed, in debt and in no rush to leave home. He says his parents pay all the bills, and his mom cooks, does his laundry -- and even powders him after he showers. Air Date : 26th-Sep-2013 Read More
One year ago, Bob and Ginger wrote Dr. Phil, desperately seeking help for their 29-year-old daughter, Morgan, who they said was slowly starving herself to death. At the time, Morgan was down to a mere 80 pounds, her organs had begun to shut down, her extremities were blue, and they said they believed Morgan’s 20-year battle with anorexia was nearing a tragic end. With their plea for help answered, Morgan was scheduled to be a guest on Dr. Phil, but days before she was to appear on the show, she backed out, claiming she could “handle her own recovery.” Now 120 pounds, Morgan has put on weight but says that she is treating her eating disorder — and the anxiety she feels from gaining weight — with the help of prescription pills. She admits to sometimes taking as many as 20 Xanax in one day, and says she’s so desperate to end her pain that she’s put a gun to her head to end her life — four times. Morgan admits that she’s become an “exceptional liar” and has deceived her way through seven treatment facilities. Her parents say they feel helpless, and her father, Bob, admits that sometimes he wishes, “God would just take her.” Dr. Phil takes a close look into Morgan’s family dynamics. How may her parents be enabling her behavior and jeopardizing her recovery? If someone you love is battling an eating disorder, don’t miss this powerful Dr. Phil. Air Date : 10th-Oct-2012 Read More
A 17-year-old Dallas boy recently made headlines after he allegedly told police that he killed his mom and sister. Would you know if you were raising a killer? In a very rare and emotional interview, hear from Jeff, whose son, Andy, became a school shooter. He says in 2001, his then 15-year-old son went to school with a .22 caliber revolver and 40 bullets in his backpack and opened fire on his classmates. Jeff recounts the tragic day and shares the signs he says he may have missed in his son. Then, go inside the mind of the shooter, when Dr. Phil speaks with Andy from prison. What does he say led him to want to perpetrate the shooting? Is he remorseful for his actions? Plus, Nicole and Jim say they’re so frightened of their 15-year-old son that they check in with each other up to 50 times a day to make sure each other is safe. Why does Nicole say she’s 150 percent sure her son is capable of killing someone? And, Kelly and Nick say their 14-year-old son is obsessed with guns and makes homemade bombs. They say when he gets angry, his behavior is out of control, and he lashes out to extremes. Kelly says she’s at her wits' end and is ready to turn their son over to the authorities. Hear why their son says he’s not violent, just misunderstood. If you fear your child is headed down a dark path, don’t miss the top warning signs. Air Date : 11th-Oct-2012 Read More
Dr. Phil’s guests say they’re fed up with their loved ones who keep bullying them about their weight. First, Valinda says her husband, Doug, calls her “Fatty,” “Wide Load” and “Big Girl” and even makes cow noises while she eats ice cream. She says the constant ridicule is not only damaging her self-esteem, but it’s also destroying their marriage. Valinda says she’s tried diets and has successfully lost weight, but claims that Doug’s lack of support sabotages her progress. Doug says he’s just trying to help motivate his wife to get healthy. Dr. Phil reminds Doug, who has a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology, that he’s way off the mark. Then, Donna says she’ll try to lose weight, but only if her son, Gary, stops picking on her about her size. Gary argues that his mom is lazy and needs to start exercising and stop eating junk food. Hear why his criticism may be adding more pounds to his mother’s frame. Plus, Liz Vaccariello, author of The Digest Diet, discusses the power of positivity in weight loss. Don’t miss her tips on shedding unwanted pounds. And, meet Adrienne, who has struggled with her weight since her teens. She says she has finally lost more than 60 pounds with Liz’s help. Can she help inspire Valinda and Donna to get healthy? If you or someone you know is struggling with weight loss, tune in! And, log on to for a chance to win a copy of Liz’s book! Air Date : 12th-Oct-2012 Read More
From the outside, Tayler's life seemed picture perfect -- but no one could have imagined the disturbing secrets she was hiding behind her smile. From the ages of 6 to 17, Tayler says her dad, Russell, molested her, gave her drugs and took her to Mexico on numerous occasions, where she was forced to do unspeakable things. How could these horrific events have occurred without anyone noticing? Tayler's mom, Deanna, says she was unaware of the alleged abuse and just thought Tayler and her father had a special father-daughter bond. Were there warning signs she missed? Now 19 and addicted to heroin, Tayler says she feels alone, abandoned and confused -- but she also admits that she misses her father. Can Dr. Phil help get her on a path to both emotional and physical recovery? Then, hear from Tayler's two younger sisters. What did they witness? Were they being groomed by their father? And, where is Russell today? If you're a parent, tune in to learn how to protect your child from a predator. This program contains strong sexual content. Viewer discretion advised. Air Date : 15th-Oct-2012 Read More
Gina says her fiancé, Jeremy, is physically, emotionally and sexually abusive, and that in the last year, he has beaten her at least once a week, and they've been in at least 50 altercations. Gina says Jeremy has wrestled her to the floor, choked her, cracked her teeth, slammed her head against a wall, beaten her with a belt buckle and driven a nail through her arm. And, when Gina was three months pregnant, she says Jeremy did the unthinkable -- he raped her. What does Jeremy say happened? Find out why Gina says she believes Jeremy will kill her. And hear why, despite her fear, she says she will never leave him. Jeremy admits that he physically abuses Gina, but adds that she is often the aggressor in their fights. With so much anger in the house, the couple says their 2-year-old son has begun to display aggressive tendencies. Can Dr. Phil get to the root of what's really wrong and stop the cycle of violence? Hear how secrets from Gina's and Jeremy's childhoods could be the culprit. If you know someone who is trying to escape an abusive relationship, learn the steps to take by visiting Air Date : 16th-Oct-2012 Read More
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