In the autumn of 1888 London's huge metropolis was gripped by fear. On the teeming streets of Whitechapel women were being torn to pieces by a killer who vanished in the shadows time after time. So terrible was the savagery, that the world remembers it still. Air Date : 18th-Oct-1988
In the early hours of Friday morning, August 31st 1888 a penniless prostitute was slaughtered on a London Street. Her name was Mary Ann Nichols. With the death of this one woman began a reign of terror so horrifying that the world remembers it still. Air Date : 11th-Oct-1988 Read More
In the autumn of 1888 London's huge metropolis was gripped by fear. On the teeming streets of Whitechapel women were being torn to pieces by a killer who vanished in the shadows time after time. So terrible was the savagery, that the world remembers it still. Air Date : 18th-Oct-1988 Read More