Jerry pretends to be a skull by hiding inside of it and scaring Tom. Air Date : 28th-Oct-2006
Tom and Jerry are pursuing each other in a zoo. During the chase, Tom accidentally destroys the painting of an art-loving monkey. This leads to the monkey becoming quite angry, but his temper cools after he makes Tom look like a tiger by dipping him in orange paint and adding black stripes on with his paintbrush. All the other characters in the episode, save the monkey himself, see Tom and develop the concept that he is a real tiger. Air Date : 23rd-Sep-2006 Read More
Jerry frames Tom for feeding zoo animals so Spike can fire him. Air Date : 23rd-Sep-2006 Read More
A polar bear protects Jerry from Tom and Butch. Air Date : 23rd-Sep-2006 Read More
Spike mistakes Tom and Jerry for valets. Air Date : 30th-Sep-2006 Read More
Tom and Jerry trash a fancy hotel lobby. Air Date : 30th-Sep-2006 Read More
Tom and Butch fight over Jerry in a junkyard. Air Date : 30th-Sep-2006 Read More
Tom and Jerry play musical instruments. Air Date : 7th-Oct-2006 Read More
Jerry's music causes Tom's hen to lay eggs quickly. Air Date : 7th-Oct-2006 Read More
Jerry's uncle returns for a visit and sings. Air Date : 7th-Oct-2006 Read More
Jerry disguises himself as a bat to scare Tom. Air Date : 28th-Oct-2006 Read More
Jerry pretends to be a skull by hiding inside of it and scaring Tom. Air Date : 28th-Oct-2006 Read More
Tom and Jerry find gold inside a pyramid. Air Date : 28th-Oct-2006 Read More
Tom and Jerry discover their world is full of dinosaur eggs. Air Date : 4th-Nov-2007 Read More
Tom and Jerry relax on Hawaii which is home to an active volcano. The volcano soon places Tom and Jerry under mind-control, causing them to go into the volcano where they meet PELE - the Goddess of Flame. The Goddess of Flame soon chases the two out of the volcano and near a cliff, and Tom and Jerry are about to fall into the river, but Jerry saves himself and Tom by scaring her. Air Date : 4th-Nov-2006 Read More
In prehistoric times, Tom and Jerry's ansectors outwit each other. Air Date : 4th-Nov-2006 Read More
Tom returns from a garbage dump with things he found at the dump. He uses these things to make a computer and uses Jerry as the mouse. While making the computer, Tom breaks a part of the roof to make the computer taller and at the top of the computer there is a clothes hanger. The clothes hanger is struck by lightning. This causes the two to enter the digital world. Tom and Jerry soon meet their own digital versions, which look exactly like them and the two also discover that whenever the two touch their digital versions more digital versions are created. Tom and Jerry soon have an adventure with their digital versions. Air Date : 11th-Nov-2006 Read More
Tom and Jerry live in the house of a young boy. After destroying the young boy's robotic mouse toy, Tom makes a robotic girl mouse in order to catch Jerry. However, Tom has another thing coming! Air Date : 11th-Nov-2006 Read More
Tom, Jerry, and Spike are chasing each other in a neighborhood, tearing everything in their path apart. A mysterious truck passes by outside on the street, hitting a bump and dropping a wrapped package out the back. It appears to be an ordinary and somewhat silly-looking vest, and Spike encourages Tom to put it on. When he does, he is surprised when it turns into a Rocketeer-esque flying suit. Tom has fun flying about, doing things like skywriting rude caricatures of Spike and Jerry, teasing a bird nesting on the roof, and crashing a barbecue (Droopy makes a cameo appearance here as the barbecuer). After Jerry and Spike get fed up with his tricks, they scheme to take the airborne airhead down. Air Date : 11th-Nov-2006 Read More
The king of a medieval town orders Tom to slay a dragon. Air Date : 3rd-Feb-2007 Read More
A chase leads Tom and Jerry into a medieval castle. Air Date : 3rd-Feb-2007 Read More
A musical group of rats comes to Sheriff Tom's medieval town. Air Date : 3rd-Feb-2007 Read More
When Spike takes over Tom and Jerry's sledding hill, the two partners team up for a trick that backfires. Air Date : 10th-Feb-2007 Read More
While ice fishing, Tom fights to get Jerry's fish. Air Date : 10th-Feb-2007 Read More
Jerry and Nibbles (Tuffy) are in a space ship. They are running out of food, due to Tuffy's eating habits. Finally, Jerry manages to find some dehydrated energy capsules, but he swallows an entire year's worth and grows enormously overweight. Then a doctor, Droopy, comes to check on Jerry. Later, an alien space cat, obviously similar to the appearance of Tom, wants to eat Jerry, and they end up running around chasing each other on the ship. Finally they are launched from the ship's torpedo and apparently killed by the explosion, as they have become constellations in the sky with Tuffy saluting them. Air Date : 17th-Feb-2007 Read More
Tom and Jerry chase each other around on a farm. Tom pretends to be a chicken, but a UFO catches both Tom and Jerry, thinking that Tom is a chicken. The aliens in the UFO need 2000 eggs for the queen's cake, and they already have 5. Thus, the aliens tell Tom to lay 1995 more eggs. He tries as hard as he can to lay those eggs, but Tom fails. The aliens try to put him in an extractor, and he runs away. They search the kitchen and are then confronted by the princess, who always reminds them of a 'cream puffs' incident the two servants got in trouble for. They make the cake anyway, unaware they had baked Tom and Jerry into it, and they deliver it to the queen. However, the queen discovers Tom and Jerry and demands her servants to "put it back and get a real chicken, OR ELSE!". The servants try to get a real chicken this time, but abduct a cow instead. Tom is about to chase Jerry again—but then inexplicably lays an egg! Air Date : 17th-Feb-2007 Read More
While in the park, Tom sees Toodles Galore. Suddenly, Spike (dressed up in a repo-man mustache and tank tops) shows up on a motorcycle. He steals Tom's girlfriend. Tom (now upset) walks home (where Jerry is). He turns on the radio and finds out that there is a contest going on. Whoever can build a rocket and reach the moon first wins. Tom thinks he can get his girlfriend back by doing this. Jerry gets on board with Tom and the ship malfunctions. It crashlands on the moon. Tom puts up a flag and Jerry eats parts of the moon (thinking its cheese). Spike runs over Tom's flag with his motorcycle and puts up his flag. Tom and Toodles kiss. Air Date : 17th-Feb-2007 Read More
Tom and Jerry are in a fishing boat. Jerry has just become Tom's slave, and is working hard rowing the boat, while Tom relaxes. Tom orders Jerry to drop the anchor, and they both get ready to dive to spearfish. Tom tries to hit Jerry with the spear, but Jerry tries to escape by jumping into the ocean, and Tom chases him. Tom tries to hunt some seafood, including a pufferfish and a lobster. However, Jerry jumps onto a seahorse to stop him, by scaring the pufferfish. Tom attempts to catch the seahorse with a lasso made out of seaweed, but the seahorse is too strong for him and drags him along the seabed, hitting the coral and many seaweeds, which makes him look like a mermaid. Later, he encounters a very amorous octopus gentleman named Morizzio, who thinks Tom is a lady. Morizzio wants to date Tom, and they end up getting lost in the sea. Later, Jerry meets a fish who loves him, and he flees. Air Date : 24th-Feb-2007 Read More
It's summer and Jerry shows Tom a picture in his diary that shows them being friends and going to the beach. Thus, they agree and go to the beach, but Butch and Spike arrive first. Tom and Jerry team up while Butch and Spike are the rivals. Tom controls Butch, and Jerry controls Spike. Tom and Jerry are actually trying to get the bullies off the beach, though. Finally, both Butch and Spike are driven away from the beach, and Tom, Jerry, and their new girlfriends, play happily there. Note: look for references to "Muscle Beach Tom" here.. Air Date : 24th-Feb-2007 Read More
Tom and Jerry are on a raft sailing towards an island in search of treasure. Tom traps Jerry and decides jump into the freezing water to retrieve the treasure. However, Jerry has earned the friendship of a baby dolphin that is able to save him and defeat Tom. Near the end of the episode, the mother dolphin appears and scares away Tom. They retrieve the chest back onto the raft, but Tom doesn't get any gold. Air Date : 24th-Feb-2007 Read More
Spike is put in charge of the rest of a building's construction while the crew are in hospital after suffering an extreme case of splinters. Tom and Jerry are chasing each other and run into the construction yard. Spike catches Tom and offers him a job on the construction crew. Tom accepts. During the rest of the episode, Tom continuously chases Jerry, yet finishes the building. The building looks great, except for one part. That is because Jerry drew his face on the construction plan! Air Date : 3rd-Mar-2007 Read More