The tasks they have to go through are preparing for a task they don't know what is, spelling and eating a word with letter biscuits, as well as creating text for the theme tune. Air Date : 10th-Mar-2022
In the course of ten episodes Harald Eia, Janne Formoe, Kristine Grændsen, Martin Lepperød and Henrik Elvestad will solve tasks in the hope of winning the best one can get your hands on, namely a bust in gold by Atle Antonsen himself! Air Date : 24th-Feb-2022 Read More
Participants include their best buy in the prize task. They will also give Olli the highest possible pulse, recreate a painting in the dark and move beer from the house to the caravan. The studio task offers tactics and carrots in unprecedented dimensions. Air Date : 3rd-Mar-2022 Read More
The tasks they have to go through are preparing for a task they don't know what is, spelling and eating a word with letter biscuits, as well as creating text for the theme tune. Air Date : 10th-Mar-2022 Read More
Atle's gang of cuckolds will go through new tasks in today's program. A bathing duck is going to get in a bucket, things are going to bounce and we get the award of the coolest participant. There will be a twist on the chair toy in the studio task. Air Date : 17th-Mar-2022 Read More
The most magnificent and shiny things should be awarded in today's prize task. Participants will find a baby monitor, attach stickers to their faces and create an amusement park attraction for Olli. In the studio assignment we get to see how good the participants are at calculating time. Air Date : 24th-Mar-2022 Read More
For today's prize assignment, participants will bring something Martin Lepperød does not know what is. In Atle's house, a wine glass should be filled with as much weight as possible, an optical illusion should be made and a suitcase should be filled and moved. Air Date : 31st-Mar-2022 Read More
Participants will get a nut in a hole, use their feet to do something you usually do with your hands, and send in a casting tape to Atle. Air Date : 7th-Apr-2022 Read More
The participants are given the task of giving an eggplant an unforgettable experience, they must slide as far as possible and guess what is inside a locked suitcase. Air Date : 21st-Apr-2022 Read More
Atle gets to see what the participants think is too "fancy" for him in the prize task. Air Date : 28th-Apr-2022 Read More
The table is set for the final and the participants will win over Olli, mash a grape and turn off a TV from the longest possible distance. The excitement is palpable in the last task of the season, and the winner is chosen with a bang. Air Date : 5th-May-2022 Read More