In the post-apocalyptic future, reigning tyrannical supercomputers teleport a cyborg assassin known as the "Terminator" back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to lead insurgents against 21st century mechanical hegemony. Meanwhile, the human-resistance movement dispatches a lone warrior to safeguard Sarah. Can he stop the virtually indestructible killing machine?
When adolescent Elsabe is adopted by a well-to-do lawyer named Nancy, she struggles to feel welcome in her new home as her jealous step-brother Andrew attempts to corner Elsabe in her alienation.
When a single mom, facing eviction, is offered a night’s work, she unsuccessfully seeks a babysitter for her two small children. Desperate, she reaches out to the last person she wants to ask for a favour.
The depressed Cayden is being haunted by a sinister entity. This entity is troubling him in his daily routine: during his economy lectures, walking on the street and, most importantly, at home. Cayden wants to escape this traumatic cycle, and eventually falls for his overly optimistic friend Danny, who offers him the possibility to join a mysterious motorcycle gang under the leadership of the enigmatic Jansen.
A young man is dared by his friends to trek deeper into dangerous territory, with bait, in order to finally once and for all prove or disprove the legendary rumors surrounding an abandoned barn.
The imagined perpetrator in a famously unsolved true-crime case, “Who Put Bella Down the Wych Elm”, is confronted about his past by an unearthly Bison in this Stop-Motion animated short film.
A film producer meets an odd couple at a bar. Little does he know, he's about to become part of this couples main course.
After failing to commit his first murder, an aspiring serial killer decides that the most rational way to get started is to kill a friend who totally trusts you. This is how a lonely mentally unstable guy meets a naive next-door boy.
Held captive by a circus, Malu is frantically rescued from her shackles by her husband. As she waits anxiously in the darkness for her chance to escape, a disturbing truth she's hidden away seeps back in.
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus: The Movie is a short film adaptation of the game, consisting of modified cutscenes along with additional footage made specifically for the film. After the destruction of Rupture Farms and the liberation of his fellow Mudokons, Abe unearths another sinister secret ingredient - the Magog Cartel are digging up their ancestors' bones, so he sets out with his friends to put a stop to the industrial menace once again, the only way he knows how - terrorism!