Charles and Sunny Tsai have been married for ten years and have two sons: Matthew and Christopher. They moved into their home a few years ago and since then, their master bedroom and living room have become cluttered with toys, unused clothing, family heirloooms and more. Chief among them is a giant stuffed bear that's simply so large that it has no place in the new rooms. Peter helps this couple to let go of the things that aren't working or needed anymore. Angelo redesigns the living room into a more adult space wtih an armoire and roll-out storage. The bedroom is refashioned into a romantic space with fancy furniture such as a credenza. Air Date : 17th-Jul-2004 Read More
""If every day could be Christmas."" It's a sweet sentiment, but not when Christmas memorabilia is taking over your home. That, old books, furniture, tools and more have taken over Daphne and Steven Duncans' living room and dining room. They've been married ten years and have three kids - Stephanie, Jade and Joshua. They've been so busy and things have gotten so cluttered that it's simply overwhelmed them - until now. Peter goes through and shows them that they can get along without most of the things that have been in their rooms. When he's done, they're able to sell almost all of it in a Christmas-themed yard sale. Meanwhile, Molly has grand plans to go along with some of the grand furniture they've purchase. The dining room features an elegant table, lighting, and pictures from their wedding. The living room is given a Moroccan theme with beautiful curtains, an l-shaped sofa and quasi-library. Air Date : 24th-Jul-2004 Read More
Richard and Ellyn have been married for a wonderful 21 years, but things aren't so wonderful in their cluttered home. Their office and bedroom have become overloaded wtith gym equipment, an insane amount of videotapes, books, garbage and other stuff that organizer Peter Walsh can only describe as scary things. He convinces them that much of it must go - including a special item of Ellyn's that represented freedom to her and will now go to someone who needs it much more. Peter also works with Richard, quizzing him and reducing his large collection of James Bond videos and other collectibles. With the clutter out of the rooms, designer Molly Luetkemeyer puts in place her creative vision for the rooms. The office is remodeled with a light blue colored and a dark brown stripe, sort of James Bond theem. New additions include an l-shaped desk with three drawers and video-tape storage, a closet area with four filing cabinets, a high-level viewing station, and comfortable fabric. The bedroom f Air Date : 31st-Jul-2004 Read More
Jim and Bonnie have been married for ten years, have a five year old son named James and moved into their home two years ago. They're ready to have it clean sweeped because in that short amount of time they've managed to clutter their dining room full of things such as boxes, a jukebox and Christmas ornaments, while their craft room includes unneeded furniture and a bulky Bowflex machine. After taking care of a few things in the initial sort, Peter Walsh comes in to help them really get down to business. He helps them, particularly Jim, to appreciate that although sometimes items evoke important memories, its the memories themselves that are really important. Together he and the homeowners find ways to honor the things they have so that the rooms will be the best they can. Angelo Surmelis works with the help of carpenter Eric Stromer to redesign the rooms. The dining room is rather small but still manages to feture crown molding, special displays for family photos, an elegant dining ta Air Date : 14th-Aug-2004 Read More
Heeman and Jenny Wong have been married for five years and have an eighteen-month old son named Joshua. Their Mom sometimes comes to stay over in their office / guestroom / craft room, but it's so overloaded with old files, craft materials and other clutter that it's not inviting at all. Their master bedroom is no place to sleep, as it's complete with a flooded closet, ab roller, and hideous chicken mask. While Peter Walsh is in to tackle the clutter, new designer Kelli Ellis does the makeover of the rooms. Peter gets right to work after the initial Tava sort produces a huge Keep pile. He helps Heeman and Jenny to see the value of family and how their huge piles of clutter are interfering with their family life. The office is redone with a new desk build, foldp-out bed and organized closet space, while the bedroom is made over with frosted glass windows for one of the closets, refurbished stands and attractive lighting. Air Date : 21st-Aug-2004 Read More
Cynthia and Frazier Watts are running into some major issues with their living room and master bedroom. The living room is piled with books, photos and toys, while the master bedroom is like a giant closet, with clothes and shoes everywhere. Peter Walsh tries to help with the clutter, particularly the clothing problem, but it seems like a big battle with Frazier. It takes some serious work to get him to purge and to see that things can't continue as they are. Even then, it seems as if perhaps he's still not fully convinced, but at least has the fear of Peter in him. James Saavedra gets to work on the redesign of the rooms. The living room is given a new workspace for Frazier, ottomans with toy storage, a grand new entertainment center and an armoire. The bedroom is given a new headboard, chests and a chair, plenty of clothing storage and soft colors to create a beautiful spa feeling. Air Date : 28th-Aug-2004 Read More
Al and Leah Moreno have been married for fourteen years and have three sons Ryan, Nick, and Wyatt. They enjoy pasttimes such as video-gaming and watching movies when they're not working, but their cluttered office and family room really aren't ideal for either. The office is filled with papers and mementos, while the family room is loaded with unfinished scrapbooking projects, a coffeemaker, laundy materials, toys and more. The homeowners and Peter get to work on this stuff, so that Angelo Surmelis can go to work redesigning the rooms. Leah and Peter play fashion police as Al pares down his huge amount of clothes and the homeowners play rock-paper-scissiors with Peter for various memorabilia. Peter also helps Al to take a look at his past in the LAPD police force and honor it in a meaningful way. The family room is remodeled with a loveseat / bed, toy baskets, an ironing / laundry table, an area for television viewing and plenty of storage. The office is made functional with a scrapboo Air Date : 4th-Sep-2004 Read More
Edward and Teresa Wyatt are married and have two sons: William and Eddie. Their office is filled with papers and bills, cleaning products and more, while they have another room that's actually just a spare room. It's piled with craft stuff, a Darth Vader head, items from Edward's marine days and many other things that just didn't have any other place. While the rooms undergo radical transformations, organizer Peter Walsh helps the couple to change their ways. At first, Teresa seems to want to get rid of nothing, but Peter teaches her about how to set values of importance, also noting that habits both good and bad regarding organization will rub off on the kids. Angelo Surmelis gets to work on the redesign, with both rooms gaining new purposes. The spare room is transformed into an office, craft room and laundry room, while the old office is transformed into a room for the boys. The boys' room features L-shaped displays for bokos and toys, blue stripes, an open closet and a loft /twin b Air Date : 11th-Sep-2004 Read More
Paul and Sherilyn Jackson have been married for thirteen years and enjoy pasttimes such as collecting television memorabilia and cooking. Unfortunately, their office and garage have become so cluttered that it's hard for them work, let alone have any fun. The garage is filled with sporting equipment and even a pile of rocks, while the office is overrun with books, papers and boxes. The homeowners set to work on the clutter, where for the most part, they turn out to be the ideal purgers. Although there is some debate with Paul over his piles of television scripts and other memorabilia, the two for the most part seem to understand that things have to change. A conversation with Sherilyn reveals that she just didn't know where to get started, but had a breakthrough and decided to call after seeing an episode of the show on TV. Meanwhile, designer Kelli Ellis sets to work on the redesign of the rooms. The office is given a new bookshelf, a lazy susan, an add-on to the desk, a memo-board an Air Date : 18th-Sep-2004 Read More
Irene and Kyle are trapped in the clutter that has come into their lives from the various comings and goings of their kids, not to mention some of their own. Their guest room also doubles as a storage room, but with a treadmill on top of a broken chair and poor lighting, it's hard to do any of that. The master bedroom definitely isn't a place to sleep, with its unused couch, sheets covering the windows, magazines, clothing, trophies and furniture. Peter Walsh is in to see that things are cut down to a reasonable level. For the most part, the purging goes well, although there are a few sentimental items that require some emotional discussion. Molly Luetkemeyer does the redesign of the rooms, focusing on getting them back to being workable for their purposes. The master bedroom is remade with fabric covering the mirrors, side cabinets for the large magazine collections and walls in the color of African violets - Irene's favorite. The guestroom / storage room is given new lantern lighting Air Date : 25th-Sep-2004 Read More
Bill and Victoria met at a play and have been living in their current home for six years. Their living room is filled with ""everything"" as they say, boxes, kiitchen canisters and even a shovel, while their dining romo has knick-knacks, plants, more boxes and even power tools. After Peter takes a moment with them to consider just how much stuff was in the rooms, he starts getting to the heart of what's causing the clutter problem. He finds that Victoria has sentimental family associations with much of the clutter, but helps her to see that it can't all fit and she isn't taking Bill's needs into account. Designer James Saavedra gets to work on the rooms. He has bold plans for a dark, rich color in the living room, but gets some help from Peter on an organizational paiting tip that will help to make the bookcases ""pop."" The living room also features a platform bench and horizontal shelving. The living room is given a chandelier, attractive candles, fabic and displays Victoria and Bills' s Air Date : 1st-Oct-2004 Read More
Karen and John Corsi have been married for four years and have two sons, Drew and Nick. Their backyard is also a hangout for their nephews, but unfortunately, the inside of their home isn't as appealing, with their crowded basement guest room (which has never had a guest) and joyless playroom. The guest room is filled mostly with clothing but also unusued shower doors, an old tutu and more, while the playroom is loaded with boxes, sporting equipment, futons and even a broken vacuum. Fortunately, designer Molly Luetkemeyer is there to transform the rooms to their intended purposes, while Peter Walsh sees to it that the clutter is sent away. After a fairly nice initial sort, the Keep pile somehow seems to grow still bigger. Peter helps John and Karen to examine just what it is they're hanging on to and make the necessary decisions about what they're actually needing and using vs. what can leave the house forever. In the end, Molly creates two impressive rooms. The guest room is given a s Air Date : 8th-Oct-2004 Read More
A bedroom and guest room have become dusty and hairy for Michael and Lindsey. They and the Clean Sweep team must fight the weather to redesign the rooms and dig them out. Air Date : 9th-Oct-2004 Read More
Karen and Trevor met sixteen years ago and have been married now for four years. Ever since, they've been letting clutter take over their lives, particularly sports equipment and memorabilia, since they are both huge sports buffs. Their bedroom is loaded with sports equipment, magazines vases, an old bedframe and other stuff that really doesn't belong in a place where you sleep. Their office / guestroom has books, pillows, golf balls, many more sporting items and an unwieldly amount of old boxes. After clearing all of the stuff out of the rooms, Peter helps the couple to let go of the stuff they don't need or want and take better care of what they do. He organizes some games to cut down the clutter and shows them how to properly honor their favorite sports mementos. Molly Luetkemeyer gets to work on the redesign of the rooms. The office / guestroom is given an electric blue color with displays for the sports memorabilia, comfortable bedding, a new futon, a ""nautical"" storage chest and Air Date : 15th-Oct-2004 Read More
Matt and Chelsea have lost control of their basement rec room and their master bedroom. It all started when they took in Matt's nephew and now the clutter is out of control. The master bedroom is piled with kids' toys, clothing, office stuff and more. The rec room is an absolute disaster with an upside-down unused foosball table, stuffed animals, clothing and much more. Peter goes through it all with Matt and Chelsea, showing them that a lot of it is stuff that they aren't even truly attached to. They take a hard look at it and sell and get rid of a lot, making good use of what's left. Molly Luetkemeyer works on a complete revamp of the two spaces. The rec room is given a new entertainment center, bookcase, eleven foot desk, doggy bed and refurbished closet. The foosball is made into a duel purpose foosball and ironing table. In one of the best bedroom transformations ever, the master bedroom is given new plants, fabiric, dressers, tables, shoe caddies, storage containers, and a new po Air Date : 20th-Oct-2004 Read More
Gary Morton and Jennifer Bailey have gotten married, creating an unholy union of clutter. Now all of Gary's stuff has been added to twenty years worth of Jennifer's clutter and it's just too much for them to deal with. Their family room is packed full with an insane amount of videotapes and other clutter, while the rec room is more like a ""wreck"" room with boxes packed from floor to ceiling. Peter Walsh comes in to help them organize and in many cases simply sell or chuck a lot of stuff that they just couldn't get to so they could lose it. There are some heirlooms of interest, which manage to work their way into the rooms. Angelo Surmelis quickly gets to work on getting these rooms back to their purposes. The family room is sectionalized with a new entertainment center, cabinets, desks for both Gary and Jennifer, baskets and photo boxes. Since Gary and Jennifer love wine, the rec room is given a brand-new brewery, as well as table box cubses, a couch and chairs, storage boxes and booke Air Date : 29th-Oct-2004 Read More
Jamie and Jon Sarshay are adults with little room to work who have kids with little room to play. They've been married for twelve years and love their boys Danny and Alec, but don't love their playroom that's filled with boxes, toys, books and more or their workshop with more books, old wedding dresses and various gifts. Jamie has an admitted problem with gifts and Peter works with her to see that it's becoming suffocating and that there's no shame in giving up the gifts. He cuts the clutter down to a very manageable size, while Angelo Surmelis gets to work on the rooms. The workroom is greatly redesigned with wheeled carts, a new desk, and a gift-wrapping area. The playroom is both functional and fun with a computer area, costuming station, couch and chairs. Air Date : 5th-Nov-2004 Read More
Bill and Audrey Nan have been married for 17 years and have two children, Alexa and Jonathan. They've wanted to work on their bedroom and den /office, but their back problems have kept them from doing so. Now the bedroom is filled with clutter including an old guitar and the den / office is filled with books, collectibles, an unused exercise machine and more. The Clean Sweep team has come to rescue them. Though there's a lot they're willing to get rid of right away, some decisions are harder than others. Peter Walsh helps them to sift through the collectibles and other prized items to keep only what they really want and need. Angelo Surmelis does the redesign of the rooms. The bedroom is given new closet space, light and shoe boxes, a tie rack and plants. The den / office is radically redesigned with a new desk, family area, dark wood bookcase, trophy case and more. Air Date : 12th-Nov-2004 Read More
Kate and Duffy Fanginello met when they were 12 years old and now have a 4 year old daugther, Phoebe. They run a fish business out of their home, but their spaces aren't helping their business or them. Their living room / family entertainment area is packed with clothes, mats on the wall, exercise equipment, toys and more. Their dining room has even more clothes, piles of papers, unused dishes and an assortment of other items not conducive to dining. Peter helps them to sort through a lot of this clutter, memorializing certain moments at which they let go of things that have trapped them in the past. There's even a ceremonial burning to mark Duffy's freedoom from cancer. As they and Peter handle that, James Saavedra redesigns the rooms. The dining room is given a sea theme with colors to match, new lighting, bamboo shades, table settings and more. The living room is given a new bookcase, sliding screens, coffee tables, shoe cubby and cabinets. Air Date : 19th-Nov-2004 Read More
Ali and Neda are happily married and have two girls, Narges and Camia. They've been in their home for a long time and unfortunately it's just become completely overloaded. The playroom and guest room / office are both packed with photos, while the playroom also has a lot of toys and old art projects and the guest room / office is loaded with bags, papers and other materials. Molly comes in with some designs that she say will need faith, while Peter gets to work on the organizing. He shows Ali and Neda how to part with their clutter, while also being amazed by some of their own good organizing habits. The office / guest room is redone with new photo storage and rugs, a ""dimensional"" desk, serene green coloring, a bookcase for a photo storage and a refurbished bed. It's so good that Ali and Neda say they want to move out of their current master bedroom. The playroom is turned into a girl's dream with a stage, TV caddy, fabic and curtains, rolling toyboxes and much more. Air Date : 3rd-Dec-2004 Read More
Host Tava Smiley and organizer Peter Walsh host the first-ever special episode presenting the best Clean Sweep moments of 2004. Included are montages, favorite moments of the team-members and categories in which the viewers can vote including: Most Cluttered Room Most Unusual Item Most Bickering Family Toughest Customer Designers' Nominated Rooms Most Ingenious Organizational Design Most Outrageous Sort Moment Best Competition Moment Most Touching Sort Moment Most Complicated Build Most Unusual Build Most Enthusiastic Family Most Dramatic Before & After Air Date : 17th-Dec-2004 Read More
Nickie Mordridge and Dan Steigel are married with kids and each have their own separate clutter problem. The bedroom is mostly Nickie's mess, with clothes everywhere, an ironing board right in the middle of the floor, exercise equipment and more. The garage is so bad that there's no room to walk, let alone park a car --- it's packed with sporting equipment, sports cards, painting materials, bikes, tools and more. After this stuff is all hauled out, Peter gets these two started on a huge purge. Although Nickie is at first very reluctant to get rid of clothing, he soon has her pitching one item for every two that she keeps. Dan's tools are sorted through and all that are redundant or broken leave the house forever. Molly Luetkemyer redesigns both areas into delightful new spaces. The garage is given a bright new look with several functional areas and plenty of room to park the car. The bedroom receives new dresser drawers, bedding, fabric and a completely redesigned closet system. Air Date : 10th-Dec-2004 Read More
Wendy and Geoff have been married for five years and have set up what be harmonious, family-suitable home. However, the living room is piled with couches, blocks of glass, exercise equipment and much more. The office is possibly even worse with chairs everywhere, an unusable idea board and so much clutter that Geoff can barely reach the mouse to use the computer. The junk is hauled out and team gets to work straightaway on sorting out this mess. As Tava and Peter work to eliminate the clutter, they discover Wendy's fixation with home-improvement projects, which she sometimes has as many as twelve running at any one time. After some sensible discussion, Peter talks her down to three or four and helps this couple to eliminate over 50% of their clutter --- a task they initially thought would be impossible. Angelo Surmelis brings in creative design ideas that work with Wendy and Geoff's fun and wacky tastes. The office is given a feeling of purpose and creativity, with Manhattan-skyline st Air Date : 7th-Jan-2005 Read More
David and Stephanye Strider have been married for twenty years and have two girls who are 14 and 16. Their clutter problems include the ""black hole"" --- a basement filled with a baby crib, wrapping paper, paint and more, as well as a sewing room loaded with thimbles, books, sewing projects and other items. They've tried to organize, but they just have so much stuff that it's become overwhelming. Peter shows them how to deal, while designer James Saavedra gets on with the rework of the rooms. Peter and the homeowners get the clutter down by over 60% and discover some neat sentimental items in the process. At one point, Peter even compliments Stephanye on a christening gown display she created herself. The basement goes from a cluttered dingy area with rats to a bright, energetic space with red and and aqua colors. There's a new screen, plexiglass wall, lounge chairs, carpeting, storage bins and more. The sewing room is also made into a part-office, with a new bookcase, fabric, a display Air Date : 14th-Jan-2005 Read More
Lendell and Eboni Butler are a mother and daughter who have packed their master bedroom and living room such that they no longer function. They have five people living in their home, but no room for any of them --- what with the books, videos, DVDs, camping gear, games, clothing and other massive amounts of stuff packed in their spaces. Peter gets to work with them and they show impressive tendencies immediately --- starting with a nice initial sell-pile and revealing some great organizational habits. Despite their initial fears, Peter helps them to cut much of their clutter, including an overly-large amount of shoes, by two-thirds. Angelo Surmelis redesigns the rooms into exactly the types of areas they want. The family room is given several purposes, with a huge entertainment center, a new bookcase, photo boxes, a dining area and much more. Lendell's bedroom is redesigned with comfortable whites and blues, color-coded closet storage, a new bedframe and fabric, a seating area, lamps a Air Date : 21st-Jan-2005 Read More
Donna and Andrea are living together with a thirteen year old girl named Tyler. They're facing two big clutter problems --- a famliy room packed with video tapes, boxes and bad feelings and Tyler's room which is loaded with stuff that isn't even hers, such as old clothes from the '70s and '80s. As Peter helps them to let go of this outdated mess, Molly Luetkemeyer does the redesign of the rooms. Peter works through clutter such as five racks of clothing and over 1,500 videotapes. The den is redesigned with better use of the built-in racks, a TV table, curtains, a workbench / desk system, baskets and much more. The bedroom is completely made over with a street-art headboard of Tyler's name, new bedding, bookcases and a reorganized closet. Air Date : 28th-Jan-2005 Read More
Mike and Brett have been living together for two years, but because of Mike's promotional business, their home is something like an 80 / 20 space arrangement. The master bedroom has been taken over by endless amounts of clothing, particularly t-shirts. It's so bad that even the floor is completely covered. The home office is packed with numerous pairs of shoes, books and even an old easter basket with no home. In this episode, Peter focuses on purging such that the spaces are made into more of an equal share. Although Mike and Brett are very reluctant, they find that they have large amounts of stuff taking up space that they didn't even know they still had. Designer Molly Luetkemyer zones in on creating rooms that are just right for their needs. The master bedroom is given a zen feel with new storage dressers, candles, fabric, shoe storage and baskets. The home office is made amazingly functional with a black chalkboard stripe, a huge and glowing desk, a merchandise showcase, seating a Air Date : 4th-Feb-2005 Read More
Scott and Kent are living together and work as make-up and hair artists. They spend a lot of time in their bedroom and living room on the second floor of their condo, but the spaces have gotten a bit of control. The bedroom is littered with clothing, magazines and knick-knacks such as twirling sticks and South African relics. The living room contains even more odd clothing and oddities such as a strange scooter and a jeweled hula hoop. Peter helps Kent and Scott to navigate this mess, thinning through their clothes, setting up a system for the mammoth amount of magazines and putting in place systems for organization. Kelli redesigns the bedroom and living room as spaces suitable for Kent and Scotts' needs. The bedroom is painted with dark but comfortable tones, draped with fabric and given wicker baskets, an armoire, sconces, lighting and candles. The living room is redesigned with the fireplace and mantle as focal points. There's more fabric, bamboo containers and another armoire. Air Date : 11th-Feb-2005 Read More
Ashton and Quinn Hemmons are two brothers who are freaking out their mother Tina with their cluttered bedroom and hang-out room. The bedroom is packed with sporting gear, old videos and even has blood on the ceiling, while the hang-out room is packed with pictures of lighthouses, clothing and even a life-sized Tigger. Things work a little differently today as Peter works with Tina to get these two brothers in order. They're given systems for organizing their clothes and their video collection is put through the ringer. They even spend some time in the Clean Sweep penalty box as Peter tries to instill in them some respect for their mother. Angelo Surmelis gets to work creating rooms that work for everyone. The hangout room is made into a guest room / lounging area that includes a guest bed, new lighting, magazine holders, a desk, bookcases and more. The bedroom is given a new armoire, an entertainment area, a computer desk and even a CD and DVD player and sound system, courtesy of Clean Air Date : 18th-Feb-2005 Read More
Shaundra and Allen met through mutual friends and have been married for eight years, now having two kids --- Astara, 7 and Alana, 1. Unfortunately, Allen's long work hours and poor organizational habits have led to a kitchen that isn't fit for a chef like Allen and a bedroom that's no place for two growing princesses. The kitchen is packed with dishes, toys, knickknacks and a general feeling of crampedness, while the bedroom is overloaded with piles of clothes, many more toys, an unused bunk beds and seems to have no overall theme. Peter gets right to work with the organization, helping to get down to business on the hard work after a great initial purge. He navigates through the issues that are putting a strain on Allen and Shaundra's relationship and shows them how they can create spaces that will alleviate the stress in their lives. He also tackles Shaundra's shopping addiction, helping her to see that her habits could become her kids'. Angelo Surmelis does a great redesign of the r Air Date : 25th-Feb-2005 Read More
Christopher and Sabrina Buchanan have been married for eight years and have two children --- Chris, 9 and Nicholas, 7. They have a fairly happy marriage and enjoy a life of active physical fitness, but recent problems with illness have caused some clutter issues in their home. Their master bedroom is filled with endless clothes, books, a bowling ball and much more. Their multipurpose room is out-of-control with more books, videos, sporting equipment, turntables, a so-called ""study table"" and other assorted things contributing to the mess. Peter works with them to navigate the clutter, showing them how to split the space between themselves and dealing with Christopher's ""macho"" issues. Angelo Surmelis redesigns the rooms into amazing spaces that perfectly serve Christopher and Sabrinas' needs. The multipurpose room is given a crisp blue look, with areas to fit both their exercise and laundry needs. Lockers are added, new curtains, metal weight containers, plastic storage bins and other Air Date : 4th-Mar-2005 Read More
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