
Eddie Lyons

Born : 25th-Nov-1886

Movie Credits

Sophie of the Films #4

Thus far Sophie has failed completely as a motion picture actress. She has spoiled every scene, but through the general manager she is to be given one more chance. She is sent to the border to act in Mexican war pictures.
Released : 26th-Jun-1914

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By the Sun's Rays

The earliest surviving film featuring Lon Chaney in a major role, By the Sun's Ray's was but one of several 2-reel westerns starring the florid Murdock MacQuarrie. MacQuarrie plays a detective investigating a series of gold shipment robberies. Along the way, he falls for a mine superintendent's pretty daughter (Agnes Vernon), much to the dismay of a sullen mine office clerk (Chaney), who is also smitten with the girl...
Released : 21st-Jul-1914

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The last of the impetuous Varicks, Lady Helen Haden is married to Sir Bruce Haden, a brute who treats her shamefully. She falls in love with Ned Thayer, a young American, but refuses to divorce her husband because of the attendant scandal and disgrace. Sir Bruce gains possession of a love letter written to Ned by Lady Helen and divorces her. Ned goes to Africa, and Lady Helen comes to the United States, where she encounters Rudolph Solomon, an art collector who wants her to become his mistress. The noblewoman at first refuses, but when her money runs out, she agrees to the proposal and attends a party at his home. Ned, who has learned of the divorce, comes looking for Helen and meets her at Solomon's party. Lady Helen is so humiliated and ashamed that she rushes from the house and throws herself in front of an automobile.
Released : 11th-Apr-1925

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Hearts and Skirts

Mabel Russell, on her return from Europe, is informed by James Leonard, administrator of the Russell Estate, that it was her father's dying wish that she should marry Billy Jones, the son of William Jones, her father's schoolmate and lifelong friend. Mabel, however, has ideas of her own and rather resents being disposed of like a parcel of goods, so when Billy calls upon her, she takes advantage of the fact that he has not seen her since she was a child, and induces her maid (a young woman who has a good figure and passable manners, but is extremely homely), to impersonate her, while she dresses up as the maid.
Released : 4th-Oct-1912

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Cupid's Assistants

The old folks had planned years ago whom the young folks were to marry. Their wishes were carried out in an extremely unexpected and humorous manner.
Released : 6th-Jan-1913

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Those Lovesick Cowboys

The advent of Mabel Jones on her uncle's ranch in Stony Gulch creates great havoc among the boys. Three of them, Bob, Frank and Jack are so smitten with her charms as to forget their own sweethearts who rise up in arms and are glad indeed when Mabel's visit is over.
Released : 13th-Sep-1912

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Her Friend, the Doctor

Jane Carston was to return tomorrow from Ohio, where she had been for the past three years in school, and the ranch was all agog with expectancy and cleanliness. Bob Evans, head cowboy, was most eager and most anxious of the lot. Tomorrow finally became today and Pa had gone to the station in his best linen duster and the buckboard to meet Jane. Finally, in a cloud of dust. Bob discerns them on the brow of the hill. Arriving at the house Jane greets mother with a rousing smack.
Released : 18th-Oct-1912

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His Friend, Jimmie

Jack, at college, marries Louise. Vacation approaches; he writes his father, asking if there would be any objection to his marriage. He receives in reply a decided negative. Louise suggests a way out of the dilemma. She dresses as a boy. Jack introduces Louise as "my friend Jimmie." Dad, in the absence of Jack, takes Jimmie out to show him around. Jimmie is a poor sport, but manages to get something on Dad. Jack's mother is the first to learn the truth. When father learns the relation of "Jimmie" and Jack he is induced to yield his blessing.
Released : 21st-Apr-1913

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The Lady Barber of Roaring Gulch

Violet De Ray opens up a barber shop at Roaring Gulch. Violet not only does a ripping good business, but she unconsciously has a hand in hurrying along several matrimonial affairs which have hung fire. This is notably the case with Si, who has loved bashfully and at a respectable distance for years. He is lured into Violet's shop, and after his chin whiskers have been clipped he emerges elated; and this coupled with Mandy's desire to protect him from such evil influences, cements a long drawn out romance.
Released : 25th-Oct-1912

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Her Hero's Predicament

Lee rejoices, for has he not a holiday to-morrow? He meets Eddie, who is employed in a large dry goods emporium. He hears of Lee's luck and wants to join him. They plan.
Released : 19th-May-1913

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The Girls and Dad

Dad has three charming daughters who fall in love with three eligible young men and moreover, promise to marry them, each couple selecting a perfectly lovely place for the proposal. All this while Dad has been courting Jennie. He proposes, too, and likewise he is accepted. They arrange to keep their engagement a secret. The boys all arrange to beard the lion in his den. Dad simulates a terrible rage and banishes them forever. The boys leave. The girls are in despair. They send for the boys to come and say good-bye. The boys are interrupted by the entrance of Dad and Jennie and are astonished to learn that the lady is to be their new mamma. The boys are allowed to replace the rings upon the girl's fingers once more, and general rejoicing is in order.
Released : 8th-Aug-1913

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Sharps and Chaps

Professor De Risque, anxious to escape for a time the too solicitous attention of Madame De Risque, arrives at Roaring Gulch and, noting that the town numbers some very pretty girls amongst its population, he hangs out his shingle announcing the fact that he teaches the piano and violin. The professor is charming and the young ladies are impressionable, they readily desert the constant cowboys for the professor. The cowboys get their heads together and plan a counter-move.
Released : 8th-Nov-1912

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The Village Choir

The choir practices and the quartette, driven to desperation by the frequent false notes played by the near-sighted organist, complain. He leaves in a huff. The minister tells them that his daughter will be on hand next Sunday and will play for them. Mary arrives. She is introduced to the quartette who, during the week days, sow seeds and plow. The minister is writing a sermon when the deacon enters and demands the payment of the mortgage on the church. He is insistent, but promises to wait upon meeting Mary, when his heart melts at the sight of her loveliness.
Released : 17th-Mar-1913

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On Cupid's Highway

Eddy and his chauffeur come to the rescue of Louise and her maid, Corinne, whose automobile breaks down. Lee soon puts matters right, and Corinne gets her fuzzy hair all mixed up with his as he tinkers about. Eddy naturally keeps Louise company and cards are exchanged. Arriving home papa puts a veto on the prospective call of the impecunious young lawyers, as he wants a titled man for a son-in-law. One evening papa goes to the club, and is introduced to Lord Chester, and asks his lordship to call. While papa is thus being entertained, Eddy has called and is enjoying a tête-à-tête with Louise. Corinne spies Lee and introduces him to the butler and the cook and they all have a good time. The following day his Lordship calls, Louise however, has no use for titled personages with Eddy outside honking his auto horn.
Released : 26th-May-1913

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The Country Cousin

Eddie is well content with his bachelor quarters and life. He is not interested as he should be when his affectionate Uncle Russell, backed by Aunty, writes reminding him that he will lose a legacy of $75,000 if he is not married by his 25th birthday, which is fast approaching, and begging him to come and meet the bevy of nice girls and boys he has invited for a visit.
Released : 5th-May-1913

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An Heiress for Two

The boys are fagged with the long summer's work and are undecided where to spend their vacation. One day Eddie is idly looking over the paper when he sees that a young man has met and married a wealthy heiress at the beach; suddenly, nothing but the beach will suit them. Eddie sees the boss and they are given permission to take a vacation.
Released : 25th-Oct-1913

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Half & Half

Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran and their wives share a house. After a disagreement they decide to split the house by drawing a line down the middle
Released : 1st-Jan-1919

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Oh! Shoot

Short silent comedy starring Chaplin imitator Bobby Dunn.
Released : 30th-Jul-1923

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Pardon Me

Eddie Lyons tears his pants in the back and meets an old army buddy.
Released : 10th-Jan-1922

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My Mistake

Eddie Lyons, silent movie comedian , was a movie factory. He appeared in and directed nearly 400 films between 1911 and 1926. Lyons apparently only directed this movie despite the titles. It stars Pierre Collosse and Gus Alexander.
Released : 25th-Mar-1922

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Copyright Comedies and More. From the Library of Congress

A montage of 13 remarkable short films recently digitized by the Library of Congress, whose themes echo the program of the Domitor 2022 conference, entitled "Copy/rights and early cinema"
Released : 6th-Jun-2022

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Almost a Rescue

Almost a Rescue is a 1913 movie starring Donald MacDonald and Roscoe Arbuckle.
Released : 8th-Aug-1913

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Some Shimmiers

The night that Eddie's girl announces her engagement to her friends she plans a slumming party, which does not meet with Eddie's approval but the others are so in favor of it he is compelled to go.
Released : 12th-Jan-1920

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The Dumbwaiter

A comedy short starring Bobby Dunn & Eddie Lyons.
Released : 14th-Aug-1924

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Seeing Double

An Eddie Lyons comedy short.
Released : 9th-Aug-1923

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Unmounted Policemen

In this one, Bobby Dunn shaves his beard off (!) and then gets involved with the Mounties.
Released : 1st-Mar-1924

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Give Her Gas

Lyons and Moran Star Comedy produced by Universal.
Released : 12th-Aug-1918

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When the Deacon Swore

Alice receives an invitation from her grandfather, who is the minister of a small country church, to pay him a visit, which invitation she accepts. Mandy is loved by Jed, but her affections are with the deacon.
Released : 22nd-Jan-1915

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Chicken a la King

A King proposes to the pretty princess, but she rejects him and chooses a man from his photo and a brief record of his bravery. He is an American policeman with a wife and family. A reporter covering the story complicates matters.
Released : 10th-Mar-1919

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Making a Man of Her

In order to get a job as a cook on a ranch, a young girl disguises herself as a boy. Problems arise when several of the young women at the ranch fall in love with "him".
Released : 1st-Nov-1912

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Shadow of the Law

A young woman is framed and sent to prison for a crime she didn't commit. When she is released, she sets out to take her revenge on those responsible. -from
Released : 24th-Jan-1926

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A Lucky Loser

Eddie Lyons discovers it's hard to be a family man.
Released : 27th-Nov-1920

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The House Cleaning Horrors

Released : 26th-Aug-1918

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The Lodge in the Wilderness

Jim Wallace, a young engineer, is engaged by Hammond, manager of an estate in the Northwest, to build flumes for a logging camp, but Donovan, the superintendent, dislikes him and places numerous obstacles in his way. Virginia Coulson, owner of the estate, and her maid Dot arrive, and when Hammond proposes to Virginia, she refuses his declaration in favor of Jim. Later, when Donovan is found murdered, suspicion points to Jim, who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. Hammond gets evidence on the murderer, Goofus, a half wit, and plans to use it to force Virginia to marry him; Goofus wounds Hammond and, seeing he has not killed him, starts a forest fire. Jim, who has escaped from prison with the aid of his friend, Buddy, rescues Virginia from the burning lodge; Goofus confesses to the murder, and Jim is freed.
Released : 11th-Jul-1926

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Everything But the Truth

Although the Hervey oil company is nearly bankrupt, owner Bill Hervey is unconcerned because he is about to be married to Helen Gray and can think of nothing else. One day, while visiting his newly purchased home in the suburbs, he meets his neighbor, newlywed Annabelle Eaton, who asks Bill for a ride to a nearby chicken farm. Bill agrees, but when they reach the farm, they are locked in a room by a lunatic and forced to remain there overnight.
Released : 31st-May-1920

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Once a Plumber

Plumbers William Wilson and Joe Blynn are partners who share quite different ambitions. Will aspires to wealth and glamour while Joe is content with their plumbing business. While fixing a leak in the Hoban mansion, millionaire Hoban overhears Will's grumbling and offers the pair a chance to participate in a business deal.
Released : 27th-Sep-1920

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Waiting at the Church

Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran race to guarantee that a bride has everything she needs for the wedding to happen.
Released : 4th-Aug-1919

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Beer Must Go Down

Because Reggie is prone to drink, father severely scores him, and his patience reaches a climax when he is presented with a bill for damages Reggie has inflicted on a poor, inoffensive restaurant.
Released : 31st-Jul-1916

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Detective Dan Cupid

A 1914 comedy starring Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran. Bob (Lyons) steals a necklace from the woman he loves, Victoria, in order to give it back to her as a hero. Victoria’s father hires a detective (Moran) to find the thief - and detective and thief have the same fake beards!
Released : 7th-Aug-1914

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Behind the Screen

A look behind the scenes at Universal Studios in 1915.
Released : 23rd-Jul-1915

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Lizzie’s Dizzy Career

A 1915 Victoria Forde comedy. As Lizzie (Forde) has a beautiful voice, everybody in her tiny hometown encourage her to try a career in show business in the big city. As she arrives there, she discovers she’s too clumsy to even be part of the chorus. Her small town boyfriend, Jeb (Lyons) follows her.
Released : 5th-Feb-1915

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Pruning the Movies

Colonel Bunk, after seeing his first movie, appoints himself “supreme censor of the movies” and he and his Board of Censors set to the task of “pruning” a movie (in more ways than one).
Released : 1st-Jan-1915

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A Shocking Night

William Harcourt loses all his money in a business transaction and is forced to dismiss his servants. Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt are about to entertain Richard Thayer and his fiancée, Bessie Lane, at dinner when there is received a message announcing the arrival of Montana millionaire Bill Bradford, a client of Harcourt's. Anxious to make a good impression, Harcourt and his wife disguise themselves as servants, while Thayer and his fiancée take the part of the Harcourts.
Released : 1st-Jan-1921

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Fixed by George

Dr. Arthur Poole is paid $1,000 per week to treat the neurotic and spoiled Angelica Starr. Angelica is infatuated with her doctor, so Poole, afraid of losing his big fee, does not tell her that he is already married.
Released : 30th-Nov-1920

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La La Lucille

John Smith inherits two million dollars from his wealthy aunt on the condition that he divorce his wife Lucille, a former vaudeville performer. In order to qualify for his inheritance, John concocts the idea of divorcing his wife and then remarrying her.
Released : 19th-Jul-1920

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All Aboard

Eddie leaves on the train for his uncle's place to meet the girl who has been picked out for him to marry, much to his displeasure. Victoria sets out for her aunt's for the same purpose and takes the same train. Neither knows the other and has no idea in what the other looks like. The fat man and his wife and three children board the train. Finding that they have left the baby's nursing bottle behind, the wife gets off to buy another and misses the train. At the next stop the fat man gets off to telegraph to his wife, leaving the children in charge of Eddie, who is his friend.
Released : 12th-Feb-1915

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