
Yelena Solovey

Elena Solovey (born 24 February 1947) is a Soviet-American film actress. She has appeared in 55 films since 1966. She won the award for Best Supporting Actress in the film Faktas at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Born : 24th-Feb-1947

Movie Credits

The Adventures of Prince Florisel

A mostly comical tale of all-powerful and wealthy Bavarian prince adventures that started when prince was seeking to deal with the boredom. Joining the Club of Suicide society, he uncovered the mastermind criminal behind it, and vowed to get rid of him by any means necessary, following deaths of several servants when dreaded president of club makes dashing escape. During that point, story changes into nearly second movie, as prince has to uncover yet another crime.
Released : 1st-Jan-1979

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The Blonde Around the Corner

An unemployed astrophysicist finds a job of a docker at a grocery store, where he falls in love with a street-wise saleswoman in the produce department. But the groom runs away at the wedding reception.
Released : 6th-Jun-1983

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Without Family

A story about an orphan boy, abandoned by his family. He was raised by his kind adopted mother, and was sold by his adopted father in hardship to a traveling man who eventually, became his teacher and a father-figure. With his teacher, he learned to play music and perform on the street with 3 intelligent dogs and a monkey. He traveled through the towns of France, and through life twist and turn, eventually, lead to the ultimate search for his real family.
Released : 6th-Jun-1984

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Masha, an adventurous five years old girl tries to find what to do while her preschool is closed for quarantine.
Released : 22nd-Aug-1983

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Could One Imagine?

Two high school kids meet in class and fall madly in love with each other. Unfortunately, His father and her mother had a history of their own between them which creates uneasiness in both of them. Also because of that, the boy's mother is very jealous and tries to separate them. The only person that tries to help them is their teacher who has relationship problems of her own.
Released : 5th-Mar-1982

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A Slave of Love

During the Russian Civil War, the production of a silent melodrama runs into numerous complications.
Released : 27th-Sep-1975

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St. Petersburg, mid 19th century: the indolent, middle-aged Oblomov lives in a flat with his older servant, Zakhar. He sleeps much of the day, dreaming of his childhood on his parents' estate. His boyhood companion, Stoltz, now an energetic and successful businessman, adds Oblomov to his circle whenever he's in the city, and Oblomov's life changes when Stoltz introduces him to Olga, lovely and cultured. When Stoltz leaves for several months, Oblomov takes a country house near Olga's, and she determines to change him: to turn him into a man of society, action, and culture. Soon, Olga and Oblomov are in love; but where, in the triangle, does that leave Stoltz?
Released : 18th-Dec-1979

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Дети Ванюшина

Feature film.
Released : 11th-Feb-1974

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После нескольких лет счастливой семейной жизни жена изменила мужу. Для мужчины это - настоящая трагедия. Перед ним встают вопросы: как жить дальше? Простить измену ли нет? Можно ли продолжать любить после предательства? Тяжелые переживания приводят к тому, что у мужа появляется навязчивая идея - убить любимую. Мужчине даже приходится обратиться к психиатру...
Released : 6th-Jun-1990

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Thanks to All!

Young mathematician Dmitry hard going through the care of his wife. Having accidentally got to the shooting of the film, the hero suddenly begins to realize that the plot is based on the memories of his ex-wife.
Released : 1st-Jan-1981

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Look for a Woman

The story begins when Alice Postique, who had to stay late at work, discovers her boss Roche with a knife in his back. When the police detective arrives, Alice recognizes him as her old friend.
Released : 9th-Oct-1982

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A Ballad of Love

Leningrade. Galina works as a restorer at Catherine Palace; she is a sculptor as well and takes her profession very seriously and enthusiastically. Vera, a friend from art school, sees her loneliness and introduces her to her husband's colleagues - friendly Mitya and mysterious Andrey. Soon Galina finds herself torn between the two men.
Released : 20th-Feb-1970

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Looking for the money for a drink, an alcoholic gets a Newfoundland dog as a present from a stranger at a bird fair. He'll soon find out that the animal is not only able to speak, but to get him to give up drinking as well. Now he's determined to get rid of the dog, but that won't be an easy task.
Released : 1st-May-1988

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Funny People!

Released : 10th-Nov-1977

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The Seven Brides of Lance-Corporal Zbruyev

After a photo of Konstantin Zbruyev got published in the magazine he got a lot of letters. So now it's a time for travel across the country in order to find a bride.
Released : 17th-May-1971

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The Artist from Gribov

The film is about a movie actress who has arrived to conquer Moscow from a distant village. Started career doesn't add up. To the bad luck in the profession added disorder of personal life. Trying to do away with the unfortunate past, the heroine decides to return to her village. Keeping charm and vitality, she follows her own desires. As a result, her intentions are truly rewarded...
Released : 8th-Jan-1989

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My Heart Is in the Highlands

A surreal film done in the style of a silent farce.
Released : 5th-Jun-1967

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Lonely Woman Seeks Life Companion

Klava, a lonely woman who is bored with her life, posts an advertisement seeking a male companion. Valentin, a retired circus performer, responds to her message and the two enter a dubious relationship.
Released : 12th-Dec-1986

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Step Forward

Five sad and funny romantic stories about love...
Released : 12th-Dec-1975

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Anna Karamazoff

This film is of interest primarily because it contains within it the entire surviving footage of an unfinished 1974 film by the same director, Slave of Love, which was successfully remade shortly thereafter by another director, Nikita Mikhalkov.The "cover" story is about a woman (Jeanne Moreau) newly released from prison camps in the 1940s back into Russian society, who finds that there is no place for her in the world she has come back to. However, this painterly film is so filled with striking and surreal imagery that it would be misleading to say that the story is of any great importance in relation to that.
Released : 1st-May-1991

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King Stag

A story of court intrigues, love, and betrayal. A vain king is turned into a stag and only true love can save him
Released : 28th-Dec-1970

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Charlotte Necklace

While investigating a murder KGB detectives discover a criminal group which transfers a stolen artworks abroad .
Released : 20th-Dec-1984

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We Own the Night

A New York nightclub manager tries to save his brother and father from Russian mafia hitmen.
Released : 12th-Oct-2007

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The Diaries of a School Principal

The everyday life of a Soviet high school principal, a WWII veteran and an unfulfilled writer, whose vocation is teaching kids.
Released : 20th-Oct-1975

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An Unfinished Piece for Player Piano

On a summer day in late 19th century Russia, a group of bourgeois friends and acquaintances gather at a dilapidated country estate.
Released : 5th-Sep-1977

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Не было печали

Released : 21st-Mar-1983

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The Lost City of Z

A true-life drama in the 1920s, centering on British explorer Col. Percy Fawcett, who discovered evidence of a previously unknown, advanced civilization in the Amazon and disappeared whilst searching for it.
Released : 15th-Mar-2017

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The Immigrant

1921 New York. An immigrant woman is tricked into a life of burlesque and vaudeville until a dazzling magician tries to save her and reunite her with her sister who is being held in the confines of Ellis Island.
Released : 27th-Nov-2013

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The Wife Has Left

He considered his family life perfect. Normal, and sometimes big wages quite satisfied a beautiful and gentle wife. The child didn't cause much trouble. All that was needed for his happiness was available. But the wife is gone. She left not to another, but left, so as not to be unhappy.
Released : 1st-Apr-1979

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Until the Snow Fell

Released : 1st-Jul-1984

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Light in the Window

A girl's mother dies and she is left with her newborn sister and father, both inconsolable in their grief...
Released : 3rd-May-1980

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Having Lied Once...

Set in the Soviet Union the film is a chronicle of a life of one successful artist: his family, his friends, his clients, and his artworks.
Released : 2nd-Feb-1988

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The Air Inside Her

When six year-old Katya explores the experience of death, she discovers life like she has never seen before.
Released : 18th-May-2011

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Belated Flowers

Princess Marusya once fell in love with the serious, businesslike doctor Toporkov, and it took her whole life for this man to one day turn away from his business and look into her eyes. Her days were already numbered. And she herself, and her love, and his attention, and their short happiness - all this is like belated flowers...
Released : 1st-Jan-1969

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Drama From the Old Life

A love story between a barber and a serf actress who find themselves in an environment that combines savagery with a veneer of enlightenment. Based on Nikolai Leskov's short story "The Toupee Artist".
Released : 12th-Aug-1971

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Drama based on the play of the same name by Maxim Gorky.
Released : 18th-Dec-1978

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Crazy Money

Moscow mid-XIX century. Middle-aged provincial businessman Savva Gennadievich Vasilkov falls in love with local beauty Lidiya Yuryevna Cheboksarova. Wanting to meet her, he asks his new acquaintance Telyatev to introduce himself as Cheboksarov. Telyatev and his friend Glumov decide to play the mother of Lidiya, Nadezhda Antonovna, who wants to get a rich son-in-law, and recommend Vasilkov as a gold mining millionaire from Siberia. Savva Gennadievich begins to visit the Cheboksarovs house, but his provincialism and Lydiya’s intention to create a brilliant party due to their beauty prevent them from finding a common language.
Released : 19th-Nov-1981

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Concerto for Two Violins

The main characters are two graduates of a music school, gifted violinists. Andrei is ambitious, able-bodied, absorbed in the desire to achieve recognition. The other is Ladya Bragin, simple and reckless. On the day of the exam at the conservatory, he meets a girl who works as a clown, and immediately decides to stay in the circus. The creative successes of the heroes do not immediately and not simply take shape. Their will, their conviction of a calling, are severely tested. And yet both come to understand what happiness music can give and how much it demands from a musician...
Released : 18th-Jul-1975

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The Precipice

Boris Pavlovich Raisky, a bored Petersburg aesthet, comes to his family estate in a small town on the Volga. He hoped to find boredom and the faint-hearted provincials there, and did not expect that in the outback he was waiting for real life, dramatic love and serious passions. Boris Raisky’s estate is a blessed corner where everything pleases the eye: a native old house, tender greenery of birches and lindens, a silver strip of the Volga in the distance. And only a mysterious precipice at the end of the garden frightens the inhabitants of the estate. According to legend, at the bottom of it in ancient times, a jealous husband killed his wife and rival. “Precipice” is a symbolic word in the fate of the main character Vera. It fell to her to fall in love with a nihilist and a cynic who preaches "love for a term", painfully choose between feeling and duty, finally, go down to her beloved person in a cliff, cut off everything that connected with her former life...
Released : 19th-Jan-1984

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Yegor Bulychyov and Others

In the center of the film is a powerful, peculiar, talented Russian man, the largest timber merchant Yegor Bulychyov. He is experiencing a tragic discord with himself, with the world that surrounds him, with great social injustice, to which his whole life has been given. The idea of ​​the film is to determine the purpose and meaning of the existence of the human person, consider its polysyllabic and versatile connections with the world.
Released : 9th-Apr-1973

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Village Story

Released : 14th-Jul-1981

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The Guest

On New Year's Eve, a small company gathered. An unexpected call interrupted the fun. Behind the door stood a neighbor whom the owners did not like. They turned off the light, pretending that there was nobody at home. After some time, shame seized everyone.
Released : 1st-Jan-1980

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Unexpected Joy

Unfinished and lost film directed by Rustam Khamdamov, shot in 1972-1974.
Released : 1st-Jan-1972

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Facts is a dramatization of a massacre in a Lithuanian village during World War II when Nazis rounded up over 100 men, women, and children accused of partisan activity and then torched the houses in which they were held. Using Russian interrogations of a few survivors, the testimony of villagers, and some of the Germans responsible for the killing, the film gradually reconstructs the event and its context.
Released : 4th-Jun-1981

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Лишний билет

Released : 1st-Jul-1983

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Silver Strings

A film based on the biography of the famous Russian balalaika player Vasili Vasilevich Andreev (1867-1918), a self-taught virtuoso musician, who brought balalaika to the concert stage.
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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The Days of a Man

Released : 3rd-Jan-1989

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Fortieth Day

Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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TV Credits

Чтобы помнили

Narrator -
Released : 9th-Dec-1993

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Жизнь Клима Самгина

Vera Petrovna - Klim's Mother -
Released : 28th-Mar-1988

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Galadriel - Soviet live-action film adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring, aired once in 1991 by Leningrad Television and then thought lost. It was rediscovered in 2021. It includes scenes of Tom Bombadil and the Barrow-wight omitted from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
Released : 13th-Apr-1991

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The Sopranos

Branca Libinsk - The story of New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads. Those difficulties are often highlighted through his ongoing professional relationship with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi. The show features Tony's family members and Mafia associates in prominent roles and story arcs, most notably his wife Carmela and his cousin and protégé Christopher Moltisanti.
Released : 10th-Jan-1999

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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