
Sabine Timoteo

Born : 25th-Mar-1975

Movie Credits


Nina, an end-of-teenage orphan with mental problems, starts a new job as a garden cleaner when she meets Toni. They fell in love with each other, but soon Toni starts betraying Nina. In the meantime, Francoise is picked up at a psychic department of a Berlin hospital by her husband, Pierre. After seeing Nina, Francoise believes that she has found her kidnapped daughter Marie, but neither Toni nor Pierre believe her. Nina is unsure about what to think...
Released : 15th-Sep-2005

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A Friend of Mine

An introverted insurance executive at a car rental service is annoyed by his hyperactive, garrulous coworker, but the two end up becoming friends.
Released : 5th-Oct-2006

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Released : 1st-Jan-2007

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Love, Money, Love

David, a recently fired scrapyard worker and Marie, a prostitute, both about 20 years old, meet on New Year's Eve in Berlin and decide to run away together. As David's arm is plastered from an accident Marie continues to prostitute herself to finance their restless journey through the Ruhr area. Their love and their will to survive guide them though all problems.
Released : 8th-Aug-2000

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The Free Will

After nine years in psychiatric detention Theo, who has brutally assaulted and raped three women, is released. Living in a supervised community, he connects well with his social worker Sascha, finds a job at a print shop and even a girlfriend, Nettie, his principal's brittle and estranged daughter. But even though superficially everything seems to work out Theo's seething rage remains ready to erupt.
Released : 23rd-Aug-2006

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The Days Between

Lynn is a cheerful 22-year-old who works at a cafe and lives with her brother. Though she has no real direction in life, she is happy. Conversely, her boyfriend, David, is a career-driven swimmer who seems to care only about his training. Then Lynn meets Japanese exchange student Koji, and, though they speak different languages and spend most of their time together in silence, the two soon become closer than she and David had ever been.
Released : 1st-Aug-2001

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Brownian Movement

A psychiatrist's adulterous past continues to haunt her and her husband after they move to India.
Released : 24th-Mar-2010

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Friends of Friends

Dominik Graf relocates the story of the same name by Henry James from the 19th century to the year 2001.
Released : 23rd-Oct-2002

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Color of the Ocean

After years working as a border patrolman, José has developed a salty crust of cynicism about his work, which places him in a position to decide the fates of many. José's weary attitude is put to the test when he encounters Nathalie, a German tourist assisting a boatload of refugees she discovered landing on the Canary shores. One of those people, a Congolese man named Zola, is placed in an internment camp. Much to the objections of her husband Paul, Nathalie tries to help him escape. Yet Zola and his son Mamadou eventually find themselves in yet another precarious situation, in which they are dependent on nefarious smugglers.
Released : 22nd-Mar-2012

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Nina and Ben go on a vacation without their daughter to the Mediterranean. Their vacation is going well until Ben goes swimming with a young woman during a wild beach party and she does not come back.
Released : 10th-Feb-2012

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Achille, 13, awaits, full of hope, the release from prison of his father, unknown and fantasized. His dream of living as a threesome, like a real family, will be seriously undermined by a mother exhausted from waiting and this father who is unsuitable and made irresponsible by so many years of incarceration. Will this vulnerable person with a flamboyant past be able to keep the promise he made to his son to never live apart from him again?
Released : 27th-Feb-2013

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Pepperminta is an anarchist of the imagination. She lives in a futuristic rainbow villa and according to her own rules. Colors are the young woman's best friends and strawberries are her pets. She knows the most amazing remedies to free people of their fears. Pepperminta's wish is for everyone to see the world in her favorite colors. Werwen, a young plump and shy man yet whose sex appeal Pepperminta finds highly attractive, and the beautiful Edna, who talks to tulips, join her on her passionate mission. These three musketeers of a different kind set out to fight for a more humane world. Wherever the gang appears, everything is turned upside down and people's lives are transformed in the most miraculous and wondrous of ways.
Released : 5th-Sep-2009

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Sugar Orange

Lukas is Sugar, Clemens is Orange. Together, they are two ten-year-old boys who are inseparable. More than just playmates, they share a unique bond which seems predestined to last a lifetime. Until, that is, powerful emotions come to the fore and a misunderstanding leads to a rift which tears both them and their world apart. Twenty years later, Lukas is still terrified of being abandoned. He survives by forming loose relationships which don't threaten him. Then one day he meets Lena who turns his feelings upside down and awakens his inner child, the one still searching for unconditional friendship. While there is never a guarantee of security, there is a bond of trust, and through Lena, Lukas again makes contact with Clemens. After years of silence, they are finally able to exorcise their ghosts in an explosion of emotion.
Released : 29th-Aug-2004

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Thirteen-year-old Paula lives with her mother on a well-kept estate in a small town surrounded by nice neighbours. But Paula's view of normality has been sharpened by her extensive and consistent diet of horror movies.
Released : 1st-Jan-2002

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Futuro Beach

Donato fails in his attempt to save a drowning man, and meets one of the man's friends. He decides to start his life over, but pieces of his past keep coming after him.
Released : 1st-May-2014

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Irgendwas ist immer

Released : 18th-Dec-2003

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The Drift

Robert, a former driver in illegal races, returns to his hometown Dietikon after a long period of absence. He is determined to put his past behind him and starts an apprenticeship in a repair shop. When he meets teacher Alice, his life starts to unravel.
Released : 5th-Mar-2015

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After Effect

Berlin in the 3rd millenium. Rather by chance Kai Starel gets into the newly founded CC Institute "Carl Celler Culture", where hip creative minds buzz around in bleak spaces and think about company logos with animals. This brings up art, campaigns or something inbetween - and a liaison between the designer queen Rena Yazka (Sabine Timoteo) and Kai, who becomes her model.
Released : 12th-Sep-2007

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Flanke ins All

Released : 1st-Dec-2006

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Center of My World

A strange family: 17-year-old Phil lives with his mother and twin sister in an old mansion on the outskirts of town. When he returns from summer camp, the mood in the mansion has soured somehow. Phil doesn’t worry about it, hanging out with his best friend Kat instead. When he starts to feel attracted to a mysterious new student at school, Phil is plunged into emotional turmoil only exacerbated by the trouble at home.
Released : 10th-Nov-2016

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The Wonders

Gelsomina’s family works according to some special rules. First of all, Gelsomina, at twelve years of age, is head of the family and her three younger sisters must obey her: sleep when she tells them to and work under her watchful eye. But the world, the outside, mustn’t know anything about their rules, and must be kept away from them. They must learn to disguise themselves.
Released : 22nd-May-2014

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Early evening - a big city. Two teenagers shyly flirt with each other, a housewife sits down to watch her daily soap, nurses in a hospital gossip before the nightshift starts, a trendy couple drives through rush hour, so excited they can hardly wait to get home - a man with a rifle enters a building seeking revenge. In the blink of an eye seemingly unrelated events turn upside down what were once secure, happy, 'normal' lives. Behind fear, beyond the unexpected, there is love and hope.
Released : 25th-Sep-2010

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Zen for Nothing

Hidden in the wooded mountains on the west coast of Japan lies the small Zen monastery Antaiji. A young woman sets off to immerse herself through autumn, winter and spring in the adventures of monastic life. The young woman is Sabine Timoteo from Switzerland. The abbot of the monastery is Muho Noelke, born in Berlin. An interplay between the philosophy of the Japanese Zen master Kodo Sawaki and the surprises brought forth by everyday life.
Released : 2nd-Jun-2016

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The Chronicles of Melanie

The 14th of June 1941, Soviet-occupied Latvia: Without warning, the authorities break into the house of Melanie and her husband Aleksandr and force them to leave everything behind. Together with more than 15 000 Latvians, Melanie and her son get deported to Siberia. In her fight against cold, famine and cruelty, she only gains new strength through the letters she writes to Aleksandr, full of hope for a free Latvia and a better tomorrow.
Released : 1st-Nov-2016

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Kill Daddy Good Night

The story and fate of three families: A Jewish family destroyed by the massacres of the Nazis in Lithuania; the family of the culprit, who flew to America and keeps grotesque family cohesion; the family of Ratz, a social democratic family, dissolving itself miserably in today's Vienna. The condemnation of the last century bundled in these three families showing clearly that one could never escape from its own past. Written by themoth-1
Released : 26th-Nov-2009

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Analysis Paralysis

A man’s head is bursting with thoughts and decisions. A gardener is about to explode – somebody has trampled on her flowerbeds. The man is looking for somebody who is better at playing chess than his dachshund. The gardener is looking for a mysterious vandal who is missing a yellow boot. In the end, they might just be looking for the same thing.
Released : 25th-Sep-2016

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7 Minutes

Women in a failing silk factory, fight to find a way to keep their jobs.
Released : 3rd-Nov-2016

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Sarah Plays a Werewolf

17-year old Sarah, filled with adolescent angst, is an extreme person who in her rehearsals with a theatre group is transformed until she is almost in a trance, and her performances at home or elsewhere verge on excess. A cold, intellectual father, a timid mother, a younger sister and an older brother who has left home complete the picture: a silent time bomb.
Released : 3rd-Oct-2017

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Deadly Leaks

Journalist Rommy Kirchhoff wants to interview a whistle-blower. Paul Holthaus, lobbyist on behalf of the agricultural company Norgreen Life Inc., is ready to report on the background negotiations on TTIP. But as soon as the explosive interview begins, Rommy is overwhelmed. When she regains consciousness, there is no trace of the informant. Rommy realizes she has entered a story of unprecedented proportions.
Released : 5th-Nov-2016

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Sicilian Ghost Story

In a little Sicilian village at the edge of a forest, Giuseppe, a boy of 13, vanishes. Luna, his classmate who loves him, refuses to accept his mysterious disappearance. She rebels against the silence and complicity that surround her, and to find him she descends into the dark world which has swallowed him up and which has a lake as its mysterious entrance.
Released : 18th-Nov-2017

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The New End

Released : 1st-Jul-2018

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Shy, sensitive high school outsider Jakob Moormann is miserably lacking immaterial support at home, where his strict father, uniformed cop Claas, and selfish mother are too busy breaking up to be there for him. Jakob focuses on class dream-girl Hannah, without much luck. His secret recording of himself masturbating gets into class bullies Henry and Erik's hands through the mother's thoughtlessness. The rascals blackmail Jakob and post the video on the Internet. After a raging lecture phase, dad stands up for Jakob, but his life is already wrecked more than anyone realizes.
Released : 18th-Aug-2011

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Orphan, Oskar lives with Elvis and Fanny Egger, his guardians. Oskar is waiting for one thing, the majority, to finally be able to go to Zimbabwe and start a new life. While Oskar strives to raise money to get there, Elvis takes Oskar's success and makes it cost him to graduate. The balance of power is becoming more and more tense, swinging into a violence that will push Oskar to definitively abandon childhood, and Elvis, to fall the mask of his ambition and his madness.
Released : 27th-Sep-2017

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Cloud Whispers

On an impulse, 60 year old Charlotte leaves her husband stranded at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. A deep and driven instinct has her setting off, away from her old mundane life as a grandmother, a mother, a wife, and towards a new and different life. Little does she know that her granddaughter, Jo, a wonderfully whimsical child, is hiding in the back of the car. Charlotte’s spontaneous escape triggers off a journey, not only for her and her granddaughter, but also for her husband Paul and daughter Alex. As Paul and Alex pursue Charlotte and Jo across the countryside, they stumble into their own mishaps, self discoveries and emotional confrontations.
Released : 3rd-May-2018

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Kleine Fische

Released : 1st-Apr-2007

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Matti and Sami and the Three Biggest Mistakes in the Universe

Matti is 11 years old and dreams of a family vacation in his father’s native country, Finland. He manages to get what he wants by telling a whopping lie. But once they get there, Matti, his younger brother Sami and his parents find themselves without a place to stay, no money and no car in the middle of Finnish wilderness. Only a miracle can save them – or Uncle Jussi, who has been struggling to compete with Matti’s father his whole life. This movie based on Salah Naoura’s award-winning children book offers entertainment for people of all ages.
Released : 19th-Apr-2018

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Das Ächzen der Asche

An experimental conclusion to Klopfensteins trilogy of walk-and-talk philosophical films, presented mostly in negative black-and-white pictures
Released : 23rd-Aug-2018

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Bis ans Ende der Träume

Released : 1st-Feb-2018

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A mysterious lonely man and a young rebel woman, confront each other in a psychological drama about suspended identity.
Released : 26th-Mar-2019

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How I Taught Myself to Be a Child

Paul Silberstein, youngest son of an urbane but deeply strange old Austrian dynasty of confectionery millionaires, discovers the power of love and humor - and also his own extraordinary ability to shape his realities. Based on the motives of the short story with the same name by André Heller.
Released : 1st-Mar-2019

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The Black Brothers

Up until the middle of the 19Th century, poverty stricken mountain farmers from the Ticino area of Switzerland frequently sold their children to Milan as chimney sweeps or spazzacamini. That is also young Giorgios fate. He is forced to climb through pitch black chimneys, flinging down the soot with his bare hands. But he does not lose heart. Together with his buddies sharing in the same misery, he establishes the association of Black Brothers. They stick together, struggling against their penury and getting involved in fights with the street gangs of Milan. The film tells of the gripping adventures of the chimney sweep boys and their spectacular escape back to their native land.
Released : 17th-Apr-2014

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The Tears Thing

Florence is an actress. The preparations for her next film will put her through an unexpected ordeal: an initiation with real bullets.
Released : 29th-Aug-2019

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Little Paradise

Annegret, is a mentally handicapped woman in her mid-thirties who falls in love with Res, an oldish slightly peculiar rocker. Annegret's family however is not happy with the relationship and they want to stop her seeing her lover. Annegreth fights back.
Released : 10th-Aug-2010

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Roll the Drum!

In the spring of 1970 a small village in Valais experienced unusual turbulence. Is it because of the federal vote on women's suffrage? Or in the upcoming foreign infiltration initiative? No, it's worse: the brass band is falling apart! Half of the village blames Aloys, the other half blames Pierre. What begins as a musical conflict soon leads to a political conflict and even extends to love.
Released : 5th-Jun-2019

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Feeling neglected by her mother and sister on their holiday in Spain, 13-year-old Claire tries to help a young Senegalese beach vendor to escape his misery.
Released : 18th-Oct-2019

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Exit Oerlikon

When Hans looks back, he must say: That was a good life! He saw the world, loved his wife Martha and yes, two, three things went wrong. But that doesn't need to be talked about. And now? Two years ago Martha died, Hans can barely manage his daily routine anymore, and after a visit to the vet his beloved dog Miller doesn't return home. Hans is tired. Basically he can't be bothered anymore. He wants to die. But one doesn't talk about this. At best maybe with Willi, his friend. He trusts in him, he considers him as his ally, who should help him implement his plan...
Released : 29th-Jan-2015

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Human Factors

To escape mounting tensions at the advertising agency they co-own, French-German couple Nina and Jan whisk their kids, Max and Emma, away to their seaside vacation home. The couple has signed a new politically charged client, forcing them to confront their clashing priorities. But what’s meant to be an idyllic off-season retreat turns sinister when burglars tear through the house, unseen by anyone except Nina. Though at first the aftermath brings the family closer, it’s short-lived once Max reveals he glimpsed his father hiding during the break-in. As the police investigate and the evidence doesn’t add up, the account of what took place begins to unravel alongside the couple’s faith in each other.
Released : 30th-Jun-2022

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The Collini Case

A young lawyer stumbles upon a vast conspiracy while investigating a brutal murder case.
Released : 18th-Apr-2019

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The Girl and the Spider

Lisa is moving. Upheaval all around: Her mother flirts with a handyman. An eccentric woman seems to be preparing for a glamorous event, a family next door returns from vacation, and a girl documents the adventurous day. As boxes are transported, walls painted white, and furniture is assembled, underlying problems in need of fixing are revealed, a to-do list expands, and desires and needs flair up.
Released : 13th-May-2021

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Robber Girls

Emily is sent to work and live in the Sovereign's castle. She manages to escape into the woods, where she meets some lively hookers. Together they become «Robber Girls» taking a stand and fighting the patriarchy.
Released : 6th-Feb-2009

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TV Credits


Gabi Kunz - Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland.
Released : 29th-Nov-1970

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Self -
Released : 16th-Jan-1964

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Deutscher Filmpreis

Self -
Released : 1st-Jan-1951

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Sabine Timoteo - Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland.
Released : 29th-Nov-1970

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Magdalena Kaltbrunner - The three rich bigwigs Nellie, Max and Janosch visit an illegal luxury underground party under Munich Central Station in search of the next kick. But the party escalates when a fire breaks out. After a mass panic, Max is considered to have disappeared. Nellie and Janosch go in search of their boyfriend and come across a second society, the so-called invisible ones, who live underground.
Released : 11th-Mar-2021

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Teresa Weinberger - Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland.
Released : 29th-Nov-1970

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Riesending - Jede Stunde zählt

Raffaela Pardeller -
Released : 28th-Dec-2022

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Der Greif

Petra - The Gryphon, a dark power from another world, is a threat to Mark and all he loves. Mark must accept his heavy family legacy and go into battle to save our world from the Gryphon’s clutches.
Released : 26th-May-2023

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Manon - Tatort is a long-running German/Austrian/Swiss, crime television series set in various parts of these countries. The show is broadcast on the channels of ARD in Germany, ORF in Austria and SF1 in Switzerland.
Released : 29th-Nov-1970

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Annika - A ragtag crew of podcasters sets out to investigate mysterious disappearances from decades earlier in a charming Irish town with dark, dreadful secrets.
Released : 9th-May-2024

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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