
Willi Schrade

Born : 31st-Jan-1935

Movie Credits

Verwirrung der Liebe

The film tells the love story of two young couples. According to their social ranks, construction worker Edy is dating employee Siegi, while medical student Dieter is dating art school student Sonja. Rather unintentionally, they exchange partners. During a carnival ball, Dieter makes out with Siegi because he falls for her her fresh and happy girlish manner. Sonja coolly observes this game and sees this intermezzo as a test for their relationship. While Siegi and Dieter vacation at the sea, Sonja falls in love with Edy. Now the die seems to be cast for new constellations. But when both couples stand in front of the registrar’s office, they finally come to their senses.
Released : 8th-Oct-1959

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The Legend of Paul and Paula

Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
Released : 14th-Mar-1973

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Kit & Co.

The adventures of Kit Bellew and his friend Shorty during the gold fever at the end of the 19th century.
Released : 15th-Dec-1974

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Sun Seekers

A socialist story of "atoms for peace" and compulsory labor in an East German uranium mine under Soviet control.
Released : 26th-Mar-1972

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In Search of the Magical Bird

A fantasy story about the young boy Lutz who is looking, with two friends, for a missing magical bird.
Released : 6th-Mar-1964

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Eight-year-old Matthias dreams that he will someday become a pilot and his divorced parents will get back together. He waits yearningly for his ninth birthday because his father has told him the story of Icarus, and promised to take him on a sightseeing flight. When Matthias' father doesn't come home, he is devastated. He runs throughout the city, talks to his friend about the relationships of adults, looks for his father at his desk, and gets himself into conflict with the police. As he sits alone on the roof of a house, he comes to the conclusion that Icarus didn't plummet to the earth because he didn't listen to his father, but rather because his father had forgotten him.
Released : 3rd-Sep-1975

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Die Grünstein-Variante

The plot revolves around three men waiting to be deported in a prison. To escape the monotony, they form chess pieces from their bread rations, with which they then play against each other. Grünstein, a Polish Jew, proves to be a real talent, because although he is a beginner, he manages to defeat even the experienced player Lodeck, a German sailor, with his "Grünstein Variant".
Released : 19th-Apr-1985

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Our Best Man

The main character Otto, the "best man", is a copy of the illustrious Mister Bean. He takes on an apprenticeship as a building-worker, which makes him a member of a building brigade. At the same time Otto tries to start a love affair, which he handles even clumsier. Never the less Otto makes progress with the lady in question, a single mother, who apparently doesn't mind. Actually he wanted her sister, but a retired Leninist party member changes his mind. This gives him the courage to persevere in his work, albeit with the helping hand of the obligatory retired party member. And behold, in the end Otto invents a new method of building, which saves the brigade many hours of work.
Released : 27th-Nov-1983

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Ein Katzensprung

Young lieutenant Riedel, the leader of a motorized unit of NVA riflemen, is always concerned about his men. Thus, he is all the more happy that everything is running smoothly with the new recruits when he returns from his honeymoon. It seems to him that lance corporal Weißenbach, who is not only the oldest of the men but also a formidable armoured personnel carrier driver, has been a reliable stand-in for him. Thus, Riedel is all the more surprised when he learns that Weißenbach boosts the squad's performance with partly questionable methods.
Released : 29th-Jun-1977

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Bahnwärter Thiel

Released : 21st-Nov-1982

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Der Dieb von San Marengo

Released : 25th-Jul-1963

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Das Versteck

One year has passed since Max and Wanda got their divorce. Max has come to the realization that he wants his ex-wife back - no matter what the cost! So he concocts a sneaky plan: he asks Wanda to hide him from the police, who are apparently looking for him. At first, Wanda rejects all his attempts to restart their relationship. But she is soon unable to resist Max's convincing promises and even throws her lover out of the house. But then she discovers Max's lie.
Released : 6th-Nov-1978

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The Rabbit Is Me

The Rabbit Is Me was made in 1965 to encourage discussion of the democratization of East German society. In it, a young student has an affair with a judge who once sentenced her brother for political reasons; she eventually confronts him with his opportunism and hypocrisy. It is a sardonic portrayal of the German Democratic Republic's judicial system and its social implications. The film was banned by officials as an anti-socialist, pessimistic and revisionist attack on the state. It henceforth lent its name to all the banned films of 1965, which became known as the "Rabbit Films." After its release in 1990, The Rabbit Is Me earned critical praise as one of the most important and courageous works ever made in East Germany. It was screened at The Museum of Modern Art in 2005 as part of the film series Rebels with a Cause: The Cinema of East Germany.
Released : 25th-Oct-1965

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Black Panthers

Seventeen-year-old Martina has a paralyzing fear of heights, which prevents her from fulfilling her father’s wish that they perform a tightrope act together. As she is quite taken with the black panthers in the circus, as well as their trainer Dittrich, she decides to be an animal trainer instead.
Released : 4th-Aug-1966

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The Ancient Coin

History teacher and coin collector Karl Schneider wants to track down an ancient coin while on vacation in Bulgaria. When he meets a group of musicians, he finds out that their singer Jana Christova is wearing this coin around her neck. He falls in love with her, but the young love soon faces some unexpected troubles. His travel companion, the pop singer Theobald, accompanies the events with music.
Released : 20th-May-1965

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This East German movie was co-produced with studios in Hungary and Yugoslavia, with many interesting location shots (border checkpoint to West Berlin, the Gellert bath in Budapest, and more). The plot is about French drug dealers, who obtain heroin somewhere in the Middle East, and smuggle it in several steps to East Berlin, and from there to France (or so it appears), killing when necessary. The hero is an officer of East German customs, who with detective work, some masquerade, and occasional violent action ultimately unravels the whole network, of course with the support of the local customs departments.
Released : 14th-Mar-1968

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Fahrt ins Blaue

Released : 3rd-Sep-1960

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Die Alleinseglerin

Christine inherits a sailboat from her father, whom she barely knew. Christine is a divorced single mother and her job at a research insitute leaves her with too much work and too little time to sail. She can't find anyone to buy the boat at full value, so she tries to repair it over the winter in the hopes of being able to get a better price in the spring. Working on the boat become something of an obsession to the detriment of Christine's relationships with her son, boyfriend and collegues. When the boat is finally ready to sell, she isn't sure that she is willing to part with it after all.
Released : 2nd-Jul-1987

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Aus meiner Kindheit

Released : 15th-Feb-1975

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Erster Verlust

Released : 5th-Oct-1990

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Einfach Blumen aufs Dach

Mechanic Hannes Blaschke and his wife Maxi, who works as a bus driver, have just become happy parents of twins. Now they have a serious transportation problem: Their Trabant is far too small for the grown family that furthermore includes two sons and a dog. Thanks to the support of a state secretary and of his brigade, Hannes acquires a Tschaika – a limousine that is normally restricted to representational purposes – for a small price. Whereas Maxi views the state carriage only as a useful means of transportation, Hannes enjoys the unusual pre-emption he is receiving for the spectacular car. Hannes, who normally is just a humble guy, starts to grate his colleagues with his new affectations. Thus, they teach him an effective lesson: They decorate the state carriage with flowers and thus bring Hannes back down to earth in a humorous way.
Released : 27th-Jun-1979

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Suse, liebe Suse

Suse works as a truck driver on a major construction site. The young woman has a hard life behind her. She was foundling, was raised by farmers. Manne, the father of her child, wanted to escape from the GDR and is in prison. After he is released, Manne wants to live again with Suse and their child together. But she rejects him as well as another worshiper. Suse is more interested in the Soviet engineer Boris, but apparently not for her, since he can never remember her at their chance encounters. But a much bigger problem - and a difficult one - is Suse, when she is offered to go to the Soviet Union for six months.
Released : 27th-Feb-1975

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Ripe Cherries

Helmut Kamp, the construction brigade leader, a man no longer young, life immediately confronted several difficult and woeful problems. The birth of a son, the tragic death of his wife, the relationship of his daughter Ingrid with Dr. Beißert coincided with the need to move to an uninhabited area where a nuclear power plant will be built. Kamp, Ingrid and the members of the friendly brigade decide to act as the duty and the feeling of partnership prompts them, and gradually they all become participants in the new construction...
Released : 6th-Dec-1973

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Seine Hoheit – Genosse Prinz

Kasper Mai, an export merchant and comrade with a “clean” record, discovers he is the prince of Hohenlohe-Liebenstein. His royal grandmother designates him as the heir to her estate. A private trip to her reveals that she does not want a NATO airbase built on her land. The GDR and his grandmother thus find a common interest, and a clever lawyer from the East works against other family members looking to settle their debts with the estate money.
Released : 15th-Aug-1969

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Her Third

In this East German film, the third one in The Third is Margit's third lover. After her mother's death, Margit has two affairs which don't work out, and one lesbian friendship which she retains. She is looking for a husband, though, and thinks she has spotted a candidate in her fellow factory worker. As she contemplates marrying him, her story is told in a series of flashbacks.
Released : 16th-Mar-1972

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After a ten-year absence, Severino returns to his tribe, the Manzeneros, who live on the edge of the Argentinian Andes. The reason for his visit is to take his younger brother back with him up north. However, in his home village, Severino finds a tense and troubled situation. His father Raymundo has recently been found dead. He was on the tracks of a gang of white bandits who had stolen cattle from both Indians and settlers. A sheep breeding company is behind these criminal machinations. This company seeks to drive the Indians and settlers off the fertile land so that they can purchase it cheaply.
Released : 30th-Jun-1978

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Sabine Wulff

Sabine Wulff is almost 18 when she is released from the juvenile detention center. She doesn't want to return to her unsupportive parents or to her former boyfriend Jimmy, who got her into trouble by persuading her to steal cigarettes. She instead chooses to begin an honest life by getting a job and renting her own room.
Released : 10th-Nov-1978

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DEFA Disko 77

A film gala featuring a colorfully mixed program of musical numbers, along with the most popular artists of the GDR music, film and television scenes. The majority of the show is comprised of music performances, which are visually altered or transformed. Cabaret-style written contributions and one acts round out the program. Before each performance, the artists involved are seen in an everyday situation in their life.
Released : 26th-May-1977

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Released : 3rd-Apr-1980

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Die Stunde der Töchter

A life-threatening heart attack confines Richard Roth to the hospital bed. There, Richard, who is in his late fifties, asks himself what will remain of him and his life. What happened to his four daughters? Do they take after him? How have they developed? His youngest daughter Nanny, who is still living with her father, gets her three other siblings to Weimar to visit their father.
Released : 26th-Feb-1981

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Die Schmuggler von Rajgrod

In 1903, Jan Anskath and his half-brother Martin are living in Rajgorod at the border between Russia and Prussia – Jan on the Russian, Martin on the Prussian side. Both are occasionally smuggling stuff over the border. But while Jan acts from political conviction and is smuggling illegal writings over the border, Martin is only interested in the money. That is why he does not question his shadowy client when he sneaks out refugees into Russia. But then it becomes evident that the distinguished gentleman has robbed the refugees from all of their belongings, only to turn them over to the authorities of the Czar.
Released : 18th-Apr-1980

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Dangerous Games

1934, Germany. The ten-year-old Peter lives in a small town with his parents. His father, an underground Communist, is arrested. In the summer vacation the kids from the neighbourhood fight in two teams, which prevail in turns. One team, led by Ewald, imitates the Nazis, while the other, headed by Fritz, follows his Communist father's example.
Released : 1st-May-1980

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Die Mahnung

The action takes place in Moscow, Berlin and Vienna in years 1932 and 1933, a time when the great Bulgarian revolutionary and internationalist Georgi Dimitrov was actively involved in establishing a broad alliance of democratic forces against the emerging threat of war and fascism.
Released : 21st-Oct-1982

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Meine Frau Inge und meine Frau Schmidt

Film by Roland Oehme.
Released : 21st-Feb-1985

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Lot's Wife

The marriage of Katrin and Richard Lot has become a routine. She has a career and he, as a Marine officer, comes home only once every fourteen days. The children greet him with joy, but she greets him only with anxiety because their marriage is missing its key ingredient: love. She wants a divorce, but he refuses mainly out of comfort as well as due to pressure from the party. Katrin finds a strange solution: she shoplifts and is put on probation for three months. This is enough to force Richard into a divorce because he is concerned about the "moral liability" of his wife.
Released : 26th-Aug-1965

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Der Streit um des Esels Schatten

The philosopher Democritus has a toothache, so a dentist from ancient Abdera sets off for his house. En route, he gets into a fight with a donkey driver. This conflict eventually causes all of Abdera to go crazy. Just when the city is seconds away from having a civil war, Democritus' apprentice shows up to ease the city's tensions with a gift.
Released : 20th-Jul-1990

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Geschichten jener Nacht

Four directors - four styles - four episodes, all relating the events of a single night which has entered the history books: August 12-13, 1961. There are thousands of complex narratives connected with the frontier drawn through the middle of Berlin, and each episode relates the story of a difficult decision made on that night...
Released : 7th-Jun-1967

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Brot und Rosen

Film by Thiel and Brandt.
Released : 27th-Sep-1967

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Ein Sommertag macht keine Liebe

During a weekend spent on the island Hiddensee, the snobbish high school student Jan, who has just been expelled from school, meets Christine. Christine is impressed with his bragging attitude although he just uses it to hide his insecurity and his remorse about the fact that he was sacked. Naturally, he keeps quiet about his current situation. Christine’s companion Hannes is less thrilled about Jan. Later on, the three of them meet again at a dockyard in Stralsund. After the disreputable end of his school career, Jan is assigned to the very brigade in which Christine and Hannes work as a crane operator and a brigadier respectively.
Released : 17th-Mar-1961

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Die Entscheidung des Dr. Ahrendt

Film by Frank Vogel.
Released : 8th-Jun-1960

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Reportage 57

Released : 3rd-Apr-1959

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Schwarzes Gold

East German television film.
Released : 1st-Aug-1981

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Visa für Ocantros

Released : 25th-Dec-1974

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Die Heimkehr des Joachim Ott

Released : 20th-Apr-1980

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Coming Out

Philipp, a closeted teacher, is dating a female colleague to keep up appearances. One night he stumbles into a gay bar and falls for a man. Transformed by this love, he is no longer afraid to face up to who he is.
Released : 9th-Nov-1989

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The Sons of Great Bear

As American settlers encroach on the lands of the Lakota people, Tokei-ihto witnesses the murder of his father at the hands of Red Fox, who wanted information on where the tribe finds its gold. Two years later, at the height of the Great Sioux War, Tokei-ihto and Red Fox meet again.
Released : 18th-Feb-1966

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Verlobung in Hullerbusch

Released : 30th-Oct-1979

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Mord an Rathenau

Released : 23rd-Nov-1961

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The Goose-Girl at the Fountain

A young blacksmith, searching for happiness in a series of dreams, realizes that he must find a rejected princess and hold her hand. A fairytale after the Brothers Grimm.
Released : 22nd-Dec-1979

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The Blue Helmet

A story about funny adventures young boy Mirco and a drillers blue helmet.
Released : 25th-Dec-1979

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Rückkehr als Toter

Released : 10th-Mar-1974

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TV Credits

Wege übers Land

Postenführer - East German TV miniseries about the young maid Gertrud Habersaat, who marries, moves from Mecklenburg to Poland in the early 1940s, has to come back to Mecklenburg as a refugee during World War II and finally finds her place during the 1950s.
Released : 22nd-Sep-1968

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Polizeiruf 110

Pilz - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort

Peter Enders - Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort was an East German television series.
Released : 21st-Oct-1965

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Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort

Manfred Glaser - Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort was an East German television series.
Released : 21st-Oct-1965

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Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort

Andreas 'Andy' Fürst - Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort was an East German television series.
Released : 21st-Oct-1965

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Zur See

Willi Schmidt -
Released : 7th-Jan-1977

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Rote Bergsteiger

Klaus Freitag - Rote Bergsteiger is a German television series.
Released : 19th-Jun-1968

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Polizeiruf 110

Kurt Bornmann - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Hauptwachtmeister Klinger - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Benno -
Released : 1st-Jan-1990

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Polizeiruf 110

Erster Abschnittsbevollmächtigter - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Unfallarzt - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Willi - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Kraftfahrer bei VEB Chemie - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Radfahrer - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Herr Matusche - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Kapitän - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Brigadearbeiter Hinrichs - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Polizeiruf 110

Mitarbeiter - Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.
Released : 27th-Jun-1971

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Barfuß ins Bett

Martin Vetter - Barfuß ins Bett is a German family television series, broadcast in 14 parts between 1988 and 1990.
Released : 24th-Jun-1988

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30 případů majora Zemana

- Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.
Released : 11th-Jan-1976

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- Rottenknechte is a 1971 East German five part television film directed by Frank Beyer. The first part premiered on 08.01.1971 on the East German public DFF1, with the other four parts being shown in the same month. The film concentrates on the last days of the German navy during World War II.
Released : 8th-Jan-1971

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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