
James Kirkwood

Born : 21st-Feb-1876

Movie Credits

A Corner in Wheat

On a whim, a greedy tycoon decides to corner the world market in wheat. This doubles the price of bread, forcing grain producers into charity lines and others further into poverty. The film contrasts the differences between the lives of those who work to grow the wheat and the life of the man who dabbles in its sale for profit.
Released : 13th-Dec-1909

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A Holy Terror

Eastern millionaire's son Bard finds his father murdered and flies west to see rancher Drew who may know something about it. En route he crashes his plane into Jerry's bathroom; she falls in love with him which makes her suitor Steve jealous.
Released : 19th-Jul-1931

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An orphan helps a doctor fight an epidemic in a small western town, in one of Allan Dwan’s closely observed studies in Americana.
Released : 15th-Sep-1947

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No Hands on the Clock

A wise-cracking private detective's honeymoon is interrupted by a kidnapping case.
Released : 1st-Dec-1941

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The Last Posse

A posse's pursuit of bank robbers ends with loot missing and a sheriff (Broderick Crawford) wounded.
Released : 4th-Jul-1953

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The Sun Shines Bright

With the election approaching, a judge in a Southern town at the turn of the 20th century is involved variously in revealing the real identity of a young woman, reliving his Civil War memories, and preventing the lynching of an African youth.
Released : 2nd-May-1953

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The Man From Home

A fairly conventional romance of an American heiress, loved by boy back home, bedazzled by a glamorous prince in beautiful Italian surroundings.
Released : 30th-Apr-1922

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The Mended Lute

In an Indian tribe, a girl escapes from her father and suitor to be with the man she loves.
Released : 5th-Aug-1909

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Lena Rivers

Young Lena Rivers, who was born out of wedlock, goes to live with a rich uncle. Unfortunately, her uncle's wife and daughter make no secret of their dislike of Lena and that they don't want her in their family.
Released : 27th-Mar-1932

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STRONGHEART (1914) is a Native American Indian drama. Based on a famous play of the time, the film features an all-star cast. Originally five reels, the film was reissued at three reels in 1916.
Released : 8th-Mar-1914

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The Mountaineer's Honor

A mountain girl is seduced by a traveler from the valley. Her brother tracks the seducer down and kills him. In retaliation, the sheriff captures the brother and prepares to lynch him. Mother intervenes and, to save her son the disgrace of hanging, shoots him.
Released : 24th-Nov-1909

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The Devil's Holiday

Beautiful manicurist Hallie Hobart sets her sights on handsome David Stone, the son of wealthy wheat farmer Ezra Stone. Professing to hate men, Hallie is only interested in luring David in for a lucrative business deal. David easily falls in love, but older brother Mark brands Hallie a gold-digger. To get even with the straight-laced Stone family, Hallie accepts David's marriage proposal.
Released : 9th-May-1930

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Fools of Fate

Fanny is the wife of Ben Webster, a trapper, and while he is an affectionate and dutiful husband, she yearns for something which appears better than her lot. She reasons: "Have I not youth and beauty and attainments far above this environment? Why should I be compelled to toil and struggle in this wilderness?"
Released : 6th-Oct-1909

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She Wanted a Millionaire

Impoverished Jane Miller is loved by millionaire Roger and newspaperman William. Though William warns her otherwise, she goes with the millionaire to his French chateau where she risks terrible cruelty and even death.
Released : 21st-Feb-1932

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Over the Hill

In their farm house in a New York village, Ma Shelby prepares breakfast for her four children, Isaac, Tommy, Johnny and Susan, and then awakens them. The racket the boys make as they play and fight awakens their father, who spanks the eldest, Isaac. When a visitor chides Pa for not working, Ma sticks up for her husband, saying that he has a weak back and that he is waiting for a promised government job.
Released : 29th-Nov-1931

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Charlie Chan's Chance

Charlie is the intended murder victim here, and he avoids death only by chance. To find the murderer (since, of course, murder does occur), Charlie must outguess Scotland Yard and New York City police.
Released : 24th-Jan-1932

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Goodbye, Mr. Germ

A doctor explains to his children the dangers of tuberculosis, what it is and how to prevent against contracting it.
Released : 18th-Sep-1940

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My Pal, the King

The king of a European country, who is a child, meets the cowboy star of a traveling circus.
Released : 3rd-Apr-1932

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Our Film Stars

First episode of a series of reports on movie stars. Those seen include Douglas Fairbanks, Montague Love, Mary Miles Minter and James Kirkwood and various film studios.
Released : 22nd-Nov-1919

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Careless Lady

Innocent Sally Brown thinks men are only attracted to experienced women, so she poses as the wife of an unmarried businessman on a trip to Paris.
Released : 2nd-Apr-1932

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The Branding Iron

Pierre Landis is insanely jealous of his beautiful young wife Joan, and his jealousy makes him take a branding iron to her to mark her as his property.
Released : 31st-Oct-1920

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Pippa Passes

Pippa awakes and faces the world outside with a song. Unbeknown to her, the music has a healing effect on all who hear her as she passes by.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1909

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Getting Even

All the young men in the mining camp flirt with Lucy. Bud, the youngest of them, doesn't stand a chance. At a dance, Bud dresses as a woman and all the men flirt with him and abandon Lucy. When his disguise is revealed, the other men are too embarrassed to approach Lucy, and Bud dances the rest of the night with her.
Released : 12th-Sep-1909

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Edgar Allan Poe

As Poe's lover is slowly dying, he struggles to make money to care for her.
Released : 8th-Feb-1909

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Playthings of Desire

Jim Malvern is one of the richest men in the world. Unscrupulous and greedy, he uses beautiful young women as his playthings. But after meeting gorgeous actress Gloria Dawn, Malvern decides to put aside his philandering ways. With a marriage date set, the millionaire invites a flock of his famous friends -- including some of his former lovers -- to a remote island. Moments before the ceremony, Malvern is shot and killed by an unseen assailant. A grieving Gloria, realizing the murderer must be one of the guests, goes on a hunt for her fiance's killer.
Released : 1st-Sep-1933

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As a luxurious ocean liner makes its way across the Atlantic Ocean, the audience is made privy to the travails of several of its passengers. Edmund Lowe heads the cast as Monty Greer, a suave gambler who falls in love with Judy, the daughter of immigrant lens grinder Rudolph Kramer. In trying to recover some valuable securities stolen from banker Henry Graham, Greer finds himself in the middle of a fierce gun battle in the ship's engine room. Meanwhile, Graham, who has been cheating on his wife Kay with sexy dancer Sigrid Carline, is murdered by person or persons unknown.
Released : 19th-Aug-1931

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Worldly Goods

A businessman who has devoted his whole life to obtaining money and power finds that he can't buy the one thing he craves: love.
Released : 31st-Jul-1930

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Man in the Saddle

A small rancher is being harassed by his mighty and powerful neighbor. When the neighbor even hires gunmen to intimidate him he has to defend himself and his property by means of violence.
Released : 2nd-Dec-1951

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At the Altar

At the Italian boarding house the male boarders were all smitten with the charms of Minnie, the landlady's pretty daughter, but she was of a poetic turn of mind and her soul soared above plebeianism and her aspirations were romantic. Most persistent among her suitors was Grigo, a coarse Sicilian, whose advances were odiously repulsive. The arrival at the boarding house from the old country of Giuseppe Cassella, the violinist, filled the void in her yearning heart. Romantic, poetic and a talented musician, Giuseppe was indeed a desirable husband for Minnie.
Released : 25th-Feb-1909

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A Strange Meeting

Mary Rollins is torn between selfish depravity and righteous living. After she's coerced into helping with the burglary of her minister's apartment, she comes face to face with her misdeeds.
Released : 1st-Aug-1909

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The Indian Runner's Romance

An Indian comforts a dying prospector in his last moments. In exchange, the prospector tells him the location of his gold claim. A group of cowboys tries to get the information and go as far as kidnapping the Indian's wife.
Released : 22nd-Aug-1909

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The Broken Locket

George Peabody is a young man who has been giving free rein to his inclinations, the principal one being drink. One might have concluded he was lost, but there was the chance which the hand of Providence always bestows in the person of pretty little Ruth King, who had secretly loved George since their childhood days. She succeeds in persuading him from his reckless life, and he determines to cut off from his old loose companions by going out West and making a man of himself. Bidding Ruth and her mother good-bye, he realizes that he loves his little preserver and promises to return worthy of her love and confidence. They plight their troth with their first kiss and a heart shaped locket, which Ruth wears, she breaking it in two, giving George one side while she retains the other, which symbolized the reunion of their hearts with his return.
Released : 16th-Sep-1909

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The Lady from Cheyenne

Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
Released : 11th-Apr-1941

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The Way of Man

A woman is scarred in an accident and refuses to stand in the way of her lover's marriage to another.
Released : 28th-Jun-1909

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Secrets of the Night

Robert Andrews hosts a large party and there stages his own murder, to keep bank examiner Alfred Austin from examining the records of his bank.
Released : 12th-Nov-1924

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Lines of White on a Sullen Sea

Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her, Bill marries another woman from a different port. Emily waits faithfully for six years, finally becoming dangerously ill. When Bill suddenly appears in town with his family, Joe, who has loved Emily all along, forces Bill to make Emily's final moments happy by pretending he has returned to marry her.
Released : 27th-Oct-1909

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I've Always Loved You

A beautiful young concert pianist is torn between her attraction to her arrogant but brilliant maestro and her love for a farm boy she left back home.
Released : 2nd-Dec-1946

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Sweet and Twenty

Alice misunderstands when she sees her sweetheart Frank accidentally kissing her sister, and gets upset. Frank claims he'll kill himself by throwing himself into the river, but gets cold feet when it comes time to actually do the deed. Fortunately for him, his girlfriend has come running worried after him, and all is forgiven between them.
Released : 22nd-Jul-1909

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Black Waters

A mad captain poses as a cleric to murder people aboard a fogbound ship.
Released : 5th-Apr-1929

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Home, Sweet Home

John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
Released : 16th-May-1914

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Adventures of the Texas Kid: Border Ambush

In TV's pioneer days when kids idolized the Lone Ranger, the Texas Kid was a knight errant of the frontier leading the fight for law and order alongside his Mexican companion Pepe. In this rarely-seen TV pilot, the Kid and Pepe intercede on behalf of the murdered rancher's daughter, openly defying the landgrabbers in a cow town so lawless that rustlers operate in broad daylight! Shot at the Corrigan Ranch in 1950, TEXAS KID co-starred Mercury Records recording artist John Laurenz as Pepe and stuntman Hugh Hooker as the Kid. Hooker, a specialist in stunts involving horses and stagecoaches, often doubled Gene Autry and even produced a few movies, including the low-budget gem . That movie's star was Hugh's teenage son Buddy Joe Hooker, whose own subsequent, stellar stunt career inspired HOOPER (1978), Burt Reynolds' hit comedy tribute to movie stuntmen.
Released : 1st-Jan-1954

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The Day After

Mr. and Mrs. Hilton throw a New Year's Eve party. They agree not to drink the punch themselves, but as guests begin to arrive their resolve weakens, and soon they are both cavorting drunkenly. Next morning Mr. Hilton, feeling very sick, is conscience-stricken over his drunkenness and his behavior with another woman. He fears to face his wife until he discovers that she feels just as guilty herself.
Released : 30th-Dec-1909

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The Faded Lilies

A disfigured violinist mistakes a token of appreciation for a love bouquet. When he realizes his mistake, he loses his mind.
Released : 17th-Jun-1909

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They Would Elope

Two lovers elope and expect to be pursued by her father. But the clever father has tricked them into running off, and celebrates their wedding when they return home.
Released : 9th-Aug-1909

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The Slave

A Greek woman marries a struggling sculptor. When he can't support her and their baby, she offers to sell herself as a slave to allow them to buy food.
Released : 29th-Jul-1909

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Tender Hearts

A country boy and a city boy are both courting the same girl. The girl sees the country boy's tender treatment of a wounded bird and chooses him.
Released : 19th-Jul-1909

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His Lost Love

Mary marries James, after jilting his brother Luke. Mary's sister arrives and soon James is professing his love to her. The shock of this kills Mary and leaves her newborn daughter motherless. Luke offers to raise the daughter. Years later James returns and tries to convince his daughter to leave Luke, the only father she's ever known, and come with him.
Released : 18th-Oct-1909

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1776, or The Hessian Renegades

During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers. He takes refuge with a civilian family, but is soon detected. The family and their neighbors must then make plans to see that the important message gets through after all.
Released : 6th-Sep-1909

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The Seventh Day

A neglectful woman wants custody of her children in her divorce. The judge rules that he will give her the children only if she can demonstrate her children's love for her within a week.
Released : 26th-Aug-1909

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Oh, Uncle!

Harry's rich old bachelor uncle thinks Harry is still single. When Uncle announces a visit, Harry's wife has to play the part of the housekeeper so Uncle doesn't discover the truth.
Released : 26th-Aug-1909

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The Heart of an Outlaw

A man gets revenge on his cheating wife by killing her and her lover. He thinks he has killed his daughter as well, but she survives and is adopted by the sheriff. A few years later the man, now an outlaw, ambushes the sheriff and plans to kidnap and murder the sheriff's daughter.
Released : 31st-Dec-1909

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TV Credits


Justice Deal - An anthology series based on the activities of clergymen from different denominations.
Released : 7th-Oct-1955

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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