
Leonid Kuravlyov

Soviet and Russian film actor. He became a People’s Artist of the RSFSR in 1976. Kuravlyov was born in Moscow into a working-class family. His father Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Kuravlyov (1909–1979) worked as a locksmith at the Salyut Machine-Building Association and his mother Valentina Dmitriyevna Kuravlyova (1916–1993) was a hairdresser. In 1941 with the start of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union (known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War) his mother was arrested on false report, accused of counter-revolutionary activity (Article 58) and exiled to Karaganda, Kazakh SSR to work at the local plant. In five years she was freed without a right to live in Moscow and sent to Zasheyek, Murmansk Oblast in the Russian far north where she continued working as a hairdresser. In 1948 she managed to get a permission to see her son who spent a year with her at Zasheyek, and in 1951 she finally returned to Moscow. In 1955 Kuravlyov entered VGIK to study acting under Boris Bibikov. He graduated in 1960 and joined the Theater Studio of Film Actors. He made his first movie appearances while still a student. In 1960 he was noted by Vasily Shukshin and took part in his diploma film Reported From Lebyazhye. In 1961 they both starred in the popular melodrama When the Trees Were Tall, and in 1964 Shukshin gave him the leading role in his comedy movie There Is Such a Lad which brought Kuravlyov true fame and which he considered to be the start of his successful movie career. He also acted in Your Son and Brother (1965) and felt so grateful for what the director did for him that he later named his son after Shukshin. The role of Shura Balaganov in Mikhail Schweitzer’s comedy The Little Golden Calf based on the book by Ilf and Petrov was one of his first successful roles: he managed to create an image of a brash yet charming petty thief. His other notable roles of that period include Khoma Brut in one of the first Soviet horror movies Viy (1967), antagonist Sorokin in a psychological melodrama Not Under the Jurisdiction (1969), Robinson Crusoe in Stanislav Govorukhin’s Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1972), a Nazi officer Kurt Eismann in Seventeen Moments of Spring (1973) and Lavr Mironovich in Pyotr Todorovsky’s The Last Victim (1975). In the 1970s he appeared in three to four films per year. Even though Kuravlyov was adept at playing serious dramatic roles, he is still best known for his leading roles in top-grossing comedy movies such as Afonya (1975) by Georgiy Daneliya (11th highest-grossing Soviet film, highest grossing film of the year, 62.2 mln viewers), Leonid Gaidai’s Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future (1973, 17th highest-grossing film, 60 mln viewers) and It Can’t Be! (1975, 46th highest-grossing film with 46.9 mln viewers), The Most Charming and Attractive (1985) by Gerald Bezhanov (the highest-grossing film of 1985, 44.9 mln viewers) and others. During the late 1990s he hosted a popular TV programme The World of Books with Leonid Kuravlyov where he talked about new book releases. In two years it was closed and then relaunched with new hosts. In 2012 he was awarded the IV class Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Born : 8th-Oct-1936

Movie Credits

Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession

A scientist builds a time machine and accidentally sends his apartment complex manager and a petty burglar to 16th century Moscow, while Tsar Ivan the Terrible travels to 1973.
Released : 17th-Sep-1973

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The 1975 film by Georgi Daneliya "Afonya" was an unexpected commercial hit in USSR. The main character "Afonya" Borshev is a plumber, who spends his life partying with "buddies", many of whom he doesn't even remember after nights of heavy drinking. His wife leaves him, his boss places him on probation, his whole life is falling apart, but he doesn't realize it. Afonya met Katya at a dance club, yet didn't pay her much attention. But she is the one, who can save him... In this movie Daneliya achieves a perfect balance of satire and drama. Quotes from the movie gained a cult status in USSR.
Released : 1st-Jan-1976

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The Book of Masters

A beautiful and kind girl, daughter of Baba Yaga, finds a magical stone Alatyr while walking in a field. It transforms her heart into a stone and puts her under a queer curse. She is to be the evil Countess of Stones and live in a stone tower. If the greatest gem-cutter in the world brings the stone of Alatyr to life, though, she'll become the ruler of the world. The Stone Countess, now cruel and selfish, is fascinated with the idea. She starts searching for the best gem-cutters and forces them to work with Alatyr, so the magical stone would become a living thing. Neither of the gem-cutters succeeds, so she kills them. While being imprisoned in her tower, they work on a large book about the secrets of gem-cutting. Each of them edits the book, so it's later named "the Book of Masters".
Released : 29th-Oct-2009

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Georgian bush pilot Valentin (Valiko) Mizandari a.k.a. Mimino works at small local airlines, flying helicopters between small villages. But he dreams of piloting large international airlines aircrafts, so he goes to Moscow for refresher courses. There in a hotel he meets truck driver Robik who is given a place in that hotel by mistake, and they have a lot of adventures in Moscow. Always amicable and open to people, Mimino does not feel at home in the big city. Nevertheless, he becomes a pilot of a supersonic jet liner, the Tupolev Tu-144, flying all over the world. But feeling homesick, he finally comes back to his native town of Telavi in Georgia, to his family and friends.
Released : 6th-Jun-1977

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It Can't Be!

The film includes three short stories based on the stories of Mikhail Zoshchenko: "Crime and Punishment", "Fun Adventure", and "Wedding Event" about the negative phenomena of the provincial life of the young country of the Soviets: stupidity, drunkenness, money-grubbing, lack of spirituality.
Released : 23rd-Oct-1975

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Evropejskij Konvoj

Трое выходцев из бывшего СССР совершают дерзкое ограбление немецкого банка. Разложив по сумкам триста тысяч евро и взяв в заложницы служащую банка, бандиты отправляются через Польшу на Украину. Ситуация осложняется тем, что на одной из польских бензозаправок им приходится взять в заложницы еще одну женщину. Теперь перед органами правопорядка трех стран - Германии, Польши и Украины - стоит непростая задача: обезвредить преступников, не причинив вреда заложницам.
Released : 6th-Jun-2003

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There Will Be No Leave Today

Soldiers undertake the perilous task of removing a stockpile of World War II bombshells discovered during roadworks under the ground of a small village.
Released : 9th-May-1959

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The Golden Calf

A crook named Ostap Bender, who survived a murder attempt by Kisa Vorobyaninov in "12 Chairs," now schemes to extort 1 million from an underground millionaire.
Released : 8th-Jul-1968

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This Merry Planet

Three cynical and emotionally detached aliens arrive on earth on New Year's eve with the mission of exploring and studying human behaviour but inevitably get pulled into a hillarious, nonsensical plot which makes them realize just how wonderful earth life can be with all its quirks, drama and humour.
Released : 31st-Dec-1973

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The Trust That Has Burst

A witty comedy, that has fun and philosophy in one. Inspired by short stories of O`Henry.
Released : 18th-Mar-1983

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The Most Charming and Attractive

Nadya Klyueva is a single woman. Persuaded by her friend, she decides to charm her co-worker whom she doesn't really love, but who is the most popular man around.
Released : 10th-Nov-1985

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Fuss of the Fusses

A comedy about a civil registry official whose job is to register newlyweds and who just discovered that her husband has been cheating on her for 3 months, her daughter met a guy she doesn't approve of, and her life has suddenly become a fuss of the fusses.
Released : 29th-Oct-1979

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Esli Nevesta Vedma

Известный профессор нетрадиционных наук узнает, что на его «малой родине» в далекой деревушке происходят странные вещи, не поддающиеся логическому осмыслению. Командировав своего ассистента на место происшествий, профессор не подозревает о невероятных событиях, к которым приведет приезд «упакованного» городского научного работника. Молодой ученый пишет диссертацию на тему «Психодинамика колдовства» и пытается доказать, что явлений, описанных в исторических судах над ведьмами, быть не может. Но передвигать предметы одним взглядом, в одно мгновение перемещаться на любые расстояния, читать чужие мысли и в одиночку сражаться с целой армией — все это умеет симпатичная местная девчонка, папаша которой безуспешно пытается выдать юную колдунью замуж…
Released : 6th-Jun-2002

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The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed

Summer of 1945. The salute of the Great Victory died down and the country is gradually returning to peaceful life. From "fire yes into the fire" a young reconnaissance commander Volodya Sharapov falls, having come to the MUR for distribution, to the department for combating banditry. In the city the Black Cat gang rages, terrifying Muscovites. Captain Gleb Zheglov enters the fray with the bandits, for whom Sharapov soon becomes his right hand.
Released : 11th-Nov-1979

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Shine, Shine, My Star

This late 60s Russian films is set in 1920, just 3 years after the October revolution. Folks had the choice between red and white, revolution and contra revolution. In that torn-apart-time, one man, the comedian Volodya, tries to mediate, not between different ideologies, but social life and art. While others just want to wash away their gloom, he reflects on the everyday sorrows and the role of art in that time of changes.
Released : 6th-Jun-1969

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Incognito from St.Petersburg

A comedy based on a classic play 'Revizor' by Nikolai Gogol.
Released : 17th-Jul-1978

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First Encounter - Last Encounter

История о событиях в Петербурге в канун первой мировой войны, событиях странных, драматических, развернувшихся в течение одной недели Рождества перед Новым 1914 годом. Герой фильма - частный детектив Петя Чухонцев, не окончивший курса студент-юрист, - расследует дело изобретателя Куклина, который был убит. Убит именно так, как предсказывал во время странного, почти сумасшедшего, новогоднего визита к Чухонцеву. Расследуя дело Куклина, Петя очень быстро сообразит, что в этом деле центральной фигурой является немец Шольц, владелец , по дешевке скупающий изобретения русских умельцев и передающий их шпиону Зигфреду Гею, советнику германского посольства. Однако также скоро Петя поймет и то, что он влез явно не в свое дело...
Released : 6th-Jun-1987

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The Turkish Gambit

The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.
Released : 22nd-Feb-2005

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Destroy the Thirtieth!

When a man is forced to return to a secret Russian training camp, he decides to plan his escape, not knowing who to trust.
Released : 1st-Dec-1992

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When the Trees Were Tall

The story of a man who routinely dodges all responsibility, bemoans fate, spends his days boozing, and refuses to work. The act of playing long-lost father to a pretty teenager spurs him to turn over a new leaf.
Released : 25th-Dec-1961

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The Beginning

A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult role in the historical drama about Joan of Arc. She was given not only great acting talent, but the talent of deep, selfless love. A dream comes true: she is invited to the main role, and she begins a completely different life, full of real creative torment, insights and true happiness.
Released : 12th-Oct-1970

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Martynko, while in the guardhouse, found a deck of magic cards with which he could easily beat anyone! He made a quick career to the customs minister, robbing all foreigners to the skin right at the border crossing. However, the princess's unrequited feelings led to the end of his career, and he was abandoned in the forest. After eating wonderful apples, he develops a plan of revenge.
Released : 1st-Jan-1987

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The Ballad of Bering and His Friends

The story of the great traveler and explorer Vitus Bering.
Released : 6th-Jun-1970

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There Is Such a Lad

A story about Pashka, a really decent, honest guy, even though he lies a lot, who is looking for happiness and love.
Released : 4th-Jan-1966

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Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation

The first private enterprises are started in the Soviet Union in the late 80s. A gang of bad guys, owners of a private restroom, kidnap a good guy - owner of a toy store. Private eye Dmitri's first job is to try and free the store owner.
Released : 1st-Jan-1989

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Dangerous for Your Life!

A funny comedy about a very adventurous day in a life of Stepan Molodtsov - a very responsible youn man.
Released : 12th-Aug-1985

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The Codex of Disgrace

Released : 6th-Jun-1993

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Look for a Woman

The story begins when Alice Postique, who had to stay late at work, discovers her boss Roche with a knife in his back. When the police detective arrives, Alice recognizes him as her old friend.
Released : 9th-Oct-1982

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One Time Deal

A crew of builders in charge of demolition of old buildings in Moscow find hidden treasure inside one of the houses scheduled for demolition. The plot evolves around their attempts to bypass the Soviet authorities and cash the gold.
Released : 1st-Jan-1987

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What a Mess!

The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.
Released : 6th-Jun-1995

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Holy Moly!

Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Georgy Burkov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Galina Polskikh in a sad comedy by Sergey Nikonenko based on Vasily Shukshin’s short stories “Touches on the Portrait”, “The Stubborn One”, “The Strong Go Further”. Nikolai Knyazev works in a TV repair shop. God has blessed him with golden hands and heart, yet the majority of his fellow-town folk think he’s a bit nutty. And for a good reason: he’s constructing a perpetual motion machine, for years has been writing a philosophical treatise, dreaming of world fame and looking down on the other inhabitants of this sinful earth. But no matter how hard he is looking, he can’t see where his happiness (that is, post-office employee Lyuba) lies…
Released : 1st-Jan-1988

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Snake Catcher

The former director of a large deli Pavel Shorokhov, having returned from prison and not received the expected reception from his wife, who forbade him to see his son, temporarily settles with Kotov, the owner of the lists of participants in the unaccounted goods movement system. Kotov, who is near death, transfers lists to Shorokhov and thereby puts him at risk from former accomplices. But Shorokhov breaks the pledge circle...
Released : 14th-Mar-1986

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Railway Romance

During the New Year eve Alexey is trying to get back his first love.
Released : 12th-Dec-2003

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Life and Amazing Aventures of Robinson Crusoe

In the seventeenth century, Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked on a desert island and is the only survivor. He takes steps to get food and shelter, hoping one day to be rescued. One day a band of black men arrive by boat and are about to execute one of their number; Crusoe saves him and drives them off, and names the man Friday, and teaches him Crusoe's on language. They survive together, but will they ever be rescued?
Released : 3rd-Sep-1973

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Repeated Wedding

Released : 25th-Mar-1975

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Meet me in Tahiti

Released : 1st-Jan-1991

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Lady Into Lassie

Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to get to know her young neighbor but cannot do so as their fathers are not on speaking terms. Her response is simple and direct. With the help of her loyal servant Nastya, she dresses up as a peasant girl and goes pick mushrooms in the nearby woods....
Released : 26th-May-1995

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Little Tragedies

A feature film based on the three-part adaptation of the poetic and dramatic cycle of Alexander Pushkin
Released : 30th-Jun-1980

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Funny People!

Released : 10th-Nov-1977

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Lev Gurych Sinichkin

The old actor dreams of a leading role for his young talented daughter. However, she is opposed by a powerful diva of the troupe with a terrible character and great connections. After a series of efforts of the characters and hilarious misunderstandings, the old man's dream come true.
Released : 30th-Dec-1974

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Ladies Invite Gentlemen

Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.
Released : 30th-May-1981

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Sitting on the Golden Porch

Two kings: Fedot and Amphibrachiy have been adjoining peacefully for many years. But once Amphibrachiy disappeared, and it became difficult for queen to cope with affairs. The state began to fall into decay. Also daughter Alyona absolutely got out of control. So mother decided to marry her. The king Fedot had three sons: Paul-tsarevitch, Peter-tsarevitch and Ivan-tsarevitch, whom everybody considered to be a fool. But he managed to gain Alyona's heart and, having won Kashchei the Immortal, set free the king Amphibrachiy.
Released : 30th-Dec-1986

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Five Minutes of Fear

On the way for fishing Leonid Karetnikov finds the body of a man on the roadside and admit a car driving out of there. While Karetnikov called the police, the body was gone. Also disappeared the bag with tools to crack safes, lying next to body. Pursuing the investigation of the case, Colonel Kornilov states that the victim is probably Lev Kotlukov - known "safecracker" nicknamed Leo the Boar. Also, it looks like he got hit by a car belongs to citizen - professor of the Institute, which has no relation to criminal organizations. To reveal the intentions of criminals, Kornilov decided to send his man Major Bugaev undercover to the gang.
Released : 10th-Oct-1985

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Don't Leave Your Lovers

Sometimes divorce process could be really painful. This is exactly the case for the heroes of this romantic drama.
Released : 7th-Jul-1980

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The Master and Margarita

Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..
Released : 6th-Jun-1994

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We, the Undersigned

The main events unfold in the train. The acceptance committee from Moscow, revealing deficiencies in the constructed bakery, did not sign the act of its delivery. But the fate of not only many people associated with the construction, but also the life of the town as a whole depends on this. Lyonya Shindin — a conscientious and decent man — is trying by all means and by any means to change the decision of the commission...
Released : 14th-Mar-1981

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You to Me, Me to You

Ivan Sergeevich Kashkin — the bath attendant of the most prestigious metropolitan bath. It’s not easy to get to him: reputable diplomats, well-known footballers, and the heads of the ministry are seeking the honor to steam. But Kashkin himself does not need to achieve anything, everything is at his service — from black caviar to tickets to the conservatory. And the hero’s cloudless life would have flowed, but then his twin brother Sergei fell ill and asked Ivan to replace him in his equally strange work.
Released : 31st-May-1979

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Elder Sister

A drama about a life of two sisters - Nadya and Lida, who both are dreaming about theater and actress career.
Released : 6th-Mar-1967

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The Barber of Siberia

Douglas is a foreign entrepreneur, who ventures to Russia in 1885 with dreams of selling a new, experimental steam-driven timber harvester in the wilds of Siberia. Jane is his assistant. On her travels, she meets two men who would change her life forever: a handsome young cadet Andrej Tolstoy with whom she shares a fondness for opera, and the powerful General Radlov who is entranced by her beauty and wants to marry her.
Released : 11th-Nov-1998

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Timur and His Team

A story about a young boy Timur and his team who are living in a small Moscow suburb during the years before WWII.
Released : 1st-May-1977

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Two Days of Wonders

Father and son exchange the bodies using the help of two student fairies.
Released : 15th-Jan-1970

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TV Credits

Место встречи изменить нельзя

"Kopchyony" - After WWII is over, a young officer Volodya Sharapov returns to Moscow to work in MUR - Moskovskiy Ugolovny Rozysk (Moscow Criminal Police). There he meets Gleb Zheglov who is a chief of a squad which fights organized crime. Their main task is to track down a gang "Chernaya Koshka" (Black Cat) which terrorizes the city. Also, they have to find out who murdered Larisa Gruzdeva. Zheglov believes it was her husband Ivan Gruzdev, but Sharapov has his doubts about it...
Released : 11th-Nov-1979

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ТАСС уполномочен заявить...

Андрей Андреевич Зотов, инженер-корабел - The struggle of Soviet and American intelligence agencies during the Cold War era
Released : 30th-Jul-1984

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- Fitil is a popular Soviet/Russian television satirical/comedy short film series which ran for about 500 episodes. Some of the episodes were aimed at children, and were called Фитилёк, Fitilyok, Little Fuse. Each issue contained from the few short segments: documentary, fictional and animated ones. Directed by various artists, including Leonid Gaidai who presented his famous trio of Nikulin, Vitsin and Morgunov into the cast. It was called in USSR as "the anecdotes from the Soviet government".
Released : 4th-Jun-1962

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Маленькие трагедии

Leporello - How far can a man overcome by a destructive passion go? And does he realize that slavish worship of irrepressible desires always entails retribution?
Released : 1st-Jul-1980

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Приключения cолдата Ивана Чонкина

авторский текст (голос за кадром) - From a simple misunderstanding, a kind, funny story has grown about charming village people, about ridiculous situations in which they periodically find themselves.
Released : 23rd-Dec-2007

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Улицы разбитых фонарей

Андрей Петрович Ершов, "Дед" - Russian detectives unwind the ball of the most intricate and cruel crimes. They are consummate professionals, the best cops in town. Even on the most dangerous missions, this quartet never loses their sense of humor. It is it that helps them find the most incredible ways out of any situation. They uphold the law and emerge victorious.
Released : 4th-Jan-1998

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Воспоминания о Шерлоке Холмсе

Von Bork - Detective television series based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Five films about Sherlock Holmes, shot by Igor Maslennikov earlier, were remounted in 2000, a connecting story about Conan Doyle's literary secretary, Mr. Wood, who is preparing an anniversary collection of stories about Holmes for the beginning of the coming XX century. Sir Arthur receives huge mail every day, addressed not to him, but to Sherlock Holmes. And then one day a letter arrives with a plea for help, and Doyle begins an investigation...
Released : 3rd-Apr-2000

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Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона

Von Bork - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson is a series of five films produced by Lenfilm for the Soviet Central Television, split into eleven episodes, starring Vasily Livanov as Sherlock Holmes and Vitaly Solomin as Dr. Watson. They were directed by Igor Maslennikov and filmed in Russia (the then Soviet Union) between 1979 and 1986, and the series was one of the most successful in the history of Russian television.
Released : 22nd-Mar-1980

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Вход в лабиринт

Oleg Khlebnikov - doktor neyrofiziolog - A Russian mystery miniseries set both in medieval times and in the days of Perestroika.
Released : 1st-May-1990

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Семнадцать мгновений весны

Kurt Eismann - SS Obersturmbannfuehrer - A Soviet spy is tasked with disrupting the negotiations between Karl Wolff and Allen Dulles taking place in Switzerland, aimed at forging a separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies.
Released : 11th-Aug-1973

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Турецкий гамбит

Artillery major - Titular Advisor Erast Fandorin took part in military operations during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Being a Serbian volunteer, Erast Petrovich meets a charming young lady, Varvara Andreevna Suvorova, who is heading to the location of the Russian troops to see her fiance. With her help, Fandorin manages to unravel a complex and mysterious espionage case…
Released : 25th-Dec-2006

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Петр Чуйков - A quartet of childhood pals who create a business together find themselves at the core of a powerful Moscow gang in the aftermath of an unplanned murder.
Released : 23rd-Sep-2002

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Life of Don Quixote and Sancho

Nicolas -
Released : 19th-Jul-1988

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