King Tut misses the ancient Eygpt. He is becoming bothering by the ordinary world, so he decides to create the current world like the past life. This life is also hard - trying to control the ancient life, will he change the world back to the way it was, before he won't be able to at all. Air Date : 22nd-Nov-2003
When a museum is hit by lightning, Pharaoh Tut-ankh-en-set-Amun is arisen from the dead in the current world. A cat named, Luxor, becomes his aide and a girl named, Cleo Carter, becomes his friend. Air Date : 1st-Nov-2003 Read More
The goddess, Ammut is released from the underworld by El Zabkar. Her job is to ruin Tutenstein. Can Luxor, King Tut, and Cleo put a stop to her plans before Tutenstein is hurt? Air Date : 8th-Nov-2003 Read More
Trouble begins when Tutenstein is asked by Cleo to assist her in purging the museum. Not feeling like doing it, Tut brings his shabtis - wooden tomb helping statues, to life to do the duty in his place. Tutenstein must stop the shabtis because they are becoming uncontrollable. Air Date : 15th-Nov-2003 Read More
King Tut misses the ancient Eygpt. He is becoming bothering by the ordinary world, so he decides to create the current world like the past life. This life is also hard - trying to control the ancient life, will he change the world back to the way it was, before he won't be able to at all. Air Date : 22nd-Nov-2003 Read More
Tut wishes viewing movies with one of his good friends, Cleo, would go on forever. The sun god, Ra, is summoned by Tutenstein, asking him to put off sunrise for a few more hours, so he can remain awake a little bit longer than usual. Ra is in trouble now, after time halts. It is up to King Tut to rescue Ra and fix the time. Air Date : 6th-Dec-2003 Read More
Luxor, Tutenstein, and Cleo must end the lioness goddess, Sekhmet's upset fury towards civilization. She was awaken by King Tut and his bickering opposing the servants constructing his pyramid. Air Date : 3rd-Jan-2004 Read More
Tutenstein really likes Natasha, Cleo's best companion. In hope to gain her love, he awakens to god of children, Bes. Tutenstein is suprised by the conclusion of the spell, it is not what he imagined. Now, Tut doesn't know what to do, he has to choose and be certain of Natasha being his real love or a zombie affection. Air Date : 10th-Jan-2003 Read More
There is a park known as the ""Kingland Amusement Park,"" that venerates a king, rather than King Tut, himself. Tutenstein doesn't like to see the people at the park dressed as kings, so he splits his soul in half, in hope to vie with them. Air Date : 17th-Jan-2004 Read More
Cleo is a really good friend of Tut, but after he comes to live with her, she thinks she will never have the freedom she had before because of King Tut tries out of possessions & does some other stuff she doesn't seem to like very much. Air Date : 24th-Jan-2004 Read More
The goddess, Isis and King Tut are competing in a game of Senet. She becomes angry with him, after he tries to slide through the game and not play fair. Tutenstein gets put in his place, when Isis brings about Nebka, the apparition, also a past companion of King Tut's. Air Date : 31st-Jan-2004 Read More
Cleo has caught a cold, and Tutenstein becomes worried. He has never experienced this, so he thinks she is in a danger. King Tut's special doctor tries preserve Cleo, causing some trouble. Air Date : 21st-Feb-2004 Read More
Two crooks steal the Crown of Geb, after Tutenstein accidently switches the alarm off in the display of the Geb, when he was disturbed in his sleep. Air Date : 15th-May-2004 Read More
The Scepter of Was is taken away by demons after King Tut becomes disappointed over the ceremony of Coronation Day assembled by Luxor and Cleo. Air Date : 22nd-May-2004 Read More