Dr. Phil - Season : 14 Episode 16

Season 14 Episode 16 - “Our Son Claims He is a Famous Songwriter: Could He Be Delusional or a Master Manipulator?”

Robin says she’s concerned about her 23-year-old son, Riley, who uses drugs, is homeless and insists he’s a famous songwriter. Robin says Riley began lying and manipulating at a young age, and she admits she has enabled him, but she’s not sure what to do. Is Riley truly troubled, or is he just manipulating those closest to him? Air Date : 5th-Oct-2015

Dr. Phil - Season : 14

Season 14 Episode 1 - A Baby Ripped from the Womb: One Mother’s Nightmare

An attack in Colorado almost too brutal to believe: A fetus ripped from a mother's womb. Dr. Phil has the exclusive interview with brave survivor Michelle Wilkins, whose story made national headlines. A young mother-to-be, full of joy and happily preparing for her baby daughter's arrival, answered a seemingly innocent ad on Craigslist offering up free maternity clothes. She had no idea she was about to walk into her worst nightmare. Michelle went to pick up the clothing, but she didn't leave with new outfits; she left in an ambulance, clinging to life, without her baby. Her fetus was ripped from her womb. Michelle's inspiring story is one of incredible survival, love and loss. Air Date : 14th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 2 - Athlete to Escort: A Champion Runner's Fall from Grace

From athlete to escort: Suzy Favor Hamilton is a former world-class runner who seemed to have a picture-perfect life. She was a champion. She appeared in a Nike commercial. She did promotional work for Disney. She was a loving wife and mother. But Suzy was living a secret double life. She was still Suzy, the fresh-faced, all-American girl. But she was also "Kelly" a $600-an-hour call girl who worked the Vegas strip. Suzy says escorting gave her an even bigger rush than running a race. What does she say made her do it? Plus Suzy says her husband allowed her to moonlight as a high-priced sex worker. He'll answer the question many in America are asking: Why would a husband be OK with this? This program contains sexual content. Air Date : 15th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 3 - TV Star's Alcoholism & Depression Spiral Out of Control: Can His Career Be Saved?

TV Star Nicholas Brendon is best known for his role as “Xander Harris” on the hugely popular TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and most recently for his role as “Kevin Lynch” on the TV show Criminal Minds. But off-screen, he has been starring in his own private alcohol-fueled drama which has led to multiple arrests and been documented in celebrity magazines, social media and blogs. Nicholas, who was not exactly drama-free in preparation for his sit down with Dr. Phil, abruptly walks offstage during the interview. Is Nicholas ready to make hard choices and take the steps needed to save his life and career? Air Date : 16th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 4 - A Military Cop's Confession to His Family: “I Want to Be a Woman”

Gary says he was floored when his nephew Zach, whom he’s been raising since he was a few days old and considers a son, revealed a desire to “become a woman” and identifies as transgender, using the name Steph. Gary says he cannot accept Steph and feels being transgender is wrong, and he blames himself for what he believes is a sickness. But there is another family member that also admits to being just as shocked by this revelation -- Zach’s wife Becky, who says she has sacrificed everything to try to make her marriage work since finding out about her husband’s desire to transition last year. Steph says she finally is able to be the individual she was born to be, and refuses to allow her wife or family to keep her from embracing her true self. How will Gary react to seeing Steph for the first time on Dr. Phil’s stage? It is an emotional moment you will not believe! Plus, don’t miss the shocking way Becky found out her husband was transgender. Air Date : 17th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 5 - MMA Fighter Sick of Battling Outside the Ring with Ex-Wife over Their Son

MMA Fighter Eddie, 33, has spent the past eight years battling his ex-wife Melissa, 36, in court, over custody of their son. Melissa has lost custody twice, but she claims Eddie and his wife Ashley, 31, were only awarded custody because he’s a local celebrity. Eddie, Ashley, and Melissa can’t be at the same place together without causing an ugly scene in front of their son. This includes his little league games -- all caught on video. Can these parents agree to co-parent peacefully for the sake of their son’s well-being, or is it too late? Air Date : 18th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 6 - “My Daughter is a Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Egomaniacal, Drug-Addicted Liar and Thief”

Constance says her adult daughter Candice is a lying, chaotic, mooching, immature terror, who steals and lives rent free in her house. Candice is proud to say she is young, hot and able to manipulate anyone into anything. Constance says her daughter opened credit cards in her name, forged checks and pawned jewelry for cash and drugs. Candice admits to using drugs on a regular basis but blames her mom for giving her cash or driving her to her dealer to buy them. Find out why security threatened to kick Candice out of the hotel before the show because of an incident with a male. Can Dr. Phil get this toxic relationship moving in the right direction? Will Candice accept Dr. Phil’s offer of help? Air Date : 21st-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 7 - “Accused of Kidnapping Our Own Child”

Waco and Alley claim Waco’s mother, Stacy, and her husband, Jacob, are trying to “steal” their 3-year-old daughter, but Stacy and Jacob claim the parents are neglectful toward the child. Waco, his mother and young daughter are registered members of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, and a Tribal Court involved in the dispute granted Stacy and Jacob visitation rights. After the grandparents won visitation, Waco and Alley took their child out of state -- without telling their family -- and failed to show up for a court hearing, causing the child to be reported missing and the judge to grant custody of the child to the grandparents. Emotions run high when Waco and Alley learn from Dr. Phil for the first time that they’ve lost custody of their 3-year-old daughter. What is really at the heart of this family feud? Will Waco and Alley lose their child forever? Air Date : 22nd-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 8 - A Mother Missing: A Stepfather Accused

Shelbie’s mother, Carie Zapletal, went missing nearly nine months ago, and she believes her stepfather, Ed, and possibly his daughter, Lauren, had something to do with her disappearance. But Ed claims Carie was a drunk who spiraled out of control, using drugs and attempting suicide in the weeks before her disappearance and left their home voluntarily. In addition, Ed says he was physically incapable of harming anyone the night of Carie’s disappearance because he suffered a debilitating stroke less than two months prior to her disappearance. Dr. Phil tries to get to the bottom of why a 48-year-old woman left her house in December without a coat, phone, wallet or car and hasn’t been heard from since! Air Date : 23rd-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 9 - Missing Mom: What Happened to Carie?

In Part 2, Ed’s daughter, Lauren, reveals what she says happened the night her stepmother, Carie Zapletal, went missing. Does it crack the case wide open? Is her account plausible? Ed claims that there have been numerous sightings of Carie, and he is convinced she will return home soon. Carie’s daughter, Shelbie, says Ed’s leads are lies and wild goose chases. Carie’s good friend Courtney claims Ed and Carie had a history of arguments and describes the times she says she sheltered Carie after one of her and Ed’s blowout fights. Air Date : 24th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 10 - “Mom Kicked Me Out at 15:” Is Daughter Ungrateful or Is Mom Delusional?

Beverly and her daughter, Courtney, 20, have been estranged for five years after what Beverly says was one fight about a messy home before her daughter walked out of her life. Courtney says she didn’t choose to leave but was kicked out after what she says was months of verbal and emotional abuse. Courtney says after she moved in with her father, Christopher, things went from bad to worse when Christopher filed for full custody of her. What followed was a bitter custody battle, an altercation between Beverly and Christopher and a shocking allegation of sexual abuse. Can this fractured family bridge the gap, or will this tense reunion be their last effort? Air Date : 25th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 11 - “My Mom is Worth Millions: Is Her Husband a Catch or a 'Catfish'?”

Jordan says he is afraid his mom, Deanna's, husband could drain his family’s inheritance. Deanna married James in Nigeria six years ago after meeting him abroad. Deanna says there is absolutely no way her husband is only with her for money and adds that they met face to face! Deanna admits to spending close to $500,000 on her relationship with James between travel, entertainment and legal fees in her attempts to get James into Canada. Jordan says his mom is making a huge mistake in continuing her marriage to James, whom he admits he has yet to meet face to face. Deanna’s brother, Dale, says Deanna gets defensive anytime someone questions her relationship. Dale says he fears that James could even have another family he’s supporting with his sister’s money! Can Dr. Phil get to the bottom of a six-year dispute? Has Deanna finally found her soulmate, or has her perfect catch turned out to be a mistake? Air Date : 28th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 12 - Creepy Dad or Midlife Crisis: “My Husband’s Inappropriate Sexting, Social Media Posts and Messages to Our Daughter’s Friends”

Tammy claims her husband, Richard, is obsessed with social media and sexting with women in secret online groups. Richard says if Tammy paid him more attention, he wouldn’t have to look elsewhere. Richard has five social media pages, but his wife and their grown daughters say one in particular makes them sick to their stomachs. Tammy says Richard publicly posts sexually explicit pictures and comments on his “uncensored” page for all their friends and family to see. According to his daughters, Richard also has sent inappropriate messages to their friends. Richard’s daughters say they are devastated that their father has become the “creepy old man” who makes them and their friends feel uncomfortable. Can Richard log out of social media long enough to repair his family, or is it too late? Air Date : 29th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 13 - A Mother of Four Who Says: “I Don't Want to Be a Mom Anymore”

Within months of each other, Heather tragically lost both her mother and oldest daughter. She now states she has no purpose in life and flat-out says she doesn't want to be a mother to her three remaining daughters. How does Dr. Phil react when Heather reveals that she thinks life would be better if one day she never woke up? Heather's daughters Andrea and Amber join this emotional conversation to beg their mother not to abandon them during their time of need. And, why does Andrea say she blames her mom for her sister's death? Can Dr. Phil convince this mother not to give up on life and family? Plus, get an update on two former guests who combined have lost nearly two hundred pounds and 100 inches. What do they credit for their success? Find out today! Air Date : 30th-Sep-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 14 - “I Believe My Daughter's Fiancé is Abusing Her, and I Desperately Need Help”

Reeve, 20, is engaged to marry the man of her dreams, 30-year-old David, but Reeve’s father, Kim, and sister, Riley, say they fear Reeve could be making the biggest and possibly deadliest mistake of her life. They say in December 2014, Reeve told them that David had hit, choked and pushed her into the refrigerator, so Kim drove six hours to “rescue” his daughter and bring her home — where she stayed for eight months. Kim and Riley say during that time, Reeve confided in them that David had been abusive during the time she lived with him in another state. But two weeks ago, Reeve went back to David. She has also recanted her allegations of abuse, saying she exaggerated the whole thing and that she “deserved it.” Now Reeve has little to no contact with her family, and she and David say they are considering having a baby. Why has Reeve stayed with David, taken the blame for the turmoil and stayed away from her own family? Air Date : 1st-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 15 - “I Fear My Terminally Ill Son's Wife is Abusive, Cheating and Money Hungry”

Laurie and Kirk Sr. say they fear for their son, Kirk II, who is battling stage 4 liver cancer. They say when Star, the woman who once left their son at the altar, heard he had only six months to live, she ran -- not walked -- him down the aisle and has since cheated on him more than once. They claim she is abusive and violent --and they suspect she's only after his life insurance policy -- which Star vehemently denies. Star admits she has cheated on Kirk II twice but says she loves him and is tired of having his family point the finger at her. The family comes together on Dr. Phil’s stage -- marking the first time the parents have seen their son in several months. Kirk II says he is tired of being caught in the middle of the tug-of-war and thinks Star is worth fighting for -- does she feel the same about him? Can this marriage be fixed before it’s too late? Air Date : 2nd-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 16 - “Our Son Claims He is a Famous Songwriter: Could He Be Delusional or a Master Manipulator?”

Robin says she’s concerned about her 23-year-old son, Riley, who uses drugs, is homeless and insists he’s a famous songwriter. Robin says Riley began lying and manipulating at a young age, and she admits she has enabled him, but she’s not sure what to do. Is Riley truly troubled, or is he just manipulating those closest to him? Air Date : 5th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 17 - Exclusive: Eight Siblings Tortured and Held Hostage By Their Own Father

In a Dr. Phil exclusive, eight siblings are speaking out for the first time about the unthinkable torture they endured for years under the same roof — by their own father. In 1999, Mansa Musa Muhummed was convicted of committing some of the most extreme acts of child abuse in the history of California. Muhummed, a polygamist, trapped and terrorized his 13 children, three “wives” and their other children. He was finally arrested when one “wife”, Laura Cowan, snuck a letter to a postal worker who alerted the authorities. Now, Laura is a domestic abuse advocate. But several of Muhummed’s children argue that Laura has lied for years, publicizing a career in the media about being a victim, when they say she was partly responsible for their abuse! Laura has not seen Muhummed’s children in 16 years and wonders if they want a relationship with their half sibling, Tasslimah, who she claims was a product of rape while living in the house. Air Date : 6th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 18 - “The Clock is Ticking and if Dr. Phil Can't Help Us, My Wife is Divorcing Me Next Week”

Vicki and her husband, Mark, have been married for only two years, but already they say they are at a crossroads in their relationship. Vicki has filed to terminate their marriage, and the final divorce hearing is next week! After saying “I do,” Vicki says she now believes that Mark is a liar and a cheater who has been secretly carrying on an inappropriate relationship with a younger woman. Mark says Vicki is insecure, delusional and obsessed with the idea that he’s cheating. Mark is desperate to save his marriage and is willing to take a lie detector test. Vicki says she’ll call off the divorce if Mark can prove he has been faithful. Can this marriage be saved, today, before time runs out? Air Date : 7th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 19 - “Acquitted of Kidnapping But My Husband Still Thinks I'm Guilty”

Laura made local headlines when she became the subject of a fugitive investigation after being accused of kidnapping her then 4-year-old daughter and going on the run. Her estranged husband, Joe, says he and Laura were going through a custody dispute when she left with their daughter and took off across three different states. Joe claims Laura threatened to kill their daughter and herself if police started to move in -- which Laura denies. Joe says when Laura was apprehended, U.S. Marshals found a loaded handgun under the seat of her car. After a two-day trial on charges of kidnapping and interference with custody, Laura was acquitted on all charges. Now, she says Joe is keeping her from their daughter, whom she says she has not seen in four years, even though she was granted supervised visitation. Joe says Laura is constantly harassing him to the point where he is afraid for their lives. Will Joe finally allow Laura to see their daughter? Air Date : 8th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 20 - Social Media Obsessed Teens: “I Can't Breathe Without Wi-Fi”

Seventeen-year-old Khloe says she is so obsessed with social media, she cannot breathe without WiFi. She admits she spends 16-to-18 hours a day on various websites and posting selfies — and even sleeps with her phone strapped to her hand. Khloe says if she doesn’t have access to WiFi, she suffers from panic attacks. Khloe’s mother, Melanie, and stepfather, Danny, say Khloe’s behavior is so out of control, she will physically fight them or break down doors if her cell phone is taken away as punishment. Then, Charmaine says her 15-year-old daughter is on chat sites constantly. She says she suspected that her teen was giving out personal information online, even though her daughter denied it, so Charmaine created a fake profile and chatted with her daughter for three days. Before long, her daughter freely gave out her hometown, age and school. Charmaine says she fears one day her daughter will share her information with the wrong person, and her safety or life could be in danger. Air Date : 9th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 21 - “I Reunited with My Birth Mother and Now She Says She Wishes She Never Had Me”

Adopted as a baby, Rhonda says she wondered throughout her childhood why her birth mother placed her for adoption. At 24, she finally met her birth mother, Terri, and says she learned something no child should ever have to hear: Terri said she had tried to end her pregnancy by drinking an abortion concoction. Since meeting, Rhonda and Terri say their relationship has not been what they had hoped for -- but Rhonda says one good thing that came from the reunion is the unbreakable bond she now has with her younger sister, Beth. Beth and Rhonda say that since reuniting, Terri has become a “complete mess,” adding that she is mean, nasty and verbally abusive – especially when she’s inebriated or high on pills -- accusations Terri strongly denies. Terri says that Rhonda has turned Beth, and that the two have joined forces against her. Air Date : 12th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 22 - “How Did Our Son Go from College-Bound Star Athlete to a Homeless 'Moocher' Sleeping in a Tool Shed?”

Rachael and her husband, Tino, face off with their 22-year-old son, Ian, who they say went from being a star student and athlete to a “moocher” who now sleeps in their tool shed! They say Ian dropped out of college, quit his job and moved home, but when he wouldn’t work or return to school, they kicked him out. To get Ian to leave, Rachael and Tino say they had to get a temporary restraining order and call the cops to have him escorted out. Ian says it’s outrageous that his own parents would throw him out — making him homeless with a criminal record and forcing him to sneak into their tool shed at night just to have a place to sleep. Rachael and Tino say they are not only concerned about the changes in Ian’s path, but also his personality — claiming that Ian may be delusional because he has even accused them of raping him — an accusation they strongly deny. Air Date : 13th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 23 - Exclusive: High School Hero Defends Blind Teen in Alleged Bully Attack Caught on Video

Huntington Beach High School student Cody Pines is being hailed as a hero after the teen was caught on tape taking down an accused bully who was allegedly beating up legally-blind classmate, Austin Higley. Video of the incident was posted on the Internet and went viral. Today, for the first time, Cody and Austin are together and speaking out in an exclusive interview with Dr. Phil. Air Date : 14th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 24 - Oprah’s Big Project and Guilt, Grief, Forgiveness: Best Friends Connecting after Tragedy

Oprah Winfrey sits down with Dr. Phil to share her new, week-long documentary series “Belief.” The documentary depicts how people with a wide range of beliefs search for deeper meaning and connection with the world around them. Through vivid, emotional storytelling and cinematic visual imagery, “Belief” illuminates the best of faith and spiritual practices from around the world — the rituals, stories and relationships that bind us all together as human beings. And then, a mother who says her belief in God helped her through the worst day of her life — when her friend accidentally ran over her 17-month-old daughter and killed her. They tell Dr. Phil how the accident brought them closer. Air Date : 15th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 25 - “I Became a Trending Topic.” Peeple App Creator Sets the Record Straight

Julia, a marketing entrepreneur, says when she created the Peeple app, which allows people to be reviewed, the social media buzz wasn’t what she bargained for. Deemed by some as “Yelp for people,” Julia says once word got out, hate mail, death threats and criticism came flooding in. She's turning to Dr. Phil to help her set the record straight for what she calls her “positivity app.” Then, 20-year-old Tracey says she thrives on the negative attention she gets on social media, and wants to know why. And, Anitha, 22, one of Tracey's social media followers, says even though she’s never met Tracey, she's concerned about the poor choices she sees her virtual friend making! Can Dr. Phil and Anitha show Tracey the value of her worth? Air Date : 16th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 26 - “My Gambling, Addicted Mom is $400,000 in the Hole, about to Lose Her Home and Possibly Her 14-Year-Old Son!”

Serena says she’s begged her mother, Debbie, to fight the urge of her gambling addiction before she loses her home and possibly, she fears, custody of her teenage son! Serena says she believes her mother’s addiction began years ago, after Debbie lost her 2-year-old son to cancer, and numbed her pain by going to the casinos. Debbie admits she can’t control the pull of the slot machines and that over the last 20 years, she’s gambled away up to $400,000. She confides that she’s always blamed herself for her toddler’s death, and says she’s now terrified she’ll lose her teenage son and can’t afford to take care of him. Can Dr. Phil help Debbie curb her gambling addiction before her daughter gives up and walks away – and she loses everything? Also, an update on Ryan, the millionaire-turned-“moocher” who was sleeping in his parents' garage! Find out what’s happened since he first appeared on Dr. Phil! Air Date : 19th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 27 - She Was a Model, a Marine, but Now She's a Mess

Bill and Marlena say their daughter Courtney was a beautiful child and model who, after the events of 9/11, decided to join the military. While serving in Iraq, Courtney says she was blown from a 40-foot wall and suffered major injuries, which required reconstructive surgery. Courtney says that’s when she became addicted to pain pills. She says when her prescription ran out, she turned to something stronger and more easily obtainable — heroin. Courtney says she uses heroin to help treat her PTSD and to help numb the pain of enduring numerous sexual abuse-related traumas over the years. Bill claims that his ex-wife, Marlena, enables Courtney, and that’s why their daughter can’t stay clean. But Marlena says she can’t turn her back on Courtney, like Bill has — an accusation that Bill denies — and admits that she’s even driven Courtney to buy drugs. Air Date : 20th-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 28 - Hollywood Facialist Accused of Hiring a Hit Man Speaks Out for the First Time

Hollywood skin specialist to the stars Dawn DaLuise says she built her business and reputation on her avant garde beauty treatments and celebrity clients, such as Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow, and it wasn’t long before she received national attention in major publications. Then, in March of 2014, Dawn says she once again received national attention, but for an entirely different reason. She was arrested in a murder-for-hire plot and spent just under a year in jail. In the months leading to her arrest, Dawn claims she was the target of a vicious campaign to destroy everything she had built. She claims her tires were slashed, Craigslist ads were created offering free sex — resulting in men showing up at her salon — and sexually-explicit flyers super-imposed with her face and her two daughters, were strewn about her business and front lawn. Dawn says she was convinced the person behind the attack was a “rival” aesthetician, Gabriel Suarez. Air Date : 21st-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 29 - “I'm Fighting for Custody of My Child with My Ex-Husband Who I Believe is Stalking Me”

Leslie says her ex-husband, Andy, is controlling, abusive and narcissistic, and she desperately hopes one day to have joint custody of their 5-year-old son. She claims Andy stalks her by tapping her phone, tracking her car with GPS, and that even his family is spying on her from the trees. Andy has primary custody of their son and says that’s the way it should be — he adamantly denies Leslie’s accusations and claims she is delusional, a liar, and can’t be trusted with their boy. He says their seven-year marriage ended because of Leslie’s drug relapses and paranoia, and claims that he once crawled around the ground with a flashlight looking for “people who were stalking her.” Leslie admits that she has a criminal record stemming from problems with substance abuse, but says that’s all in the past. Leslie’s mother, Myrna, says she knew Andy was “bad news from day one,” and claims Andy is a control freak who uses her grandson to get what he wants. Air Date : 22nd-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 30 - “Dr. Phil, I Need Your Help Again: My Daughter is Hitchhiking and Train Hopping as a Portland Street Kid”

Five years ago, Tammy came to Dr. Phil for help with what she called unleashing her “special brand” of anger on her then 15 and 13-year-old daughters, Tatiana and Tameeka — yelling and screaming at them and anyone else who got in her way. Since the show, Tammy says she has curbed her anger, but needs Dr. Phil’s help again! She says three years ago Tatiana, now 20, stopped going to school, so she gave her three choices — get a job, volunteer, or take a class – or she would have to move out. She says Tatiana took that as an eviction notice, left home, and has been living on the streets ever since. Now, Tammy wonders if it’s her fault that her daughter is homeless, hitchhiking and train hopping around the country. It’s been two years since Tammy has seen Tatiana, and three years since Tatiana has seen her younger sister, Tameeka. Air Date : 23rd-Oct-2015  Read More

Season 14 Episode 31 - A Baby on the Way: “I Think My Daughter & Her Fiancé Are Unfit Parents & I Am Fighting for Custody of My Unborn Grandchild!”

Twenty-year-old Kiersten is seven months pregnant and says she’s ready to parent her daughter with her fiancé, Jadan, 22. But Kiersten’s mother, Karen, says, “no way.” Karen says she’s hired an attorney to seek full custody of her soon-to-be-born grandchild, claiming that the two are unfit parents and that Jadan is mentally and physically abusive toward Kiersten — accusations both Kiersten and Jadan strongly deny. Jadan says Karen is a “cancer in his life,” and he is sick of her spreading vicious lies about him. With Kiersten’s due date just weeks away, can Dr. Phil help Karen and Jadan bury the hatchet before this becomes a bitter custody battle? Air Date : 26th-Oct-2015  Read More

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