Police Cadet - Season : 3

Season 3 Episode 1 - Episode 1

Senior inspector CHEUNG WAI-KIT breaks into a crime ring and successfully arrests the robbers. Exhausted after the work, he stays home to rest while his wife HAU-YEE goes to the beach, accompanied by his sister KA- MAN. LAM CHI-CHUEN, a persistent open admirer of KA-MAN, follows them. An accident causes HAU-YEE to fall into the sea while KA-MAN and CHI- CHUEN panic over her disappearance. She has been taken to hospital by. a rich playboy CHEUK YIU-CHO. After the incident, HAU-YEE observes that CHEUK often hangs around her flower shop, and suspects that she is his target. Sunny, an assistant in HAU-YEE's flower shop, is found dying of sex torture. CHEUK invites HAU-YEE and CHI-KIT to attend a party. He makes a pass on CHI-KIT and invites him to bed. Air Date : 23rd-Nov-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 2 - Episode 2

Dismayed at such perverse behaviour, CHI-KIT identifies himself as a police. He begins to be suspicious of YIU-CHO. Not for long, he has found out that he is the murderer of Sunny. Arrested, YIU-CHO tries to threaten WAI-KIT of revealing the names of social celebrities and VIPS of whoring. WAI-KIT pays no heed to his threats. YIU-CHO learns from his father CHEUK SAU-YIN, a rich businessman and a triad leader that he will be prosecuted. Fearful of his imminent ruination, he commits suicide in the custody centre. SAU-YIN savagely blames his son's degradation and death to a follower called maniac GAU. He orders CHAN YIM-KWAN, his right hand, to have his son avenged. A police stoolie TAM CHO learns of the news of revenge. Air Date : 24th-Nov-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 3 - Episode 3

WAI-KIT collects information from stoolie TAM-CHO. He attempts to arrest HAU, but does not succeed. CHI-CHUEN learns with dismay about KA-MAN's migrating to the States. He decides to apply for immigration too. Touched by his sincerity, KA-MAN finally agrees to let him go with her. TAM CHO is sent to hospital for treatment of an injury. His son TZE-WAH visits him there, and mistaken WAI-KIT to be the bad guy. WAI-KIT is told details about a transaction where GAU would obtain guns. He goes for the arrest but is overpowered by the gangsters. Air Date : 25th-Nov-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 4 - Episode 4

Another senior inspector WONG AH-TING comes to WAI-KIT's rescue. He is annoyed that WAI-KIT has upset his plan of arresting the gangsters. WAI-KIT joins the Organized Serious Crime Group. His colleagues all cheer him in the celebration feast. But his relation with AH-TING grows worse. Stoolie TAM CHO informs WAI-KIT the whereabouts of HAU. In escaping arrest, GAU leaves behind the boat's license he uses for escaping to Macau. WAI-KIT sees CHI-WAH picking up the license and suspects he is involved. Air Date : 26th-Nov-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 5 - Episode 5

After questioning, WAI-KIT believes CHI-WAH is innocent and has him released. GAU's case is then transferred to AH-TING, at the suggestion of the police director. GAU seeks out CHI-WAH to get back the boat's license. CHI-WAH is injured and is saved by a woman of the underworld, TIN YEE-LING. TIN suggests CHI-WAH to seek help from YIM-KWAN. CHI-WAH is put in an empty house., not knowing that YIM-KWAN means to use him to get GAU. At this time, the desperate GAU also seeks help from YIM-KWAN, who promises to help him escape, but secretly plans to kill him. TAM CHO tells CHI-KIT that his son CHI-WAH has disappeared. CHI-KIT advises him to talk to AH-TING. Air Date : 27th-Nov-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 6 - Episode 6

YIM-KWAN arranges GAU to come across CHI-WAH in the empty house. The two start a hard fight in which CHI-WAH is injured. YIM-KWAN has his followers pursue GAU. GAU escapes to the car-repairing shop owned by an ex-underworld member BIN SHING. GAU is beaten to death there. BIN-SHING is questioned by AH-TING about GAU's death. Warned by YIM- KWAN, BINSHING keeps quiet about what he sees. CHI-WAH is alleged of killing GAU. TAM CHO finds out that BIN SHING knows the true story and goes to beg him to reveal it. BIN-SHING refuses him. Air Date : 30th-Nov-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 7 - Episode 7

Reflecting on the past events, CHI-WAH realizes he has been used by YIM-KWAN to eradicate GAU. He rebukes YEE-LING, who has trusted YIM- KWAN . BIN SHING's son disappears. Thinking that he is kidnapped by YIM- KWAN, BIN SHING seeks him out. YIM-KWAN denies. TAM CHO disappears too. After investigation, WAI-KIT finds out that TAM CHO has kidnapped BIN SHING's son in order to threaten BIN SHING into telling the truth to the police. WAI-KIT gets hurt in rescuing the hostage, and BIN SHING is grateful. Air Date : 1st-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 8 - Episode 8

After serious thoughts, BIN SHING decides to reveal the truth to WAI-KIT. AH-TING arrests the real murderers, only after severe criticism from his superior. He vents out his frustration towards his wife, TUNG-SAN. CHI-WAH is acquitted, and reconciles with YEE-LING. Knowing that YIM-KWAN would seek revenge against him,. BIN SHING makes a visit to CHEUK SAU-YIN, the big boss. He succeeds in persuading CHEUK to let go of himself and his son. YIM-KWAN is upset about CHEUK's decision. His loyalty towards CHEUK weakens. Air Date : 2nd-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 9 - Episode 9

WAI-KIT becomes aware that his wife HAU-YEE is left unattended to. He plans to dine out with her. His plan is disrupted by CHI-WAH who insists treating WAI-KIT to dinner to thank him. HAU-YEE becomes more annoyed. YIM-KWAN is determined to seek revenge on BIN SHING. He contrives to get SAU-YIN's enemy CHEUNG HONG-KWAI to get BIN SHING. WAI-KIT is having dinner with BIN SHINE when BIN is attacked. WAI-KIT has all the gangsters arrested. He warns HONG-KWAI openly to be careful of what he does. Taking this as an insult, HONG-KWAI decides to revenge on HAU-YEE. Air Date : 3rd-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 10 - Episode 10

CHI-WAH hopes to secure a job to support the family so that his father does not have to work dangerously as a stoolie. YEE-LING suggests that he becomes a pimp. WAI-KIT learns it in time to stop him. He arranges CHI-WAH to work in BIN SHING's car-repairing shop. To revenge against WAI-KIT, HONG-KWAI arranges three men to rob WAI-KIT's house. As the robbers are about to assault HAU-YEE, BIN SHINE comes to the rescue. The robbers are arrested, and BIN is seriously injured. WAI-KIT and HAU-YEE are grateful to BIN, and nurse him while in the hospital. BIN's sister-in-law, MAN-WAI comes to visit him. The big boss CHEUK SAU-YIN comes too, but is prevented from seeing BIN by WAI-KIT. Air Date : 4th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 11 - Episode 11

The revenge incident has deepened HAU-YEE's frustration. She decides to take a trip to the states and stay for a while with her family. WAI-KIT finds out that HONG-KWAI is behind the robbing incident. He seeks him out and threatens to arrest him. HONG-KWAI complains WAI- KIT's rudeness to the police, causing him to be reprimanded by his senior. BIN SHING learns from CHI-WAI that he himself is the cause of all these troubles that WAI-KIT is involved. He makes a visit to CHEUK SAU-YIN and pleads with him to mediate the quarrel between WAI-KIT and HONG-KWAI. CHEUK uses his influence to stop HONG-KWAI from further attempts to harm WAI-KIT. BIN SHING is grateful towards CHEUK. Air Date : 7th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 12 - Episode 12

CHI-WAH begins to have better feelings towards BIN SHING for saving WAI-KIT from the trouble-maker HONG-KWAI. MAN-WAI comes also to see her brother-in-law in a different light. She even promises to take care of his son KAI-KWONG. Between AH-TING and WAI-KIT, the police director decides to promote AH-TING to become a police commander. In his place is LAW MAN-TSUNG.WAI-KIT has to bear great frustrations. He has intended to take leave to visit HAU-YEE in the states. His application is reused by AH-TING, who suspects WAI-KIT is connected with CHEUK of the underworld. AH-TING's wife TUNGSAN works as a part time servant in order to earn money for her family in the Mainland, as she dares not talk to AH-TING about her difficulties. Air Date : 8th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 13 - Episode 13

WAI-KIT's uncle SIU-TUNG decides to resign from the police force and starts a cleaning company. Through introduction; TUNG-SAN comes to work for SIU-TUNG in the company. BIN SHING and CHI-WAH often have lunch at MAN-WAI's cafe. There CHI- WAH comes to know CHING YUET-YUE and they become good friends. YUET- YUE is a lounge singer. Through CHI-WAH she comes to know CHI-KIT and is greatly impressed by his velour. YUET-YUE's grandmother comes back from Mainland. Learning that CHEUK's son has committed suicide, she seeks him out and elicit a secret to him. CHEUK's told that he actually has another son born by LEE SIU NGOR, mother of YUET-YUE. His son is now YUET-YUE's younger brother KWAN- HAN. Air Date : 9th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 14 - Episode 14

CHEUK seeks out SIU-NGOR for the truth about their son. Both YUET-YUE and KWAN-HAN come to know about the shocking truth. KWAN-HAN leaves home in great anger. YUET-YUE decides to move out to avoid CHEUK's visits. Later on, KWAN-HAN visits YUET-YUE in the cafe telling her that he is staying at his classmate's house. YUET-YUE begs him to go home, but is refused. CHEUK severely reprimands and stops YIM-KWAN doing drugs business. YIM- KWAN believes the time has come for him to rebel against CHEUK. He orders his men to have CHEUK killed. As CHEUK is talking to YUET-YUE about KWAN-HAN in the cafe, the murderer launches his attack. Air Date : 10th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 15 - Episode 15

CHEUK is attacked in the cafe. CHI-WAH and BIN SHINE fight with the killer and save CHEUK. YIM-KWAN calls up CHEUK and admits the planned murder. He threatens CHEUK to give up part of his businesses to him. CHEUK is infuriated. WAI-KIT is assigned the job to investigate the attempted murder. He talks to YUET-YUE about CHEUK, but she pretends to be ignorant about the case. He then talks to her mother, who finally tells him everything. YIM-KWAN kidnaps YUET-YEE, mistaking her to be CHEUK's daughter. CHEUK uses this chance to persuade BIN SHINE to help him handle his problems. WAI-KIT and CHI-WAH find out where YUET-YUE is held and go to rescue her. Air Date : 11th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 16 - Episode 16

WAI-KIT kills two men and saves YUET-YUE, who has been injured and is sent to the hospital. CHEUK concedes to YIM-KWAN's demand of taking over one-third of his business, for fear that YIM-KWAN may harm KWAN-HAN. KWAN-HAN visits YUET-YUE in the hospital. He is about to forgive his mother when CHEUK arrives. KWAN-HAN leaves in great anger. YIM-KWAN co-operates with HONG-KWAI to stir up trouble in BING's shop. Not wanting to cause bigger trouble, BING remains quiet about it. MAN-WAI has developed good feelings towards BING. She hopes BING could get detached totally from the underworld. Air Date : 14th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 17 - Episode 17

HONG KWAI stirs up riots in BING's shop and have TZE-WAH beaten up. As they cannot make BING give in, they decide to kidnap MAN-GVAI. They threaten BING to join them, or close his shop. BING chooses the latter. To avoid them, BING goes to Macau and stays in his uncle's house. But his uncle is threatened by YIM-KWAN for taking BING in. CHEUK learns of the disturbances that BIN has faced. He persuades BIN to rejoin him and handle his businesses. Seeing that CHEUK has become old and vulnerable, BIN decides to help him. WAI-KIT tries to dissuade BIN from re-joining CHEUK's gang, but BIN has made up his mind. The two good friends inevitably become enemies. Air Date : 15th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 18 - Episode 18

MAN-WAI is in great despair learning BIN has rejoined the underworld. Nevertheless, she promises BIN to take care of his son. TZE-WAH and YUET YUE jointly turn her cafe into a lounge. YUET-YUE has fallen in love with WAI-KIT. She is disappointed learning that KIT is married. SIU-TUNG's appreciation for TUNG SAN's hard work turns to love. He starts pursuing her and is disappointed to find that she is married. He is shocked to discover that her husband is his superior AH TING. Air Date : 16th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 19 - Episode 19

Seeing that TUNG-SAN is frequently abused by AH TING, SIU-TUNG talks reason with him. AH TING is furious to learn that his wife works for WAI-KIT. He beats up SIU-TUNG and warns him to mind his own business. TUNG-SAN is pregnant. AH TING thought that the baby is SIU-TUNG's, and demands TUNG-SAN to go for abortion. SIU-TUNG lets the whole office learn of AH TING's abusive acts towards his wife. In great anger and hatred, AH TING treats WAI-KIT badly. AH TING has a conflict with TUNG-SAN. TUNG falls down from the stairs. Air Date : 17th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 20 - Episode 20

TUNG-SAN miscarries the baby. Out of anger, SIU-TUNG resigns from his post. HAU-YEE returns to Hong Kong and surprises WAI-KIT when she asks for a divorce. WAI-KIT tries different means to pacify her, but she remains indifferent. After serious thoughts, WAI-KIT decides to resign and migrate to the states with HAU-YEE. HAU-YEE goes shopping with her mother-in-law. There is a shooting out between the police and the robbers. HAU-YEE is fatally wounded. Air Date : 18th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 21 - Episode 21

HAU-YEE dies in the hospital. WAI-KIT is overwhelmed with grief. He tries to hide the news from his mother who is also injured. His mother learns about it later and feels guilty for HAU-YEE's death. In the funeral, WAI-KIT sees BIN and asks him to get out. WAI-KIT is ruthless in the attempt to find out the murderer. His aggressiveness causes dissatisfaction among HONG-KWAI's gang. HONG intends to have WAI-KIT killed, but is stopped by CHEUK. BIN gives information to WAI-KIT on the murder. WAI-KIT remains unimpressed. WAI-KIT arrests the murderer and intends to resign from the police force. His resignation is refused, and he is granted 2 months’ leave. He goes to the States to visit HAU-YEE's family. Air Date : 21st-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 22 - Episode 22

KWAN-HAN works part time in YUET-YUE's lounge. But he refuses to forgive his mother SIU-NGOR. KWAN-CHEK is released after a 10-year imprisonment. His relatives look down upon him. His sister, YUET-YUE tries to comfort him. KWAN-CHEK goes to see HONG-KWAI to get the compensation for staying in prison for him. HONG-KWAI shows little appreciation. He arranges him to work in his night club. Shortly, KWAN-CHEK gets into a lot of conflicts with colleagues in the club. He discovers that HONG KWAI is never on his side and finds a chance to talk to him. YIM-KWAN is talking business with HONG-KWAN, and finds KWAN-CHEK a man with guts. On behalf of YIM, HONG allows KWAN-CHEK to stay on. Air Date : 22nd-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 23 - Episode 23

By chance, KWAN-CHEK discovers that his brother KWAN-HAN is the son of CHEUK. For fear that KWAN-CHEK may spread the thing, he arranges to have KWAN-CHEK work in his night-club. HONG-KWAI's gang seeks 'protection fee' from YUET-YUE's lounge. YUET seeks help from BIN. Before BIN can help, TZE-WAH is being beaten up. Air Date : 23rd-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 25 - Episode 25

KWAN-CHEK is asked to fulfill a difficult job. He is seriously beaten, but succeeds. YIM-KWAN offers big money to him if he kills BIN. KWAN-CHEK attacks BIN. MAN-WAI is also there. She is injured trying to save BIN. When the police investigates the case, both remain silent about who the attacker is. YUET-YUE learns about the attack and pleads with BIN to let go of KWAN-CHEK. BIN is greatly moved to see how MAN-WAI cares for him. They both declare affection for each other. KWAN-CHEK hides in Macau, under YIM-KWAN's arrangement. After some time, he insists on coming back. Air Date : 25th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 26 - Episode 26

YIM-KWAN spuds the news that KWAN-CHEK is back to Hong Kong. At the same time, he sends his people to save him when he is attacked by BIN's people. KWAN-CHEK is grateful to YIM-KWAN and decides to help him beat HONG-KWAI and CHEUK. KWAN-CHEK attacks CHEUK, but claims that he is under HONG-KWAI's instructions. CHEUK decides to have HONG-KWAI killed, disregarding BIN's advice. WAI-KIT returns to Hong Kong. On the plane, he comes to know FONG MAN-YING. Both are impressed by each other. WAI-KIT reports to his boss. He is given the case of HONG-KWAI's murder. KWAN-CHEK privately arranges drug deals with a Thai Syndicate. During transaction, they are attacked. Air Date : 28th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 27 - Episode 27

KWAN-CHEK successfully beats off the robbers who comes to rob the drugs. He becomes highly valued and respected in his gang. YUET-YUE learns that KWAN-CHEK has involved in the underworld activities and is greatly distressed. She retorts KWAN-CHEK, who leaves the house in anger. WAI-KIT starts investigating the murder of HONG-KWAI. He tries to illicit information from TAM-CHO, but is refused. KWAN-CHEK forces TAM-CHO to cooperate with him. TAM-CHO is to record down as evidence BIN's crimes. Before he can get to BIN, TAM-CHO is interrogated by AH TING. AH TING beats him up and threatens him to tell the truth. TAM records down their conversation. Air Date : 29th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 28 - Episode 28

The cassette tape falls into the hands of KWAN-CHEK, who uses the tape to force AH TING to co-operate with him to beat down BIN. TAM-CHO gets cured but he has lost his memories. TZE-WAH is grieved. AH TING interferes with BIN's night club business, causing great disturbances. CHEUK is agitated, and decides to show the police what he can do. BIN advises him to avoid conflicts with the police, but to no avail. Depressed, TZE-WAH pours out his feelings towards YUET-YUE. Surprised, YUET-YUE candidly tells him that they can only be friends. TZE-WAH knows that YUET-YUE actually loves WAI-KIT. He talks to WAI about it. Surprised, WAI explains to YUET-YUE that they can only be friends. YUET-YUE leaves with a broken heart. All these are witnessed by FONG MAN-YING. Air Date : 30th-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 29 - Episode 29

TZE-WAH is lonely and depressed. He is giving up himself. YEE-LING tries to comfort him. TZE-WAH learns from KWAN-CHEK that his father was beaten by AH TING. He decides to revenge, and is only stopped by WAI-KIT and YEE-LING in time. To revenge against AH TING, TZE-WAH decides to join CHEUK. BIN does not want to see TZE-WAH gets off the right track. He arranges him to help in the straight businesses. WAI-KIT is upset that BIN let TZE-WAH stays in the gang. Air Date : 31st-Dec-1987  Read More

Season 3 Episode 30 - Episode 30

CHEUK is engaged in a joint investment venture with Wing Wah, a Canadian corporation. He suffers from business setbacks, and decides to use the capital of Wing Wah. TZE-WAH is bored working in an office. He is only happy when he accompanies CHEUK to the night club, where he is faltered by the call girls. CHOU WING-KING, the representative of Wing Wah arrives in Hong Kong. FONG MAN-YING is his assistant. WAI-KIT learns that MAN-YING is doing business with CHEUK. He bids her subtly to be careful of CHEUK. WING-NING discovers that CHEUK has used the fund for his private use. He gives him one month to return all the money. Having no other alternative, CHEUK starts trafficking drugs. Air Date : 1st-Jan-1988  Read More

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