
Tom Baker

Thomas Stewart "Tom" Baker (born 20 January 1934) is a British actor and comedian. He is best known for playing the fourth incarnation of the Doctor in the science fiction television series, Doctor Who, a role he played from 1974–1981. Born : 20th-Jan-1934

Movie Credits

Frankenstein: The True Story

Victor Frankenstein witnesses his creation turn uncontrollable after he's duped by his associate, Dr. Polidori.
Released : 19th-Sep-1974

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The Mutations

A mad scientist (Donald Pleasence) crosses plants with people, and the results wind up in a sideshow.
Released : 22nd-May-1974

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Nicholas and Alexandra

Tsar Nicholas II, the inept last monarch of Russia, insensitive to the needs of his people, is overthrown and exiled to Siberia with his family.
Released : 29th-Nov-1971

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The Magic Roundabout

A shaggy, candy-loving puppy named Dougal along with a group of friends embarks on a dangerous journey in an effort to imprison their oppressor -- the evil ice sorcerer ZeeBad (Zebedee's evil twin). As the world is placed in mortal danger Zeebad who wants to turn the world to ice. Doogal and his friends must recover 3 diamonds that are needed to stop him.
Released : 2nd-Feb-2005

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The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

Sinbad and his crew intercept a homunculus carrying a golden tablet. Koura, the creator of the homunculus and practitioner of evil magic, wants the tablet back and pursues Sinbad. Meanwhile Sinbad meets the Vizier who has another part of the interlocking golden map, and they mount a quest across the seas to solve the riddle of the map.
Released : 20th-Dec-1973

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The Vault of Horror

The sequel to Tales from the Crypt. Five strangers trapped in a basement vault converse about their recurring nightmares. Their stories include vampires, bodily dismemberment, east Indian mysticism, an insurance scam, and an artist who kills by painting his victims' deaths.
Released : 16th-Mar-1973

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This made-for-TV documentary introduces the layperson to concepts and technologies that were emerging in computer interface design in the late 1980s and early 1990s: hypertext, multimedia, virtual assistants, interactive video, 3D animation, and virtual reality.
Released : 21st-Sep-1990

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Doctor Who: Dimensions in Time

All of the Doctor's incarnations are in crisis when The Rani creates a time-loop in the East-end of London in this 30th Anniversary Special.
Released : 27th-Nov-1993

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Who's Who

Produced for American Public Television, this documentary on the long-running Doctor Who television series features interviews with actors and actresses who played the traveling companions of the Time Lord hero and with three actors, Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, and Colin Baker, who portrayed the title character, as well as footage of a U.S. fan convention where Tom Baker, appeared and answered questions. The fan backlash against the 1985-6 hiatus for the series and the finding of some previously lost Jon Pertwee era episodes are addressed, and this documentary closes with some on-the-street interviews with British viewers, who tell who their favorite Doctor is.
Released : 13th-Aug-1986

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The Zany Adventures of Robin Hood

The evil brother of Richard the Lionheart is holding the king for ransom, and only Robin Hood and his band of merry men can save him...for a small fee, of course.
Released : 22nd-May-1984

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Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor

In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.
Released : 23rd-Nov-2013

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The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

Egyptologist Robin Ellis and American reporter Eva Marie Saint uncover King Tut's burial site but wealthy profiteer Raymond Burr tries to make sure that the valuable artifacts in its chambers never leave the country.
Released : 8th-May-1980

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Doctor Who: City of Death

While taking in the sights of Paris in 1979, the Doctor and Romana sense that someone is tampering with time. Who is the mysterious Count Scarlioni? Why does he seem to have counterparts scattered through time? And just how many copies of the Mona Lisa did Leonardo da Vinci paint?
Released : 20th-Oct-1979

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Doctor Who: The Ark in Space

In the distant future, the Doctor, Sarah and Harry find a space station preserving the future of mankind. But the insect Wirrn have got there first...
Released : 15th-Feb-1975

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Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion

Peter Davison is on a new journey to discover everything he can about the Doctor's Companion. What exactly is a companion's role, how do you actually become a companion, what do they have in common and how have the companions changed over the years?
Released : 13th-Aug-2014

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The Millionairess

One of Shaw's later plays, The Millionairess explores his fascination with the machinations of capitalism. Epifania is glamorous, clever... and also the richest woman in the world. Brought up by a money-mad father, she will only consider a man for marriage if he can convert £150 into £50,000 within six months. But when she meets an intriguing Egyptian doctor, he has his own money-making challenge for her...
Released : 12th-Sep-1972

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The Law Lord

A new government takes power with a drastically reduced majority. But the ambitious young Home Secretary has a plan to bring the legal establishment to heel and bypass Parliament altogether. Anthony Andrews says of writer and barrister John Cooper (who wrote the ITV series The Advocates): "John is writing about a world he knows intimately. It is a most original and exciting screenplay and extremely prescient in view of the current controversies surrounding the judiciary." Producer Simon Passmore Director Jim Goddard
Released : 22nd-Mar-1992

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Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars

In a Victorian Gothic mansion, strange things are afoot. The master of the house, away in Egypt, has been replaced by a sinister Egyptian. Cloth-wrapped Mummies roam the grounds, killing people. Beneath a pyramid, the last of the Osirans — Sutekh the Destroyer — waits to be freed, to at long last bring his gift of death to all who live.
Released : 15th-Nov-1975

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Ex-lovers Jase and Kayla find themselves caught in a time loop when they're whisked to "The Time Chamber" by an eternal robot named Sarge (Baker) and his time refugee sidekick Zymo. Now they must restore the continuity of time, stop the time terrorists, save the world and fall in love all over again.
Released : 3rd-May-1998

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Doctor Who: The Horns of Nimon

After the TARDIS collides with a spacecraft delivering human tributes to the evil bull-like Nimon, the Doctor and Romana must stop the fearsome alien's quest to rule the galaxy.
Released : 12th-Jan-1980

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Doctor Who: The Talons of Weng-Chiang

Death stalks the fogbound streets of Victorian London: young women are going missing, horribly mutilated bodies are found floating in the Thames and criminal gangs terrorize the innocent. At the heart of this tangled web sits the mysterious Li H'sen Chang, sorcerer and hypnotist, and his grotesque sidekick Mister Sin. The Doctor dons deerstalker hat and cape to seek out the sinister force lurking in the shadows of the metropolis, for the Talons of Weng-Chiang are reaching out to shred the human race.
Released : 2nd-Apr-1977

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Dear Parents

An Italian woman who has not heard from her daughter for a while travels to London, where the daughter is living, and is shocked to be confronted with the young woman's world. During the brief days they spend together, the women come to acknowledge the insurmountable differences that exist between them despite the love they share.
Released : 9th-Feb-1973

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Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow

Ezra, having grown in power, leads a mission to break the crew's old friend Hondo Ohnaka out of prison. Meanwhile, Grand Admiral Thrawn -- a master Imperial strategist -- has vowed to dismantle and destroy the growing rebellion.
Released : 16th-Jul-2016

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Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen

Arriving on Space Station Nerva in its distant past, the Doctor, Sarah and Harry find its crew threatened by a mysterious plague. Discovering that things are not as they seem, they uncover a Cyberman plot to destroy Voga, planet of gold.
Released : 10th-May-1975

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Doctor Who: Robot

The newly-regenerated Doctor helps UNIT battle a sentient robot being manipulated by a corrupt scientific organization.
Released : 18th-Jan-1975

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Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment

Sontaran Field Major Styre is conducting experiments on the survivors of future Earth in preparation of a full-scale Sontaran invasion of the planet. Can the Doctor defeat Styre and save the world?
Released : 1st-Mar-1975

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Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks

The Time Lords dispatch the Doctor to the past of the planet Skaro on his deadliest adventure yet — to prevent the creation of the Daleks.
Released : 12th-Apr-1975

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Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation

The Doctor is summoned by the mysterious and powerful White Guardian, and sent on a quest to find the six segments of the Key to Time, which, once assembled, will restore balance to the Universe. Joining the Doctor and K9 is the smart and sassy Romana, a Time Lord fresh from the Academy. Landing on the wintry planet of Ribos to locate the first segment, the TARDIS crew quickly find themselves embroiled in a little local trouble with a pair of conmen and an unstable warlord...
Released : 23rd-Sep-1978

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Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons

When the Doctor, Sarah Jane and Harry arrive in Scotland, having received an urgent request for assistance from the Brigadier, they discover that the mysterious force which has destroyed three oil rigs has left giant teeth marks on the wreckage. The mystery deepens, leading them to the shores of Loch Ness where they find that the legendary monster really does exist – and is the murderous tool of the Zygons, aliens intent on overpowering the planet. The Doctor, his companions and UNIT must find a way to defeat the deadly Loch Ness Monster and its controllers, but the Zygons have the terrifying power to change shape. The Doctor's life has never been in more danger, as the line between allies and enemies is tested to the very limit...
Released : 20th-Sep-1975

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Doctor Who: Planet of Evil

Picking up a distress call from the edge of the known universe, the Doctor and Sarah Jane find themselves on Zeta Minor where a geological team has run afoul of some strange goings on...
Released : 18th-Oct-1975

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Doctor Who: The Brain of Morbius

Mad scientist Mehendri Solon is building a body from spare parts to house the disembodied brain of the evil Time Lord Morbius. He fancies the Doctor's head as the final piece...
Released : 24th-Jan-1976

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Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders

The blue crystal that the Doctor took from Metebelis III in a previous adventure is desperately sought by the Eight Legs, a race of mutated spiders, as the final element in their plan for universal domination. With help from an old mentor, the Doctor realises the only way to foil the plot is to make the ultimate sacrifice. The Doctor must risk death to return to the cave of the Great One and save the universe.
Released : 8th-Jun-1974

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Doctor Who: The Robots of Death

The Doctor and Leela must catch a killer on a vast mining ship run by robots and humans.
Released : 19th-Feb-1977

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Doctor Who: Horror of Fang Rock

The cursed island of Fang Rock off the south coast of England is a place of rumour and tales of beasts from the sea. Three lighthouse men at the turn of the century face their fears when something comes from the sea to bring death to all it touches.
Released : 24th-Sep-1977

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Doctor Who: The Masque of Mandragora

An alien intelligence hitches a ride onboard the TARDIS to 15th century Italy, where a deranged astrologer attempts to harness its power.
Released : 25th-Sep-1976

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Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin

Summoned back to Gallifrey, the Doctor is framed for the assassination of the Time Lord President. To prove his innocence, he must stand for election himself, uncover the traitor in the Time Lord High Council, fight a hooded killer in a nightmare cyberspace world of his enemy's devising and battle against an old foe now out to destroy the Time Lords: The Master.
Released : 20th-Nov-1976

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Doctor Who: The Sun Makers

Far in the distant future, Earth has become uninhabitable, forcing Mankind to colonise first Mars and then Pluto. No longer the coldest planet in the solar system, Pluto is now warmed by artificial suns. The Doctor, Leela and K9 arrive to discover the exploitation of the Megropolis people by the ruling elite, lead by the Collector. Deep in the Undercity, a small group of revolutionaries plot to overthrow the company and the Doctor is forced to fight the oppression of the people using Fire against Fire...
Released : 17th-Dec-1977

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Doctor Who: The Stones of Blood

Searching for the third segment to the Key to Time brings the Doctor and Romana to present-day Earth, where the travellers have to contend with stone circles, Druidic rituals and a not-so-mythical goddess known as the Cailleach.
Released : 18th-Nov-1978

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Doctor Who: The Invasion of Time

The Doctor returns to Gallifrey, claims his rights and is inaugurated President. It soon turns out that he has led a group of aliens called Vardans to the planet to eradicate them completely. After they are destroyed, the Sontarans take their opportunity and follow them in their invasion until they are destroyed by the Doctor.
Released : 11th-Mar-1978

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Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet

The Doctor and Romana learn the second segment of the Key to Time is on the planet Calufrax. Yet they arrive on a planet called Zanak, which has been hollowed out and fitted with hyperspace engines, allowing its insane, half-robot Captain to materialise it around smaller planets and plunder their resources.
Released : 21st-Oct-1978

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Doctor Who: The Invisible Enemy

A three-man rocket crew are nearly done with their mission to Titan Base until a course change puts the rocket in the path of a strange cloud in space. By the time they arrive, they have come under the control of a sentient virus which threatens the galaxy. When the TARDIS picks up an emergency message, it flies into the cloud, infecting the Doctor. To save himself and others, he must undertake a dangerous journey.
Released : 22nd-Oct-1977

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Doctor Who: Underworld

On the edge of the universe, the Doctor, Leela and K9 encounter a Minyan ship on an epic quest to find their race banks... but their people have encountered the Time Lords before...
Released : 28th-Jan-1978

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Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl

The present day: just as the Fourth Doctor and Leela arrive in Fetchborough, England, Professor Fendelman prepares to experiment on a fossilized skull which science says should not exist. The skull is actually an artefact of the Fendahl, a god-like being who feeds on the life force of others. It has begun to awaken and kill. Worse yet, others seek to exploit the Fendahl's dreadful power.
Released : 19th-Nov-1977

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Doctor Who: Shada

The story revolves around the lost planet Shada, on which the Time Lords built a prison for defeated would-be conquerors of the universe. Skagra, one such inmate, needs the help of one of the prison's inmates. He finds nobody knows where Shada is anymore except one aged Time Lord who has retired to Earth, where he is a professor at St. Cedd's College, Cambridge. Luckily for the universe, Skagra's attempt to force the information out of Professor Chronotis coincides with a visit by the professor's old friend, the Doctor. (Filming for this story was never finished, and in this version the story is completed via on-camera narration.)
Released : 6th-Jul-1992

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Doctor Who: The Face of Evil

The Doctor arrives on a planet where two tribes, the savage Sevateem and the technically brilliant Tesh, are at war. He meets Leela, an exile from the Sevateem, and discovers that the tribes' god of evil is apparently himself...
Released : 22nd-Jan-1977

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Doctor Who: The Power of Kroll

The Doctor and Romana arrive on the marsh moon of Delta Magna in search of the next segment of the Key to Time. They are caught in the conflict between the native Swampies and the crew of a chemical refinery. The presence of a gun runner complicates matters; to make things worse, the Swampies intend to awaken Kroll, the giant god that lives beneath the swamps.
Released : 13th-Jan-1979

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Doctor Who: The Androids of Tara

Finding the fourth segment of the Key to Time was simple enough, but holding onto it may be another matter. The Doctor and Romana find themselves embroiled in the political games of the planet Tara, where doubles, android or otherwise, complicate the coronation of Prince Reynart.
Released : 16th-Dec-1978

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Doctor Who: The Creature from the Pit

The Doctor and Romana follow a distress signal which leads to the jungle planet Chloris, whose ruthless ruler Lady Adrasta harbors a deadly creature in a pit.
Released : 17th-Nov-1979

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Doctor Who: Meglos

On the lush planet Tigella, two opposing factions are divided over the usage of the Dodecahedron, an ancient and powerful artefact which provides the entire planet's energy. The Doctor is summoned to arbitrate the conflict, but the power-crazed Meglos intercepts the call and impersonates him in order to steal the Dodecahedron.
Released : 18th-Oct-1980

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Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks

The Doctor and a newly-regenerated Romana arrive on Skaro to find that the Daleks, locked in a war with the robotic Movellans, have returned to retrieve their buried creator Davros.
Released : 22nd-Sep-1979

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Doctor Who: Nightmare of Eden

A freak accident leaves two dangerously unstable spacecraft locked together, and a horde of monsters unleashed on their passengers.
Released : 15th-Dec-1979

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TV Credits

Doctor Who

- The adventures of The Doctor, a time-traveling humanoid alien known as a Time Lord. He explores the universe in his TARDIS, a sentient time-traveling spaceship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, The Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilizations, help ordinary people, and right many wrongs.
Released : 23rd-Nov-1963

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- Z-Cars or Z Cars is a British television drama series centred on the work of mobile uniformed police in the fictional town of Newtown, based on Kirkby, Merseyside. Produced by the BBC, it debuted in January 1962 and ran until September 1978.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1962

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Dixon of Dock Green

The Man - Created by Ted Willis. Dixon of Dock Green was a BBC television series following the activities of police officers at a fictional Metropolitan Police station in the East End of London from 1955 to 1976. Some episodes were later remade as a BBC radio series in 2005 and 2006.
Released : 9th-Jul-1955

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Jim'll Fix It

- A long-running BBC television series hosted by Jimmy Savile. Children from the public would write in to the host requesting that he 'fix' something for them or make some wish come true.
Released : 31st-May-1975

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Arthur of the Britons

- This series strips away the elaborate medieval view of Camelot, and presents Arthur as the chief of a small Celt tribe in Dark-Ages Britain, a century or two after the withdrawal of Rome. Arthur struggles to weave the scattered tribes of Celts, Jutes, etc. into a union that can effectively oppose the Saxon invaders who are arriving in Britain in growing numbers. He is aided by his adoptive father, Llud, and his foster brother, Kai, who is himself a Saxon foundling.
Released : 6th-Dec-1972

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Little Britain USA

- Lucas and David Walliams, the stars of the smash-hit BBC comedy Little Britain, bring their unique blend of scripted comedy and characterization to America.
Released : 28th-Sep-2008

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The Hound of the Baskervilles

Sherlock Holmes - When a young heir inherits a noble title that apparently has a deadly curse to it, Sherlock Holmes is hired to investigate. A British television serial based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1982

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Little Britain

Narrator - A zany comedy show with Matt Lucas and David Walliams, featuring characters from all over Little Britain.
Released : 16th-Sep-2003

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Self - Eurotika is a Channel 4 documentary film on European exploitation cinema. The documentary is similarly themed to Pete Tombs's book Immoral Tales: European Sex and Horror Movies 1956-1984. During the 1960s and 1970s, European low-budget films went kinky, emerging as a new type of cinema that blended eroticism, surrealism, horror, and over-the-top atmospherics.
Released : 3rd-Oct-1999

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Doctor Who Confidential

Self - Doctor Who Confidential is a documentary series created by the British Broadcasting Corporation to complement the revival of the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Each episode was broadcast on BBC Three on Saturdays, immediately after the broadcast of the weekly television episode on BBC One. The running time of the first two series was 30 minutes, being extended to 45 minutes in the third. BBC Three also broadcast a cut-down edition of the programme, lasting 15 minutes, shown after the repeats on Sundays and Fridays and after the weekday evening repeats of earlier seasons. Described as focusing on the human element of the series, Confidential features behind-the-scenes footage on the making of Doctor Who through clips and interviews with the cast, production crew and other people, including those who have participated in the television series over the years of its existence. Each episode deals with a different topic, and in most cases refers to the Doctor Who episode that preceded it. There have also been two episodes of Doctor Who Confidential broadcast apart from the showing of Doctor Who episodes: in November 2006 an edition subtitled "Music and Monsters" was produced going behind the scenes of a televised concert of soundtrack music produced as part of that year's Children in Need appeal, and on 3 January 2009, a special edition was broadcast to announce the actor chosen to play the Eleventh Doctor.
Released : 26th-Mar-2005

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Softly, Softly

- Softly, Softly is a British television drama series, produced by the BBC and screened on BBC 1 from January 1966. It centred around the work of regional crime squads, plain-clothes CID officers based in the fictional region of Wyvern, supposedly in the Bristol area of England.
Released : 5th-Jan-1966

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- The world of John Strange is no ordinary place - full of malevolent demons that must be stopped from wreaking havoc upon the Earth. In his quest he is joined by nurse Jude Atkins, computer whiz Toby and Kevin, a man who can pick up on strange vibes. But the mysterious Canon Black remains a thorn in John's side, fervent in his efforts to prove the non-existence of anything remotely demonic or paranormal...
Released : 31st-May-2003

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Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)

Prof. Wyvern - A modern day version of the 1969 detective series about Private Investigator Jeff Randall, who is aided in cases by the ghost of his deceased partner Marty Hopkirk.
Released : 18th-Mar-2000

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BBC Play of the Month

Egyptian Doctor - Play of the Month is a BBC television anthology series featuring productions of classic and contemporary stage plays which were usually broadcast on BBC1. Each production featured a different work, often using prominent British stage actors in the leading roles. The series was transmitted from October 1965 to September 1983; the producer most associated with the Play of the Month was Cedric Messina. Some of the 121 episodes are missing from the archives, having been junked in the 1960s and 1970s. Unless stated otherwise, the indication that the play is "lost" is taken from the website page as of 25 May 2013.
Released : 19th-Oct-1965

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Prof. Geoffrey Hoyt, general surgeon - Medics was a British medical drama series first broadcast on ITV on 14 November 1990. The show ran for five series with a total of 40 episodes. The show came to end on 24 November 1995. It follows the everyday lives and loves, trials and tribulations of the doctors, nurses, patients and administrative staff of a large teaching hospital in the north-west of England near the city of Manchester.
Released : 14th-Nov-1990

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The Kenny Everett Television Show

Self - Sketch comedy show starring Kenny Everett.
Released : 25th-Feb-1982

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The Secret Show

- The Secret Show is a British animated show commissioned by BBC Worldwide in partnership with BBC Children's. Production of the show began in 2004 and first debuted in 2006. It currently airs on CBBC, ABC1, BBC One, BBC Kids, Teletoon+, MBC3, 2x2, Disney Channel Latin America, TVB Pearl, and TSR 2. It debuted on the American Nicktoons on January 20, 2007, and was later cancelled in 2011. It also used to air on Jetix Latin America
Released : 16th-Sep-2006

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The Chronicles of Narnia

Puddleglum - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are evacuated from London at the beginning of the Second World War, little dreaming of the magical adventures that lie ahead.
Released : 13th-Nov-1988

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Natural World

Narrator - Natural World is a nature documentary television series broadcast annually on BBC Two and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history brand. It is currently the longest-running series in its genre on British television, with more than 400 episodes broadcast since its inception in 1983. Natural World is produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, but individual programmes can be in-house productions, collaborative productions with other broadcasters or films made and distributed by independent production companies and purchased by the BBC. Natural World programmes are often broadcast as PBS Nature episodes in the USA. Since 2008, most Natural World programmes have been shot and broadcast in high definition.
Released : 30th-Oct-1983

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Captain Rum - Black Adder traces the deeply cynical and self-serving lineage of various Edmund Blackadders throughout British history, from the muck of the Middle Ages to the frontline of the First World War.
Released : 15th-Jun-1983

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Fun at the Funeral Parlour

- Fun at the Funeral Parlour was a comedy series broadcast on BBC Choice for two series in 2001 and 2002. It was set in a Welsh funeral directors called "Thomas, Thomas, Thomas and Thomas". The series was written by Rhys Thomas, who also starred alongside William Thomas, Alex Lowe and Tony Way. Thomas created the show at the age of 20, after contributing to The Fast Show.
Released : 1st-Jan-2001

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Swiss Toni

- Sitcom following the antics of Toni, a self-deluding owner of a car showroom staffed by top salesman and alcoholic Geoff, trainee Paul and the object of Toni's affections, Miranda.
Released : 10th-Feb-2003

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Doctor Who

The Doctor - The adventures of The Doctor, a time-traveling humanoid alien known as a Time Lord. He explores the universe in his TARDIS, a sentient time-traveling spaceship. Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, The Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilizations, help ordinary people, and right many wrongs.
Released : 23rd-Nov-1963

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Have I Got a Bit More News for You

Himself - Presenter - Based on the week’s news and fronted by guest hosts, this extended version of the satirical news quiz features more of the stuff that wouldn't fit into the regular programme.
Released : Unknown

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Selling Hitler

Manfred Fischer - Based on the book by Robert Harris, this is a comic-dramatisation of the true story of the one of the most famous forgery cases in the world, the infamous 'Hitler Diaries' of the early 1980s. Jonathan Pryce stars as the German journalist Gerd Heidemann who convinces himself that he has discovered a set of secret diaries written by the leader of the Third Reich and tries to convince the world, making a fortune for himself in the process.
Released : 11th-Jun-1991

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Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited

Himself - As the Doctor's newest companion, Clara Oswald, steps into the TARDIS, take a look back at previous companions that have won over The Doctor's hearts in Doctor Who: The Companions. Along the way, companions past and present talk about how the show has changed their lives, and how they've never quite managed to leave the TARDIS behind.
Released : 27th-Jan-2013

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Professor Plum - Cluedo was a UK television game show based on the board game of the same name. Each week, a reenactment of the murder at the stately home Arlington Grange of a visiting guest was played and, through a combination of interrogating the suspects and deduction, celebrity guests had to discover who committed the murder, which of six weapons and in which room it was committed, whilst viewers were invited to play along at home.
Released : 25th-Jul-1990

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Nouvelles d'Henry James

Mark Ambient -
Released : 13th-Mar-1976

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Late Night Story

self - Late night bedtime stories. Tom Baker reads a series of macabre stories about childhood (season 1), and John Mills reads war stories (season 2).
Released : 23rd-Dec-1978

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Frankenstein: The True Story

Sea Captain - Victor Frankenstein witnesses his creation turn uncontrollable after he's duped by his associate, Dr. Polidori.
Released : 30th-Nov-1973

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Dixon of Dock Green

Foreman - Created by Ted Willis. Dixon of Dock Green was a BBC television series following the activities of police officers at a fictional Metropolitan Police station in the East End of London from 1955 to 1976. Some episodes were later remade as a BBC radio series in 2005 and 2006.
Released : 9th-Jul-1955

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Star Wars Rebels

Bendu (voice) - Set between the events of Star Wars: Episodes III and IV, the story unfolds during a dark time when the evil Galactic Empire is tightening its grip of power on the galaxy. Imperial forces have occupied a remote planet and are ruining the lives of its people. The motley but clever crew of the starship Ghost — cowboy Jedi Kanan, ace pilot Hera, street-smart teenager Ezra, the “muscle” Zeb, warrior firebrand Sabine, and cantankerous old astromech droid Chopper — is among a select few who are brave enough to stand against the Empire. Together, they will face threatening new villains, encounter colorful adversaries, embark on thrilling adventures, and become heroes with the power to ignite a rebellion.
Released : 13th-Oct-2014

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Monarch of the Glen

Donald MacDonald - Archie MacDonald, a young restaurateur is called back to his childhood home of Glenbogle where he is told he is the new Laird of Glenbogle.
Released : 27th-Feb-2000

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Doctor Who

The Curator - The Doctor is a Time Lord: a 900 year old alien with 2 hearts, part of a gifted civilization who mastered time travel. The Doctor saves planets for a living—more of a hobby actually, and the Doctor's very, very good at it.
Released : 26th-Mar-2005

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The Beeps

Narrator - The Beeps is an animated pre-school children's television series of 65 x 11 minute episodes, produced using computer-generated imagery by Impossible Television for the United Kingdom television network, Channel Five Broadcasting Ltd. Broadcast in the UK by Five on their early morning pre-school children's segment Milkshake! and also worldwide. The series details the cheerful daily lives and adventures of the Beeps of Beep Island. The Beeps and their world are created by illustrator Malou Bonicos. The show features several notable actors: Timmy Mallett, Dani Harmer, Daniel Peacock, and Tom Baker as the narrator. The show's theme tune and original score is composed by *Gareth Cousins. *Peter Gosling provided the Beep Tree Song featured in every episode. Scriptwriters include: Adam Peters, Sally Marchant, Arabella Warner, John and Rosemary Barratt, Hannah Williams and Helena Smee.
Released : 12th-Mar-2007

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Doctor Who's Who's Who

Doctor Who - Television documentary filmed at a Doctor Who convention, including interviews with directors, writers and actors.
Released : 1st-Jan-1985

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The Life and Loves of a She-Devil

Father Ferguson - Ruth has everything. A large, warty body, a standard house in the suburbs, two whiney children, a dog, a cat and a guinea pig. She also has Bobo, her unfaithful accountant husband who resents her very existence. Bobo wants, and is wanted by, Mary Fisher. Mary Fisher lives in a lighthouse by the sea and writes about love. When Bobo leaves Ruth for the novelist, she decides that Mary Fisher doesn't know the first thing about love. Ruth intends to teach her.
Released : 8th-Oct-1986

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The Silver Chair

Puddleglum - Eustace, along with a new companion named Jill Pole, is brought back to Narnia. The pair are told by Aslan they must search for King Caspian's missing son, Prince Rilian.
Released : 18th-Nov-1990

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Tales of the Tardis

The Doctor (4) - Classic Doctor Who duos are reunited as they board a very special TARDIS on a nostalgic voyage through space and time.
Released : 1st-Nov-2023

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[4+64G] H96Max M1 Smart TV Box Android 13 Rockchip 3528 Quad 4K 8K Video Dual WIFI6 Set Top Box H.265 Bluetooth 4.0 Player

For a cost-effective Android TV box, this H96Max M1 from Bangood hits the sweet spot. We've been testing it out, and it's been running everything we could throw at it. It has a slick interface running Android 13 with an excellent remote and a mouse toggle button included. Be sure to select the correct plug when ordering.
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