Charley and Ewan visit a UNICEF site, where they meet former child soldiers, entertain locals with their bike stunts and venture into the Rwandan mountains. This episode: the bikes and cars finally make it across a muddy river; Ewan sees wild zebras for the first time; wild gorillas in their natural habitat. Air Date : 9th-Dec-2007
As things get under way, Ewan and Charley undergo fitness and survival traing to prepare for their 15,000-mile adventure. Air Date : 28th-Oct-2007 Read More
After visiting Ewan's family in Scotland, he and Charley attempt to stay on a strict time schedule as they push through London and France Air Date : 4th-Nov-2007 Read More
Charley and Ewan visit a UNICEF site, where they meet former child soldiers, entertain locals with their bike stunts and venture into the Rwandan mountains. This episode: the bikes and cars finally make it across a muddy river; Ewan sees wild zebras for the first time; wild gorillas in their natural habitat. Air Date : 9th-Dec-2007 Read More
The team gate-crash a wedding and meet the President of Rwanda, who shares his story as a refugee and, on the Tanzania/Malawi border, Ewan is reunited with his wife. This episode: Ewan and Charley go to the home of Pal Kagame, the president of Rwanda; Ewan and Eve are reunited after two months; Eve has problems riding on sand. Air Date : 16th-Dec-2007 Read More
Ewan's wife Eve joins the team for this leg of the journey, as they visit a crocodile farm and share a camp fire and baked beans alongside local tribesmen. This episode: a UNICEF child-care center in Malawi; Victoria Falls; Charley decides to bungee jump over the Zambezi River. Air Date : 23rd-Dec-2007 Read More
The boys are on the home stretch but their journey is still rife with danger. Ewan has a close call with a charging elephant and cameraman Claudio takes a tumble. This episode: Ewan and Charley enjoy the culture and company of Namibian bush people; the team is overjoyed upon reaching Cape Town. Air Date : 30th-Dec-2007 Read More