
Daws Butler

Charles Dawson "Daws" Butler was a voice actor originally from Toledo, Ohio. He worked mostly for Hanna-Barbera and originated the voices of many famous animated cartoon characters, including Yogi Bear, Quick Draw McGraw, Snagglepuss, and Huckleberry Hound. Born : 16th-Nov-1916

Movie Credits

Woody Woodpecker and Friends

A compilation of ten classic Walter Lantz cartoons: Knock Knock (1940), The Bandmaster (1947), Ski for Two (1944), Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Surf (1953), The Legend of Rockabye Point (1955), Wet Blanket Policy (1948), To Catch a Woodpecker (1957), Musical Moments from Chopin (1946), Bats in the Belfry (1960), and Crazy Mixed Up Pup (1955). Also includes the interesting documentary short on Walter Lantz's career "Walter, Woody and the World of Animation". Note: This is NOT the 2007 and 2008 DVD collections titled "The Woody Woodpecker and Friends Classic Cartoon Collection" shown as the cover image.
Released : 2nd-Jan-1982

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Fresh Laid Plans

Cold War propaganda allegory about farm markets.
Released : 22nd-Dec-1951

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Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!

Following a misunderstanding about Yogi Bear’s whereabouts, Cindy Bear ends up in captivity at a Missouri circus. It’s now up to Yogi and his friend, Boo-Boo, to save her.
Released : 3rd-Jun-1964

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The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones

Elroy Jetson invents a time machine that takes him back to prehistoric times, where he meets the Flintstone family.
Released : 15th-Nov-1987

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The Alphabet Conspiracy

Dr. Frank Baxter, with the help of The Mad Hatter and Jabberwock, takes young Judy exploring the world of language, in which she finds out that language is for doing more than just talking.
Released : 26th-Jan-1959

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Gift Wrapped

It's Christmas Day in the home of Granny, and her pet cat Sylvester delights at chasing her new Tweety Bird and takes fright at the bulldog unwrapped from under the tree.
Released : 16th-Feb-1952

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People Are Bunny

Daffy Duck needs to get Bugs Bunny into QTTV's studio ASAP in order to win the thousand dollar prize.
Released : 19th-Dec-1959

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Jerry and the Goldfish

Tom, whose appetite was whetted by a radio cooking program, wants to make a meal out of the pet goldfish. Jerry, who is friends with the fish, does what he can to thwart their feline foe.
Released : 3rd-Mar-1951

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Barbecue Brawl

Spike is showing his son Tyke how to barbecue when his cooking is disrupted by a typical Tom-and-Jerry chase.
Released : 14th-Dec-1956

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Love That Pup

When a bulldog threatens Tom to keep away from his puppy, Jerry realizes that sticking close to the boy is the best way to keep away his feline tormentor. But Tom is not about to let the mouse evade him so easily.
Released : 1st-Oct-1949

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Boyhood Daze

Ralph gets sent to his room for breaking a window. There, he passes the time in Walter Mitty-type fashion, daydreaming that he's a parent-saving jungle explorer, an alien-fighting jet ace and a convict.
Released : 20th-Apr-1957

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Drafty, Isn't It?

Ralph Phillips dreams about his future, only to have his dreams interrupted by Willie N. List, using an ACME Anti-Nightmare Machine, to compare military and civilian life.
Released : 31st-Dec-1957

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90 Day Wondering

Ralph Phillips is overjoyed when he runs out of Fort Itude, because he's a civilian again. Things, however, don't go well for him when he gets home, and two pixies named Pete and Re-Pete convince him to stay in civilian life or go back to the army. At the end, Ralph chooses to go back to the army
Released : 1st-Dec-1956

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Mucho Mouse

A Spanish cat is more interested in playing flamenco guitar than trying to catch the mouse El Magnifico (Jerry). Tom arrives from the States with world champion mouse-catching credentials to have a go.
Released : 6th-Sep-1957

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That's My Pup!

Spike explains to his son the rules of being a dog: 1: be man's best friend (begging, lying at feet); 2: bury bones; 3: chase cats. Just then, Tom (and Jerry) run by, offering the perfect practice subject. Spike lectures Tom to be scared by the pup or else; Jerry overhears, and is soon doing his best dog impersonation, while Tom works on various strategies to neutralize Tyke
Released : 25th-Apr-1953

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Pecos Pest

Jerry's eccentric uncle, Pecos, a Texan mouse, comes to spend the night with him before his musical performance on television the next day. He decides to rehearse with his guitar for the performance but each time he plays, one of his guitar strings snaps off. Fortunately, he is able to replace them by plucking off one of Tom's whiskers each time. Tom is rather reluctant about this and tries to hide to protect his whiskers from Uncle Pecos.
Released : 11th-Nov-1955

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Pet Peeve

The couple that owns Tom and Spike decides they can't afford to keep both. They agree that the first one to catch the mouse can stay - bad news for Jerry.
Released : 20th-Nov-1954

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Down Beat Bear

A dancing bear escapes from the zoo and finds his way to Tom and Jerry's house. He dances with Tom, making it impossible for Tom to call the authorities; Jerry takes every opportunity to play music and keep Tom and the bear dancing
Released : 12th-Oct-1956

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Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy in the Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile

Aunt Agatha threatens to call the police on innocent trick-or-treaters. Her nephew, Ralph, would love to be out with them. But what he wants most of all is a pumpkin. From across the street, Raggedy Ann and Andy watch the drama unfold. Andy is furious at Agatha for preventing the boy from enjoying the wonderful, horrible holiday. Ann, with her irritating insistence on fairness, decides that Agatha has merely forgotten what it's like to be young. The pressing matter ahead is getting Ralph a pumpkin. Andy scoffs at the idea of finding one at this late date. Ann reasons that if there's a little boy who needs a pumpkin, there must be a pumpkin who needs a little boy. She's right. Not far away, a miserable pumpkin is blubbering out pumpkin seed-tears because no one wants him for Halloween.
Released : 31st-Oct-1979

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Pup on a Picnic

Spike is taking his son on a picnic. Jerry keeps hiding in the basket, so Tom keeps disrupting the picnic while chasing him.
Released : 30th-Apr-1955

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Tom's Photo Finish

Tom has a chunk of the leftover chicken just before his owner George goes to look at the fridge. He threatens to take care of whichever animal did it. Tom frames Spike the dog, but Jerry snaps a photo of him in the act, prints up dozens of copies, and then battles Tom to get George to see one of them.
Released : 1st-Nov-1957

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Tops with Pops

Tom is chasing Jerry again. In a panic, the mouse runs into the doghouse of little Tyke, the bulldog. Right next to the sleeping Tyke sleeps Spike, his father. Tom unthinkingly snatches the puppy out of his house. When Spike wakes up and sees this, he delivers a stern warning: Stay away from my boy, or else. Jerry realizes that sticking close to the boy is the best way to repel his feline tormentor, but Tom is not about to let the mouse evade him so easily.
Released : 22nd-Feb-1957

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Tot Watchers

The lady of the house has gone out for a few hours, leaving her baby in the care of a stereotypical 1950s teenager, who immediately begins calling her friends. Tom and Jerry must call a truce to their constant chases as the baby, unsupervised, continually gets loose. When the baby escapes out the front door, Tom and Jerry chase it to a construction site, where they frantically try to keep it from harm.
Released : 1st-Aug-1958

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Magical Maestro

After he is rejected by the Great Poochini as an opening act, Mysto the Magician gets his revenge by conducting his next operatic performance.
Released : 9th-Feb-1952

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Sleepy-Time Tom

Tom has been out late carousing with his chums. When he gets home, Mammy won't take any excuses, and insists he stay awake; Jerry, overhearing, thus tries a number of schemes to get Tom to sleep.
Released : 26th-May-1951

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Slicked-up Pup

Spike has just washed his pup. Tom and Jerry's chase knocks him into a mud puddle. Spike makes Tom clean him up again and promise to keep him clean which of course is Jerry's opening to get Tom in trouble.
Released : 8th-Sep-1951

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Smarty Cat

Nobody's home, so Tom invites his alley cat friends in to look at home movies (clips from earlier cartoons where Tom gets the drop on Spike). While they're showing them, Spike sneaks in.
Released : 14th-Oct-1955

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The Honey-Mousers

In this spoof of TV's "The Honeymooners", Ralph Crumden and Ned Morton are mouse versions of Jackie Gleason and Art Carney's characters on the TV show. When new human tenants move into the apartment where the Crumden and Morton couples live, Ralph and Ned try to gain access to a banquet of food in the people's refrigerator, which is guarded by an orange cat.
Released : 8th-Dec-1956

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Wideo Wabbit

Bugs Bunny is chased by Elmer Fudd throughout a TV studio and its various productions.
Released : 27th-Oct-1956

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Barbary-Coast Bunny

After Bugs' giant gold nugget is stolen by Nasty Canasta, he tries to win it back at Canasta's San Francisco gambling hall.
Released : 21st-Jul-1956

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Hic-cup Pup

Spike has just put Tyke to bed for his nap when Tom and Jerry chase out the door to Tyke's crib, waking him up. This gives Tyke an attack of hiccups. Spike warns Tom not to wake him up again, which of course is all Jerry needs.
Released : 17th-Apr-1954

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A Bird in a Bonnet

The chase continues between Tweety Bird and that persistant puddy tat, Sylvester. Tweety hides in a millinery store (where Granny happens to be shopping) and hides on a hat.
Released : 27th-Sep-1958

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Trick or Tweet

Sylvester Cat and a goony orange cat pretend not to let their rivalry over trying to catch Tweety Bird interfere with their friendship...
Released : 20th-Apr-1959

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A Pizza Tweety-Pie

Another wet and wild Sylvester Cat-Tweety Bird chase, this time in the flooded areas of Venice, Italy, where Granny has taken Tweety on vacation.
Released : 21st-Feb-1958

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A Waggily Tale

A boy named Junior, who treats his dog, Elvis, cruelly, is scolded by his mother and sent to his room to have a nap.
Released : 25th-Apr-1958

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Go Fly a Kit

The story of a cat, raised by an eagle, who learns to fly and uses his ability to save his future girlfriend from a vicious bulldog.
Released : 3rd-Feb-1957

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The Legend of Rockabye Point

The old fishing boat captain tells the story of Chilly Willy, a singing polar bear and a bulldog who quickly falls asleep when he hears a lullaby.
Released : 11th-Apr-1955

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The Good, the Bad and Huckleberry Hound

It's the gold rush era in the Wild West. A mysterious stranger (Huckleberry Hound) arrives in a small desert town carrying a huge golden nugget. The notorious Dalton brothers steal it. The town asks "the stranger" to go after them.
Released : 5th-Apr-1988

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Yogi's Birthday Party

The sponsors enlist Ranger Smith to throw a surprise party for Yogi Bear. Good luck keeping it a surprise! Yogi can smell a birthday cake miles away.
Released : 6th-Jan-1962

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Raggedy Ann & Andy: The Great Santa Claus Caper

When inventor/efficiency expert Alexander Graham Wolf plots to take over Santa's workshop, Comet asks for help from Raggedy Ann, Andy and their dog, Raggedy Arthur.
Released : 30th-Nov-1978

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Tabasco Road

Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico, runs to the rescue of his two drunken rodent friends, Pablo and Fernando, who keep wandering into the hungry clutches of an alley cat.
Released : 20th-Jul-1957

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Rocket-bye Baby

A cosmic mix-up results in a Martian baby being delivered to Earth, while an Earth baby is sent to Mars. Joseph Wilbur and his wife try to raise the green-skinned, ingenious Martian tyke as if he were an Earthling. But the kid builds his own spaceship and flies away, and Wilbur must find him and bring him back, or he'll never be able to make an exchange with the Martian parents for his own boy.
Released : 4th-Aug-1956

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Stupor Duck

Daffy Duck does Superman as Stupor Duck (aka mild-mannered reporter Cluck Trent) takes on the villainous yet nonexistent Aardvark Ratnik.
Released : 6th-Jul-1956

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Mexican Boarders

Speedy Gonzales' lethargic cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez, comes to visit Speedy's hacienda, to the delight of Sylvester Cat, who is confident he will be able to catch Slowpoke for dinner.
Released : 11th-May-1962

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Wild Wild World

Television host Cave Darroway introduces a film about the life of Cro-Magnon man in the year 75,000,000 B.C.
Released : 27th-Feb-1960

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Raw! Raw! Rooster!

Foghorn's annoying college buddy, Rhode Island Red, comes for a visit and then won't leave.
Released : 24th-Aug-1956

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Yankee Dood It

Elmer Fudd is the progressive King of industrial Elves. He visits an outmoded shoemaker's shop to extol the virtues of mass production capitalism to the shoemaker, whose pet cat, Sylvester, uses the magic word, "Jehosophat" to turn Fudd's elf helper into a mouse and chases him around the shoemaker's shop.
Released : 12th-Oct-1956

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B.C.: The First Thanksgiving

To add flavor to her rock soup, the Fat Broad commands Wiley, Peter, Thor, etc. to catch a turkey. The problem is that no one knows what a turkey is except for the turkey himself. In spite of this, the chase is on. Mostly a series of running gags, this animated special did a superb job of capturing the humor of Johnny Hart's B.C. comic strip.
Released : 19th-Nov-1973

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MGM Cartoon Christmas

Hugh Harman's brilliant 1939 Oscar-Nominated parable Peace On Earth, highlights MGM/UA Home Video's animated shorts Christmas Package. Also included is Hugh Harman-Rudolph Ising's Alias St. Nick, a comedic tale about a young cynical mouse who believes there "ain't no Santa Claus." The Pups' Christmas follows two adorable puppies as they tangle with cornucopia of gifts, some of which turn out to be quite menacing! The Peachy Cobbler is a heartwarming retelling of the sweet Shoemaker and the Elves, directed by Tex Avery. A sickly old shoemaker feeds his last piece of bread to some birds who then decide to do him a favor and fix all the shoes in his shop!
Released : 23rd-Dec-1993

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Rockin' with Judy Jetson

There's intergalactic trouble when the lyrics Judy Jetson wrote for teen heartthrob Sky Rocker are swapped with a secret message from a music-hating witch. Now it's up to Judy, her family, and friends to save rock-and-roll.
Released : 15th-Jan-1988

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Blackboard Jumble

A wolf with a Southern accent walks by just as a teacher is getting fed up with his class and walks out. Unfortunately, the class consists of three junior clones of Droopy, who manage to try his patience.
Released : 4th-Oct-1957

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TV Credits

The Huckleberry Hound Show

- The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera following The Ruff & Reddy Show, sponsored by Kellogg's. Three segments were included in the program: one featuring Huckleberry Hound; another starring Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo; and a third with Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, two mice who in each short found a new way to outwit the cat Mr. Jinks.
Released : 29th-Sep-1958

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The Huckleberry Hound Show

Huckleberry Hound / Yogi Bear / Dixie (voice) - The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera following The Ruff & Reddy Show, sponsored by Kellogg's. Three segments were included in the program: one featuring Huckleberry Hound; another starring Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo; and a third with Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, two mice who in each short found a new way to outwit the cat Mr. Jinks.
Released : 29th-Sep-1958

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Wacky Races

Big Gruesome (voice) - Wacky Races is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera that originally aired in 1968. The show is a parody of traditional car races, featuring a variety of eccentric characters and their outlandish vehicles, all racing across different terrains in a madcap competition for first place. The series is centered around a group of 11 racers, each with their own unique vehicle and distinct personality. The main characters include Dick Dastardly and his dog Muttley, who are always trying to cheat and sabotage the other competitors, although they never succeed. Other notable racers include Penelope Pitstop, the glamorous but tough driver; the adventurous Red Max; and the lovable duo, the Slag Brothers, who drive a massive, rock-like car.
Released : 14th-Sep-1968

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Scooby's Laff-A Lympics

Snagglepuss / Yogi Bear / Quick Draw McGraw / Various (voice) - Each episode of this series include multiple segments: The first and last were "Laff-A-Lympics" segments, the other ones were "Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels", "Scooby-Doo" and "Dynomutt" segments. The "Laff-A-Lympics" segments feature 45 Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters (classic and otherwise) competing for gold medals in wacky events. Events include racing on ostriches, camels, kangaroos, rickshaws and unicycles, as well as scavenging for creatures like the Abominable Snowman, vampires, and the Loch Ness Monster.
Released : 10th-Sep-1977

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The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour

Scooby-Dum / Additional Voices (voice) - The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour is a 60-minute package show produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1976 for ABC Saturday mornings. It marked the first new installments of the cowardly canine since 1973, and contained the following segments: The Scooby-Doo Show and Dynomutt, Dog Wonder.
Released : 11th-Sep-1976

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The Jetsons

Elroy Jetson (voice) - Meet George Jetson and his quirky family: wife Jane, son Elroy and daughter Judy. Living in the automated, push-button world of the future hasn't made life any easier for the harried husband and father, who gets into one comical misadventure after another!
Released : 23rd-Sep-1962

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The Flintstones

Barney Rubble (voice) - The misadventures of two modern-day Stone Age families, the Flintstones and the Rubbles.
Released : 30th-Sep-1960

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The Secret Squirrel Show

- The half-hour The Secret Squirrel Show included three individual cartoon segments: "Secret Squirrel", "Squiddly Diddly" and "Winsome Witch".
Released : 2nd-Oct-1965

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Cartoon Alley

(archive footage) - Cartoon Alley is an American television program that aired on Turner Classic Movies every Saturday Morning at 11:30 AM ET. Hosted by Ben Mankiewicz, the series featured three classic animated shorts from the 1930-1950's per episode. Most shorts were from The Golden Age of American animation. Each of the three shorts focused on a common theme. Most shorts came from Warner Bros., MGM, and Paramount, but during the show's first season Cartoon Alley featured shorts from the Gaumont Film Company. Many recognizable characters have been featured in at least one episode such as Bugs Bunny, Popeye, Porky Pig, Tom and Jerry, and others not so famous such as Goopy Geer and The Captain and the Kids. The shorts often appeared uncut and uncensored, and the more controversial cartoons were often introduced with a brief warning by Mankiewicz about the ethnic stereotypes being portrayed. The network's logo was only featured for a brief time, usually during the last short featured. From November 2004 to September 2005 the series was featured just once a month but after popular demand the series became a weekly feature. This series never aired in February because of TCM's 31 Days of Oscars programming. The series was canceled in autumn of 2007.
Released : 5th-Nov-2004

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George of the Jungle

- George of the Jungle is an American animated series produced by Jay Ward and Bill Scott, who created The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. The character George was inspired by the legend of Tarzan. It ran for 17 episodes on Saturday mornings from September 9 to December 30, 1967, on the American TV network ABC. The half-hour program was distributed for many years by Worldvision Enterprises, currently part of CBS Television Distribution.  Each Full Episode was a compilation of 3 mini episodes from 3 different shows: George of the Jungle; Tom Slick; Super Chicken -Each voiced by the same actors.
Released : 1st-Jan-1967

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Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch!

- The adventures of three fun-loving hippie bears, who always find a way to escape the Wonderland Zoo.
Released : 11th-Sep-1971

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Yogi's Space Race

- Yogi Bear and other Hanna-Barbera figures match wits as they race around the galaxy.
Released : 9th-Sep-1978

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The Peter Potamus Show

Peter Potamus / Yahooey - Peter Potamus is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera. The main segment featuring Peter Potamus and his diminutive sidekick So-So the monkey. Peter is big, purple, and friendly, dressed in a safari jacket and hat. Episodes generally consisted of Peter and So-So exploring the world in his hot air balloon, which was capable of time travel at the spin of a dial. When faced with a precarious situation, Peter uses his Hippo Hurricane Holler to blow away his opponents. The second segment, Breezly and Sneezly, featured a polar bear named Breezly Bruin and his friend Sneezly the Seal who used various schemes to break into an army camp in the frozen north, while trying to stay one step ahead of the camp's leader Colonel Fuzzby. The final segment, Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey, featured three dogs named Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey who work for the King, a short, complaining ruler who is often on the receiving end of their antics.
Released : 16th-Sep-1964

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Cattanooga Cats

- Follow the adventures of the Cattanooga Cats, an anthropomorphic band of cats.
Released : 6th-Sep-1969

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The Roman Holidays

Brutus the Lion (voice) - The Roman Holidays is a Hanna-Barbera animated television series that was broadcast in 1972 on NBC. It ran for 13 episodes before being cancelled. Very similar in theme to both The Flintstones and The Jetsons, The Roman Holidays brought a look at "modern-day" life in Ancient Rome, around 63 AD, as seen through the eyes of Augustus "Gus" Holiday and his family. The opening showed a chariot traffic jam and a TV showing football on Channel "IV" An Ancient Roman setting was actually one of the ideas that Hanna-Barbera considered as they were working to create The Flintstones.
Released : 9th-Sep-1972

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Snooper and Blabber

Super Snooper/Blabber Mouse - Snooper and Blabber is one of the three sequences from The Quick Draw McGraw Show. This show was produced by Hanna-Barbera between September 19, 1959 and October 20, 1962, and consists of 45 episodes.
Released : 19th-Sep-1959

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Super Chicken

- Super Chicken is a segment that ran on the animated television series George of the Jungle. It was produced by Jay Ward and Bill Scott, who earlier had created the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. It debuted September 9, 1967 on ABC.
Released : 5th-Sep-1967

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The Ruff and Reddy Show

Reddy (voice) / Captain Greedy (voice) / Killer (voice) - The Ruff and Reddy Show is a Hanna-Barbera animated series starring Ruff, a straight and smart cat voiced by Don Messick, and Reddy, a dumb and stupid dog voiced by Daws Butler. First broadcast in December 1957 on NBC, it was the first television show produced by Hanna-Barbera and presented by Screen Gems, the television arm of Columbia Pictures.
Released : 14th-Dec-1957

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The Funky Phantom

Mudsy (voice) - Three teenagers and their dog solve mysteries with the help of two ghosts from the 18th century.
Released : 11th-Sep-1971

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Bailey's Comets

- Bailey's Comets is an animated cartoon series that aired on CBS in the 1973/74 and 1974/75 seasons. The second season consisted entirely of reruns. The series was produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises and was created by David H. DePatie and Friz Freleng in association with Joe Ruby and Ken Spears
Released : 8th-Sep-1973

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Yogi's Treasure Hunt

Huckleberry Hound (voice) - Yogi's Treasure Hunt is a cartoon series first aired in 1985 as part of the weekend/weekday morning programming block, The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera. It is the fourth incarnation of Hanna-Barbera's Yogi Bear.
Released : 2nd-Sep-1985

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Yogi's Gang

- Yogi's Gang is a 30-minute animated series and the second incarnation of Hanna-Barbera's Yogi Bear which aired 16 half-hour episodes on ABC from September 8, 1973, to December 29, 1973. The show began as Yogi's Ark Lark, a special TV movie on The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie in 1972. Fifteen original episodes were produced for broadcast on ABC, with the hour-long Yogi's Ark Lark thrown in as a split-in-half two-parter. After a successful run on Saturday mornings, Yogi Gang returned in 1977 as a segment on the syndicated weekday series, Fred Flintstone and Friends. In the late 1980s, repeats were shown on USA Cartoon Express and later resurfaced on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Boomerang.
Released : 8th-Sep-1973

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The Houndcats

- A team of three dogs and two cats working to serve justice where there is wrong-doing. Each episode begins with the Houndcats receiving orders from their unseen "Chief", whose message is played on an old-fashioned gramophone, player-piano or other devices, parodying the tape recorder scene at the start of most episodes of Mission: Impossible.
Released : 9th-Sep-1972

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Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy

Augie Doggie - Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy are Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters who debuted on The Quick Draw McGraw Show and appeared in their own segment of that show.
Released : 19th-Sep-1959

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Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy

- Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy are Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters who debuted on The Quick Draw McGraw Show and appeared in their own segment of that show.
Released : 19th-Sep-1959

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The Banana Splits Adventure Hour

- The Banana Splits Adventure Hour was an hour-long, packaged television variety program featuring The Banana Splits, a fictional rock band composed of four funny animal characters. The series was produced by Hanna-Barbera, and ran for 31 episodes on NBC Saturday mornings, from September 7, 1968, to September 5, 1970.
Released : 7th-Sep-1968

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The All-New Popeye Hour

Wimpy - The All-New Popeye Hour is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and King Features Syndicate. Starring the popular comic strip character Popeye, the series aired from 1978 to 1983 on CBS.
Released : 9th-Sep-1978

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Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks

Dixie/Mr. Jinks - Pixie & Dixie and Mr. Jinks is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon that featured as a regular segment of the television series The Huckleberry Hound Show from 1958 to 1961.
Released : 2nd-Oct-1958

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The Dogfather

Pug / Louie (voice) - The Dogfather was a parody of The Godfather, but with canines as part of the Italian organized crime syndicate.
Released : 26th-Jun-1974

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The Space Kidettes

Captain Skyhook - The Space Kidettes is an American Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, originally airing on NBC during the 1966-67 season. Set in outer space, the series followed the adventures of a group of child astronauts, who have acquired a treasure map and have to keep it away from their nemesis, a man named Skyhook and his sidekick Static. Originally airing for one season on NBC as a half-hour program and sponsored by General Mills, The Space Kidettes episodes were later edited down to ten-minute episodes and paired with other General Mills-sponsored shows such as Tennessee Tuxedo and Go Go Gophers to form a full half-hour for syndication; edited reruns of cartoons from another NBC Hanna-Barbera program, Samson & Goliath to form the syndication package The Space Kidettes and Young Samson. The original master elements for both programs were lost, leaving the syndicated edits as the only extant broadcast quality versions.
Released : 10th-Sep-1966

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It's the Wolf

Lambsy -
Released : 6th-Sep-1969

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The Yogi Bear Show

Yogi Bear / Snagglepuss (voice) - From his home in Jellystone Park, Yogi Bear dreams of nothing more in life than to outwit as many unsuspecting tourists as he can and grab their prized picnic baskets all while staying one step ahead of the ever-exasperated Ranger Smith. Yogi's little buddy, Boo-Boo, tries to keep Yogi out of trouble but rarely succeeds. That's okay because not even Ranger Smith can stay mad for long at the lovable, irresistible Yogi Bear.
Released : 30th-Jan-1961

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The Mr. Magoo Show

Prezly - The Mister Magoo Show is an American animated television series which was produced from November 7, 1960 to February 2, 1962. A single episode included five five-minute shorts and could either be aired together with bumpers as a single half-hour show, or it could be split up with one short aired each weekday, along with other cartoons. It was produced by United Productions of America.
Released : 7th-Nov-1960

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Galaxy Goof-Ups

Yogi Bear/Huckleberry Hound (voice) - Galaxy Goof-Ups is a half-hour Saturday morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions which aired on NBC from September 9, 1978 to September 1, 1979. The "Galaxy Goof-Ups" consisted of Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Scare Bear and Quack-Up as space patrolmen who always goofed-up while on duty and spent most of their time in disco clubs. The show originally aired as a segment on Yogi's Space Race from September 9, 1978 to October 28, 1978. Following the cancellation of Yogi's Space Race, Galaxy Goof-Ups was given its own half-hour timeslot on NBC. The show has been rebroadcast on USA Cartoon Express, Nickelodeon, TNT, Cartoon Network and Boomerang.
Released : 9th-Sep-1978

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The New Scooby-Doo Movies

Larry / Curly Joe (voice) - Aside from doubling the length of each episode, The New Scooby-Doo Movies differed from its predecessor in the addition of a rotating special guest star slot; each episode featured real-life celebrities or well known fictional characters joining the Mystery, Inc. gang in solving the mystery of the week. Some episodes, in particular the episodes guest-starring the characters from The Addams Family, Batman, and Jeannie, deviated from the established Scooby-Doo format of presenting criminals masquerading as supernatural beings by introducing real ghosts, witches, monsters, and other such characters into the plots.
Released : 9th-Sep-1972

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Hong Kong Phooey

Big Duke - Penrod Pooch leaps into action as Hong Kong Phooey to fight villains.
Released : 7th-Sep-1974

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The Bullwinkle Show

Junior (voice) - A variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic moose Bullwinkle and flying squirrel Rocky. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right, Peabody's Improbable History, and Fractured Fairy Tales, among others.
Released : 19th-Nov-1959

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Undercover Elephant

Undercover -
Released : 10th-Sep-1977

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Blast-Off Buzzard

vocal effects -
Released : 8th-Oct-1977

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Tom Slick

Clutcher -
Released : 9th-Sep-1967

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Posse Impossible

Stick / Big Duke -
Released : 10th-Sep-1977

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Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey

Yahooey - Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey is a Hanna-Barbera animated television series that premiered September 16, 1964. It was presented as a segment of The Peter Potamus Show, along with Breezly and Sneezly and Peter Potamus.
Released : 16th-Sep-1964

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CB Bears

Hustle - CB Bears was an American 60-minute animated comedy television series produced by Hanna-Barbera which aired on NBC from September 10 to December 3, 1977. It contained the following short segments: CB Bears, Blast-Off Buzzard, Heyyy, It's the King, Posse Impossible, Shake, Rattle & Roll, and Undercover Elephant. In syndication, CB Bears is shown in a shortened half-hour format with Blast-Off Buzzard and Posse Impossible. Heyyy, It's the King was also shown in a shortened half-hour format with Shake, Rattle & Roll, and Undercover Elephant. The show has also been rebroadcast on Cartoon Network from 1995-1997. The CB Bears theme is also heard in the ending credits of The Skatebirds and Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels.
Released : 10th-Sep-1977

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George of the Jungle

Titheridge - George of the Jungle is an American animated series produced by Jay Ward and Bill Scott, who created The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. The character George was inspired by the legend of Tarzan. It ran for 17 episodes on Saturday mornings from September 9 to December 30, 1967, on the American TV network ABC. The half-hour program was distributed for many years by Worldvision Enterprises, currently part of CBS Television Distribution.  Each Full Episode was a compilation of 3 mini episodes from 3 different shows: George of the Jungle; Tom Slick; Super Chicken -Each voiced by the same actors.
Released : 1st-Jan-1967

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Quick Draw McGraw

Quick Draw/Baba Looey - The Quick Draw McGraw Show is the third cartoon television production created by Hanna-Barbera, starring an anthropomorphic cartoon horse named Quick Draw McGraw
Released : 29th-Sep-1959

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Around the World in 79 Days

Crumden - This is a story involving balloonist Phinny Fogg. He and reporter teenagers Jenny and Hoppy set out on a globetrotting adventure to travel around the world in 79 days and beat the original record set by Phinny's father. The trio are in competition for both the record and a £1,000,000 prize against the sinister Crumden. Crumden is aided by his idiotic chauffeur Bumbler and his pet monkey Smirky.
Released : 6th-Sep-1969

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Hokey Wolf

Hokey Wolf - The misadventures of Hokey and his friend, Ding-A-Ling, who try to trick different characters with their schemes to steal food or settle in one place without paying.
Released : 13th-Mar-1961

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The Gerald McBoing-Boing Show

Various (voice) -
Released : 16th-Dec-1956

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The Flintstones

Cop (voice) - The misadventures of two modern-day Stone Age families, the Flintstones and the Rubbles.
Released : 30th-Sep-1960

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The Flintstones

Fireman / Bill / Sergeant / Lester (voice) - The misadventures of two modern-day Stone Age families, the Flintstones and the Rubbles.
Released : 30th-Sep-1960

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The Flintstones

Mr. Mortar (voice) - The misadventures of two modern-day Stone Age families, the Flintstones and the Rubbles.
Released : 30th-Sep-1960

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